Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1534 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 20 (medium)

In front of the Eastern Farm dormitory in the early morning, some people were raising their arms. The farm managers were using machinery to remove the nano signal trackers from the prisoners' arms.

Zou Yun looked at the long black machine and placed it on his left arm. When he picked it up, the criminal's markings disappeared.

"Take it."

An administrator handed Zou Yun a bulging money bag with 3,000 yuan in it.

"Don't do illegal and criminal things in the future. Go to the 29th District Management Office later to receive the reward for your bravery."

Zou Yun nodded. Although he only needed three years of labor punishment, he was seriously injured that night three years ago. It took nearly a year for him to be discharged from the hospital and fully recover. After that, Zou Yun returned to the farm and continued to receive labor punishment. Two years.

After a while, Zou Yun picked up his luggage and stepped into the transport vehicle. After the transport vehicle was full, the vehicle started. He smiled. There was a very scary wound on his left cheek, but the doctor also said that only He needs to wait a few years for a repair operation, and the scar will be gone in two or three years at most, so he doesn't have to worry. Zou Yun is very happy. Even if this scar will remain forever, he is also very satisfied. This scar is like His own medals are average, and the rewards are sweet.

In the past, Zou Yun often heard from the elderly people nearby that doing good deeds would be rewarded. Thinking back to that night three years ago, Zou Yun was filled with lingering fear every time he thought about it. He almost died.

The car soon arrived at the food exchange near District 29. From a distance, Zou Yun saw a beautiful woman standing on the slope, with long black hair blowing slightly in the wind.

"Wow, beautiful lady."

Someone shouted, and Zou Yun stood up.

"That's my girlfriend."

In the surprised eyes of many fellow workers, Zou Yun quickly ran up the slope. He threw away the luggage in his hand, put a pair of jade arms around his neck, and Wang Ying kindly gave him the blessing of being released from prison. Zou Yun gave him a hug.

The two hugged each other affectionately under the warm sunshine in the morning. Throughout the year, Wang Ying took care of Zou Yun while working. After going back and forth, the two found that they liked each other very much, and they established a relationship.

"How's the situation in the store?"

As soon as they got in the car, Zou Yun asked, and Wang Ying nodded.

"Business is not bad. When will we get married?"

Zou Yun put his hand on his chin and brought his head to Wang Ying's cheek.

"As long as you like it, you can do it anytime, but I don't even have 10,000 yuan in my pocket right now, so I have to be supported by you, a little rich woman."

Wang Ying slapped him in the face.

"Can you be more serious? Let's do business together."

Looking at Wang Ying's smiling face, but there was always something strange in her eyes, Zou Yun also knew that Wang Ying completely gave up social activities more than a year ago, and instead opened a building materials store with the help of her uncle Wang Degui. Business is pretty good now. Wang Ying will come to the farm to see herself from time to time, then stay with her for one night and go back the next day.

Zou Yun knew that he loved this girl very much, and he planned to use all his efforts to run a building materials store with Wang Ying. Chen Qiao also came to see him. He would chat and drink with him every year, but Chen Qiao now Life became increasingly difficult, and he was even banned from leaving the house.

"How about I run the store? I still have some sense, and you can continue to do it."

Wang Ying pursed her lips and smiled, shaking her head.

"I'm just an ordinary person, and I don't know when this happened. To be honest, maybe we were all too young in school at that time, but who hasn't been young? The reason why bubbles are bubbles is just because they float in the air. When it is up, it looks colorful and beautiful, but when it continues to rise, it will break.”

Zou Yun laughed.

"No matter how old you are, Wang Ying, it has nothing to do with this. As long as you want to do it, you can do it at any time. I will fully support you, no matter what you do."

Wang Ying was a little moved and said yes, but still shook her head.

"Marry first."

"Damn, I'm scared to death. How can I sleep in a place like this?"

In an alley in a mid-rise block, there was a lot of garbage piled up. Two garbage collectors were startled when they saw an unkempt man with an unkempt beard sleeping in the garbage pile.

"Sorry, I was a little drunk last night."

Pullman got up from the ground, pressed his aching head, and went to a store to buy a bottle of water. After drinking it, he felt much better. In the past three years, he seemed to have aged a lot, and there was no trace in his eyes. A little bit of brilliance, a little muddy.

Looking at his trembling hands, Pullman swallowed, bought another bottle of wine, and took a sip.

In the past three years, he has been running for the previous case, from the first trial to the second trial, and finally to the Law Hall of Congress. On January 1 last year, Pullman, who originally thought he could see the light of day, was completely defeated. Later, the client committed suicide.

All the dirty water was poured on Pullman alone. He endured everything alone, isolated and helpless, and there was no place for him in the legal profession.

After a while, Pullman felt dizzy again, and sat directly on the street, staring blankly at the passers-by. He took out a cigarette, took another one, put two cigarettes in his mouth, and lit them. Then he pumped hard.

Along with the rising smoke, Pullman's eyes were red from the smoke and he coughed and wheezed. However, he still drank a sip of wine. What lingered in his mind was the man who met him before his client died. night.

"I'm not who they say I am at all. I'm not a lawyer at all. You believe me. I was really violated. You believe me."

The crying girl in my memory eventually jumped from a 30-story building. The incited public opinion and her two failed lawsuits were the main culprits that determined her tragic fate.

Now that the client is dead, the media reporters are unwilling to listen to his crazy words. There is no one around him. Pullman can only smile bitterly. He can only continue to drink a sip of wine and then light it again. A cigarette.

At this time, a man walked towards Pullman across the street. Pullman stared with red eyes, giggled, drank a sip of wine, and fell to the ground crookedly. People passing by hurriedly moved out of the way. , for fear of bumping into this drunkard who looked like he was going to die.

A hand held Pullman's fallen head to prevent him from hitting the hard ground.

"Lawyer Pullman."

Heathcote smiled, and Pullman's eyes closed a little bit. Heathcote didn't care about the surprised looks of the people around him, and carried Pullman on his back, and strode forward.

Heathcote has always disagreed with his father's approach. In Heathcote's eyes, this approach was wrong. Everything Pullman could do was blocked. The client also committed suicide. The lawsuit seemed to be over. , but Heathcote has learned some inside stories from the words of his father and other lawyers over the years. He knows very well that this incident has been manipulated by the Bar Association.

Public opinion caused the people in the city to quickly turn their words to this unscrupulous pair. One woman was obviously in the special service industry and just wanted to defraud the people of the Hillman family who were doing business with her, while the other was unscrupulous. Lawyer Liang constantly incited people's emotions in an attempt to guide the verdict to the public opinion. As the media reported one false report after another, the client finally couldn't bear the pressure and committed suicide by jumping off the building. Pullman was in Congress before the law. The case in the Department of Law has also been settled, because the client is dead, and unless Pullman finds strong evidence, the Department of Law will not open a trial.

A year ago, Heathcote had seen Pullman running on the streets, but now he has become like this, addicted to tobacco and alcohol, and may die like his client in the next step.

"A city's laws must not be unjust, otherwise the city will repeat tragedies again and again."

In the three years of legal courses, Heathcote learned many famous legal events in history, including Scrates drinking poisoned wine, the king must die and the country must live, the lawyer Malzeb who defended the king, and finally He also died under the wave of public opinion and was sent to the guillotine.

These shocking events happened again and again in history. What Heathcote remembers most is that a man who bought land and dug out a large number of gold mines turned out to be the richest man of that era. , but human nature is greedy. A month later, the news spread like wildfire. The servants at home and people from outside jointly robbed the man's family, and his two sons also died.

For decades to come, the man held signs in protest and lingered at the door of the National Law Department, and even on the day of his death, the Law did not render a just verdict.

During his three years of study at school, Heathcote realized how terrible public opinion is. Once it gathers together, it will form a very powerful force that can shake the foundation of a society and even destroy it.

Behind these historical events, there is always a black hand called capital that is driving it. Everything is for profit, and for the sake of profit, you can trample on the law.

Heathcote now fully understands the purpose of the gods establishing the Acting Department.

"It's okay, Attorney Pullman, I'll help you."

At this time, Pullman, who was lying on Heathcote's back, stared blankly and smiled.

"Help me, young man, I used to feel just like you, all the time."

"I am Lyons' son, Heathcote, and I am also a student in Class 8 of God's College. I think I can help you."

"Okay, I've been waiting for a long time."

Wu Qun smiled and carried a plate of steaming breakfast, placed it between the two guests, and then wiped his hands. He was wearing a white chef uniform. This was a restaurant located on the 12th ring street. Wu Qun was in I opened this restaurant with only some money half a year ago and started working as a chef.

In the past, he was still carrying out these social activities related to food. Unfortunately, gradually, he was arrested more and more times, and his supporters also got themselves into trouble because of unscrupulous reports by some media. It would be fine if there were only one or two people in a difficult-to-argue situation, but tens of thousands of people say what they say in a arrogant and unreasonable way. It is just for some kind of marketing purpose. He is a guy who is colluding with businessmen.

There are indeed businessmen who have used what they said as new business ideas to succeed. Several successful businessmen also came over and expressed their hope that Wu Qun would become a consultant to them. Wu Qun gave them some advice and then got it. With a lot of money, Wu Qun eventually opened a restaurant.

"Boss, bring me an omelet and milk."

Along with a clear voice, many male customers in the store became crowded. Wu Qun wiped his hands.

"Good customer."

But when she turned around, Freya, who was wearing a white dress and looking energetic, came over and sat on the stage.

"It's really embarrassing."

"Boss, I want the most delicious omelet, let me try your cooking."

Freya said with a smile. At this time, Charles also walked in. He looked at Wu Qun with a wry smile. Unexpectedly, he had become a chef. His wife was still doing medical-related social activities in District 1, and she was still the same as before. It was the same, tepid, and some collaborators had even left Freya's side.

"Aren't you going to continue with that bet?"

Freya took out a coin and put it on the table. Wu Qun looked a little dazed and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Once you understand the nature of society, and know that the nature of society is that many people just want to sleep and don't want to wake up at all, you will know that you can never wake up a sleeping person. I have been a little tired in the past few years."

“Where have all our rhetoric gone?”

Wu Qun laughed and looked at Charles.

"Just like Freya."

As Wu Qun said that, he walked into the kitchen. At this time, the little girl working in the store looked at Wu Qun in surprise.

"Old Wu, do you know Mr. and Mrs. Abelon? Why would you open a restaurant in a place like this?"

Wu Qun glanced at the girl.

"Xiaolin went out to greet the guests."

Xiaolin stuck out her tongue and looked at Wu Qun mischievously.

"Old Wu, you are good at everything. I have worked in many stores. You are the best boss. You are handsome, not lewd, and you know such big shots. If I were you, I would have hugged you a long time ago. By living on their couple’s legs, they are now millionaires.”

"Fuck you, Freya is just a classmate of mine. How can I trouble my classmates with some things!"

After a while, Wu Qun made two omelets and took them out, but at this time Freya had already stood up and walked to the door. The money for the two omelets was placed on the table.

"We made an appointment, Lao Wu, I won't eat what you cook. If you want to surrender, this is the last time we see each other."

Wu Qun clasped the plate hard with both hands, and Charles hurriedly smiled awkwardly, bowed slightly, followed Freya into the car, and soon the car left.

Wu Qun stood there for a long time while Xiaolin took a piece of omelet.

"Full marks, Lao Wu, you are really a genius at cooking."

Saying that another omelette was eaten by Xiaolin, Wu Qun put down the plate, then lowered his head and began to clear away the guests' dishes. His face was solemn, because Wu Qun never thought that one day he would change Become a restaurant owner.


The plate in Wu Qun's hand fell to the ground, and there was a crashing sound. Wu Qun was startled, and the broken glass scratched Wu Qun's cheek. Xiaolin hurried over.

"Why are you so careless, Lao Wu, are you okay?"

Xiaolin hurriedly went to the back kitchen to find a hemostatic spray. When she came out, she saw Wu Qun squatting on the ground, clenching his fists and beating the broken glass on the ground, his whole body trembling.

"Old Wu, why don't you take a rest today and I'll cook the food."

After a while, Wu Qun sniffed and returned to his usual friendly smile.

"It's okay, I'm just thinking about some sad things from the past, it's okay."

"Lin Xiao, can you please stop working? It's a holiday today. You know how outrageous you are! Both my parents want to see you."

Lin Xiao, who was wearing a cool green and white striped suit with a rocket logo printed on it, was in front of a booth. He currently works as an electrical appliance salesman. The sweet and beautiful woman next to him was Lin Xiao's girlfriend, Fan Xiaoxiao.

"Okay Xiaoxiao, I get off work at 12 noon. Can you wait for me for a few minutes?"

Fan Xiaoxiao stood angrily next to the booth, holding her hands and looking at Lin Xiao resentfully. In a daze, Lin Xiao seemed to see Wang Ying who often leaned against the wall, holding her hands and one foot on the wall, but Soon Lin Xiao laughed helplessly.

In the past year, Lin Xiao has learned to accept mediocrity. Maybe he once thought that he was smarter and better than most people, but the social activities in the past two years have been painful and no one understands the situation. It's like a fight between trapped animals.

Lin Xiao looked up at the dazzling sunshine. Nowadays, he can see some news about Freya from time to time. Then Pullman has been surrounded by a lot of negative news. A reporter photographed him hanging drunk on the street. The whole person looks very thin.

Lin Xiao once called him, but was rejected.

"Lin Xiao, let's go, it's already 10 o'clock."

Fan Xiaoxiao said angrily, and Lin Xiao smiled helplessly.

"Leave at 12 o'clock."

Fan Xiaoxiao finally couldn't bear it anymore, got up and walked away angrily. Several staff members persuaded Lin Xiao to chase after him.

Lin Xiao didn't pursue her. Maybe he fell in love with her just because he saw the shadow of Wang Ying in her, although it was very faint. Lin Xiao pressed his forehead.

At this time, Lin Xiao saw several students wearing the uniforms of the School of God appearing on the street. A bunch of them were walking around, nearly 20 people. In the distance, Lin Xiao saw one after another coming towards the road away from the School of God. Students on the street not far from the college.

However, Lin Xiao saw Gene talking about something with a student. The student looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, but he and Gene talked like friends.

"Mr. Jean, I really think that electronic cash must be independent from the mobile phone system, so that we can have better supervision."

Jean nodded and looked at the boy named Jin Mn, who was very passionate about finance. At this time, Jean noticed Lin Xiao holding his hat on the street and dodging behind the crowd. He slapped Jin Mn away. cheek.

"While playing, I met an acquaintance."

Jin Mn was still talking nonstop.

"Shut up or I'll beat you up."

"I understand, principal. Listen to me in the end, okay."

After realizing Jean's cold eyes, Jin Mian closed his mouth and followed several girls into a store obediently.

"Hey, how do you sell this electric heating machine?"

Gene still came over, and Lin Xiao reluctantly took off his sun hat, said hello to the people at the stall, and followed Gene into an alley. He squatted on the ground with his head pressed weakly, leaning against the wall.

"Mr. Jean, I often see the students in your school. They seem to be slightly different from us in the past. I always feel that their eyes are very bright."

"Of course, they are a group of children with ideals and ambitions, and these ideals and ambitions are imposed on them by us and they are not allowed to give up midway. This is a condition of entering the school."

Lin Xiao was a little surprised. He didn't expect Jean to tell him so much.

"How are you."

Gene asked and handed a cigarette to Lin Xiao. He shook his head.

"When people accept mediocrity, it is obviously very painful. It is so painful that I can only rely on alcohol to anesthetize myself every night. But once I get used to it, I don't really want to think about those vows and those beautiful hopes. And those things that make us have obsessions, people are really scary Mr. Jean, so scary that I don’t even know who I am now.”

Gene nodded and pointed at Lin Xiao with the finger holding the cigarette.

"You are who you are and no one else."

Lin Xiao burst out laughing, and Gene stood up.

"Sorry to interrupt your work. There is nothing wrong with being mediocre, but the key is that your nature is not mediocre. Do you remember what I said that night?"

"We still have time."

Gene walked towards the entrance of the alley.

"Clear these things first. This city will teach you everything, and even teach you what to do. If you just wander around the streets every day, then accept yourself who wants to be mediocre, and if you still If you have thoughts, don't stop. Sooner or later, the seeds that have been planted will burst the hearts of each of you!"

Lin Xiao stood up and bowed to Jean, who smiled and walked slowly into the crowd.

"Is this kind of thing meant for people to see?"


Along with a sound of banging on the table, a man exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Beckinsale, who did you bring? Next time, please find a playwright who can read a little bit."

Xingyuan lowered his head silently, turned around and walked away without saying a word. Beckinsale turned around with a smile and led Xingyuan out of the office building of a film and television company.

"I have no talent!"

Xingyuan murmured, and Beckinsale lit a cigarette and blew out a puff of smoke.

"Talent? If you don't achieve the ultimate in this kind of thing, it's impossible for you to be favored. Let's go. If this one doesn't work, there will always be one willing to accept you."

Xingyuan suddenly started running and disappeared into the crowded streets of the film and television area without looking back.

Beckinsale did not chase after him, but just watched silently. This neighborhood was still the same as before. In Beckinsale's eyes, it was still a shitty place, but the prices were not as good as in the past because of the Commodity Sales Act. Generally speaking, you can sit down and raise the price as you like.

On the street not far away, a white luxury car stopped. As soon as Jiang Hao and Honghong got out of the car, a lot of reporters crowded in. Beckinsale looked at the couple who established the film industry. The couple felt nauseous.

She was smoking silently at the electric pole on the street. However, at this moment, Beckinsale also saw someone, a woman from long ago, Ada. She has now become a star, and is famous among countless people in the entire upper class. When a man has an affair, the journey is rough.

Ada followed Jiang Hao and his wife, walking towards a nearby film and television shooting base. However, when passing by, Ada suddenly stopped.

"Oh, isn't this Beckinsale?"

Beckinsale ignored Ada and turned around to leave. A burst of mocking laughter came from behind.

Bang bang

Beckinsale grinned, and her foot that hit the wall felt a dull pain. In an alley, Beckinsale's expression was extremely angry. She knew very well that after so many years, she had done nothing, not even a little bit. Xingyuan, the young man who followed him, worked in a restaurant, but now he can't stand it anymore.

Beckinsale knew very well that what she had just said to Xingyuan was just a lie to herself. The reality was that she, like Xingyuan, had no talent.

Once everyone knows the limits of their abilities, they will soon realize the reality.

"Freya will probably be sad when she sees me now!"

As a faint smoke rose, Beckinsale covered her mouth with one hand and wanted to cry loudly.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

At this time, Beckinsale hurriedly brushed away the overflowing tears with one finger, and saw Xingyuan with red eyes standing in front of her.

"I will continue to work hard, Miss Beckinsale, thank you for having expectations for me. As long as there are still people who have expectations for me, even if I am just a piece of scrap metal, I will continue to work hard, at least to become this piece of metal." The best piece of scrap metal."

Beckinsale was a little surprised and slapped Xingyuan on the head.

"You brat, if you want to cry, you'll have to wait until the day comes. Forget it, let's not talk about it. Let's go and celebrate the holidays today. Let's have a drink together."

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