Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1661 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 62 (Part 2)

The wind was blowing violently, blowing up a lot of dust, and a lot of plastic waste was floating in the dust.

Under the gray-black sky, several smiling men with unkempt faces were picking up some paper trash in the wind. Not far away, there was a small town covered in fog in the wind and sand.

"After a while, we can go back in June."

A man with a black spot on his face said, unhooked his mask, and scratched his unbearably itchy cheek. Several people looked healthy, but they all had black spots on their faces to varying degrees, and they coughed from time to time. Voice.

Although several people were picking up the garbage, their eyes would always look at the light in the distance from time to time. The dazzling city shrouded in light seemed like a bright light at any time.

A few people have almost picked it up, and everyone is holding a thick pile of garbage. These things were garbage dumped in the city in the past, but to them who now live in the barrier area, they are like treasures.

All six of them dragged their big sacks and walked toward the town.

Every month when domestic garbage is dumped, they can go there to get supplies and food. They were originally a criminal gang in the city. They made a lot of money by operating casinos and loan sharking. After they escaped, All the money earned was given to Prometheus, who was the only reliable person.

Supplies and food were delivered to them at regular times and at fixed points every month. The six people soon crossed the wind and sand and arrived at the desolate and dilapidated town. This was once a gathering place for humans, and there were many buildings that could be used.

There are a total of 103 people in the entire gang, and currently there are only 61 left. 40 of them died during conflicts with other gangs in the barrier area. In this vast and desolate land, a large number of criminals have escaped. Who I don’t want to go to jail either.

The situation in the city is still the same now, and the intensity of crime investigation has not relaxed at all, but has become more stringent than before.

Now they have finally found a place where they can live in the east. Prometheus will send people here from time to time. The latest time they were told that they can set off in May this year and go to the northwest. Arrangements have been made. They can go back to the city.

This gang has been here for almost three years, and many people have reached their limit. If they don't bathe in the sun, they will really go crazy.

"When we take care of that woman, we can have some fun."

One man said, and several other men laughed. This gang originally had female members, but during a conflict with a gang, the women were all snatched away by them.

In this land, food, water, women, and warm clothing are the only things that can be traded, and the weapons in hand are the standards to ensure one's survival.

"What happened to that woman? She's crazy."

"It doesn't matter what she does, as long as she's a woman."

A few days ago, these six people picked up a woman who fainted in the wind and sand and brought her back. Everyone was very happy, but the woman looked very weak and was not mentally normal. She was always saying that she was okay. It's gone, nothing is gone, they are saying crazy things like how everything is gone under the light.

Everyone knew that the woman was delirious, but it didn't matter. They all just hoped that the woman would get better.

After a few people walked into the town, some people leaning in the dilapidated houses greeted a few people. They took their things to the big house in the middle of the town. There were some machines sent by Prometheus, which could Some raw materials are processed into wind-shielding tarpaulins.

Plastic and paper can't keep out the cold night, but they can keep out the wind.

After the six people entered the factory, they immediately looked at the woman who was lying on a soft bed nearby. She was still very weak, but she should be able to recover in two weeks at most. Everyone just needed to be patient until the woman recovered. That’s it.

Every day when the sand blows the most, it’s when the city heats up. People in the barrier area basically stay indoors. There are too many harmful things in the sand. Cough and asthma are diseases that everyone in the barrier area will suffer from. It will be fatal in the long run, but some people have adapted, and those who have not adapted are already dead.

Severe lung infections have developed, so criminals in the Barrier Zone now wear veils wherever they go.

10:23 am


A metal can suddenly stopped in the wind as if it had hit an invisible wall.

Gradually, some figures appeared in the wind. K was holding a cigarette in his mouth and a can in one hand. Behind him were nearly 30 people, all of whom were elites from Section 2.

"Solve the battle within 10 minutes, then go back temporarily today and continue cleaning after a week of training."

As he spoke, the members of Section 2 dispersed around him, and K slowly walked toward the town that was nearly 1 kilometer away.

Throughout the barrier area, there are large and small gathering places, which are very complicated. We have been investigating for several months, and finally we have identified the gathering places of some criminals. The previous launch of optical nuclear weapons was quite successful, and they were solved in an instant. Currently under their investigation, there is a large gathering place of nearly 3,000 criminals.

C held a cigarette comfortably and looked at the town in front of him quietly. This was already the 23rd gathering place for criminals. Since they did not plan to return to the city to accept the punishment of the law, there was nothing they could do. In the long run, In the past, the gathering of criminals will be very harmful to the city.

These criminals can no longer be left alone. In the past three years, they have lurked back into the city from the northeast. Some hungry criminals committed crimes as soon as they returned to the city. This investigation is secret. Only people in Section 2 know it, not even the General Affairs Section.

What makes K feel strange now is where they got the food from. After interrogating some criminals, they said that in the middle of every month, Prometheus would deliver food. This past was circulated at the bottom. The name has never been found.

K gradually felt that this guy had a very complete plan, and he had to directly solve some of the problems created at the root. These criminals were currently the problem.

Getting closer and closer, K threw away the cigarette butt, with faint red particles floating in his eyes. He looked back at the city in the light behind him and smiled. The moment he turned around, K had already turned his head.


With the sound of a gunshot, K immediately ran quickly. Sure enough, a hidden whistle was placed at the entrance, but the location of the bullet had already exposed the guy's position. K went straight to a dilapidated small building on the right, and the gunshots continued. rang out, and violent gunfire erupted in the entire town.


As several red rays of light flashed across, the small building was cut into pieces in an instant. K walked directly past the collapsed small building and rushed directly towards several criminals who seemed to have just woken up. In an instant, their heads were illuminated by red rays of light. The scratch fell to the ground.

The sound of gunshots went from large-scale to sporadic now. K walked past a few people who had fallen on the ground and looked at a long old factory building in the middle of the town, with a large number of tarpaulins covering all sides. .

The personnel of Section 2 who had surrounded the factory were guarding the surroundings. K walked directly to the door, and dense and compact firepower spurted out in an instant, but all the bullets were in front of K and stagnated in the air.

The iron door was riddled with bullets. K kicked it open and was surrounded by criminals who raised their hands and put down their weapons. K took out a cigarette from his pocket.

"We don't have the equipment to escort you back!"


Wails spread everywhere, and the surrounding walls were constantly being broken open. People from Section 2 rushed in. In just three minutes, the remaining 30 people in the factory fell into a pool of blood.

"No casualties, Lord K."

K nodded. At this time, everyone saw a woman who was very weak lying on the bed. They sat up in fear. K walked over slowly. The woman screamed like crazy, got up and ran. K held up the light and shadow. Using her cell phone, she quickly compared her appearance. This woman escaped five years ago. She was suspected of human trafficking and sold many children as slaves.

The comparison was still going on, and the wanted murderers in each case had been compared. The woman did not run very far, and she had no strength to run anymore. She seemed not to want to die. K exhaled a puff of smoke, and the moment he turned around, The woman's neck had been broken.

"Okay, let's close the team! Don't have any mental burden. It's just like cleaning up the garbage. Just think about it like this."

Among the 30 people, some still looked complicated, but at this time they began to destroy all the equipment in the factory, and then directly took out solid burning objects.

Soon the raging fire was ignited, and K quietly stared at the city in the distance with a bitter smile on his lips.

"That's all!"

K took the returning members of Section 2 and walked towards the lift not far from the town. During this period, no one said anything and everyone felt uncomfortable.

There are other things happening in the city now, and K plans to go over and assist C as soon as he returns. The poisoning incident in the southern part of the ground floor has not been resolved yet. Although some plumbers have replaced equipment, the pipe problem is still a big problem. After all, things cannot be hidden. The current water supply can only supply solid water to the people.

Coupled with the current problems in the barrier area, even though security has been strengthened in the northwest, criminals are still coming back to the city from the barrier area.

The situation at the bottom has become unstable due to last year's exposure, coupled with the stagnation of urban construction, it is necessary to minimize the damage before the problem breaks out.

There was a faint red light flashing in front of a place. As soon as K and the 30 members of Section 2 behind him walked over, the lifter automatically lifted the optical camouflage and revealed the prototype.

"I'm sorry to involve you in such a mission."

K said something, and the staff behind him were very quiet. Some of them had already accepted it, while others were still immersed in the incident and seemed very entangled. Everyone got on the takeoff and landing machine, and K directly set the automatic flight, and the two Will return to Section 2 in an hour.

This journey was too tiring for many people. For nearly three months, they were investigating and cleaning up the barrier area.

K's idea is simple. Even if the source cannot be investigated in a short time, the criminals who are gradually gathering can be swept away.

That’s good! Only in this way.

K took a deep breath, raised his head and lit a cigarette. K really wanted to retire. He had had this idea countless times, but it was not possible now. The overall construction of the administrative department has not been completed. The number is still unable to meet the growing population.

At this time, in a place near the Alata Ula Mountains in the extremely cold northwest, some dilapidated trucks were tightly wrapped. Some drivers were talking and laughing. They would transport the supplies. By the middle of the month, they could Full distribution completed.

At this time, a man with a masked face and only a pair of eyes came over. When the drivers saw the man, they greeted him respectfully. The man nodded and said.

"Get the truck back."

Some drivers looked at the men in confusion, completely at a loss. These drivers were selected by organizations in this mountain range from large and small organizations all over the country. They must not disclose the specific conditions in the mountains and were responsible for delivering food and drink to their organizations. , and make contact.

"What do you mean? Mr. Norton, if you don't send it over, the people over there will starve to death, and we don't have any violations."

These organizations will transport some mutants here to help with the work. The drivers all got off the car collectively at this time. More than 30 trucks full of supplies just completed the transportation early this morning. If they are not sent out now, many organizations will People will starve.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?"

As Norton said this, a truck driver became dissatisfied and got into the truck with the intention of driving away.


With the sound of a gunshot, the truck driver fell into a pool of blood in an instant. Only then did everyone obediently start to drive the truck into a huge cave that had been dug out behind them.

The entrance to the cave is very hidden, located in some hills. It is easy to get lost if you don't know the exact location.

Soon, trucks drove down a hill near a huge mountain.

Norton drove the truck with the dead driver and slowly entered the cave. For a while, there were waves of doubts all around. At this time, other managers of the mountain range also came out. One of them said directly, "Now the business department The matter here is being investigated. If this place is exposed, it will be cleaned up.

For a while, the originally noisy cave began to quiet down. Many people knew that quite powerful weapons were fired from the city, directly clearing away the criminals in a large area.

"From today on, no one is allowed to leave here."

As he spoke, a large number of mutants began to arrive in front of the cave, pushing a huge door with a rocky exterior, and soon the cave was closed.

Many people left through some passages on the walls of the cave. After Norton and several other people watched the door close, they began to order their men to come down and strictly prohibited anyone from leaving here.

11 o'clock in the morning

There were people watching Freya's speech in the streets and alleys of the city. The speech had just started for half an hour, but not everyone was watching the content of the speech. Many people just glanced at it casually and then went about their normal business today. travel.

In Angel Paradise, some facilities have been opened, and there is still a large flow of people every day. At this time, a large number of children gather at a small shop selling some gadgets next to the water park. A young and beautiful woman is selling these gadgets. There are many types of gadgets made at the end of the work, including animals, industrial items, and cute and novel gadget designs.

These small items are not expensive, ranging from 1 yuan to 20 yuan each depending on the function. They are only as big as a lighter, but they are very delicate and very popular with children.

There are a large number of small shops near the water park, where you can eat, play, and rent water equipment.

Hathaway looked at everything around him tiredly. He had been squatting here for more than a month.

There are a lot of materials and manufacturing equipment in

Hathaway has been waiting for someone for a month, but the person still hasn't come. Suddenly, with a sound in her ears, Hathaway cheered up. She stood up straight and looked at the still person. The children who were choosing this small toy began to follow the sounds in their ears.

In the distance, Hathaway saw a young and beautiful woman, dressed very luxuriously, and surrounded by some bodyguards. The purple certificate worn by the woman had a pattern of flames, and she was a member of the Hillman family.

According to the specific analysis of the AIs, X could only be imprisoned in the Hillman family's manor, and it was almost impossible to get in. Moreover, the place where X was imprisoned must have no signal.

The woman in front of her is named Ran Yu, and she is the wife of a member of the Hillman family. Next to her is a gloomy, unhappy child named Mani, who is a member of the fourth generation of the Hillman family. .

This woman named Ran Yu would definitely take her son to the amusement park on the 1st of every month. The advertisement at Hathaway's small store turned up the volume, and it really attracted the mother and son.

"Mani, you can buy one if you like what you like."

Ran Yu smiled and looked at his son's condition. He didn't know what was wrong, because his son was personally taught by Mr. Eddie, the patriarch of the family. His son was very smart and even knew more than he knew, and he often said what he said. Ran Yu was speechless and felt very happy.

Today, Ran Yu gets along very well with her disabled husband. Since her husband had a car accident, their relationship has slowly begun to improve.

Ran Yu's meticulous care has made the relationship between the two different from the past. Over the years, there have been basically no quarrels. The son is also excited, eager to learn, and very smart. Eddie also said that this child will definitely become the member of the Hillman family in the future. The pillar of support would praise Ran Yu in front of him from time to time.

Looking at his son who was always unhappy, Ran Yu also realized that having fun is very important for children of this age, so he would bring his son over to play every month. Although his son looked unhappy, he was actually still a child and still loved it. Play, although he knows a lot, he still acts like a child.

"I want this!"

A rare smile appeared on Mani's face. He took a fancy to a small tiger pendant. This was an image of a happy tiger designed by an artist in the city. Many children liked it. Hathaway hurriedly bent down. I started looking for it, and soon I got a Kaixinhu pendant in the package. I took 8 yuan from Ran Yu and handed it over.

There are relatively few toys and objects here, but there are many pendants with many styles. Sure enough, after the child took them apart, Ran Yu hung them around his neck, and Hathaway breathed a sigh of relief.

"The plan is successful! Now you can go back underground with peace of mind and wait for Mr. X to wake up."

Hathaway nodded. Over the past few months, she had completed a lot of things under the instructions of AI. These AIs were really terrifyingly smart, calculating everything clearly and basically without any loopholes.

It can even allow Hathaway to get the real identity certificate, because Hathaway is already dead in the past identity certificate, and she is using a new identity. Hathaway thought of this when doing population information statistics. , the AIs have tampered with it, or it may be part of Plan X.

There should be many people like the identity certificate that Hathaway currently holds, and there are records for checking, but they don't exist at all. This is to make it easier to move around the city.

In the three months since she came out, Hathaway gradually learned some of the things Prometheus had done, which were very terrifying. She and her husband had never thought about using AI to commit crimes, but planned to make AI a A great helper for staff.

From the moment they agreed to the conditions of Eddie Technology Company and were brought to the manor, the two thought about leaving countless times, but gradually they found that there was no way to escape. They could only stay in Prometheus. Through the back door, as long as they and their husband's two children are born, they can snatch Prometheus back.

"Will it go well?"

Hathaway glanced at the mother and daughter who left happily, and a burst of mechanical laughter came from the generator in her ears.

"Of course, Lady Hathaway."

11:31 am

"Take it."

Niya walked out with a pile of her own things. The Angus couple who were talking to the middleman turned their heads and looked at their daughter.

"What are you doing Niya."

"You can get some money by selling these things."

The Angus family's mansion has been vacated, and a large number of people who serve in the manor have to find other ways to make a living. Most of the food items that are still of some value have been sold. Many of these items are in the past. Artworks left over from the era.

In addition to the company, the Angus family has sold everything they can sell and is still actively raising money. As long as the funds are in place, the city can start construction again. Now the city needs to solve various problems that have occurred during the construction in the past few years. The follow-up issues that evolved from the problem, the settlement of the construction project, can only be settled slowly to the Angus family after the city has stabilized for a period of time.

Violet couldn't bear to look at the things in the box her daughter was carrying. There were a lot of pendants and jewelry, as well as some valuable handicrafts. These things were given to Ni by people from the family or other families over the years. An elegant birthday gift and New Year gift.

"Take it, it's not worth much anyway. Mom, you should just drop out of school. Anyway, the tuition there is free every year."

Violet immediately looked slightly angry, Nia put down the box and left.

Avano looked at the main mansion that was locked up by Micah and his men. In order to pay the huge monthly maintenance fee, the family decided to move to a smaller house, which was the mansion next to Alpha.

Now that tens of billions of funds have been collected, we can complete the construction from the middle to the bottom in the south. We must be prepared this time, and we must not let any capital come in again.

The Phoebus family also helped the Angus family a lot. Now the vehicle inspection stations in the city belong to the Angus family. Unlike normal market operations, both Congress and the Phoebus family hold shares, part of which is taxed. It was given to Congress in the form of money, and part of it was given to the Phoebus family. But now the Phoebus family does not want a penny from the Angus family, but says it will be settled later.

This kind of hidden help cannot be shared by the princess. Because it is illegal, the Phoebus family still has this money in their accounts and is responsible for taxes, but there is no complaint.

"Don't cry sadly, dear, we can get through it. So many people have helped us. If we don't get over it, we will be sorry for these people who helped us and our two daughters!"

Violet said as Avano put his arm around her shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect that at this time, I..."

Violet shook her head gently. Niya had already sold her game account. When she came over with several thousand yuan, both the couple were surprised.

No one can predict the problems that will occur after the construction starts again. Now all they can do is to continue the construction project. Although the east and south have already produced output, it is only minimal and can only maintain The survival of Angus's entire family is all.

There are also many women from the family who have come here. They have all been helped by Violet in the past. They brought some money or valuable things. Violet has written them down one by one and will wait until everything is over. Pay off this debt slowly.

At this time Niya came to the backyard of the mansion, and some classmates were there. Ji Mo came over and took out some money from his pocket, more than 300 yuan.

"Take it."

One after another, classmates took out their pocket money and handed it over. Niya counted the money with a smile.

"Hurry up, whoever else has it, give me every penny, and I will pay you back double in the future."

Niya said without being polite to anyone. Jewell smiled and took out more than 2,000 yuan.

"How come you have so much money?"

"Take it."

After Niya grabbed it, she scratched her head.

"My memory is not very good. You can remember the amount yourself. I will pay it back to you when I start working after I leave here!"

Many people laughed and said that Niya did not need to repay.

"Okay, okay, you can go away. Even if you don't need me to pay back the money, I will pay you back the favor you owe me!"

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