Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1566 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 31 (Part 1)

"Who do you think you are? Huh? You bastard, I tell you, if you want to marry my daughter, get 10 million."

There were many people standing at a distance, and some administrators had already come over. A woman in her 50s who was very brightly dressed, not cheap from head to toe, pointed angrily at a man with his head lowered in front of her. , with one hand holding a girl who also had her head lowered, but had already begun to cry.

"Ma'am, if it's your family problem, please stay away."

"Did your family create this street? This bastard kid kidnapped my daughter, why didn't you arrest him?"

For a time, many people accused the woman of being unreasonable and interfering with her daughter's normal love life.

"Auntie, I am okay now."

"Who is your aunt? Do you know? My Su Xin is from the Su family. How can you marry her?"

For a while, several administrators on the side were a little surprised. They saw that the crying girl named Su Xin turned out to be from the Su family. They looked at this girl with her head lowered and still wearing a student uniform. The student immediately understood that it was impossible for the Su family to agree to such a poor boy marrying their own daughter.

At this time several men ran over.

"Le Wen is gone, forget it, the other party is the Su family, you can't be together."

Le Wen stood motionless. Su Xin finally came over from home today. The two wanted to talk about the future, but unexpectedly her mother chased her and started cursing in the street.

"Go back with me."

Su Xin shook her head and wanted to shake off her hysterical mother's hand, but was dragged away tightly.

"Is the Su family amazing?"

Following a long sound, Su Xin's mother frowned and instantly looked over at the special management officer with golden epaulettes.

Mo Xiaolan smiled and stood in front of the mother and daughter. Rowan wanted to go over and persuade them.

"Madam, please show me proof that you are from the Su family. If you are really from the Su family, you should carry the family's coat of arms with you. Because of immunity, we will not hinder you. But if you If you are not from the Su family, then Madam, you may have violated the marriage law by interfering with free love, which states that no one has the right to interfere with others' free love."

The woman panicked for a moment, and Luo Wen also noticed something. He knew that Mo Xiaolan also noticed that when this woman said she was from the Su family just now, she obviously lacked confidence and had a panicked look on her face. And she asked for 10 million, which was really too much.

Su Xin shook off her mother's hand. She knew very well that her mother was about to lose face now. Her mother was a very face-loving person, and she was also very snobbish. She always went around bragging to people that she was from the Su family, but they were no longer. People from the Su family.

"I'll show you!"

Su Xin's mother's face looked a little ferocious. She opened her handbag, rummaged around for a while and then said she didn't bring out the family's coat of arms today.

"Then please show your identification and we can check your information on the spot."

Mo Xiaolan still said aggressively, when Su Xin hurriedly grabbed her mother.

"Come on, Mom, I'll go back with you, I'll go back with you."

When Su Xin was about to pull her mother away, Mo Xiaolan grabbed her arm.

"Are you really willing?"

Su Xin stared sideways at the motionless Le Wen behind her, wiped her tears and left.

At this time, Le Wen ran over quickly and watched the mother and daughter disappear into the crowd. They quickly got into a car and disappeared into the street.

"Why don't you chase?"

Mo Xiaolan asked, Le Wen smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"I can't embarrass that aunt. I will continue to think of a way. There will always be a way."

Mo Xiaolan looked around. She knew very well that the man in front of her and the girl just now were in love with each other. It could be seen from their eager and sad expressions.

"Here, this is my phone number. I can't stand this kind of thing the most. Some things are just so unreasonable. Once an idea is formed, it's impossible to reverse it. If you want to embrace it, If you want to live with that girl, you have to be decisive."

Mo Xiaolan had already started to retrieve Su Xin's information from a computer at hand. As expected, Su Xin was quickly found out. She was really from the Su family, but her father Su He was raped more than ten years ago. After being kicked out of the Su family, although they were related by blood, they made a legal declaration to sever ties. After giving Su He a severance package, they completely severed all ties.

"I think it's better to forget it, little lazy one. This kind of woman who comes from a big family is very scary."

Rowan reminded, Mo Xiaolan giggled and took his arm and walked away.

"Then do you think I'm scary? Our family is considered a medium-sized family and relatively famous. What should I do if my parents interfere with my freedom of marriage in the future!"

Rowan thought for a moment.

"Then I think it's better for me to get out of school quickly and save money as soon as possible. Your family probably doesn't need as much as 10 million!"

Mo Xiaolan said with a soft smile.

"At least 100 million."

Rowan hummed and crossed his hands.

"What's wrong?"

Mo Xiaolan turned Luo Wen around and he said in a pretentious tone.

"I'm thinking about how to make 100 million."

Mo Xiaolan pouted and grabbed Luo Wen's tie, dragging him to run happily.

"What a surprise!"

Suddenly, Mo Xiaolan's eyes widened and she looked at Jean and the shocked Alpha in front of her. Her face suddenly turned red, she covered her mouth and stood up straight.

"Principal, President!"

Alpha instantly looked at Rowan who was bowing, and suddenly took a step forward. Before Rowan could even react, his fist had stopped 1 centimeter in front of Rowan's cheek.

"What are you doing Alpha!"

"So weak!"

Rowan smiled awkwardly, but looked at the two people in front of him in shock. One was Mr. Jean, who had been rumored for a long time in the city. He was really handsome. From the looks in the eyes of many girls who stopped to watch, and You can tell from some of the exclamations that the rumors are true.

"My mother is about to give birth, come with me."

Alpha said, dragging Mo Xiaolan to leave.

"What does it have to do with me if your mother wants to have a baby? Alpha."

Alpha stopped and looked at Mo Xiaolan, who was blushing anxiously.

"Isn't it none of your business?"

Mo Xiaolan's eyes widened.

"I understand, let me and him first"

"Young people, let's go together!"

Gene said yes, and Rowan smiled and bowed.

"Thank you very much Mr. Jean."

11 o'clock in the morning

At Angus's house, the entire family rushed over one after another. Originally, many people wanted to wait until the banquet started in the evening, but early this morning, Violet began to have labor pains and was going to give birth soon, so everyone Everyone in the family came over, wanting to welcome the birth of the second princess of the Angus family.

At this time, in the distance, two lifts taxied towards this side and quickly landed on the lawn.

"Come here."

Mo Yingying walked over angrily, and as soon as she saw her daughter getting off the elevator, she went over without saying a word and tightened her mouth.

"Your principal has told me about your matter, what else do you want?"

"It hurts, Mom, what are you doing!"

At this time, Mo Yingying saw a handsome young man coming towards her and bowed to her.

"Hello, Aunt Mo, my name is Rowan, and I am Xiaolan's boyfriend."

Mo Yingying let go of her daughter and her eyes widened in shock.

"Hello Rowan."

Mo Yingying stretched out her hand, shook hands with the young man, and then nodded. At this time, many people gathered at the mansion one after another.

There were roars one after another in the delivery room. Everyone knew that the little princess born today will inherit everything from the Angus family in the future, because the eldest daughter Alpha has already joined the world of power, and the Angus family will be in the future. It will be extremely prosperous, everyone is now convinced of this.

Alpha only needs to stand at the top of the world of power, and the Angus family will always prosper.

"Let's go, come in with me. Auntie, do you want to come with me?"

Mo Yingying smiled and shook her head.

"Huh? Why did you drag me along when your sister was born? You are very strange, Alpha."

"Why can't I drag you along?"

Mo Xiaolan blinked and was dragged straight into the mansion by Alpha.

"Their relationship is really good!"

Rowan sighed with emotion. He often heard Mo Xiaolan complain about how Alpha, who grew up with her, treated her. But after seeing him today, Rowan was shocked. Not only was he beautiful, but he also had a powerful feeling all over his body. breath.

At this time, outside the territory of the Angus family, the First Avenue was already blocked with water. A large number of guests with gifts also came over. The heads of the other seven major families came in person and brought many members of the family. young people.

Now the seven major families have also felt that the Angus family is not simple. The eldest daughter has been successfully sent into the world of power and has gradually taken power. The second daughter has now reached a marriage agreement with the Chen family. The Chen family is in the food business. , and the Angus family’s industries cover almost most of the city’s infrastructure construction.

Although the Hillman family's economy is now catching up with the Angus family's, if the bubbles in the stock market are eliminated, it may only be one-half of the Angus family's.

The real royal family in the city is the Angus family, and many elders in the family know that the gods are very close to the Angus family, and even secretly complete some technical problems for the Angus family.

The most important thing is that the Angus family is not as public as other families. This is a very scary thing. By the time everyone in the family realizes it, the situation has become like this.

"Mom, why don't you hold on and let me perform a caesarean section for you and make sure the wound is neat and tidy!"

Alpha looked at his mother, whose face was pale, and she was holding on to the handrails on both sides. Next to her, several female students from Section 4 were already preparing.

"Mrs. Angus, the president's skills are really good."

Violet shook her head.

"Shut up Alpha."

Mo Xiaolan sat aside.

"Auntie, hold on just in case of heavy bleeding."

"Xiaolan, you know my results in the medical department, and with our current medical technology, I can handle a major hemorrhage in just 10 seconds."

Violet looked at Alpha and motioned for Alpha to pass.

After Alpha passed by, her mother grabbed her arm very hard. Seeing her mother's painful look, Alpha stood aside quietly.

"It's okay, Mom, I'm here, please push harder and pay attention to the rhythm."

Sweat continued to flow from Violet's forehead. Alpha looked at the surgical tools next to her and her mother's body values ​​on the light and shadow panel next to her. As long as there was the slightest abnormality, she would immediately undergo surgery.

Time passed minute by minute, accompanied by a roar

Alpha instantly raised one hand, used telekinesis to hold the baby, and then quickly cut the umbilical cord.

After a while, Alpha carried his newly born crying sister, walked to the window, pushed open the window, and lifted his sister up. In an instant, thunderous applause sounded on the lawn.

Seeing his mother's exhausted look, Alpha carried his sister Nia, who was still crying, to her mother's side.

"You almost tortured me to death, you little guy."

Violet smiled happily. There was already a sea of ​​celebration outside. Alpha sat on the edge of the bed, looking at his sister who was already sucking. He felt an unprecedented excitement in his heart.

Alpha stretched out a finger, poked the baby's cheek, and said with a smile.

"Sister Niya, I am your sister Alpha. From now on, my sister cannot be at home often. You must listen to your father and mother."

The mother and daughter looked at each other and smiled. For a moment, Alpha wiped the overflowing tears and lay beside his mother. At this time, Avano and Jean walked in.

"Congratulations, Violet!"

Gene glanced at the baby who had stopped crying but was still moving his hands. He looked like a healthy baby again.

"Mr. Jean, please don't try to distract our children this time."

Violet muttered dissatisfiedly, and several girls in the school laughed.

"Of course, she will be a beautiful and quiet little princess in the future, as the heir to your Angus family."

Jean looked at Alpha, smiled and continued.

"You're a sister now Alpha, do you know what that means!"

"I know, principal!"

At this time, on the other side of the lawn, a large number of people had gathered at some tables and chairs that had been set up. Su Li snorted coldly.

"It's just giving birth to a baby. What's there to be happy about?"

"Lily, when I asked you to get married, please give me an accurate answer."

Su Li snorted coldly, looked at her father and said.

"Dad, think about it carefully, who does the Su family rely on now? If you get married, do you know what it means?"

Su Li's father and mother stopped saying anything, and the rest of the Su family just smiled and said nothing.

Eddie stood quietly by a shed, holding a glass of wine in his hand, looking at the Angus mansion quietly, smiling slightly.

Not far away, most of the Chen family had entered the Angus family's mansion. They looked overjoyed. Eddie couldn't imagine why Violet, who had rejected his proposals 19 times since Alpha was born, why? Will agree to the Chen family's marriage request.

After taking a glance, Eddie found that many members of the family began to gather together. The Angus family rarely held such large banquets, but this year was an exception. Many members of the family wanted to seize such an opportunity. Have some in-depth conversations and even discuss marriage at this banquet.

Charles was holding a glass of wine on one side with emotion. His wife Freya had not come back yet. Charles was very upset that Freya had not been pregnant with a child all these years.

"I said Charles, where is your wife!"

At this time, Field came over with a glass of wine, and Charles smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"There's something else, so I haven't come back."

Charles knew his wife's whereabouts and everything in her life for a whole year, because he had someone watching her all the time. Charles even thought about divorce, but divorce meant division of property, and the only way was to catch Freya There may be problems with the morals of marriage, so Charles has people keeping an eye on his wife Freya all the time. However, over the years, Freya has never done anything that harms the morals of marriage. Today, Charles is completely naked. happy.

"What can happen to a woman? My sister is really capable."

Field said, and Charles smiled. Wilsey was indeed very capable and was able to get Mrs. Angus to speak. Nowadays, most of the business decisions of the Angus family are in the hands of Mrs. Angus. Avano basically acts like an outsider, staying at home and doing some research every day.

Watching Field leave with a mocking look on his face, Charles frowned slightly. Not far away, Locke was talking to Jean with his three children.

"Mr. Jean, you can come and sit at our manor when you have time."

"Sorry Locke, there's been a lot going on lately."

Looking at the young people gathering on the lawn, Gene also walked over. Many young people wanted to talk to Gene, and Gene also started talking directly with some young people.

"Come on, Xiao Mo, walk slowly."

Ji Yun clapped her hands and looked at her 1-year-old son Ji Mo, who had just learned to walk, stumbling on the lawn with his hands open. After falling down, he cried a few times and got up again. Yi next to him Star hugged the newly born Ivy and squatted down with a smile. She watched the baby Ji Mo come over and took her daughter Ivy's hand. Ji Mo shook Ivy's hand.

"This is your bride, Xiaomo! You must take good care of her and love her from now on!"

Ji Yun sighed, this was the last time. In her heart, the family marriage was the reason why she named her son Ji Mo. This was the last family marriage of their Ji family. Ji Yun is now in power at home. She has told everyone in the family about this, and everyone agrees.

Ji Yun had a good relationship with Ista before. She didn't want to see her go to the point where Wilsey was like that, so she helped her once.

I just hope they can get along smoothly in the future!

As soon as he and his father came to the living room, Alpha's face became serious. He looked at the Chen family. The whole family was discussing what to do about Chen Jie and Niya's wedding in the future. In the eyes of everyone, the matter seemed to have become a foregone conclusion. .

After Awanuo entered, he greeted the Chen family. Alpha looked at Wilsey who was holding her son. Instead of going in, he turned right and leaned against the door. At this time, Mo Xiaolan noticed Alpha's face. The unhappiness and the anger in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, after you take office, you can just rectify it."

Mo Xiaolan dragged Alpha, after all, the people in the room had already started discussing business with Avano.

"I would never allow this to happen to my sister."

Alpha said decisively, and Mo Xiaolan snorted.

"You're celebrating the Chinese New Year, don't show this expression, Alpha, it's very scary."

The patriarchs of the big family have also entered a large living room on the first floor of Angus's mansion. Wang Degui stood quietly outside the door. He started walking uncomfortably because he couldn't listen anymore. Some dissonance began to appear.

"Wang Degui, long time no see."

Looking at the energetic Chen Qiao in front of him, Wang Degui greeted him politely.

"Do you have a niece named Wang Ying?"

Wang Degui nodded.

"Why do you ask?"

"She seems to be Lao Wu's classmate."

Wang Degui looked at Chen Qiao doubtfully, ignored him and continued walking.

"By the way, Wang Degui, can I talk to you? Let's have a drink in a few days when you are free?"

As Chen Qiao said, Wang Degui shook his head.

"If you want to discuss business, go to my brothers and sisters."

Chen Qiao said with a smile.

"Take that boy Zou Yun, can we three have a drink together? I've already made an agreement with Zou Yun."

Wang Degui looked at Chen Qiao suspiciously.

"Didn't he mention it to you? He and I used to be good buddies, and we even went to jail together, but I was spared, but he was not, haha."

Finally Wang Degui nodded.

"No, Mr. Jean, immunity is a privilege that our families who have worked hard for the construction of the city should get. If it is cancelled, then won't our family's contribution be sacrificed in vain?"

A young man said, and many other young men and women started talking. Gene only briefly mentioned the cancellation of immunity, but most of them were opposed to it. Immunity is not only about family members committing crimes. , and the power circle cannot interfere with all family matters within the family.

"I'm just joking with everyone. The family sweats and bleeds for the city, so they should be exempted. Please have fun."

Gene stood up and left slowly. At this time, a little girl watched Gene leave and quickly ran towards Jiang Hao and his wife.

"Auntie, Mr. Jean just asked us what would happen if we canceled our immunity!"

Honghong chuckled, patted her niece on the shoulder and said.

"Go and play."

"Honey, is it possible?"

Honghong took a sip from the wine glass and shook her head.

"Immunity was an agreement reached by the gods on the day the sun rose with most of the forces at that time when they were cleaning up this land, in order to avoid bloodshed and conflict. It was sworn by the gods in the name of the sun. Although it was It was a verbal agreement, but there were more than 300 large and small forces involved at that time. Later, with the help of these forces, everything on this land was integrated. Finally, everyone reached a consensus and established Brilliant City. ."

Jiang Hao said with some surprise.

"Honey, you know so much."

Honghong's eyes widened and she looked at Jiang Hao and said.

"Every family holds in their hands videos and recordings of what the gods said at that time, as well as the signatures of the gods. These are the evidence that only the family holds. It's like a certificate. Don't you want to read it? ?”

Jiang Hao smiled awkwardly.

"I remember, my dad told me before that if one day the gods want to take back their immunity, they should go to the basement and make those things public. When I get back, I can take a good look at them when I have time."

Honghong has vaguely noticed that something is wrong. Jean will never do things so casually. According to Honghong's understanding of this god, he is a very meticulous guy who does things flawlessly. What he did just now was a test. Just, spreading this matter to the ears of the elders through the younger generation of the family is like joking with the young people, but the elders of the family, anyone with any sense, know that this is not a joke.

Honghong looked at the Angus family's mansion, and she felt a chill in her heart. What would happen if a big family came to open a breakthrough? Nowadays, there are two big families with the best relationship with God, Angus. family and the Phoebus family, if their two large families give up their immunity at the same time, their families, large and small, will also give up their immunity.

The family system will collapse overnight. This is definitely not a small matter. At this time, Honghong also noticed that some family elders gathered together with solemn faces, all after listening to the words of the young people in the family.

Honghong laughed. It was indeed insidious to use this method. Gods are indeed very insidious guys. After all, they also want face. If they break the promise they made when they established the city without authorization, they are destined to become The laughingstock was ridiculed by the whole city, and if the family voluntarily gave up their immunity through this method, it would be the starting point of the city's process of institutionalizing the law, and the effect would naturally be better for the entire city.

Honghong was thinking about a question at this time, what kind of risks would there be if she stood in front of the gods, but now the family should unite and protect immunity is the last word, and the gods should not be so Those who are anxious to withdraw their immunity, the city is developing, and it is impossible for such a major problem to break out early.

Gene walked quietly on First Avenue. The hustle and bustle behind him was far away. He was holding a cigarette in his mouth and holding up his coat with one hand. He walked calmly under the ginkgo trees on both sides that had begun to turn yellow, watching constantly. The falling ginkgo leaves, Jean stopped, watching a leaf fall, Jean stretched out his hand to catch it.

"Those six bastards, I have long said not to promise anything like this that will tie the city's hands and feet in the future."

Gene exhaled a puff of smoke. He had recently been working continuously to deal with a large number of things in the Congress. Those six guys were still running around the city, and everything was concentrated in Gene's hands.

Faced with the current dilemma, Jean felt a deep sense of powerlessness. He could only wait for the administrative department and the council members to officially take over the city, and then gradually put pressure on him and slowly withdraw his immunity.

Looking up at the sun, Jean looked helplessly at the dark clouds floating in the southern sky, where a heavy rain was about to fall.

At this time, at the end of the street in the distance, a white car drove over quickly. Jean stood there with a smile. The car slowly stopped in front of Jean, and a note was handed to Jean's hand. , Gene smiled and nodded, the car started again, and soon drove away.

"Freya is still the same as before, and the other seven guys that night should also be the same. They finally have their own nest, chicks!"

Looking at the note, there was only a simple sentence.

Everyone asked me to take their place, thank you, Mr. Jean!

Gene smiled and put the note away, put it in his pocket, and continued walking slowly.

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