Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1614 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 47 (Part 1)

The afternoon sun was particularly dazzling among the swaying trees. Freya sat quietly in a long pavilion, with 6 escorts and 10 bodyguards standing outside.

Looking at the flowers in the distance, Freya smiled. She glanced at the time, it was just 3 o'clock, but Freya's eyes looked a little eager at this time, as if she was waiting for something.

Looking at her bulging belly, Freya raised her head, and spots of light swayed on her cheeks.

Recently, everyone in the family has been discussing whether it is a boy or a girl. Many people in the family have advised Freya that it is not a big deal to find out whether it is a boy or a girl. Anyway, after signing a contract with Charles, it is impossible for him to interfere with Freya. Leya's education.

But Freya knew very well what Charles had planned. In the past few months, many people who planned to marry the Eberron family had come one after another.

Although the contract stipulated that no one from the family was allowed to interfere with the education of their children, Freya could only compromise on the issue of marriage.

I don’t know whether this unborn child is a boy or a girl. If it is a boy, 19 families are currently interested in marrying their daughter to her. If it is a girl, more than 30 families are interested in marrying her. Just look In the case of the Ai Bolun family, if no boy is born next, some of the second sons of their own family will be brought in.

At this time, not far away, Charles walked over slowly, having just negotiated business matters with some family members.

"Freya, why don't you rest in the house? You are about to give birth and you should have a good rest."

Freya shook her head.

"I'm going somewhere today."

Charles' expression became serious.

"This is about to happen, where are you going?"

As soon as Charles finished speaking, a helicopter came over here with the logo of Section 1 on it.

Freya breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that the wait was finally here. She wanted to get up, but Charles immediately winked at the caregiver.

The two hurriedly came over to help Freya. Charles was still a little dissatisfied, but at this time he looked with some surprise at an ordinary-looking but familiar man walking out of the lift, wearing black square-rimmed glasses, gentle and elegant. Laughing man.

Charles remembered.

"Isn't this the former special administrator, King Xue?"

Seeing his wife walking over, Charles had no choice but to follow her, with a look of displeasure on his face. However, at this moment, Charles saw the seven people coming off the lift. He looked at them in shock. The presidents of the seven major associations in the city. .

Wang Ying and Baozhen walked over quickly, driving Freya left and right.

"Everyone, where are you going?"

A large number of bodyguards also came closer.

"Charles, you don't have to ask, I'm just going to be there for a while and I'll be back."

"Don't worry, Mr. Charles, your wife will not lose a hair."

Beckinsale said, walked up to Freya with a smile, and looked at Freya's abdomen with some surprise.

"so big."

"You touch it and see."

Beckinsale squatted in front of Freya, tilted her head and put her ears to her belly.

At this time, Freya grinned for a moment and bent her waist slightly.

"This little guy kicked me again."

Charles didn't ask any more questions. He just vaguely felt that today was very important to Freya, and something big might happen today. The seven guys in front of him were all guys who had already gained real power. Charles wanted it very much. Yes, but he knew that they would not tell him, and Freya would not reveal a word.

Watching the helicopter leave, Charles sighed helplessly.

In the takeoff, everyone looked at Freya with a smile.

"Wang Ying, why don't you have a child?"

Freya asked, and Wang Ying shook her head.

"My husband and I are both busy now. He has succeeded now. So don't talk about it. You can see it soon."

Soon everyone stopped saying anything. They could already see a huge white square on the top floor of the city center, a hemispherical building with a circle of transparent glass in the middle that could let in the sunlight. You could see a patch of green inside. It's beautiful, there are flowers and grass, it's a big park.

What puzzled the seven people except Freya at this time was why there were seven large pillars outside the square that would later become the Congress, not eight or six.

The lift slowly landed on the west side of the huge hemispherical building. Below is the location of the General Affairs Department.

"Everyone, I will wait for you here. I will be responsible for sending you all back later."

"Aren't you going in?"

Freya asked, and King Xue shook his head.

"I am not qualified to step here now."

With the support of Baozhen and Wang Ying, Freya walked to the gate first. With a heavy creaking sound, the door opened and everyone walked in. They could see the park in front of them and the 10-meter-wide circular walkway. .

"Please come down here, everyone!"

A voice rang, and the door behind them closed little by little. At this time, a red arrow pointing to the left appeared in the air. The eight people followed the arrow and soon saw a downward door that had been opened.

"Is this it? Our stage, and their stage."

Wu Qun squatted on the steps at the door with a smile. Everyone looked quietly at the rotunda going down in front of them. There were steps up to 2 meters wide. There were only four entrances, and the steps down were relatively long. Generally, convex crystals embedded in the ground can be seen on the ground of all stairs.

"Be careful Freya."

The eight people walked towards a round table in the middle and seven chairs with patterns in seven colors.

At this time, as rays of light fell, the eight people soon saw that six humanoid figures of different colors appeared at the chair.

"Six gods!"

Wu Qun took the lead in bowing as he spoke. Freya was about to bend down when a bunch of blue particles slowly dragged her up and moved directly to the first row of stairs 10 meters away from the round table. After landing, a comfortable sofa appeared, and seven sets of tables and chairs appeared next to it.

Pullman said with a smile.

"Thank you to the six gods!"

After a while, all eight people sat on the chairs.

"You should know very well why we are here for you."

The cyan god spoke first, and the eight people nodded. Freya noticed that the other seven people were looking for something, and their eyes were focused on the blue chair, because there was no one on the blue chair. Leya knew that Jean was a god, but she never revealed it to the seven people next to her.

"Are you looking for Special Administrative Officer Gene?"

The Purple God chuckled and said, and for a while some of Wu Qun's doubts were dispelled. He had always thought that Jean was a god, but now after seeing all this, he felt that Jean might be the same as that Hawke, just A mutant who lives longer.

"This chair just wants to warn everyone who is qualified to step here. Although the six of us have the final decision-making power, our number is only 6, not 7. This vacant throne is for each of you who are qualified. People who step into this place.”

The yellow god said, and all eight people nodded in understanding.

"Excuse me, dear gods, are you here to assign us tasks today?"

Freya asked, the corners of the green god's mouth cracked, he shook his head with a smile, and the red god spoke.

"You must already know that I need you to establish everything about the parliamentary factions in the next two years or so, from how to select the parliamentarians in the constituency to the election of parliamentarians, to the processing procedures of related affairs in the region, etc. ."

The eight people's eyes widened, and even Freya felt a little surprised. Before, they thought that the gods would announce the corresponding matters that the parliamentary government needed to do at an appropriate time, but they did not expect that they would delegate power to them.

"You don't need to question anything. This is a matter for you humans. Naturally, you humans need to do it yourself, not us."

Cyan God said, and the eight people were a little at a loss for a while. This was equivalent to giving them the right to compete with the executive branch in an instant. Things in the 120 districts in the city were handled by their councillors.

"Any questions?"

The orange god asked, and Freya asked after eye contact with everyone.

"Excuse me, dear gods, what should we do?"

The cyan god laughed.

"It's an interesting question, little girl. You already know what to do, don't you? You represent the ordinary people, and the Business Department represents us."

At this time, a huge light and shadow screen appeared in the middle. The total number of members was 1,200, with 10 members in each district, but only two members of the same type were allowed.

And how to deal with the city's problems in the future are also clearly written on it. No matter which party wants to carry out certain aspects of construction in the city, as long as the amount exceeds 10 million, it needs to be discussed in the Congress hall, and ultimately decided by 1,200 members. votes, plus 130 votes from the executive branch to decide.

"130 votes? 13 subjects!"

Wu Qun looked at the gods in confusion. Now there are only 12 subjects in the city, and the 13 subjects that Locke said before are still missing.

"You should all know Gene, the chief of Section 13."

Freya's eyes widened, and the other seven immediately laughed.

"Are we going to become rivals with Mr. Jean in the future?"

Pullman sighed helplessly, and Beckinsale laughed.

"Isn't this great? We have received a lot of help from him in the past, and now it is time to show him our respective achievements."

Chris laughed heartily.

"I think we can do better."

Baozhen took a deep breath, and Freya raised her head slightly. At this time, Lin Xiao and Wang Ying looked at each other, and both of them smiled.

Wu Qun knew very well what the gods were doing and had tightened everyone's purse strings, but Wu Qun soon laughed.

"Would 10 million be too much? I think lowering it to 5 million would be just right. This would at least curb the problem of corruption. After all, we ourselves must get involved in this at some point. "


The Red God laughed, Wu Qun stood up and bowed, and the other seven people also nodded.

"Forget it, 10 million is 10 million. Otherwise, if you are too severely restricted, it will not be a good thing for all districts."

At this time, Pullman looked at the tax structure. The administrative department had 40% of the usage rights, while the councilors had 30% of the usage rights. The remaining 20% ​​was taxes for urban construction, and 10% was some dividend taxes from the people. The division is very clear.

“There is a city meeting at the beginning of every month. In the city meeting, everyone can raise various issues and solve them here. We are just observers. If it is not related to major city decisions, we will not participate. , is there anything else you want to ask?"

The Purple God said, Freya shook her head, and several others also shook their heads.

"Okay, we can start now."

The yellow god said, and the other seven people looked at Freya with some worry. At this time, along with a ray of light, some medical machines appeared next to Freya.

"Please don't worry. We have gods here who have trained a large number of medical workers in the city. If there are any problems, the operation can be performed immediately."

"Can you hold on, Freya?"

Beckinsale asked, Freya nodded, frowning and pressing her belly.

"He looks like a restless little guy. Let's guess whether he is a boy or a girl!"

The cyan god said with a smile, and Freya glared at her sideways for a moment.

"So active, I think he must be a boy."

Chris said, and everyone started guessing for a while. Most people guessed it was a boy, but Wu Qun laughed.

"I think it might be a girl."

As soon as Wu Qun finished speaking, Freya stared at him.

"Sorry, let's get down to business. Dear gods, let me give some explanation first."

At this time, Wu Qun directly brought up a light and shadow screen, and was surprised to find that most of the information in the city could be retrieved.

"Let's get started, we want to hear your opinions too!"

The Green God said, Wu Qun stood up first.


The hottest part of the day has finally passed, but the pounding sounds from the east and south still make many people feel irritated and irritated. Many people living nearby can no longer stand the noise and have begun to install some sound insulation materials in their rooms. , to prevent the knocking sound from entering the room day and night.

On the lawn of Angus' house, a burst of hip-hop sounded. Chen Jie covered his head, and a blister exploded on his body. He was startled by the sudden impact and fell to the ground.

"Niya, you are so treacherous."

A boy angrily held a blister gun in his hand and kept shooting at Niya, but Niya dodged them all. She nimbly shuttled through the trees in the garden, constantly shooting at some of the boys who were surrounding her. gun.

With the splashing water, all the boys were soaked from head to toe.

At this time, the last boy who participated in the game was directly hit by Niya. The game ended, and more than 30 people ran to the sun to dry their clothes.

Niya walked out with a blister gun, shook her head helplessly and clicked her tongue.

"It's really useless, so many of you have been killed by me, hey!"

Ji Mo smiled helplessly and Niya walked over.

"School will start in more than ten days. You guys, hurry up and get your homework and let me finish copying it first."

"It's like this every time Niya, don't you know how to do it yourself?"

A boy looked over at Niya as soon as he finished speaking, and he immediately shut up.

"Let's go get some snacks."

A group of children left the garden in a mighty manner, followed by a large number of servants and bodyguards.

"Niya, didn't you say you were going down to play with Li Ang?"

Niya immediately curled her lips and shook her head.

"Screw it, my mom won't let me go, what can I do."

"Let your sister take you there?"

Niya was very helpless. She hadn't seen Alpha for several months, and it was very difficult to even get through on the phone. Often during the call, she finally managed to talk, only to hang up after a few minutes.

Many people were discussing Alpha. Many people regarded Alpha as their idol. Niya curled her lips.

Nowadays, her parents are often away from home and need to go to various places to deal with some problems. Niya always feels that this place is empty and a little lost.

Chen Jie became a little more cheerful, and there were more smiles on his face since what Alpha did.

After a while, a group of children came to the pergola set up next to the mansion and began to eat snacks.

"Niya, you'd better study hard, otherwise you'll be in trouble again this year."

One boy said, and other boys agreed, expressing their willingness to teach Niya.

"Go away, I don't want to learn. In the worst case, I will go to the construction site to move bricks."

Everyone burst out laughing for a moment, which seemed to hit the point of laughter of most people. After all, with Niya’s family status, going to the construction site to move bricks would not make everyone dumbfounded, but also make them laugh. .

"Whatever, I'm just a loser anyway. Hurry up and eat and let's play games together. The dungeon starts at 5 o'clock. You idiots, if you make another mistake this time, don't blame me. I'm not polite."

Niya looked quietly at the street in the distance. Cars drove by from time to time. She had not seen Xiong Dabiao for more than two years. In the past, her sister would take her to play with him, and Xiong Dabiao would also put aside his work on the construction site. , taking Niya everywhere to play.

Niya is not joking about moving bricks. She doesn't intend to inherit any bullshit family business. She just wants to make everyone's eyes pop out with shock. After all, it is impossible to take the professional exam. Niya doesn't know about it at all. these things.

As long as she can have fun, Niya knows very well that instead of worrying about what to do in the future, it is better to be happy every day.

Everyone was talking about the latest news in the city, especially today when Alpha suddenly arrested some corrupt elements from Section 3, which made many people feel very happy.

After eating quickly, Niya stood up and ran towards her sister's mansion, looking a little angry.

After a while, Niya took out the phone and pressed the 0005 number.

"What's wrong Niya? What happened?"

"Sister, can you come back and take me to Area 58? I have something very important."

Alpha sighed.

"Niya, you are almost 11 years old. Sister, I have a very heavy workload now. I hope you can study at home and at ease. If you want to enter the business department in the future, start now."

Niya said with a somewhat solemn expression and hung up the phone.

Everyone was having fun all day long. At around 7 o'clock in the evening, a group of people had dinner and everyone began to go back to their homes. The car to pick them up also arrived. Niya kept saying goodbye to her classmates.

Soon Niya was the only one left in the house. She stood quietly by the door frame of the mansion, watching the cars going away. She felt a little uncomfortable. She really wanted to go to Li Ang's house to visit, and agreed I'll go in a few days, but it's almost 8 months already.

Niya tried to escape, but was discovered by the bodyguards, and Niya did not want to blame them.

Alpha, who was sitting in the office at this time, had just finished dealing with a lot of things and started to eat. She was already very tired, but she still thought of Niya's call today. Alpha took out the phone and thought about it for a while. , pressed the three numbers 001, but no call was made.


Alpha said and pressed the number 3.

"What's wrong, Alpha?"

Alpha hesitated for a moment and closed her eyes. She had not spoken to Jean for many years, and she felt sad in her heart.

"Uncle Jean, something seems to be wrong with my sister. I am quite busy at work now. If you are free, can you take a look?"


Gene laughed, and Alpha raised his head with a smile, as if still waiting for Gene to say something, but there was silence on the other side of the phone. Alpha sighed helplessly, and just when she was about to hang up the phone, Gene spoke.

"thanks for the effort!"

Alpha hummed.

"Keep up the good work, Alpha."

The breeze was blowing gently, and Gene stood quietly on the top of a building, looking at the bright lights in the east. He had a cigarette in his mouth and held up his uniform with one hand.

"Just go there."

8pm sharp

Niya sat quietly on the bed in the bedroom. She had thrown her phone aside. She no longer wanted to play games. She wanted to go out for a walk, but she could only stay in the manor and could not go out because she had been kidnapped before.

"Good evening! Miss."

Nia suddenly turned her head, and Gene was half-crouching at the window.

"Uncle Gene, why are you here?"

Niya ran over in surprise, but Gene had already turned around.

"Climb up. I've got your parents' permission. Where do you want to go?"

"Go to Area 58, my classmate's house."

Niya was so excited that she climbed onto Gene's back.

"Sit tight, it will be quick!"

In the dark night, Niya shouted excitedly and kept waving her hands in the air. Although her sister Alpha had taken her through high-rise buildings in the past, it was a little different tonight.

The light blue light shuttled across the tall buildings. Niya looked at the lights in the distance with bright eyes. The depression and unhappiness she had felt during this period seemed to disappear in an instant.

In just half an hour, Gene took Niya to a six-story building next to a factory in the area that smelled of wine and had lights on.

"We're here. By 12 o'clock at most, I'll have to send you back to bed."

Gene said, and Niya hummed, and then Gene jumped directly into an alley. Niya got off Gene's back, and she said thank you.

"Your sister told me that she was too busy."

Niya was a little shocked for a moment, but she still pouted and shook her head.

"Hmph! Busy, busy, busy, you are all busy."

After saying that, Niya ran over and ran directly into the winery. Niya pinched her nose and felt a wave of heat coming towards her. In a sales hall, a bunch of people were talking about something.

"Little sister, you"

"Where's Li Ang? I'm his classmate."

A few minutes later, Niya pinched her nose and stood at the door of the factory. Sure enough, she caught sight of Li Ang, who had grown taller and was squatting in front of a large jar. He was adjusting something in front of a light and shadow screen.

Niya stamped her feet, looked at the puzzled and surprised eyes of some workers, made a booing gesture with them, and sneaked in.

"It seems quite serious!"

Li Ang was a little confused. He had been working all day and was a little dizzy, but Niya's voice did come to his ears. The moment he turned his head, he was stunned and stood up.


Niya hit Li Ang directly in the abdomen with an elbow. He immediately coughed and gasped, holding his stomach, and took several steps back.

"Why did you come here?"

Li Ang hurriedly grabbed Niya and dragged her out of the factory.


"Did you sneak out?"

Li Ang asked, and Niya pretended to laugh deeply.

"Why, I agreed to come to your house to play."

Li Ang looked disgraced and felt a little embarrassed for a moment. He looked around. Although he was still on the way to work, Niya sneaking out was a very serious problem.

"How about I tell the people in Section 5, they"

"I'm lying to you. Someone brought me here, so don't worry. It won't cause any problems. Let me take a look. Do people really drink this kind of stuff? It smells terrible."

Li Ang shook his head.

"The temperature inside is too high and I won't be able to bear it for a while."

Niya looked at Li Ang's somewhat red skin and chapped lips, and dragged him towards the winery.

"You idiot, you left without saying a word. How dare you not tell me?"

Li Ang smiled awkwardly, feeling a little excited in his heart. Although he had some friends in school, he could talk to more things when he was with Niya, but he couldn't go back now.

Afterwards, Li Ang took Niya around and introduced her to wine making. Niya looked at the jar of wine with a happy face and licked her mouth.

"Let me try it."

Li Ang shook his head, and Niya slapped him on the back.

"give or not!"

Li Ang sighed helplessly and took Niya to the entrance of a basement. After going down, Niya saw a lot of wine in the cellar.

“The ones here should taste better.”

After thinking for a while, Li Ang opened a jar of wine and used a small plate he carried with him to get some out.

"Let me try it."

Niya took it and drank it. Suddenly she stuck out her tongue and gasped, and Li Ang laughed.

"You bastard, how dare you give me something so unpleasant to drink."

Li Ang watched Niya spitting continuously, looking uncomfortable, his cheeks turned completely rosy, he glanced at the wine jar, raised his head slightly, his eyes were already moist.

"Thank you Nia!"

Niya finally came to her senses, her head was already dizzy. At this time, Gene had already come down from the door.

"Kid, can you sell me a jar?"

Li Ang looked at the man in confusion, but soon saw the number 13 on the right arm of the uniform he was holding.

"Uncle Gene, why are you here? Didn't you say you were waiting outside?"

Li Ang realized that it was this man who brought Niya here.

"Sure, sir, you can see which jar of wine is suitable, and I'll give you one."

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