Chapter 1613 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 46 (Part 2)

August 13, 2216

In District 33, located in the middle of the west, a large number of citizens came to a fenced construction site at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Some people looked happy.

A large number of reporters have been waiting for a long time. Today is the day when the first subway in Bright City is officially opened to traffic. As early as a month ago, the Angus family had carried out some activities in the 11 districts that the subway passed through, randomly selecting Some lucky people participated in the trial ride of the first subway when it opened today. These selected people will receive a free one-year train pass issued by the Angus family.

Many people holding black cards are waiting. The black card, which is 8 centimeters long and 4 centimeters wide, has a strong metallic texture and has golden circuit diagram lines on one side.

The ride system is independent of the city network system, so an NDA ride card is required.

At this time, the heads of the Angus family and the Hillman family got out of a car that had just arrived, and reporters began to crowd over.

The stable speed of this subway is 1200KM/H. The straight-line distance from the mid-level station to the center of District 89 on the lower level is 86 kilometers, and it only takes 5 minutes to reach the destination.

The person in charge of the Angus family was talking about matters related to the subway. Under the arrangement of some staff, the selected people began to walk towards the entrance. The person in charge started walking with a group of people.

The stairs going down are 10 meters wide. After going down, you will find a spacious hall about 50 meters long. There are 5 tracks in total. Each of the subway cars, which are like iron boxes, 5 meters long, 3 meters high and 2.5 meters high, are suspended on the tracks. Each subway can carry 68 people.

At this time, as the person in charge spoke, those who held the subway tickets stood in front of a subway. A total of 300 people were drawn this time, plus some media reporters, a total of more than 800 people, who would take a test ride.

After the door opened, red grids appeared on the ground of the subway. According to the instructions, a man reached the bottom. As soon as he stood on it, streaks of light were released on the ground, and soon a comfortable light and shadow appeared. After the man sat down on the seat, the reporter immediately went over and asked first.

"Sir, how do you feel?"

The man was a little surprised, watching the light emitting from the seat from time to time, forming a fixed seat belt, completely fixing himself on the seat.

"very comfortable!"

The chair is very soft and comfortable, and the seat belt fits just right. The person in charge of the Angus family immediately explained that because the subway is equipped with an AI system, it can instantly detect a person's height and weight, and then directly adjust the data of the light and shadow chair , generates a chair that fits the passenger, and then secures the passenger.

As passengers entered the bottom area one by one, the first subway train was soon filled with people.

Some reporters had already set up the light and shadow screens, placed them in front of them, and started reporting.

"Mr. Nuss, would it be possible that the passenger's brain would have visual problems due to the speed?"

"Please rest assured that all trains have deceleration glass, and all you see is a slow-moving light strip."

At this time, there was a slight buzzing sound, and the first subway full of people began to move slowly. Some technical testers from the Angus family waited quietly, and everyone squeezed He sweated a lot and looked at the values ​​​​on the light and shadow screen.

In the blink of an eye, the subway had disappeared. The data on the light and shadow panel was still beating. At 19 seconds, the speed value reached the upper limit, 1200KM/H. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Many people couldn't wait and began to pour into the subway trains. At this time, you can see that 10 subway trains lined up on 5 tracks are constantly switching to the first track, which is very convenient.

At this time, many people were watching the video of the reporter who was experiencing the ride. She kept screaming, saying that it was like a roller coaster because the subway was not a straight line and had a slight slope, but it was completely There is no bumpy feeling, only a very smooth feeling. It always feels like a roller coaster in an amusement park, but it is much more exciting than that, and the safety and reliability are also very comfortable.

"Mr. Nuss, what many citizens are most concerned about is the issue of fares, may I ask?"

"Please rest assured, citizens, the subway price is 1 cent per kilometer, which means that you only need to spend 20 yuan to travel more than 200 kilometers from the east to the west."

Everyone present was shocked. For such a long distance, taking a bus would cost at least 50 yuan. Even taking the cheapest regional bus would cost more than 30 yuan, and you would need to keep changing. At least It takes four to five hours, but now a 200-kilometer journey only takes 10 to 12 minutes, which is unimaginable to many people.

Moreover, there are 5 stations in each district, namely southeast, northwest, and middle. You can travel through all districts of the entire Brilliant City in just one day. You can even stay in each district for a while and then leave without any problem.

At this time, accompanied by bursts of cheers, on a giant light and shadow screen in the subway hall, the first train of the subway had arrived.

A large number of people cheered and took to the streets from No. 891 Station in District 89. Most reporters were reporting on this incident. This will greatly save traffic time, because the traffic flow in the city is too huge nowadays, and many major Even if the main road is 30 to 50 meters wide, congestion will still occur.

Especially during the period when the underground construction project was in progress, the congestion phenomenon became more and more serious. Most people would not choose to take a car as long as the distance was within 5 to 10 kilometers. It was faster to walk there, and they could cross the streets and alleys. It can also shorten the time, because most major highways need to make way for planned roads for transporting supplies. In many cases, cars may be stuck at the intersection of a district for up to half an hour.

In the past eight months, there have been a lot of complaints in the city. Although Congress promised not to have much impact on the lives of citizens, in fact, life in the city has been completely disrupted.

The first thing to bear is that the products are almost completely out of stock. The streets are deserted and most people can only sit idle at home. Especially those working in the manufacturing and sales industry. In addition to eating and sleeping every day, they just watch. Entertainment programs, movies and TV shows, or playing games.

The factory that was originally promised by Congress to start construction in half a year has now been delayed. Some problems and construction accidents occurred during the period, which made it impossible to complete the work as planned. Workers are working overtime every day, but Still can't get the factory to open.

Many underground fortifications can only be redone and reshaped with high-density cement, and some factory foundations have even sunk.

The rigor of underground construction work is outrageous. The error in constructing underground facilities can only be between 0.1 and 0.2, while in some places it is necessary to achieve zero error. Even if the workers have the most advanced grinding machines in their hands, this The labor-intensive project makes most people miserable.

The price of food has begun to rise uncontrollably, but it is still within a controllable range. The increase is only within 20%. Nowadays, housing prices in various parts of the city have begun to usher in a new round of crazy growth, but this momentum will soon disappear. He was beaten directly by Wang Ying, the president of the Construction Association.

Although it can curb the rise in housing prices, it cannot curb the overall increase in shop rents and house rents. Water and electricity prices have also begun to rise. Various subsidies in the area in the past have almost disappeared. This is why the citizens are very angry. s reason.

Congress has invested all its money and resources in this underground project, which has caused extremely serious harm to the lives of most people. Even if wages have increased, those who are unemployed and at home will still receive normal payment. Horizontal wages.

The entertainment industry has ushered in unprecedented growth, and the gaming industry has also experienced a linear blowout. Many people have switched careers to make gaming software during this season.

Everyone just hopes that this will end soon and usher in a new era of materialization of light and shadow.

Everywhere the underground projects went, residential buildings needed to be renovated and constructed. Part of these projects were taken over by the Wang family. There was also another man who suddenly came up during this season, Zou Yun, who took over most of the residential renovations. project.

The amount of residential renovation projects is more complex and large. The renovation involves electricity, water conservancy and the Internet. Light and shadow material transmission pipes have terminals in many residential areas. However, if you want to install the light and shadow material access points in your home, you must pay for them by yourself. .

Some people have realized that the future may usher in an era of billing. If you do not purchase the object yourself, but use some rental company's light and shadow products, you will need to pay. Even if you purchase it, you want to replace it with a new template and repair it. There is also a fee required.

Resentments that have been suppressed for too long will always find a breakthrough. In the past eight months, there have been more than 1,032 recorded cases of violations of the Public Security Management Law, 348 cases of vandalism of public facilities, and cases of theft and robbery almost every day. Yes, in most of the areas undergoing renovation, these cases are getting worse.

Nearly 50,000 officers are running around the city every day, but Alpha has issued a regulation on delayed labor punishment and punishment for the 5th Public Security Management Section. For some people with relatively minor crimes, the punishment will be postponed, but the punishment will be postponed. During this period, if you violate the law again, you will be directly classified as a LV5 criminal. The fastest possible situation may be one year in prison, rather than simply going to the dormitory of Section 12 for labor punishment.

"If I come here next time, all of you won't have to do it."

Alpha held a cigarette in his mouth and stared quietly at a section officer and more than 10 team captains from the 68th District Public Security Management Office. They all lowered their heads with resentful looks on their faces. A male director next to him smiled helplessly. Then he kicked Alpha and walked over.

"Everyone just needs to be more serious in the future. Everyone has been busy recently, so when dealing with problems, just spend a few more minutes and pay attention to the details. Okay, everyone, go to work!"

A bunch of people left the office. Alpha sat meticulously in front of the light and shadow screen, still dealing with internal matters.

"Really, President, there is no need to be like this. Now the people below are complaining that your way of handling things is too tough."

"Kohler, if they can't even do the most basic things well, I won't be polite. Then all the regional section officers under my command will be fired next year."

Kohler smiled helplessly and nodded. He also knew that the nine regional officers assigned to him had already exhausted him mentally and physically. Many problems that were very easy to deal with had become a deadlock on their side, and they were blaming each other. This is their common characteristic.

Kohler can only handle it in person every time because there is currently a shortage of manpower. The exam for the business department has passed. There are still people who come to take part. Because it is the first time, the standard is very low. The 1038 people who participated only need to score 60 or above to pass. , after participating in the school's three-month training, they can be directly assigned to various subjects. 402 of them all scored above 60 points, only 103 people scored above 70 points, 10 people scored above 80 points, and no one scored above 90 points.

This standard is the same as the standard in their 5-subject school. In less than 8 months, a large number of problems have been exposed. There were too many weaknesses in the management in the past.

Since they started reviewing, most administrators have paid great attention to economic issues. Everyone knows that as long as they don't use taxes arbitrarily or even save taxes, they will not be held accountable, so most administrators have reached out to families and businessmen.

Money and power soon sparked off, and businessmen were treated with very favorable conditions to allow them to carry out economic activities in the region. The economy in the region was boosted, taxes were increased, and the people above would not Complaints, and managers have also reaped all the benefits they should reap.

In the years since the light and shadow materialization technology was opened, it was very easy to pass the application for economic activities, and the qualification standards were relatively low, but it is different now. After applying for 9 subjects, you need to receive economic review from 7 subjects. , and then finally go to Section 1 to get the certificate. If there is a problem in any link, it will be sent back to the previous link.

Most people are miserable now, and with this construction project, the original management staff who have never endured such high-intensity work in the past are extremely exhausted.

"Gil's vacation should be over. President, would you like to take a day or two off?"

Kohler looked at Alpha, but Alpha was completely immersed in work at this time.

"what did you just say?"

Kohler smiled helplessly and shook his head.

"President, I will go and lead them to work. This will be more efficient."

After Alpha nodded, he immediately sent Kohler a document that had been processed, as well as some things that needed to be dealt with in the district she had selected.

"Give them three days. If they can't handle it well, we will directly follow the management regulations of the business department and deduct one-third of the monthly salary."

Kohler could only nod helplessly, turned around and walked out of the office. He glanced back at Alpha. He still had the same strict and hard-core style as in school.

Although this is indeed good, and the enthusiasm of Section 5 has been mobilized, there are some problems now. Those guys in Section 3 colluded with certain gang members in private, and took advantage of the construction period to conduct some private transactions. .

Now many people in Section 5 see this and are very unhappy. Some people in Section 3 even blatantly charge some fees from citizens. Most people want to make money and are not interested in such behavior. It's too exclusive. After all, if there is a problem, you can ask someone from the 3rd department to support you.

Alpha knew this, but he only said to let Osman handle it by himself. The biggest role of Section 5 is to stabilize social security. Today's social security is a bit chaotic. Robbery and theft are what they need to deal with as soon as possible, because The network in some places has been interrupted, and surveillance can only be dismantled, resulting in the continuous expansion of blind spots in cities today.

In addition to some counterfeiting cases they are currently investigating, some criminals have begun to sell some fake and shoddy goods in order to make a profit, and these goods are without exception defective products, including food, clothing, housing and transportation. Now the 5 subjects are mainly focused on on these issues.

Because of the large number of participants and the black market trading lines that emerged during the period, many of the people confessed by the arrested were not producers. In some cases, no trace of the producer was even found.

The situation is becoming more and more serious. Only by resuming production in the factory area can such problems be directly eliminated from the root problem of insufficient supply and demand.

The situation in other departments is only a little easier in the 10th department. The situation at the agricultural base is even more chaotic. The construction of underground facilities has directly affected the planting situation of the farmland. The 12th department has already planned to start an isolation film chaos. To prevent waste gas and harmful particles and dust generated due to construction from spreading into the farming fields.

Crops in some areas have been affected. In addition, in some places, even water plants need to be reformed, resulting in water shortages in some places. Water supply has also become a big problem. Only heavy water can be supplied to the people, a high-density water source made entirely of water. Solid water composed of molecules, people only need to undergo a degradation reaction to get water after returning home.

These trivial problems had been anticipated, but as a result, chaos began to spread uncontrollably.

Didi didi

Alpha picked up the phone and it was Zijuan calling.

"What's wrong?"

"Take people over and arrest the 431 people in Section 3 on the list in District 88. I have already sent the documents."

Alpha brought up another light and shadow screen, and felt a chill as soon as he saw the document.

"In less than 8 months, it has already deteriorated and rotted, hey!"

"How to convict someone?"

Alpha asked, and Zijuan said directly after being silent for a while.

"We must give all the people in the three departments a warning and convict them as urban endangerments."

Alpha's eyes widened.

"Will it be"

"They have the right to hire a defense lawyer. President, please communicate with Heathcote. These guys must be brought to justice. If not for crimes that endanger the city, at least for crimes that damage the city's economy. To convict them, they must be allowed to go in for at least three to five years.”

Alpha hummed. The 431 people on the file were all asking for fees from businesses in the area, and even raising the price of water delivered to them. The investigation report was given by Section 2, with detailed videos and photos, including witnesses and physical evidence. .

Alpha stood up angrily, took out his phone and sent out a series of action codes. He quickly rushed to the yard and drove a lift towards Area 88.

Not only these things, they directly block some road sections to monopolize the flow of people. If the merchants do not pay, they will block the road sections near the merchants for various reasons.

And the most troublesome point is that the 3rd Section has the power of extrajudicial execution and the right not to be interfered with. Except for the military law that can restrict them, the city's laws cannot interfere with the 3rd Section on criminal issues above LV3.

This was established by the gods long before the establishment of the operational department. This was to protect the army from being held accountable for casualties when performing tasks such as suppressing riots, but now it has become 3 Branch's protective shield.

If convicted of crimes against the city, it would be a LV2 crime.

Soon Alpha landed the helicopter on the roof of a six-story building. She looked at a large number of people sitting on the seats that had been set up on a street, drinking wine and holding guns. It looked like The free and unorganized members of the three departments.


Alpha jumped directly. For a moment, everyone in the two teams looked at Alpha in surprise and hurriedly stood up.

"Alpha-sama, I don't know."

Alpha set up a light and shadow screen.

"Now that all of you have been arrested for crimes related to urban endangerment, please hold your heads in your hands and lie on the ground."

For a moment, everyone looked at Alpha in shock, and the two team captains immediately winked at each other.

"Sir Alpha, we have three subjects"

"Don't you understand me?"

Alpha exhaled a puff of smoke, and some general staff members had already done so and lay on the ground with their heads in their hands.

"Listen carefully, you have the right to hire a lawyer for this matter."

Alpha said as he glared at the two unhappy team captains in front of him. They were members of the poor faction of the military. At this time, the two of them were still thinking about something.

"Are you going to resist arrest?"

At this time, not far away, a helicopter flew over, and personnel from Section 5 of the Public Security Management Office in the neighborhood also came out.

In the end, the two team captains lay on the ground with their heads in their hands. Soon Alpha heard a noise. She ran quickly and soon came to a street. Some members of Section 3 were responsible for security work near the construction site. They were confronting the people from Section 5.

"Everyone on your list, please put down your weapons and lie down on the ground!"

Alpha roared, but at this time, many people in Section 3 still did not move. Some team leaders and section officers were still saying that they had the right to non-interference outside the law and did not need to report anything to Section 5.

Alpha clenched his fists and watched the time pass by.

"The time is up, and now you have an additional charge, resisting arrest!"


As a red light flashed, Alpha had rushed over in an instant, and screams broke out. Nearly a hundred people from Section 3 began to wail, and some people directly fell to the ground with their heads in their hands.

Several officials who took the lead and wanted to continue to resist arrest all lay on the ground, and Alpha glanced around coldly.

"Handcuff them and temporarily detain them in the security management center."

At this time, a large number of people gathered around the area. Many people smiled happily and clapped their hands. Alpha watched as more and more people gathered.

"Citizens, please listen carefully. If any manager asks you for money or other things, please refuse. If you encounter injustice, please report the case directly to Section 5. I don't care who he is or where he is." In such a position, I will arrest him, and I will arrest anyone who commits a crime!"

At this time, in an office far away in the Eastern Guard Station, a large number of proletarian officers gathered together. They looked at the content on the news, and many of them laughed.

"Do those idiots really dare to do something so blatantly?"

"Yes, he never died."

"If it were me, I would just do it secretly. But if you do it so blatantly, it will be a disaster."

More than 40 people laughed, and they were still discussing the division of interests among field tasks.

The door to the room was pushed open, and everyone looked over for a moment. A bunch of people were just sitting quietly. After seeing Osman, many people had no respect for the section chief in their eyes, but just looked at it with normality. With.

"Section Chief, what's the matter?"

Under the leadership of several department officials, a group of talents stood up lazily and bowed casually.

"I believe everyone has been notified of what just happened."

"Of course Section Chief, we were not involved. They committed such a serious crime, and they will naturally be punished. But Section Chief, don't we, Section 3, have two rights? Rights outside the law, 5 People from Section actually dare to arrest our people openly, Section Chief, shouldn’t you warn Section Chief Alpha?”

Osman hummed, and his heart started to get angry, but the current situation made him have no choice but to continue to endure it. Although he did what King Xue said and achieved certain results, new problems emerged. .

The group of people who came from the 3rd Science School have been squeezed out. Osman wanted to promote them, but it was very difficult and encountered a lot of resistance from the staff of the two factions.

"I just hope that people don't get involved in things that endanger people."

As Osman said this, he turned around and left the conference room, where there were bursts of laughter again.

Section 3 has long since lost its spine. Just as Zijuan said, Section 3 has gradually turned into a bunch of boneless mud during the years of being marginalized.

Because there is no sense of crisis, most people hold the attitude that the worst possible outcome is to quit. Osman often receives a large number of resignation documents before construction begins.

After the implementation of the external assignment plan, there were only a few resignation documents. In addition, the military expenditure has been cut by a large amount this year, and the voice of dissatisfaction has become stronger and stronger.

"What should I do!"

Osman became a little annoyed. It seemed that it was difficult to establish an effective warning through this incident. The only way was to have Section 3 withdraw from the project construction, but this was obviously impossible, because if Section 5 was to take on these tasks If he eats anything, Alpha will really be exhausted.

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