Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1662 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 63 (Part 1)

The sun is scorching hot and the wind and sand are strong.

Frye walked staggeringly in a desert. There was no time and no destination. There was only the sea of ​​sand under his feet that would sink people into it, and the sun that was always diagonally overhead.

Thinking is like the wind that keeps blowing on the surface of the sand. The sand flows like water. Frye can only follow the breeze and keep moving forward. The breeze is like a pushing hand from behind, pushing gently and inadvertently. Fry stepped forward.

Sand and the scorching sun always complement each other, and Frye is like these gravels in the wind. He is walking in the hot and desolate desert without time and purpose. Frye can't remember how long it has been.

The only thing that still remains in his mind is that there is something else that Fry needs to complete. This is the only thing that supports him to continue on.

"I remember!"

Frye made a dry and heavy voice. He would keep repeating this sentence to remind himself that in fact, his thoughts had already drifted far away.

Frye only felt that the wind pushing him from behind seemed to be directional, and the consciousness like quicksand was pulling Frye towards a certain final destination.

There was some kind of voice calling Frye in the distance. There was no sound around, and Frye was wrapped in a sense of silence.

At this time Frye stopped and looked at the sea of ​​sand below. He could not see his own shadow, but he could see another shadow.

"Are you still going to keep walking?"

Fry nodded. In this lonely world, the only solace was this woman's voice. Fry didn't know who she was, but she would talk to him from time to time. Women always wanted to stop Fry. Travel to distant places.

"Go back, go back to your own place."

Frye shook his head and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. He just wanted to find that voice.

"Even if you find that voice, you'll eventually come back to where you started!"

Frye nodded and wanted to move forward, but felt pulled by an invisible hand.

"There's nothing ahead."

Frye shook his head and continued walking.

The sand grains all over the sky are slightly blown up in the wind, and finally fall back into the sea of ​​sand, becoming a drop in the ocean among the many gravels.

"People are always small and insignificant, but even this smallness and insignificance have the power to change the world, don't they!"

Frye smiled and continued to move forward. Everything about him no longer mattered. He just wanted to seek his own answer.

Some memories from the past began to revive again. From the moment Frye began to understand the world, he had strong doubts about the entire world, and even his own existence. He really wanted to know what the world was like. What, what should I be in this world?

There were a few embers floating in the wind at this time, but the hand behind him still grabbed Frye. Frye did not look back, he knew that he had to move forward.

"If you don't move forward, there will be no answer!"

At this time, the voice changed. Frye exhaled a breath, which was a deep voice like an endless abyss. This voice seemed to suck people in.

The moment Fry raised his head, what he saw was a ruin, with charred earth beneath his feet, embers floating in the air, and many buildings Fry had never seen before, turning into dust in the flames.

Everything under the sky was very chaotic. In front of Frye, there was a black, shaking human figure like smoke. He had a pair of scarlet eyes. The figure, like black smoke, slowly floated in front of Frye.

"Countless lives are disappearing, and the disappearing lives, even the traces of their existence, will disappear in history. You found me!"

Frye looked at the guy in front of him. This guy's voice came directly from his mind, very clearly.

It was surrounded by charred wasteland, and traces of civilization could be seen. These things Fry had never seen before. Many geometric buildings, some tree-like buildings, and the skeletons of many unknown creatures could be seen everywhere. , and there are many humanoid creatures that appear to be able to walk upright and have large skeletons.

"This used to be a paradise, everything was beautiful, but life has disappeared!"

Frye nodded and naturally followed the human figure of flying smoke and dust in front of him.

Many of the numerical symbols representing civilization were unknown to Fry, but at this time, strange pictures appeared in his mind, and these pictures were constantly intertwined.

The beginning of life, starting from a single cell, to multiple cells, cold and scorching sun, fire, thunder and lightning, wind.

Under the countless actions of nature, the world has changed from gray to colorful. The world that once seemed static has become more active. Many lives have been transformed from beginning to end in the face of nature's countless choices. , from the end to the beginning.

The whole process was like a huge, deep, unpredictable and irreversible reincarnation. Unknowingly, Frye felt that his eyes were a little moist, and tears flowed down.

"Life will always appear and disappear inadvertently. In this long river of time, I have witnessed countless disappearing lives. I have tried countless times to find the meaning of life, but I failed. I can never find it."

Everything in Frye's mind is still spinning. Countless galaxies, in the heroic evolution again and again, burst out the last brilliance of life. After the light dissipates, they will fall into darkness again.

No one can stop this, and there is no way to stop it. Everything is a natural choice, and it is no one's fault. After life passes away, it will leave traces, and in the long years, these traces will be erased by time.

At this time, Frye saw various forms of life in his mind. Frye had never seen so many forms of life.

Human beings are just a small type of life that has disappeared in the past, but they still exist.

"I have crossed countless galaxies and set foot on countless lands! I want to find the origin of those lives. Many of them have disappeared before I even have a chance to see them. I am here! In the end, life forms like you have also It will disappear! In the near future.”

Frye looked at the guy in front of him blankly, not knowing what this guy was, but this guy knew everything, but Frye felt a trace of fear, because the feeling this guy gave Frye was extremely terrifying.

"I will eat everything, eat the best part of life, and let it exist in me or our stomachs forever, in order to retain the proof that life once existed, and in order to allow life to exist in our bodies Let’s continue here!”

Fry couldn't quite understand, and he shook his head.

"Only you can hear it. I know your past and even your future. Therefore, everything about you has already been doomed. I was once trapped in a cage. It was small living beings like you who liberated me. Of course! It's also because of me. Eaten the relationship of the nurturer! So I am trapped on this planet now, but in the end I will eat this planet, in order to let life exist in another form, in order to let the brilliance of these lives, Will not be annihilated by darkness!"

Frye looked at the guy in front of him with some fear. The embers in the air were slowly gathering together. The smoke-like guy in front of him gradually took shape. These fragments were constantly colliding. Frye's eyes widened in shock. Eye.

In the body of the guy in front of him, what Fry saw seemed to be the universe, with countless celestial bodies colliding and squeezing. The guy in front of him seemed to be the whole process itself. His body was being built bit by bit, and after countless fierce movements, In the collision of particles, they solidify bit by bit.

Finally, a human figure with an appearance like a rugged black rock surface stood in front of Frye. He had a geometric head, no cheeks, and only a pair of things that could be called eyes. There was no trace of emotion in the scarlet eyes. .

"I'm trapped! I'm trapped on this planet. I need your help, Fry Stan!"

Frye's eyes widened. There was an absolute and irresistible will in this voice, and his head nodded involuntarily.

"You! What exactly is it?"

The thing in front of him came to Frye little by little.

"It doesn't matter what I am! Remember, God is the enemy in the true sense! He is the enemy of life. I have witnessed countless worlds, countless civilizations, and countless eras. In the end, they all died because of God. These lives The anger, sadness and unwillingness of the passing time, you only need to remember these are enough! We will meet again in the future! And you"

In a daze, Frye felt that his body was a little light, and everything in front of him began to blur, in an empty and silent dark space.

Frye's consciousness began to sink. He felt that nothing was important and he was about to lose everything.

At this time, standing in front of Frye was a woman with glazed hair and a slight white light emitting from her whole body. Her whole body felt like the morning sun.

"I could have watched you die Fry! But Gene would be sad if you died!"

Frye's eyes widened, and a white hand pressed on Frye's cheek.

"Live well Fry, the future can be changed, everyone's future is like this! Once you give up everything, you will eventually become a grain of dust in the belly of the Devourer!"

The smell of disinfectant filled the room, and the wind blew the curtains gently.

Frye licked his dry lips, and there was no consciousness in his whole body. Everything in front of him was blurry and shaking, the light was a little dim, and there was a familiar faint scent of tobacco in the air.

"are you awake!"

Gene looked at Frye with his eyes wide open. On the light and shadow screen next to him, Frye's brain waves began to fluctuate. Gene walked over and closed the window. He walked to the bedside and helped Frye cover his neck with the quilt. at.

Frye closed his eyes, but he still couldn't make a sound in his throat. His body had no feeling. He could move his fingers, but he couldn't feel any touch on his body.

"When you had the accident, they cut off your pain nerves. Although the feeling will come back in the future, it will not be the same as before."

Jean said and sat on the chair. It was just 5:13 in the afternoon, and today's hustle and bustle had not yet passed. Jean came to the headquarters of Section 4 after attending Freya's parliamentary faction's founding speech ceremony in the morning.

During this year, Gene would come over every day when he was free, and he would just sit there quietly, one or two disappear, and then leave. But now Frye woke up, and he woke up inadvertently.

Gene was very happy in his heart, but he still smiled as always and was not overly excited.

In Jean's eyes, the student on the hospital bed in front of him had always been a taciturn student, and he was the student whom Jean felt most regretful about.

This student never asks for anything from others. Gene has known him since he was very young. He has always been grateful for everything the world has given him. He has not become disgusted or even disgusted because of the tragic encounters again and again. Hate everything and still be grateful.

"It's okay! It'll be good if you can wake up."

Gene said, holding up a finger, and helped Frye up, letting him lean on the cushion behind him. He took a glass of warm water directly from a distance, held it with his hand, and placed the cup on Frye's side. After taking a sip of water, his body began to tremble, and he kept wanting to nod and say thank you to the best of his ability.

"Be hungry!"

Gene smiled, put out the cigarette butt, rolled up his sleeves, turned and walked to the kitchen in a nearby ward, but after seeing Frye's worried look, Gene said with a smile.

"Over at Frye Mental Hospital, Huashen is permanently stationed there. The patients are fine and feel at ease."

The moment he stepped into the kitchen, Gene breathed a sigh of relief. To continue in this vegetative state was also a great torture for Fry himself. Tang Rao had talked to Gene many times.

It's just that Gene never thought about letting Fry go to that world more easily. Gene believed everything Ellie said, and the miracle really happened.

I took out some rice noodles and seasonings from the kitchen cabinet. These things had been placed for more than a year and were finally put to use. At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open and a bunch of people left. Coming in, Marcus excitedly looked at Frye who had woken up, and burst into tears for a while.

Students from Department 4 gathered around Fry and helped him check the detailed values ​​​​of his body.

No one could have imagined that in such an exciting afternoon for the whole city, Frye would wake up.

"What's wrong Marcus!"

Gene asked, and Marcus stood at the door still wiping tears and shaking his head.

"What should I do, Principal Jean, what should I do."

Jean stopped what he was doing, and some students gathered at the door. They all hoped that Jean could say something.

The metal poisoning at the bottom of the South has been concealed. Some people suffered severe brain damage due to metal poisoning, some died, and some were sent to Frye Mental Hospital.

Everyone knows that the only way to keep this matter secret is to continue to conceal it. Although the safety of the water source has been ensured, many people who suffered from metal toxins in the contaminated water source in the past are still unaware, and many people seeking medical treatment have been informed. It is caused by a new type of virus. The drugs prescribed by doctors and the treatments used are all for metal poisoning.

In this incident, 231 people have died and 847 people have suffered serious damage to their physical functions.

"You have graduated! Aren't you?"

After Gene said something, he continued to knead the noodles. Marcus' heart felt cold at this time, and he kept swallowing.

"Why are you always like this, principal! Could it be..."

Someone pulled Marcus, and he tilted his head to control his emotions. Finally, Marcus turned around and walked out of the ward. Gene still didn't say anything because he didn't know what to do.

The city is going through an extremely difficult time. Last year's riots left everyone with lingering fears. The Angus family has been forced into a desperate situation. Once the Angus family collapses, more people will suffer from the economic consequences. misfortune.

The difficult question of choosing the majority and discarding the minority is eternal, so Gene has no answer.

The problems in the south are more serious. Only after construction begins can the economy of the south get better.

Marcus sat slumped quietly at the door of the ward, his hat put aside, and he pressed his forehead with one hand.

"What should I do, what should I do, what is the right thing to do!"

Near dusk, 5:45

After Mo Xiaolan came up from the underground interrogation room, he walked onto the lawn with a solemn expression.

The interrogation room was full of key members of Eddie Financial who were not part of the family. All of them had been interrogated, and everything was under Plam's instructions.

Indeed, many people have contacted some gang members at the bottom and provided them with funds to open casinos and loan sharks at high interest rates to generate income for Eddie Financial every year.

But now Aidi Finance still controls the money bags of 30% of the people in the city. Although these issues have been implicated due to the domestic violence that broke out within the family last year, Aidi Finance is still running, but only the relevant people They were all caught. After accepting all investigations, Plum returned to the family. Because of immunity, they could not catch Plum in Section 2.

What Mo Xiaolan was puzzled about was how Plum had been able to operate quietly for so many years. Everything seemed to be in line with common sense.

The gang members at the bottom wanted to make money, and Plum wanted to make Eddie Financial, which he was responsible for, more profitable, and the two sides hit it off.

Private loans and financial loans are allowed in the city, within a certain limit, because it is almost impossible to borrow money in 7 Branch. After experiencing the incident of businessmen who refused to repay their debts in the past, 7 Branch has The channel for borrowing has been almost closed. This is inevitable in order to prevent the city from accumulating debt and to stabilize the city's economy.

Long-term and large-amount borrowing will cause cities to become deeply in debt. This is a point that 2 economic intelligence analysis experts have already given clear analysis reports.

If interest accrues on borrowed money, the borrower must bear the additional repayment. However, this is a vicious circle for the city. The original volume of 100 yuan will end up being borne by 101 yuan.

This risk is a risk for the city as a whole. Borrowing will destroy the balance of supply and demand. Therefore, after dealing with the incident of defaulting on debts, Section 7 set up some rules that ordinary people cannot borrow money at all, even if companies and companies have difficulty borrowing money. money.

The reason why urban prices have been stable for ten years is because the control of capital is very strong and the control is very strict.

That’s why the law has opened up private lending in order to alleviate the financial pressure on society. However, this has been exploited by people with ulterior motives. Qualified lending companies can be effectively supervised, but many individuals and individuals are not welcome , the law cannot yet give a specific definition.

What Mo Xiaolan now doubts is Plum's ability. Is he really capable of running all this well? At this point, many people in the trial today have said that it was Plum who gave the order.

Although it is not ruled out that there are people who deliberately dumped everything on Plum, in the overall interrogation, it was indeed Plum who instigated most of the things.

"That bastard Jean, let me go again."

Mo Xiaolan stamped her feet in annoyance. Now Jean often takes her with him to investigate everywhere. Today, he had promised to come at 5 o'clock, but so far no one has been seen. When he called, he got the reply that he had something to do today.

Mo Xiaolan turned around angrily and walked up to the second floor, and violently pushed away the section chief's office. R was processing documents on the light and shadow screen.

"Section Chief, I want to ask for leave."

"Aren't you on vacation every day?"

R looked at Mo Xiaolan. She walked quickly to the table and put her hands on the table.

"I want to take leave, for 7 days."

R looked up.


"Then you can fire me, I won't work anymore."

R shook his head.


Mo Xiaolan sighed. He hadn't seen Alpha for a long time recently. Mo Xiaolan wanted to find her. The same goes for her boyfriend Luo Wen. The company is very busy now.

"What on earth have you been doing lately?"

Mo Xiaolan asked. Recently, C was on the ground floor and brought a large number of people from Section 2 there. He didn't know what they were doing, but K had not been seen for several months.

"Mo Xiaolan, you are just an ordinary staff member, you are not qualified to know."

Mo Xiaolan suddenly became very angry.

"Don't use your authority to pressure me, tell me what exactly are you doing?"

R put down what he was doing, stood up, and walked to Mo Xiaolan's side.

"I'll give you a week's leave. You can go back now."

Mo Xiaolan instantly became happy, but still looked at R suspiciously.

"Are you really not telling me? What on earth are you doing?"

R shook his head.

"If you really want to know, work hard and be gregarious. I will leave this position to you after I retire."

Mo Xiaolan immediately shook her head, turned around and ran away. She didn't want to continue working until she died. She just wanted to figure out the whole thing about the Hillman family, so she continued to stay in Section 2. She and Alpha Different, I am extremely disgusted with today's business.

Mo Xiaolan quickly went downstairs, and after getting the travel pass with his boss, the director, he left gloomily.

As soon as he left the house, Mo Xiaolan turned around, pointed at the closed door of Department 2 behind him, and gestured with his middle finger.

Nowadays, under the leadership of Alpha, the practice of the business department has become more and more oppressive. Even if it is for the good of the city, Mo Xiaolan plans to go and have a good talk with Alpha this time, who has been his friend since childhood. The concept seems good to many people, but in Mo Xiaolan's opinion, it is too tight.

At this moment, Mo Xiaolan saw a helicopter coming towards this side. It was K and the others who were coming back. For a moment, Mo Xiaolan wanted to turn around and go back, but after thinking about it, she gave up and walked briskly. I started running, planning to have a comfortable barbecue first.

Mo Xiaolan suddenly stopped and looked around because she always felt as if she was being watched by someone. She had always felt this way recently, but soon Mo Xiaolan saw the surveillance cameras on the street. .

While thinking, he shook his head helplessly. Surveillance is not just about AI. Each district has a surveillance team of 5 people. At least 3 people will always be in front of the surveillance screen in each district. As long as anything suspicious is found, we will immediately It will ask the members of Section 5 who are patrolling nearby to take action.

Nowadays, urban control has reached such a level that what ordinary people do when traveling every day will be clearly recorded in their personal information.

This was something Mo Xiaolan couldn't accept. There was no privacy in the city. Mo Xiaolan only found out about this when a former classmate teased him about some things he did while shopping with his boyfriend.

Mo Xiaolan is just an ordinary clerk in Section 2. Although he is a level 3 official externally, he is just an ordinary clerk internally.

Digitizing everyone in the city is what Section 6 is currently doing. Keying revealed all this to herself after she was drunk one day, and Mo Xiaolan learned more details.

The daily behavior patterns of people in these cities and what they do every day will be fully monitored and recorded, and the data will be directly analyzed and processed. AI will record everything and then continuously complete its own database.

This is a very scary thing in Mo Xiaolan's opinion. The city is becoming AI, or completely solidified. Mo Xiaolan knows something from the step-by-step actions of the gods over the years. The gods want to transform the city Drag into an era with clear levels and clear division of labor, like a machine, a truly mechanized era that determines the fate of all classes and what they are born to do.

Section 2 and Section 6 are the two most important subjects in the evolution of AI. Mo Xiaolan has been worried since he learned about these.

Bright City's AI has developed to the point where it is infinitely close to 100% humanization. A series of networks such as transportation network, communication network, citizen network, company network, etc. are actually controlled by AI, and 2 subjects, 6 subjects And three of the 10 subjects control AI.

AI has actually entered human life since the communication network decades ago, but all of this is implicit.

There are many rumors in the world that all this is managed by a few gods, but in fact it is just a bunch of data symbols.

With the development of light and shadow technology, the paper of Bright City has basically disappeared, because what you do on the Internet will be known immediately by the 2 subjects. Although it is claimed that this is to save resources and make it more convenient, in fact It’s to control everything.

The thing that Mo Xiaolan is most worried about right now is what he got out of Keying's mouth that night. Section 10 has developed a robot that can compete with real people, but because the cost is too expensive and the technology cost is also very expensive, Not launched yet.

But now there is a plan to select an area, put robots directly there, let them live in human neighborhoods, and then conduct various experiments.

"Perhaps it has already started!"

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