Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1617 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 48 (Part 1)

January 1, 2217

This year's New Year is completely different from previous years. Just after 0:00, New Year's bells rang in many upper-level areas, and gorgeous fireworks exploded in the sky one after another.

The brightly colored light briefly illuminated most of the dark places in the middle and lower floors. The brilliance receded and the bottom floor became dotted with stars again.

On the dark streets, pedestrians occasionally passed by, and dim lights shone scatteredly from the surrounding houses.

As construction progresses, power supply problems have arisen. Most areas only have power supply from 6 to 9 p.m., and only from 10 to 1 p.m. during the day. The power is basically outage at other times.


As a bouquet of fireworks exploded in the sky, the black area outside Area 58, which was still lit with lights, was filled with a large number of members of Section 5. People from Section 3 had blocked most of the main roads.

Alpha stood quietly in front of a group of directors, smoking silently. Li Xin next to him lowered his head, with a touch of bitterness on his face.

"It's about to start. If there's anything you want to do, I'll give you half an hour."

Li Xin hummed and wanted to move forward, but in the end he held back. The problems in District 58 had been plaguing the entire city for many years, and because of Li Xin's own relationship, he could never solve them.

The family surnamed Li has now formed an extremely large force, which has radiated to more than 20 surrounding districts. They privately price and sell goods, form gangs and control most of the industries in the surrounding areas, and evade taxes. The problem is particularly serious, and some violence has even occurred in recent years.

Nowadays, the entire population of District 58 is more than 130,000, and 80% of them have the surname Li. People from Section 2 have been secretly investigating for many years, and there is no actual leader.

Area 58 has formed an atmosphere, an atmosphere where everyone only needs to help each other to continue to grow. In this atmosphere, everyone contributes, and this force is now booming. got up.

The surrounding neighborhoods often receive reports of most economic crimes, and the Li family has been involved in them. This district has one of the best black markets in the city. As long as one person has a problem, people named Li in the entire area will help.

Everyone recognizes this atmosphere and abides by the iron law of helping each other. This is the reason why they continue to grow. However, such growth is good in their eyes and is the result of everyone helping each other. In fact, it is harmful. It is based on the interests of others, but they are not aware of it at all.

Over the years, people in the business department have not dealt with the problem here because of Li Xin, but now it is impossible not to deal with it. The construction project will start at this place this year. When someone came to measure before, a large number of people were surveyed. People surnamed Li in the area surrounded the area, and they put forward various conditions. First, they had to be compensated for renovation and construction, otherwise they would not be allowed to start construction.

Some initial projects in this area have been seriously delayed. Most of the subways in the western factory area have been opened. Once the factory is fully operational, the speed of construction will be accelerated.

Area 58 is located in the middle of the south-west. Under the leadership of people named Li in the area, people in other surrounding areas have also begun to follow suit and carry out violent resistance to the law. Alpha has already mastered the criminal evidence of more than 50,000 people. , for this arrest operation, we have been preparing for two months, and tonight we will mobilize 20,000 members of the branch to arrest, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Everyone from Coe is here, commanded by Alpha.

Nowadays, the entire District 58 is immersed in the joyful atmosphere of the festival, and most people are still making noise.

With the help of the 10th Section, 1,000 large lifts were transported in just 20 minutes, and the blockade was completed in 5 minutes. The arrests this time were all from the Executive Section, and there was no original management. people.

This is the first large-scale operation of the Executive Branch. Reporters from all the major media in the city are already preparing to report in some places behind.

Alpha looked at the people around him quietly and breathed a sigh of relief. All these years of hard work had not been in vain. The gathering of 20,000 people was completed in less than half an hour.

After entering, each department will carry out on-site work according to the functions of each department. All personnel are equipped with stun guns. All arrest warrants for more than 50,000 people have been prepared. Where each department needs to go and how to arrest them has been planned for a month. Deployed before.

Alpha lowered his head, took out a cigarette, lit it, and looked at the time. It was 0:21, and there were still 9 minutes left for the arrest. After the arrest, he would be interrogated and convicted directly in Area 58, and then separated. He was taken to a nearby public security management station for custody.

"Perhaps in their eyes, their approach is correct, but this correctness is based on trampling on the law and trampling on the rights of others!"

Li Xin hummed and nodded. He just spoke to his father on the phone tonight. He told his father that he couldn't go back because he was busy with work, but the current situation made him particularly troubled.

"You don't need to participate!"

Li Xin looked at Alpha blankly. Alpha took a step forward, raised her head and blew out a puff of smoke. She stared sharply at the entrance of the block in the distance, where some people were noisy in the restaurant. Red particles were in her eyes. Flowing around the eyes.

Today is obviously a holiday, but they have to be arrested because the factory is about to start construction. If they are allowed to continue, it will cause huge obstacles to the docking of construction projects in the west and east.

Time passed by, and on the highway outside Area 58, a large number of officers quietly held the sticks in their hands and tightened the stun guns around their waists. Many of them had never participated in such a large-scale attack. There is an arrest operation, but everyone knows what to do.

Most people graduated from 32 schools in the Acting Department after studying all year round. Acting actions of 32 schools are often held in the school, but this sense of presence makes many people's hands and feet feel numb.

There are people constantly swallowing and wiping sweat from their foreheads. Nearly 700 mixed teams of 30 people will instantly burst into the neighborhood to carry out layer-by-layer suppression and resistance to arrest.

The team leaders in the front row all wear multi-functional light and shadow goggles and have already adjusted their positions. The street surveillance will clearly transmit the location of the suspect who needs to be arrested, and they will lead the mixed officers to arrest him. Capture work.

"Get ready for action, it will be over in 2 hours!"

Alpha said and walked slowly, and a large number of squad leaders and people on both sides behind him had begun to rush in.

Li Xin stood quietly, watching the arrest operation that had been launched. He could not take a step forward because his father Li Ling was also involved in the case. Every time Li Xin came back, he would tell the neighbors something to tell them not to offend. Most people are full of promises about the law.

Li Xin, who grew up here, has a unique feeling for Area 58. He really wants to do something to at least make everyone comply with the regulations, but for so many years, nothing has been done.

We can only allow the situation to expand a little bit. Time has been delayed for too long. Area 58 has become a cancer area in the south of the middle level. This malignancy is hidden because everyone is used to doing this and working together to help each other. To resist others, you can come from all aspects.

Once a commonality is formed, it is difficult to eradicate. Li Xin once heard Li Chu talk about things here. The first generation of people with the surname Li were some of Li Chu's students. Those people finally took root in this place. Everything They all have roots.

Li Xin went to see Li Chu a few days ago, but Li Chu just said that it would be handled according to legal procedures, and he didn't say anything else.

"Is it true?"

Li Xin looked blankly at the business department that was approaching a street. At this time, a cold little hand grabbed him.


"Why are we standing here? Although you may not be able to accept it for a while, there is nothing you can do about it!"

Li Xin lowered his head.


With a banging sound, a team broke into a tavern, which was full of people.

"Li Ming, Li Hong, Li Jun, and Li Cheng are now arresting you for illegal possession of dangerous controlled substances, black market trading, and commodity infringement!"

For a moment, the chatter and laughter in the tavern ended, and everyone looked at the members of the acting department who had come in at the door. They came from different departments.


Accompanied by the sound of a wine bottle breaking, a burly man stood up.

"What do you want to do during the Chinese New Year?"

The conflict began, accompanied by bursts of noise and gunshots. The situation became particularly chaotic. The surging crowd on the street shouted and picked up everything they could throw at hand and threw it at the people in charge. come over.

Most of the people in the business department had already put on special black protective clothing, wearing helmets and holding shields, and quickly formed a surrounding net, directly curbing the flow of people.

At this time, cylindrical robots floated over in the sky, and a fire broke out in one place. In an instant, a large number of robots flew over, and a large area of ​​white powder fell down. The fire at the fire point was instantly controlled.

A large number of reporters followed the footsteps of the administrative department and entered Area 58.

Many places have turned into fights. As people were knocked down one by one by click guns, department officers immediately came over, quickly pushed away the chaotic crowd around them, and then dragged the knocked down people to the edge in handcuffs. .

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and the entire Area 58 was like a battlefield. Curses, roars, and the sound of things smashing were everywhere. A large number of people began to pour into the streets, constantly shouting and calling for unfair arrest.

Alpha, a bunch of council officers and secretaries of some departments all joined in the suppression. She quickly shuttled through the crowd, constantly dividing the crowd with powerful telekinesis, and directly used the power of the cyan god to subdue those who had taken the weapon. The guy with the weapon.

Li Ang woke up from his sleep. He climbed up from his dormitory in the winery. There was chaos outside.


Following a loud noise, Li Ang's eyes widened. The glass of the window was shattered by a wine bottle. He looked down as if he had just woken up from a dream. Fires were everywhere, the streets were in chaos, and black smoke filled the entire Area 58. .

Li Ang ran out of the dormitory. At this time, the street directly opposite the winery was already in a mess. Li Ang opened his mouth wide and his eyes widened. He could not believe the scene that happened in front of him. There were a large number of people from the business department wearing black uniforms. , holding a stick and a gun, brutally treating people on the street.

Li Ang was trembling all over, and there were sounds everywhere. He thought of his parents immediately and hurriedly took out the phone, but the phone had no network.

Li Ang quickly put on a coat and ran down. There were constant banging sounds at the factory gate.

The workers also got up, and everyone looked at each other in confusion. They had no idea what was happening, but Li Ang vaguely felt that it was related to everything that everyone had done in Area 58 over the years.


Following a loud noise, Li Ang was startled. The door of the winery was directly broken. Several people with iron bars ran in, and some people from the business department also chased in.

"Put down your weapons, hold your head in your hands, and lie on the ground."

Li Ang was trembling and looked at the clerk opposite who had already pulled out a gun. Just as he was about to speak, the gun rang out. Accompanied by bursts of screams, several people holding iron bars fell down.

"Lie down on the ground and hold your head in your hands."

Li Ang was completely frightened. The workers behind him lay on the ground obediently. Looking at Li Ang who was still motionless, a clerk came over. Just as Li Ang was about to say something, he was already pinned to the ground. Handcuffed.

At this time, radio broadcasts were constantly playing on the street poles. This was a comprehensive mass arrest. All people were asked not to resist and to cooperate with the arrest investigation.

The cold ground made Li Ang sober up a lot. He looked in horror at the Section 5 member who was holding a light and shadow screen and confirming something.

Li Ang looked blankly at the clerk in front of him. He was reading out the crimes Li Ang had committed, including participating in black market transactions, private pricing, unfair competition, etc. A long list of charges was completely pinned on Li Ang's head. My mind has gone blank.

Li Ang never remembered that he had done these things. Every time he just traded drinks according to the normal market prices, he was even suspected of crimes such as counterfeiting.


Along with a burst of roaring flames, a long fire snake exploded in the hall. The instantly burst wine bottle and broken glass fragments flew up. Li Ang only felt a warm current slowly lingering on his cheeks. Next, he stared at everything in front of him in fear.

What came to mind was Li Xin. He had just come back a few days ago. At that time, Li Xin looked solemn, but he didn't say anything.


Before Li Ang finished speaking, he was pulled up and pulled directly into the yard. Then they were ordered to sit in the yard. Some people were handcuffed and brought to the yard of the winery. The cursing continued. Still hasn't stopped.

The situation outside is still chaotic. Li Ang doesn't know what's going on. Why does the business department act so roughly without any warning? It's like dealing with extremely vicious criminals. Anyone who resists will be knocked to the ground immediately.

A large number of lifts continued to enter the sky above Area 58 and parked on some rooftops. Doctors from several nearby hospitals have been brought over, and some seriously injured people were continuously sent upstairs.

Li Ang watched as people with broken heads and bloodied bodies were brought in. They were wailing and cursing the people in charge.

"You bastards!"

Li Ang looked at an elderly man who was brought in, and he was roughly thrown directly into the yard.

The atmosphere of violence filled the entire District 58. A large number of reporters were reporting in some places where the suppression had been completed. Some people chose to hide at home and did not go out, but everyone who went out participated in the riots.

No one knows why, what exactly happened, why the administrative department did this, and why they did it.

Alpha stood quietly in front of a bunch of people who had fallen to the ground. In a corner behind him, more than a dozen trembling children looked at everything in front of them in horror.

Many nearby officers came over and handcuffed the boys who were unconscious on the ground. Several officers went over and took the children to a nearby restaurant. A female officer began to comfort them.

The arrests went very smoothly. As the radio continued to play, many people returned home, and those who participated in the riots outside were arrested without exception. The problems in Area 58 began slowly more than 10 years ago. Now it has become a big problem that can harm more than 20 surrounding districts.

Most people claim that they are innocent, but the reality is that none of them realize that they have violated the law by doing so.

The people of the Li family in District 58 control a large number of small workshops, small factories, some shops, food supply channels, etc. in more than 20 surrounding districts. If anyone with a foreign surname conflicts with a person with the Li surname, they will not be able to reach them. People with the Li surname are unable to do business in the surrounding areas, and they will be suppressed to death in a hidden form.

Most businessmen from outside will first negotiate with people from the corresponding Li clan. Only after the two parties reach an agreement do the businessmen dare to conduct commercial activities in some surrounding areas.

Those who resisted the Li clan in the area would even be punished by lynching. There is conclusive evidence that in the past 10 years, most people have been lynched by members of the Li clan.

This xenophobic ideology is extremely terrifying, and Alpha knows very well that no matter what the cost, the problem here must be completely solved.

Even the surrounding gangs must give face to the Li family and do not dare to offend the Li family. Firstly, Li Xin is the secretary of Section 8, and secondly, there are many people in the Li family, and a gang once violated the Li family. As a result, the entire gang was surrounded. After more than 100 people in the gang were arrested, they were directly taken to the street and publicly executed. Some people even died as a result.

Alpha looked quietly at a building not far away. The street was full of flames. Some people inside had begun to make Molotov cocktails and other things that could be used to fight against the Xingke who wanted to break in. Alpha turned around and ran quickly. passed.

"Hurry up, I ask you to finish it within half an hour."

Alpha glanced at the time and saw that it was already 1:47 in the morning. He immediately jumped up and quickly arrived at the top of the building. A large number of people were holding some empty wine bottles on the roof and were adding solid alcohol to make Molotov cocktails.

"What are you afraid of? The worst thing you can do is risk your life. They are a bunch of dogs. They are too old to celebrate the New Year."

At this time, everyone noticed Alpha. They picked up the wine bottles in their hands and planned to attack. Alpha rushed over instantly, and with the flying red particles, everyone on the roof fell to the ground.

The conflict is still going on, and a large number of people have been injured. The entire District 58 is like a battlefield at this moment. The streets are in a mess, and a large number of houses have been affected. Fortunately, a comprehensive plan and deployment has been carried out. , those floating fire-extinguishing robots will go directly to the fire point and spray fire-extinguishing materials until the flames are extinguished.

A woman sat dazedly next to an electric pole on the street. Her whole body was covered with dust. She cried sadly. The house behind her was scorched black, and comprehensive suppression had been completed in many places.

All the rioters were subdued, handcuffed and placed directly on the street.

2:01 am

Alpha walked out of the building.

"Go in and cuff everyone inside."

A large number of staff rushed in, and she continued to walk along the street. The sounds in many places had calmed down, and now even the regional center was facing extremely serious resistance.

Some dangerous controlled objects were directly thrown out, and explosions were heard everywhere. Alpha opened the light and shadow screen. It had broken through and should calm down soon, but at this moment, news of casualties had also begun to emerge. 59 people had died. , including 23 department members and 26 citizens.

Alpha clenched her fists, she just wanted the numbers to stop, but soon the death toll climbed to 73.

The noise gradually subsided, and Alphamuna stood on the street. It was obvious that the surrender regulations had been issued in District 58 a year ago. It was a pity that no one surrendered because the people here felt that they had not done anything. wrong.

Everything finally settled, and at 2:23 in the morning, the suppression operation ended.

Alpha stood quietly in the center of Area 58 where smoke and dust were still rising. A large number of staff were still running around, treating the injured.

The death toll on the light and shadow screen stopped at 107.

The clearance work has begun, and some raw materials with the words Angus Construction have been seized, as well as the food and water distributed to various districts to temporarily alleviate urban life problems.

Most of the food was taken out directly, and then repackaged and sold directly. Area 58 became the largest black market trading point for food and water distributed by Congress.

Even if an order had been issued prohibiting anyone from profiting from the food distributed by Congress, the result was in vain.

At this time, a large number of reporters arrived one after another. Under the spotlight, Alpha looked at the camera with a serious expression. The reporters began to ask a lot of questions, and Alpha answered them leisurely.

A large-scale search and interrogation has begun, and most of the perpetrators were taken directly to nearby houses for interrogation and investigation.

"I just hope that you people will not participate in any crime, please do not take any chances, our 5th Division will spare no effort to arrest and track any criminals, and will not let any criminal go, even if it is just a petty theft. the behavior of!"

Accompanied by Vivian, Li Xin walked quietly on the changed streets.

He didn't know what to say, and the eyes of some people on the street began to gather, looking at Li Xin angrily and sadly.

"Why don't you go back."

At this time, Li Xin came to the door of a winery and looked at some people being brought out, including Li Ang. He was a little surprised and ran over in a hurry.

"This child."

"Lord Li Xin, the evidence of the crime is conclusive and we have found some of the most original supply data of the winery."

Just as Li Xingang was about to say something, Li Ang raised his head and looked at him blankly.

"What on earth did you do!"

Looking at Li Ang being taken away, Li Xin couldn't say a word. He thought about it countless times in his mind to find a way to change everything here, but most of the people were his uncles and uncles, and there were others of the same age. people.

Vivian held Li Xin's arm tightly, and he was trembling slightly. He wanted to go home.

More than ten minutes later, Li Xin returned to the door of his house and watched as some packages with the words "Congress Distribution" were piled up in the store and were moved up from below. His father, Li Ling, was handcuffed to the side. Next to him, Li Ang's father, Li Qin, He is still sitting in a wheelchair, next to his frail wife, but his complexion has improved a lot recently, because Li Ang's winery has made a lot of money over the years.


Li Xin walked over, Li Ling raised his head with a bitter smile, and then shook his head. At this time, a large number of reporters came over, and some sharply sarcastic remarks made Li Xin present at a loss.

"Don't call me dad. You are no longer my son, and I am not your father. I don't want to have a son like you. Get out."

At this time, a clerk who was questioning Li Qin immediately said.

"Mr. Li Qin, your son Li Ang has confessed to all crimes!"

Li Xin's eyes widened for a moment, and Li Qin was a little excited. He hurriedly walked over and held Li Qin down with one hand.

"Uncle Li Qin, Li Ang is still young. He just made a mistake temporarily. It's okay, it's okay."

Li Qin glared at Li Xin angrily.

Li Xin knew very well that Li Ang should know nothing. Every time he sold wine, he sold it at the normal market price. But in fact, most of the neighbors who purchased goods from their winery had their own supply channels, and the prices were high. Part of the money from the drinks sold will go back to Li Qin.

The matter was finally over, and what would follow would be a long, massive trial and investigation, a conviction, and then a sentence.

Li Xin stood quietly between the door of his home and Li Ang's shop. The reporters had been driven away by Vivian. In his memory, he was very happy every day here when he was a child, because everyone would help each other, but he didn't know when, This all seems to have gone a bit awry.

Li Xin pressed his forehead, almost unable to hold back the tears. He squatted on the ground quietly, looking at his father who was taken away, unable to say anything or do anything.

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