Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1535 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 20 (Part 2)

"Dad, I won't be back today. I have already agreed with my classmates to play together."

Ran Zhi held up the phone, smiled and nodded. His wife was teaching her youngest son, Ran Qiu. His son just entered elementary school last year and was a bit too naughty in school. He was almost kicked out of school for bullying his classmates a while ago. Ran Zhi spent a lot of money. It took a lot of strength to finally handle the matter.

The family's life is getting better and better, and now Ran Zhi has settled in a high-end private villa area in the middle, near the busiest 12 ring streets.

Since the introduction of the law three years ago, Ran Zhi immediately seized the opportunity. Most of the families that occupied a large market share could only reduce their market share according to the law, but soon the families found out A plan that works.

A large number of subsidiaries were established, and the purpose of these subsidiaries was for investment. Ran Zhi was lucky enough to get shares in some industries and investments from his family, and he also occupied some shares of the company. In fact, the majority of the shares were in the company. It is still in the hands of the family, and these shares will be returned to these family businesses based on profit sharing.

With the establishment of a large number of subcontracting subsidiaries, various industries in the city that were originally somewhat deserted have regained some vitality, and the employment rate has also rebounded a lot in the past three years.

Ran Zhi stood up and stood by the window, looking at the sunlight shining in the room. Everything was getting better and better. The instability caused by the industry recession three years ago was now just a passing cloud.

"Ranqiu, come here."

Looking at Ran Qiu, whose head was almost hanging to the ground, Ran Zhi smiled and called the child over. His wife was a little dissatisfied that Ran Zhi interrupted her conversation with her son.

"Dad, I didn't bully my classmates. Really, that guy provoked me first. I couldn't bear it anymore and I did it."

Ran Zhi smiled and nodded. His son kicked him down the stairs, causing multiple fractures in his classmate's body.

"Have you ever thought about solving it in another way? Why do people want to trouble you?"

Ran Qiu shook his head.

"Dad just hopes you understand that any bad thing will never start or end for no reason. Think more and maybe there are other ways to solve it. Violence is not the only way."

Ran Qiu nodded, glanced at his angry mother, and Ran Zhi touched his head.

"Go back to your room and play."

The wife came over.

"You are always too lenient with your children. It won't work if you continue like this. The same goes for your daughter. The older she gets, the more disobedient she becomes. As a father, you can't always be like this."

Ding Manman sighed, and Ran Zhi hugged her from behind.

"Children should be allowed to make their own choices. I have told my daughter to pay attention to physiological safety measures. She is already 16 years old. Our parents have not taught us anything. We can only know everything from this society, so I think, It is extremely important that children are given the freedom to make their own choices, now that they are independent.”

Ding Manman turned her head and leaned on her husband's shoulder. She knew very well that her husband was an extremely tough person at heart. His children have inherited his toughness very well. He has been able to endure the pain alone over the years and survive independently. The whole family took it upon themselves to carry it.

"Back then I was actually very hesitant about following you."

"what about now!"

Ding Manman lowered her head, a trace of displeasure flashed in her eyes, she pursed her lips and shook her head.

"very good."

"Do you still remember when my leg was broken by that mugger? It was probably the most painful time in my life, but you didn't give up on me. That's fine. Let's go see a movie tonight."

Ding Manman smiled and nodded.

Ran Zhi smiled and put his head on his wife's neck, snorting softly, enjoying the tenderness.

Over the years, Ran Zhi has understood a truth. No matter when, where, or in what situation, people must learn to face the established life. Life will not show mercy just because of your crying, anger, or unwillingness. Even life is ruthless many times, and a bad life will not leave you too quickly. If you are crushed, you will no longer have the ability to wait for the good life you expect.

At this time, the servant in the yard opened the door, and Ran Zhi led his wife out.

"Mr. Ran Zhi."

"Is Chris here? Is everything going well?"

Chris smiled and nodded.

"Thank you Mr. Ran Zhi."

After a while the servant brought snacks and tea.

"I have contacted many people, and they are all willing to contribute money to help you run a school at the bottom, but if they need to work with us in the future, they must sign a contract and choose an industry that our companies need to study. ."

Chris nodded understandingly. In the past three years, he had been running on the streets every day. On that morning three years ago, he met Ran Zhi, a businessman who was willing to give him charity. Chris felt that he was very lucky. Many people were willing to give him charity. The teachers who helped also followed Chris's lead.

In just three years, with Chris's efforts, 13 teaching points have now appeared. These teaching points are not schools, but similar to training institutions. They will directly determine what kind of talents the market needs. Direct training began, and some public officials began direct instruction after these students completed basic education.

Now a group of students have entered the company and started working. This educational structure model is very successful. In a short period of time, many students can enter the society and start working. Some companies that are in urgent need of young people have also benefited greatly. Under the leadership of Ran Zhi, many people are willing to invest in this type of teaching point.

Even for some smart people, the company will directly send them to university to learn more professional knowledge.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Ran Zhi."

Chris said again that in the past three years, Chris has not given up social activities, and the activities have begun to go more and more smoothly. Chris knows that the birth rate has been declining year by year for more than ten years, and the frequent occurrence of blight syndrome has led to the current situation. Instead, talent within the city has become a scarce resource.

Some adult re-education institutions have also begun to emerge. The gods have opened up the authority of education. Anyone can open educational training courses as long as they go through the relevant procedures and obtain qualifications.

Many men and women of working age who have started working without basic education can receive education tax subsidies in the region.

The city has begun to enter an aging society. The first batch of people who built the city have begun to age because they have not caught up with the life span vaccination period. The number of elderly people over 50 years old in the city has exceeded 7 million, which is close to the number in the city. half of the population.

The average lifespan of this group of people who have not caught up with the vaccination years is between 70 and 80. Although the use of some artificial organs and mechanical organs as substitutes can extend their lifespan, this group of people are gradually losing their labor force. .

According to records, hundreds of thousands of people who have been injected with the life-span vaccine have already suffered from blight. According to medical probability statistics, there are 3 million people who may potentially suffer from blight in the future. This number is extremely huge.

Some people in the upper class are also suffering from the disease. Even if they have money and the best medical technology, they cannot solve it. They can only wait for the gods to solve this disease that may be enough to defeat human society.

Many people in the medical field are also studying that although this vaccine that increases human lifespan is defective, blight syndrome is closely related to this defective injectable vaccine, which is produced by mutated human genes. A phenomenon of gene failure.

Aging and genetic diseases plague the entire city, and low fertility rate is the biggest threat to mankind hidden in the society of Bright City. Infertility has become a common social disease.

The hot moment of the day begins to approach quietly, and there are fewer people on the streets. At around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, most people choose to stay in air-conditioned places. In recent years, there have often been cases of death due to heatstroke and dehydration. , the two hours from 3:00 to 5:00 noon are the hottest time in the city, and with the annual temperature monitoring, not only the temperature in these two time periods is rising, but the temperature in other time periods has also begun to rise. Taller.

Some people have noticed that this has a lot to do with the fact that the number of cars in the city has exceeded 8 million. The center areas of various districts in the city have become the most traffic-congested areas.

Traffic is directed by AI signals. Cars often come to an intersection. If they do not get instructions from AI to pass, the car will not move. Even if the car owner cannot move manually, during the peak traffic period of the day, the traffic flow is wide. The 30 to 50 meter main road will be blocked by cars.

The rumbling sound of machinery continued. It was located near Heishan on the northern edge of Brilliant City. The temperature here was not high, and most of the mines that had stopped began to mine day and night.

It's just that Congress has banned the mining of minerals in Montenegro, which makes many businessmen jealous. After all, according to detection, there are many rare minerals in Montenegro.

At this time, a lift landed on a cave platform in the middle of the Black Mountain. Werther and Rose walked off the lift. Lolita behind them followed the two of them with a smile.

At a gate, Witte pressed his hand on it. After the door opened, the two entered an elevator, and the machine slowly began to descend.

The plane took off and landed very quickly, and Lolita pressed her head against the slight pain.

"Every time I take this kind of lift down, I feel uncomfortable."

Rose pressed her hand around Lolita's forehead. Soon Lolita felt a smoothness. The reason for the discomfort in the brain was inertia and the uniformity of oxygen in the air. Soon Lolita felt comfortable. , but the lift is already in place.

There was a three-piece fan shape in front of him, with a round radiation sign in the middle. The door slowly opened, and a middle-aged man in a white coat was already waiting at the door.

"Becky, how's it going?"

Witte walked in. There were a large number of researchers in white coats in the entire underground facility. They were the previous batch of students of the Gods. Most of them are now nearly 50 years old. This batch of students are all in the biotechnology field. Nowadays, injection The longevity vaccines are all produced here.

Accompanied by a cough, a man with a lot of dark spots on his face came out with a stooped body.

"Claude, your health is not good, how about we retire for you."

Rose said something, and the middle-aged man named Claude shook his head.

"How can we retire, Lady Rose? After all, this is a place related to the future of mankind. I think it is a great honor for us to be able to work in a place like this."

Lolita laughed playfully, and Becky glanced at her.

"You're still the same as before."

As she spoke, Becky walked over and pulled off Lolita's top. Her arms were covered with a large number of pinholes of different colors.

"What are you doing? I can sue you for sexual harassment."

Becky smiled and shook her head.

"Lolita, your behavior is too dangerous. I don't want to see you suddenly turn into a monster one day. You'd better be careful."

This underground base was the earliest teaching point for the gods, and the place where controllable nuclear fusion technology was developed. There were a total of 6 batches of the earliest students, and the first 3 batches of students have passed away.

The fourth to sixth batch of students are still working and studying here, and the oldest one is nearly 70.

Becky and Claude led the three of them into the second underground floor, and soon a hall with a large number of biological storage vessels appeared, and many people were conducting research. In a long corridor, The three of them stopped in front of the first cell.

"No. 038 has died. The alienated cells became violent and lasted for 19 days."

Lolita stared blankly at a pile of black dust on the ground and four extremely heavy-looking shackles next to them.

In the second cell, there was a dying mutant with black liquid all over his body, half of his body decomposed, and unable to get up.

Once the alienated gene becomes violent, it is impossible to return to the original mutant. This violent alienated gene will drain all the nutrients in the human body and convert them into power until every cell in the body dies.

In cell No. 3, there is a mutant who looks a little weak and is locked by four thick electromagnetic shackles. The electromagnetic shackles will increase the magnetic strength according to the pulling force released by the mutant. These violent mutants, even if they are The lowest level E-class mutant can achieve more than 3 tons of traction force in an instant.

For these mutants, death is only a matter of time. There have been violent incidents of mutants in many places over the years, but they have all been suppressed. Many cases were handled by Hawke himself.

When she arrived at Cell No. 4, as soon as she opened the observation port on the cell door, she was instantly followed by a violent roar. Lolita was startled. On the dashboard next to her, black flame patterns began to appear all over her body. Her emotions The extremely excited mutant immediately rushed toward the cell door, but was quickly pulled back by the shackles.

"7.8 tons."

Lolita looked at the value of the traction force caused by the impact at this moment. It was very scary. If it hit a building, the building would collapse like tofu in an instant. If it were a human, it would directly turn into flesh. Sauce.

Nowadays, most of the mutants in the army are no match for such violent mutants. The gods are also directly involved in the capture of these mutants. Only the gods can bring back such mutants intact.

"This mutant is Sir Jean. He was caught a while ago. It has only been a week old and is still very active. This method can only delay their death. There is currently no treatment method."

Claude brought up a light and shadow panel with recent accurate values, and Rose and Werther looked at it carefully.

Becky smiled helplessly and winked at Lolita.

"It's too dangerous, what you're doing, I really don't want you to turn into a monster one day."

Lolita chuckled and shook her head.

"I have already proposed to the teachers, human experiments."

The moment Lolita finished speaking, Becky's eyes widened.

"What on earth are you thinking about?"

Becky did not continue. Now this is their last resort, conducting human trials to complete the life-span vaccine. There is still time to change everything, but no one can open such a breakthrough.

"If no one is willing to do it, it's up to me to open this breakthrough. After all, I am happy to be a pioneer."

Becky scratched his head in frustration.

"Then what do the teachers say?"

"Of course I am opposed to it. If such a taboo is to be opened, it will be very difficult for everyone involved and those who issue orders, whether it is in the name of saving mankind or for other things. , are all great harm, but we have to find a way. Blight disease, infertility, and other diseases with genetic defects will destroy everything. Genetic research is originally a double-edged sword, but now This double-edged sword has been placed on the neck of mankind."

It's not that Becky can't understand Lolita's crazy thoughts. Nowadays, animals and insects are almost extinct. They have tried to resurrect the white mice that were most commonly used by humans for experiments. Unfortunately, a large number of cloned white mice have genetic defects and are basically useless. Cannot be used for research.

The only animals that can be studied are humans!

Looking at Becky's annoyed look, Lolita laughed.

"I have proposed that the gods use heavy-duty criminals to study it."

The hesitation in Becky's eyes faded.

"If he is a prisoner, I can accept it a little bit in my heart."

Lolita shook her head.

"The important task of research does not need to be shouldered by any of you, but by the current students in Class 4."

"Students in the Academy of God?"

Lolita nodded.

"Your concepts have matured, but the students' concepts have not. If you can conduct research without guilt, you obviously can't do it. Only those students can do it. I will slowly Subtly, they are gradually put on the shackles of human destiny and a sense of urgency at any time, and eventually they will make up their minds."

Becky swallowed and looked at Lolita with an expression that didn't look like she was joking.

"But it's too cruel for them, in the future."

"What do you get in exchange for sacrificing the lives of a few people? This is not a question of morality or the good and evil of human nature, but a question of survival. I have found my answer."

Becky looked at Lolita, who was looking up and smiling. She raised one hand and clenched it into a fist.

"Have you heard about Lady Ellie? We can enjoy the sunshine because she became the sun as a pioneer. This wish will be inherited by me. I will be the pioneer of the next city!"

Looking at the resolute Lolita, Becky said nothing.

"I know what you want Lolita, but there is no command from God"

Lolita grabbed Becky by the collar.

"It's necessary to cut it first and tell it later. Give me all the data from the analysis of the human genetic map. I will start making my own clones and conduct research alone for a period of time."

Becky looked at his trembling hands. He couldn't make a decision. He already knew what Lolita wanted to do. He would use his clone to conduct direct human experiments. As long as the clone was stable, he could enter the next stage of the experiment. , this is the fastest way to make a life-span vaccine successful.

"Can you let me think about it, Lolita, I..."

Lolita hugged Becky, who was shaking all over.

"There is no time for you to think about Becky. I won't have any complaints. Someone has to take responsibility for things. Someone has to open a breakthrough. Teachers have taken on too many things. As students, if we just keep following There’s nothing you can do behind the backs of teachers, give me the human DNA analysis map, Becky, please!”

Becky lowered his head, still unable to make a decision. He knew very well that the gods were busy building exploration ships now. This was the best time. Lolita could avoid the gods and conduct research directly, waiting for the gods. As you know, the research has entered a certain stage.

"follow me."

Lolita smiled happily and glanced at the corridor. Werther and Rose were still listening to Claude and some other students talking about the problem of mutants going berserk.

Soon in a laboratory on the third underground floor, Becky took a piece of Changxing Machinery and put it in Lolita's hand, and then told Lolita all the permission codes.

"Thank you, Becky, thank you very much."

Becky nodded.

"Memory may be incomplete, and the technology for converting brain nerve electrochemical signals into quantum signals is not yet mature."

"As long as clones can be created, I will conduct experiments directly on my clones without any psychological burden. You only need to continue analyzing the alienated genome. By then, as long as the clones are mature and successful, we will only need Knowing which alienated genomes will cause various genetic diseases in humans after humans are injected with life-span vaccines, it is enough to directly create vaccines that complement or even eliminate these problematic alienated genomes. I tentatively plan this plan as cloning the future, what do you think? How about it!"

Becky smiled sadly.

"In the future, maybe we can't see it anymore. Lolita promised me that if there is any danger, contact me immediately and I will bring someone over to help you."

Lolita put the machine into her arms, then shivered, and the cold machine was placed on her chest.

"No need, there are several students in Class 4 in the school who are much smarter than you."

Watching Lolita leave, Becky sat in the laboratory and was a little distracted for a moment. He didn't know what the consequences would be if he handed the human genetic map to Lolita, but Becky knew that it was indeed like Lolita. As Ta said, if no one is willing to move forward, nothing can begin.

Along with a burst of laughter, many students were preparing for tonight's sumptuous dinner in the cafeteria. Gene was holding a cigarette and wearing a pink apron. Many girls were taking pictures with their mobile phones.

"Please don't put these photos out there."

A girl ran over and leaned on Gene's arm, holding up her mobile phone. Gene made a V-sign.

"Haha, it's rare to see the principal cook for us himself."

The students all cooperated in high spirits. The cafeteria was very happy at this time. Some drunk students were carried to the dormitory.

"Please drink in moderation and try not to eat too much."

"Principal, can you tell me which class I will be assigned to? Please."

A girl asked playfully, and Gene glanced at her.

"It will be announced on January 8th, so don't be too anxious, there is still a long time to come!"

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