Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1618 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 48 (middle)

"Let me come!"

A female clerk from Section 7 walked in. This was a room on the third floor of a hotel opposite the winery. Li Ang sat quietly at a table. Two female clerks, one from Section 5 and one from Section 5, walked in. Named Section 7, ready to start interrogating Li Ang.

In Brilliant City, regardless of age, all crimes will be treated equally. Even if children commit crimes, they will still be punished, but the sentence period and the place of work will be appropriately adjusted.

"Little brother, you are a student at Junjie School, why would you do such a thing?"

Li Ang hummed and began to talk about how he and his neighbors made profits over drinks. He also named most of the neighbors. The two female staff members were listening attentively.

The two female staff members were a little skeptical at first. After all, this was only a 12-year-old child, but judging from his academic performance in Junjie Academy, he was a child with a good mind.

Li Ang confessed the crime clearly. He knew to some extent that for such a crime, he might be sentenced to 10 to 15 years of criminal law. However, Li Ang thought more about his father with disabled legs and his frail mother. There was no way he could let the two of them go to jail.

Although I had vaguely noticed it before, the family has become richer and richer in the past few years. My father even bought a high-end car, and my mother also received better treatment. As long as I can take some charges and account for the money obtained from the crime, Everything in the family can still be saved, and the life of the parents can still go on.

"Are you telling the truth, little brother?"

The female staff member from Section 5 asked. Li Ang nodded and kept shaking his head. At this time, the staff member from Section 7 next to him pushed the female staff member from Section 5, and the two left the room and arrived at the door.

"It's better to write less. This child is only 12 years old."

In the end, both of them nodded. After entering the house, they asked some more questions, and finally asked about the location of the black income.

"In my house! My father knows where it is hidden."

Li Ang spoke calmly, and soon the two of them contacted the officers who were searching Li Ang's house.


The door to the room was pushed open, and two female staff members quickly stood up and saluted.

"Lord Li Xin."

"You guys go out and turn off the surveillance. I want to talk to this child."

Li Xin looked at Li Ang's confession record quietly, and after a while he pressed his forehead.

"Have you thought clearly? It will be at least 10 years."

Li Ang hummed, grinned slightly, and looked at Li Xin.

"I'm not as cowardly as you, Brother Li Xin."

Li Xin's eyes widened. Li Ang stood up. He was already nearly 1.6 meters tall. He stood up straight. At this time, all he thought about was Niya. She had also shouldered the blame for many people. She was indeed better than I am too strong.

Li Xin thought about many problems when he was in the yard, but finally chose to bear everything.


Li Xin pressed his forehead with some annoyance.

"If you had dealt with it at the beginning, it wouldn't have been like this, Brother Li Xin, but you didn't do anything!"

Li Xin nodded, and Li Ang walked over with a smile and patted him on the shoulder.

"If it were me, I wouldn't allow this to happen. Someone will die tonight!"

Li Ang squatted on the ground with a sad expression, and for a while he couldn't hold back his tears anymore. Li Xin sat quietly. He didn't know what to do, because it was not only Li Ang who did this, but also some people in the area. He also proactively admitted the crime and helped others take part of the crime.

Many people grew up here and received the values ​​​​that in the entire neighborhood, people with the surname Li should help each other, respect and love each other, and that everyone is a family. This is what many people do.

At this time, Li Ang stood up, wiped his tears with his hands, coughed a few times, and raised his head.

"Can I make a call?"

Li Xin handed the phone to Li Ang.

"Sleep without Niya!"

"How can you sleep? It's Chinese New Year today. You bastard, you didn't answer my call. Why don't you let your brother Li Xin drive the helicopter to pick you up? Come to my house. Many classmates are here."

Li Ang choked up and said after a while.

"I won't go. Niya may not be able to contact you in the future. I'm moving."

"Where to go?"

Li Ang smiled and shook his head.

"Anyway, that's it. Our bad relationship is over. I don't want you to come to my house again. Listen, okay!"

Li Ang hung up the phone directly and handed the phone to Li Xin.

"Why don't you tell us!"

Li Ang asked, but Li Xin didn't answer, just smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"This is your home, Brother Li Xin. This place no longer exists. I will never become a person like you, timid and cowardly."

Li Ang walked towards the door of the hotel, and Li Xin stood up.


Li Ang had already walked out, and two female staff escorted him away.

Li Xin was sitting quietly in the hotel room when the phone rang, the number 0008.

"Section Chief!"

Heathcote's laughter came over the phone.

"I once encountered the same problem as you, Li Xin. I didn't have the courage to deal with some things. After all, the other person is my father. What does he represent? I have thought about this problem countless times, but There is no answer, Li Xin, don’t get involved in this matter, just be a watcher. This is no one’s fault, because the human heart is made of flesh.”

Li Xin's eyes widened, recalling that when his father was taken away, he tried his best to distance himself from his relationship with her, and constantly cursed at his ruthlessness. Li Xin pressed the phone with some emotion.

"No matter what happens, it's your father. I will find a way to give them some amnesty rights, as long as the problem is clearly explained. Although there are casualties tonight, this is the most appropriate way to handle it. I didn't inform them in advance. It's exciting. It started a chain reaction in other districts and minimized the harm. Do you want to come over? I’ll have a drink with you!"

Li Xin hummed and hung up the phone. His shadow stretched diagonally up to the door under the light. At this time, Li Xin had tears streaming down his face.

3 o'clock in the morning

Alpha was sitting quietly in the headquarters, processing documents with the directors next to him. The city was now completely agitated. The overwhelming news about Area 58 had occupied all major media outlets.

"No, no matter who it is, it's not okay to convict based on factual evidence."

Alpha looked at the many completed interrogation confessions and a large number of corresponding exhibits with some annoyance. Many of them did not match. It was obvious that these people were covering up for each other.

The people in the headquarters were silent. Most of them were men. They took all the blame and tried their best to distance themselves from their relatives.

How to deal with it has now become a problem in Section 5. According to the evidence, both husband and wife in some families are involved in the crime, and many families also have children, even some teenagers.

The problem before everyone now is a dilemma. If it is handled according to the law, many people will go to jail for this, and the children in some families will have no one to take care of them.

“Let’s examine the problem clearly first!”

Alpha said, everyone nodded, and could only continue to deal with it. At this moment, most of the people who were interrogating the confessions had ripples in their hearts.

With a sympathetic and helpless expression on his face, Alpha lit a cigarette.

"Please remember our responsibilities. There is no need for condescending sympathy or consideration! We must be responsible for other people in the city. If it is really difficult to handle, just leave it to me."

Alpha continued to look at the light and shadow screen as she spoke. Her mind was filled with some of the things Jean had seen when he took her to the middle and lower classes in the past. The word justice had already taken root in her heart very early on.

But now Alpha understands why Jean took her to witness those things. Creating a relatively fair city is what they need to do. Now the relative fairness has been broken. Over the past 10 years, the surname Li has The influence of the tribe on the surrounding areas is huge.

Alpha does not want to leave such a problem to be dealt with in 10 or even 20 years. The problem will only become more serious by then.

The whole night passed in a hurry. As soon as the sunlight hit the earth, many people came to the periphery of Area 58. They looked at Area 58 quietly as if it had experienced a war. This is completely different from the bustle and bustle of the past.

Some people are happy, some are disappointed, and some are sad. Many people were discussing this matter last night, but in general, everyone thinks this approach is good. Some cases have been convicted and published in 5 subjects on the web page.

What most people find unbelievable is that Li Xin, secretary of Section 8, actually arrested his father and a number of other relatives.

Most people found it strange because this silent operation ended at lightning speed. In just one night, more than 40,000 people were arrested, and now more than 3,000 people have been convicted.

Some people have also said that this is because the construction of the east and west is about to start, and the Li family has seriously endangered the progress of the project, so the executive department took the killing.

However, some people say that the department's approach was too rough and hasty, because a large number of people were injured, and some people died in the riot last night. Everyone is waiting for the TV speech that will start at 8 o'clock.

At this time, in the grain base in the east, Clark was urging the people who were delivering supplies today to get specific work details.

Due to construction pollution, most of the soil in the eastern grain base is still uncontrollably polluted, and a large area of ​​soil near the food exchange has died.

The factories have not yet started operating, and the number of unemployed people is still rising. Most people can only rely on these relief materials to survive.

There is a serious shortage of electricity, water, and food. Some businessmen with food wholesale licenses have complained. In less than three months, the amount of relief materials supplied by Section 12 is huge.

Maintenance and clearing of farmland is the main job for most prisoners and workers here every day. The situation is getting harder and harder, and this is true for everyone in the city.

Natasha needs to deal with most of the protest documents every day, most of which are rejected. She now somewhat understands why Clark is so obsessed with producing food quickly.

If 20 million people don't have enough to eat for a day or two, they may be able to endure it, but if they don't have enough to eat for a month or two, all kinds of problems will explode.

Nowadays, some large food companies are hoarding food. They limit the amount of food circulating in the market, but at this juncture, there is no time to control them. All departments are affected by various problems. Tortured to death.

"I was too naive!"

After Clark finished explaining the issues to the council officers, he sat down and pressed his aching forehead.

Natasha on the side brought a glass of water and placed it next to him.


At this time, there was a commotion at the door of the conference room. Everyone looked over. Ye Chunwang was wearing a white shirt, his sleeves had been rolled up, and his body was stained with mud.

"Old man Ye, why are you here?"

Clark was a little surprised, and many people in Cone looked at him with joy.

"You guys know how powerful you are now, why did I tell you before?"

Clark raised his head in annoyance. It was indeed his mistake before. He thought that as long as large quantities of food were shipped out of the warehouse, the food market could be stabilized and the businessmen's thoughts of speculation would be cut off. But now it seems that it is not that simple. The problem.

"You two need to find a way to convince the businessmen that you have to move quickly on external matters. Leave the land matter to me."

Ye Chunwang shook his head helplessly. He had already planned to enjoy the rest of his life after getting married and having children, but now that such a problem has arisen, he has to continue to return to the farmland.

"It's good to have your help, Old Man Ye. I'm counting on you here."

Ye Chunwang waved his hand, and the solemn expressions of the directors in the conference room became a little more relaxed. In the past, everyone had overcome one problem after another under the leadership of Ye Chunwang. Although this elderly man seemed to be slowly and leisurely, he They handled things very carefully and took into account many issues that they had not considered.

“How about not allowing super genetic food to be put on the market!”

As soon as Clark finished speaking, Ye Chunwang slapped him on the arm.

"I have said before that you are too anxious to eat hot tofu. Let me take care of it for a while and assign some people to me. I will find a way to deal with the problem of farmland pollution. All you need to do now is Just try our best to ensure that food can be distributed as usual every day."

7:13 am

Some members of Section 11 who were responsible for cooking quietly looked at the giant vegetables piled up in the kitchen, and many of them started to cut them with big knives with solemn expressions.

The prisoners outside were still chatting and laughing while eating breakfast. No one knew what was going on inside. This kind of food, which was dozens of times larger than ordinary vegetables, made everyone feel uneasy.

In the section chief's office in the prison, Latis was looking at the list of prisoners who were on parole leave today. He saw Hydera's name, but he still refused parole leave.

"Did he still refuse?"

Latis once talked to Hydera. Hydera is now very calm and seems to have given up hope of escaping guilt. He does not communicate with anyone now. He is alone every day. No matter how he talks to him, he is always there. They were all just smiling, and that smile was just a smile.

Song Man hurriedly organized everything and planned to go out with several directors to collect some criminals who had been tried at the Public Security Management Office.

"Don't forget. I'm getting married on June 18th. You said you would prepare a big gift."

Latis nodded and looked at Song Man with a smile. She was really married. This surprised Latis, and the groom turned out to be Zhou Wen, a somewhat inconspicuous little man from the previous 2 subjects.

Everyone was very surprised when they found out. Latis smiled helplessly, looked at Hydera's name again, lit a cigarette, and exhaled a puff of smoke.

At this time, in the cafeteria of Prison No. 2, Hydera was quietly holding a bowl of breakfast and eating slowly. There was no expression on his face, and he looked very indifferent. He occupied a table alone. Many people nowadays The prisoners all felt that Hydra was a bit scary.

It's not that Hydera did anything special, but that his whole person felt like a ghost in the dark night. There was a strange aura exuding throughout the province. Many people thought that he must have suffered from a psychological disorder. problem.

The psychologist from Department 4 also came, but basically Hydera never said anything. He was like a numb corpse every day, eating and sleeping every day, and then eating and sleeping again.

The same goes when you go out to work. After completing your own share of the work, you will stay alone, not communicating with anyone, not even with Perestan, who comes three times a month.

At this time, Hydra suddenly laughed strangely. This smile made many prisoners around him shudder. Someone looked at Hydra, only to find that Hydra suddenly stared at him. The man swallowed. , hurriedly lowered his head.

Soon after Hydera finished eating, he came to the playground, where someone was playing basketball. He found a corner on the edge, squatted by the wall, and looked at everything in front of him blankly.

"I'm not guilty, but why am I here? Why on earth!"

Hydera laughed strangely, and muttering to himself had become a way for him to adjust himself every day.

During his 18 years in prison, Hydera would say that he was not guilty every day when he got up. This seemed to have become the last straw in his heart. He still held it tightly and did not want to let go, but he was very tired every day. .

After a while, Hydra stood up and returned to the door of the elevator, waiting to go back to the cell. Now, Hydra still lives alone. Before, Latis wanted to improve, so he asked some light criminals with good personalities to join Hydra. Living together, hoping to make Hydera able to talk to people a little bit.

But after just one month, those people no longer wanted to live with Hydera. When asked why, they said that looking at Hydera like a corpse every day, they always felt like they were going to turn into corpses.

The lifeless Hydra was among the prisoners. Some of the happy prisoners around him felt uncomfortable to varying degrees at this time. They felt that Hydra was a little disgusting. If he was removed, the criminal department would not treat him badly. , because the treatment given to Hydra in the prison is much better than that of other prisoners.

"Have you ever wondered why you came in?"

The sudden Hydra spoke, and for a moment the prisoners around him looked at each other, and one of them said solemnly.

"If I hadn't been in trouble, I wouldn't have taken this road."

Hydera smiled and shook his head, but at this time the prisoners around him stared at Hydera angrily, and his smile was full of contempt.

At this time, Hydra said nothing. After arriving at the level of his cell, Hydra slowly walked to his cell at the bottom.

"I'm not guilty, I'm not guilty, I'm not guilty."

Hydra would muttering silently with every step she took. As she walked down the long corridor, Hydra's face became distorted, with a hint of evil in her eyes.

"Am I guilty?"


The door of the cell opened automatically, and Hydra walked in. Looking at the chemical structural formulas hanging on the wall, he raised his head slightly.

"I'm guilty!"

With a burst of weird and cold laughter, Hydera sat quietly at the table and opened a book.


Hydra stared at the wall.

"I need every single one of you to pay for this! Every single one of you."

8:03 am

Crystal looked at the man who was getting dressed with a smile, and approached him gently with a smile, a man with a clean face and a somewhat handsome appearance.

"Let's sleep a little longer!"

The man looked hurriedly, and then kissed Crystal's cheek.

"I love you Crystal!"

Crystal's eyes widened with excitement, and she took out some money from her pocket with a look of madness, and handed it into the man's hand. After the man kissed her cheek again, he turned around and left with satisfaction.

As soon as the man went out, some women next to him started mocking him.

"It's really sad that people like us are being fed soft food!"

The man looked fiercely at a woman standing on the street smoking, and cursed.

"Bitch, shut up. She volunteered. Besides, I will be responsible."

At this time, a woman couldn't stand it anymore and walked into the room, looking at Crystal who was getting up and dressing up.

"Is there something wrong with your mind? It's not easy for us to make money by giving money to that kind of man, you?"

Crystal smiled and shook her head.

"I made an agreement with him. Once we save enough money, we will leave, live somewhere else, and then get married."

The woman wanted to say something but was pulled out by the two women behind her.

A woman laughed and then shook her head.

"Getting married? Don't be stupid. People like us can only stay here and die here in the end."

"What are you being serious about, haha!"

Several women began to play around. Although Crystal was smiling, there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. She could not leave or change. No one would notice this place. Today's District 29 has come here. There are more and more women, and the crystal business is not doing well.

Soon Crystal laughed, she kept shaking her head, and then walked out of the room, carrying a bag on her back. She was lucky today. A customer called her in the morning, and she was going out to work now.

The streets are full of women who look like they have just woken up and are free and easy. The entire block is full of garbage, and some unsightly things can be seen everywhere. The houses are very old, and most of the original residents of District 29 have moved. After leaving, this middle-level area located on the northeast edge has been completely reduced to an area with only women. There are almost no men during the day, and only at night will men visit here.

Crystal stood beside the bus stop sign with a smile, waiting for the arriving bus. Many women were also talking about the good things they encountered today. For most of them, being able to receive the bus so early in the morning Customer calls are happy.

At this time, many people raised their heads because they saw a light blue light streaking across the sky above District 29. Many people often saw such a light streaking across.

"Today is another good day!"

Crystal smiled and looked at the bus coming in the distance.

At the top of the tallest building in District 29, Gene stopped. He planned to go to the farm today to discuss a solution to the pollution problem with Ye Chunwang.

Every time he passed through this area, Gene always wanted to go down and take a walk on the streets, but he still held back.

Next, Alpha will start to deal with the problems here. Many people don’t want to mention the problems here because these problems are difficult to deal with. These women who can’t do anything have once contacted some factories to let these The women went to do some light industrial work, but when they left, things were terrible.

Jean quietly watched more and more women on the street. Many women were playing in twos and threes, and wanted to go out for a walk together. But it was just a chat. Most of the women would not leave here. Because they can no longer walk out from here, everyone around them is the same, so they can forget a lot of things and stop thinking about some things, but once they get outside, they are slightly different from others.

Gene turned around and looked at the food base that was already filled with sunshine. He was about to leave, but at this time he saw a man roughly dragging a woman into the alley, looking very angry.

Along with the women's cries, most of the women came over at this time. Some took pictures with their mobile phones. The man who was beating the women stopped and kept cursing. For a moment, the men were frightened by the women's offensive. Desperately, he got into the car on the street and left quickly.

Seeing several women step forward to comfort the beaten woman, Gene turned around with a smile and ran quickly.

"Maybe we can still save it! As long as someone is willing to do it."

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