Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1567 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 31 (middle)

January 1, 2207


"You can do it manually. Tomorrow you can be paroled and go out for 7 days."


Tamai screwed in the last screw, and the frame of a 100-square-meter crop greenhouse built from metal pipes was finally completed.

Tamai wiped his sweat, and many people sat aside happily and cheered, discussing where to go tomorrow.

"Mr. Perrestein, where do you plan to go tomorrow?"

Tamai asked, and Peristan walked over and shook his head with a smile.

"I'm not going anywhere. I have a lot of new ideas. I want to go home and live there for a while."

Tamai smiled and nodded, looking at Hydera aside, who was still pestering a former management officer of the Dangerous Materials Management Department.

"Are you bothering Hydera? It's Chinese New Year."

"I'm sorry, but after the festival is over, please Mr. Tesla, you can teach me."

The man raised his hand and waved, and everyone started to pack up their tools and prepare to go back to the prison. After eating some late-night snacks and having a good sleep, they would get up in the morning and have some change to go back to the city.

All the prisoners here are people imprisoned for economic crimes, or former managers who were investigated and convicted for malfeasance, as well as some special prisoners like Tamai and Perestan, two of whom were sentenced. 10 years in prison.

The more serious crimes in the city are homicide and assault. The starting period for these two crimes is 30 years. For other crimes, because of the Responsible Punishment Act in the law, prisoners may be released on early parole while in prison.

If there is an economic crime, labor punishment will be measured based on the specific amount of money damaged by the crime, calculated based on the output of 20 yuan per day, and 90% of this money will be deducted to subsidize the victim or the victim's business until After the amount of actual damage is made up, parole can be obtained, and thereafter the income from working on the farm will be distributed at the standard of 10 yuan a day.

For most economic crimes committed by management, after being dismissed and investigated, all property under their names will be confiscated directly to make up for the economic losses caused by corruption and bribery. The remaining part can only be worked on the farm until the balance is made up. .

For criminals like Perestan and Tamai, basically except for financial aspects, they will be questioned once every three years to see if they have any intention to change.

Now the two are carrying huge debts. Because of their fault, five houses behind the Law Hall were set on fire, and a total of 203 households were damaged. After the economic losses were calculated, they were as high as 10.324832.

Even if the two of them work every day for a year, they can repay at most 12,000 yuan. It will take more than 800 years to fully repay. However, Parastan's comics are still being released irregularly, and the sales are pretty good. He basically works for a few days. After that, he will continue to create in the prison cell. As long as he checks that there is nothing harmful in the comics, the editor of the publishing house can come to the prison to pick up the original manuscript.

For this type of person who does not cause much harm to society, they are basically allowed to have independent cells in prisons. In the cells, as long as you are willing, you can even conduct business to a certain extent, but they need to be under strict supervision. Can be carried out, but these are only limited to minor offenders, and they must be able to make greater contributions to society.

Especially for people like Hydera, the management directly prepared some learning tools and materials for him, so that he can continue to study in prison, and he can be released from prison at a suitable time and return to society directly.

"Mr. Tamai, actually I think you can also learn something about chemistry. There is still a huge gap in this area in the city."

Looking at Hydera with a happy face, Tamai shook his head.

"No matter what I study, I'm just a dabbler. Unlike Hydra, you learn very quickly. You have a good talent in chemistry. Do you want to play with me for a few days tomorrow?"

Hydera nodded happily, and a group of people got on the bus back to the prison. Many people snored and fell asleep within a minute of getting on the bus.

Looking outside at the many places where people had finished their work with lights on, Hydera closed his eyes. The incident a few years ago was a bit blurry now. He has lived a pretty good life over the years. The management in the prison The officials also gave him special treatment.

Hydera thought a lot about it. On the first day of work, the trajectory of his life was completely rewritten. He used to have some anger and hatred, but now he no longer has it because the management has promised him that he will go out. After prison, you can get the position of management officer, but you need to study independently in prison, so Hydera chose chemistry. Being a hazardous materials management officer is actually not bad.

Although Tamai was a little sleepy, he still wanted to wait for a bowl of hot dumplings before falling asleep. He looked at the people in the car who were still talking and laughing, and Perry who seemed to have begun to formulate a story. Stan.

Many people on the bus have various talents, but many people use their talents in the wrong places. In the past, Tamai also had a disgusting attitude towards managers, because in Tamai In Yi's eyes, they were all a group of corrupt guys who took money and did nothing. However, during his more than two years in prison, Tamai got to know many former managers.

It was found that most of these managers who had served as officials were relatively talented. Later, Tamai asked Perestan, and he just told Tamai that things always have a good side and a bad side. Such a huge A city will not be able to function if the managers really do nothing, but on certain issues, if the managers let it go, it will only lead to bigger problems. This is what Perestan said to those senior officials. Annoying point.

"What do you want to do when you get out, Tamai."

Tamai shook his head. He thought about what he could do and what he could do countless times, but he had no answer.

The car began to bump, and the prison with lights on could be seen in the distance. Tamai smiled and closed his eyes peacefully, surrounded by a dark wilderness where nothing could be seen.

The streets at the beginning of this year's new year are slightly better than last year, but they are just a little livelier. Most of the streets have been opened with baby products stores. This type of store is currently the most popular in the city, but because There are antitrust laws and congressional qualification review issues. Not everyone can do it, because when it comes to baby products, the review is so strict that even 1 milligram above the standard is not allowed.

The supplies produced by many merchants that are submitted for review will be rejected directly if the slightest amount of trace elements exceeds the standard. The same is true for some merchants on the market. Once the store detects any violation of production safety during the semi-annual review, Products, merchants will be in great trouble.

Last year, more than 500,000 newborn babies were recorded. Congress also announced that the fertility funds accumulated in the region over the past 10 years can meet the full expenses of 6 million newborns aged 1 to 5 years old. Each household The standard for each newborn in the family is 5,000 per year.

On average, more than 400 yuan a month can fully meet all the expenses of a child.

Most nutritional supplement milk powders on the market cost more than 30 yuan per can for better ones, more than 10 yuan for cheaper ones, and wear-resistant and breathable diapers cost 1 yuan. Under normal circumstances, a family only needs to buy 10 yuan. It is enough, plus buying a diaper washing and drying machine costing more than 100 yuan is completely enough for the baby's daily needs.

Congress has clearly calculated everything long ago. Most citizens with children only need to go online to check the approximate monthly expenditures required to raise a child at each stage. There are also many information collected from the private sector. Some parenting methods are strictly selected.

As for medical care, there is a good children's medical subsidy, which is almost free.

When these policies were introduced one after another, many people woke up from their dreams and felt how powerful the gods were, being able to calculate everything as clearly as a math problem.

Many people have also realized that slowing down urban development is to accumulate resources for the next generation and is also the best way to deal with an aging society.

People are talking about everything the gods have done, which is a relatively enlightened approach. Apart from the announcement of medical technology in recent years, there has been almost no major innovation in technology in other industries. However, in such an era of stable prices, For many ordinary people, it is happiness.

Even now, the prices of some foods have dropped a lot. Eggs that used to cost 5 cents each can now be bought for only 3 cents, and a 350ml bottle of milk costs 1 yuan for only 8 cents.

The reclamation of farms in the east has caused a sharp increase in food supply. Many people are now unwilling to eat liquid food. On the contrary, the sales of liquid food have begun to decline. Most people have joined the food industry, but they have lost money because of the excessive food production capacity. .

The city is in a subtle but somewhat wonderful era. The per capita salary of the bottom class has also increased to 500, that of the middle class is 1,500, and that of the upper class is 4,000.

And because of the restrictions of the Sales of Goods Act, there won’t be much difference in prices between places. An egg sells for 3 cents at the bottom, but it won’t exceed 8 cents at the top.

The short-term inflation that occurred before has been completely controlled, and housing prices in various places have been completely stabilized. The food industry, clothing industry, industry, and entertainment industry have all begun to develop in a good direction.

Many people feel that this is an era of healthy development. On most streets, there will be some reminders on the screens near some electric poles, asking ordinary families to stay away from gambling, loan sharking, and body trading.

There are still too many invisible problems. Perhaps human nature is always restless. At this time, in a low-level block, a man stood in front of a prompt screen with a solemn expression, holding yesterday's child in his hand. After the birth, I received 5,000 yuan from the bank.

After a while, several people came over, and the man handed over the money.

"It's been paid off already!"

Several men took out a contract signed by a man and had his fingerprints printed on it, and burned it on the spot.

"Would you like to borrow some more?"

A somewhat drunk man said, patting the shoulder of the man who was paying back the money. The man hesitated.

"Your previous failure was entirely due to inexperience. You will definitely succeed next time."

After the man thought for a while, he felt a little moved. Although when he went out, his wife, who was holding the child, cried and said that she would live a stable life in the future and stop thinking about making big money.

"Look, the daily interest is only 1 yuan for 100 yuan, and the term is three months. It's interesting. You are a high-quality customer. We can lend you 10,000 yuan. When you complete the business in three months, you only need to pay the principal and the principal." Just give us back 13,000 yuan, what do you think? There is no flexibility. Even if you can't afford it, won't you still be able to receive 5,000 yuan at the end of the year? It's guaranteed."

When the man hesitated, he decided to fight again, nodded in agreement, and quickly signed the contract. Immediately, one person counted 10,000 yuan in cash to the man, and the man turned around and ran quickly with the money.

"Why don't you lend him more? Wouldn't it be more profitable to borrow 20,000?"

One of his men said, and the leader smiled.

"Look at their poor place. Even if they sell their house, they can't afford to pay it back. What's 20,000 yuan? If we can't get it back, we'll be in trouble. It's not a long-term solution if we delay it for a long time. Besides, it's not a long-term solution." There are so many people working in this place, so you can make a little bit of money.”

The leader said, biting a toothpick, turned and walked away with a smile. There were many small-amount loan sharks like theirs, and most people were eager to make profits. As a result, they pushed the other party into panic, which caused some problems. Nowadays, once someone is in If problems occur in the neighborhood, it will be very bad, especially if someone dies or something like that happens. Once anyone involved enters, it will be 30 years.

You can't rush this kind of thing, so you can only take the long term to catch the big fish. The leader knows very well that the man just now has no practical ability, but when he sees some people making a fortune by relying on loan sharks, he thinks he can do it too, and many of them don't have much ability. However, in the face of the temptation of interests, too many people think too highly of themselves.

Although this little boss only has more than 20 people under his command, he has not had any problems for five consecutive years and is always making profits. Some idiots in the same period are now in prison enjoying the rest of their working life. He only needs to lead people every day Just door-to-door publicity and promotion will do.

At this time, in a tavern across the street, a man walked out in despair, and the woman next to him was tearing at the man.

"I told you not to gamble, but you just didn't listen. Now it's fine, the child's money is gone."

The man stood there numbly. The leader sensed a business opportunity and hurriedly ran over.

"Madam, I was scolded. Men always want to take a chance. Sir, do you want me to lend you some money to make up for it? 100 yuan, 5 cents interest per day, one month."

The man looked at the leader with some excitement, and the woman immediately dragged her husband to leave, but at this time, her husband seemed to be rooted to an old tree and stopped moving.

"Believe me, I'm very lucky and I should be able to get back some money."

The woman started crying, and the man was no longer in the mood to pay attention to her and pushed his wife away.

"Lend me 2000."

The leader glanced at the crying woman next to him, she was quite pretty, and after thinking for a while, he said.

"How about 3000."

The wife started to cry, but was silenced by a slap from her husband.


Immediately the leader took out the contract. After signing the contract, the leader asked someone to count 3,000 yuan to him. After receiving the money, the man's eyes shone with excitement and he turned around and ran into the tavern.

The frustrated wife was still crying. The leader comforted her for a few words, and then asked two of his men to take her home and take detailed photos to see the family situation.

"You beasts that eat people without spitting out their bones."

The woman cursed and the leader laughed.

"Madam, we are the most conscientious people on this street. Don't worry. I see your husband's face is glowing. Tomorrow morning, the money should have been repaid. Not to mention, he can also take the lost money home. After all, You can’t explain such things as luck.”

The woman said nothing and walked away with her head lowered. The boss glanced at the tavern. At this time, the owner of the casino came out and greeted the boss with a smile.

"Business is booming."

"Each other."

The two of them walked to the side of the tavern and sat down with a smile. The boss naturally knew the situation of the boss. The man would definitely lose his pants today. The casino has a lot of professional gamblers who have been trained since childhood. Except for the days when the water is released, basically nine out of ten gamblers who enter will lose.

At this time, there was a scream at the door of a house. The two looked over and many people who were still on the street also gathered around, as if they were watching a show.

"You bitch, you bitch."

A woman with a somewhat bloated figure had just given birth. She had already discovered that her husband was having fun outside and was taking the child's support money. She finally caught her tonight and dragged this shameless woman out of the room. The two men fought in the street.

The woman's husband just looked on in horror. It was 50 yuan a time, which was not cheap. 50 yuan was already considered a good-looking person, while some less beautiful ones cost 20 yuan.

Then a patrol car drove over and quickly took the three away. The owner of the house came out with several women and guests, explained to the manager who came over, and then hurriedly gave him a Red envelope.

"I don't care what you do, but if any of you dare to cause trouble, don't blame me for being rude."

Looking at the administrator walking away, the leader laughed.

"As for vampires, they are more ruthless than us."

The tavern owner next to him laughed and nodded.

"Isn't it true? Do you know how high Manager Ma Tao can pump water?"

the leader asked with interest.

"How many."

"I gave him 100,000 yuan last month."

The leader laughed heartily.

"There's nothing you can do about it. It's just a profit. Just treat it like it was stolen by a thief. It's a bunch of rubbish. I was also fined 30,000 yuan last month."

Didi didi

A phone rang.

"What are you doing? It's past 1 o'clock now. If you have any questions, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

"He's dead, Master Ma Tao."

In an instant, Ma Tao got up from the bed, and the two women around him hugged him.

A few minutes later, Ma Tao and his men arrived at the door of a tavern. They looked at the owner of the tavern and a loan shark leader with solemn expressions. The two of them looked at Ma Tao with serious eyes.

"What's going on? Damn it."

Ma Tao looked at the chaos in the tavern. There was a man covered in blood lying on the floor of the tavern.

"He jumped down from above on his own. It's none of our business."

"Tell me, what's going on?"

The words "dismissal and investigation" passed through Ma Tao's mind. He knew very well that he was finished, and the two guys in front of him were also finished and couldn't run away.

"Damn it, if you let him win a little bit, will he lose a piece of meat? If he loses, he loses. Why are you lending him money?"

At this time, another call came over. As soon as Ma Tao picked up the call, his solemn expression turned into a thunderous roar.

"What do you do for food? I'm telling you, if that woman who was stabbed had a bad thing, you wouldn't be able to get away."

Ma Tao wiped his sweat, sat in the tavern, and smoked fiercely. He knew very well that he was finished. This matter could be suppressed for a month at most, but it would become more serious after one month. The internal handling regulations clearly stipulated that without knowledge, If you are responsible for the crime, one day is equivalent to one year in prison.

Ma Tao quickly began to arrange for people to take confessions and planned in detail. The woman who was sent to the hospital was already dead and could not be saved on the way. She was a woman who engaged in body trading and was stabbed to death by the wife of a customer.

As time passed, Ma Tao quickly reported the two cases smoothly.

3:13 am

Alpha, who was dealing with the students' affairs, saw the case report on the light and shadow screen. She was about to go to sleep and quickly clicked on the case report. There were two murders from District 118, one was a suicide case in a pub, and the other was because of her husband. He found another woman's murder case.

There were videos and photos of the scene. After reading all the transcripts and the investigation of the scene, Alpha immediately knew that the management officer was lying.

Ma Tao was still anxiously talking to the loan shark boss and the casino owner about what to do if someone came to investigate. At this time, a message was sent. Ma Tao hurriedly opened it. The two cases that had just been submitted were directly dismissed. .

The person who objected was the Special Public Security Officer, Alpha Angus.

Ma Tao's eyes widened as he read the eye-catching message below, "Please report the situation truthfully." Ma Tao swallowed and glanced at the two guys who were still talking and laughing in front of him.

And in another case, the boss of the illegal body trade, these three guys have not escaped in 30 years, but the key lies in themselves. Ma Tao has thought about many plans, but the only way is to submit the truth of the matter. , waiting for punishment.

Although under the current regional official review system in the management regulations, I may not be dismissed and investigated, but in the next year, if I cannot effectively curb some criminal incidents and other problems in the region, I will be doomed. .

After weighing the balance, Ma Tao thought clearly and explained everything clearly. He would only start in 5 years at most, plus some of the benefits he obtained through his rights. These should be enough for him to spend the next 30 years, and he will soon be Tao made a decision. After agreeing with a few people, he turned around and came to an alley.

"Lord Alpha!"

Ma Tao called the phone.

"you say!"

A young but steady female voice came over the phone. Ma Tao knew very well that since the emergence of these special management officers, the rights in the region have been divided. There are at least three management officers responsible for different things, and all Incidents within the area must be reported.

At first, Ma Tao didn't know who reviewed the submitted events, but after the name Alpha Angus appeared for the first time, most people woke up from their dreams. Some people involved have been trying to figure out who reviewed the submitted events, but No one in Congress knows.

In the end, everyone figured out that it was the students in the College of God who were no more than 20 years old who were responsible for handling the matter. This matter made many administrators furious, but gradually many administrators discovered that these students had to deal with the problem. The method is very rigorous and serious. Some of the reports that were made in the past are no longer useful. Many people have suffered crimes and went directly to prison.

"That's the way it is with Alphas!"

Ma Tao wiped his sweat. He was less than 30 years old now. After being released from prison after five years, he was only in his 30s. He could slowly launder the money, and then he could live by doing some business.

"Please handle the incident seriously in accordance with the provisions of the law, and then send it to me together with the confession report of the case and the report on the handling issues. I will only give you three days. If there are still problems after three days, I will personally Come and investigate!”

The phone was hung up. Ma Tao was a little surprised that he had not been dismissed. He was overjoyed and immediately called the mutant administrators in the area and asked a large number of administrators to bring weapons.

Nowadays, the only way to keep his position is to turn against others. Even if they turn themselves in afterwards, as long as he handles some financial problems in advance, Ma Tao is very shrewd, and a lot of the money he receives will be It was well distributed in the hands of his subordinates. Although he took the bulk, his subordinates did not complain. He hid the money well and there would be no problems.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, most people on the streets were awakened by the commotion coming from outside. Many people were pulled out of the pub and all were handcuffed, and a large amount of money was confiscated directly.

Ma Tao has told everyone not to take it randomly, because these guys must have their own ledgers to prevent them from being implicated when they confess.

"Ma Tao, you are not a fucking thing, and you don't even think about how much benefit you have gotten from me?"

Ma Tao said nothing. After a while, the three guys from the casino, the loan shark, and the illegal body trade were all taken to a small room.

"I'm sorry, you three. Isn't there nothing I can do? I promise you that you will be able to come out soon."

The three of them stared at Ma Tao angrily.

"As long as I, Ma Tao, are here, I will definitely have something to eat for you. The key is that people died, and the combination of crimes and punishments indirectly led to the death of those two people, so 30 years starts."

The three of them stared wide-eyed for a moment, but soon Ma Tao started laughing.

"But there is still hope. If you confess to a crime, your sentence will be reduced by one year, and the maximum can be reduced by 15 years. I will take care of it on the farm. You only need five or six years at most to apply for parole. I will help you keep part of the money. After all, you all have ledgers, and I think you should think carefully about some things. If we fight to the death, it will not benefit anyone."

"How can you expect us to believe you?"

The loan shark leader looked at Ma Tao angrily.

"If you don't believe me, you can report me and engage in money and power transactions with you. By then, you will definitely be here for at least 15 years."

"I won't bother you anymore, Manager Ma Tao. I'm going to call a lawyer now."

The tavern owner said, and another owner who ran an illegal body exchange nodded.

"You can think about it at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. I have not only taken your money, but also how many times have I helped you? Don't you know how many times I have helped you? How am I a person? What can I do with my position? I can't protect myself now. If we cooperate, we can get through this crisis together and everyone will be better. If we don't cooperate, the world outside will change when you come out."

After saying that, Ma Tao stood up and left with a smile. His back was already wet. He didn't know what the three guys would do, but he was sure that he was in big trouble this time.

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