Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1516 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 14 (middle)

"Yeah, thank you, Mr. Rodman."

Freya hung up the phone and sat comfortably on the sofa. She looked at the people coming and going in the restaurant. She felt happy inside at this time. Moreover, her friend Pullman had become the focus of the whole city today. The focus was on winning a just lawsuit for a victim whose wife had been insulted and violated.

Early this morning, Freya received 8 calls, all of whom were willing to use the products of some small companies from the middle and lower levels that she represented. Freya breathed a sigh of relief.

The efforts of the past few days seemed to have borne fruit. Just after 1 o'clock, Baozhen came over when he was free.

"Something good happened, Freya!"

"It's finally a little better."

The two chatted about Pullman, and Baozhen also expressed that she felt that Pullman, with his rationality, might make some behind-the-scenes money and power transactions. In the end, such worries were unnecessary. After all, Pullman When Man was in school, every step he took was very purposeful. He wanted to climb up.

At this time, in an alley not far from the restaurant, Charles held up the phone.

"Don't worry, Mr. Rodman. I will find someone to recycle the goods supplied by my wife in your store on a regular basis at a price higher than the market price."

Charles hung up the phone and poked his head out of the alley. His parents were still taking care of the family business, and he only needed to get in touch with the Angus couple. He had a lot of time now.

Although he proposed to Freya to let her run the family business with him, Freya refused. Freya said that she did not want to slowly transform into a cold-blooded businessman.

Freya was also willing at first, but her family was not optimistic about Freya, and her parents did not agree. Every time, Charles confidently agreed to Freya, but in the end he broke his promise, again and again. Breaking his promise made Freya completely lose her confidence. Charles knew very well that his credit was ruined in front of Freya.

In addition to what happened when Freya graduated, Charles thought carefully about it afterwards. If he really went there, with the relationship between his family and the Su family, he could postpone the confiscation of the Bao family's factory, but Charles still obeyed his parents and did not go there. He had obviously promised Freya that he would go and help.

At this time, Charles arranged his clothes and planned to go over and talk to Freya while she was happy.

After a while, Charles pretended to be excited and walked into the restaurant, and then sat directly in front of Freya.

"Long time no see, Freya."

The moment she saw Charles, the smile on Freya's face disappeared. She stared at everything around her quietly, her head already starting to work rapidly.

Freya opened her phone and directly checked the owners of the eight stores that called her this morning. Freya soon sneered.

"Don't take me for a fool Charles."

Charles looked at Freya with some surprise and pretended to be suspicious. Freya directly raised her phone and immediately dialed Rodman's number.

"Mr. Rodman, regarding the product issues we talked about before, I'm sorry. I will no longer be an agent for this product from now on. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

In front of Charles, Freya directly rejected the other seven companies. Then she made a phone call and communicated with people from those small companies, and then canceled her identity as an agent online.

During this hour, Charles was on pins and needles and tried to dissuade him several times, but Freya still did not change her determination. After everything was done, Freya looked at Charles.

"If you just want to talk to me, I won't show you a bad face, and you can even ask me about my current work status and what's on my mind."

As she spoke, Freya put a hand on her chest and looked at Charles seriously.

"You are no longer a child, Charles. I can't feel any warmth here. On the contrary, from the moment I entered your home to now, there is no warmth here. Our relationship as husband and wife is just a contract. From the first time you When you started to deceive me, I felt very uncomfortable here. Do you still remember the promise you made to me that night? You would take good care of me, you would not deceive me, and you would give me the greatest support. I may have been touched before, but I don’t remember this feeling. , and when did it disappear?”

Charles kept rubbing his thumbs with his hands, he lowered his head, and Freya stood up.

"Wait Freya, can we have dinner together?"

"I'm just a woman, Charles, I'm not a man. A woman's heart is often very fragile. What exactly is a partner? We rely on each other to grow. I have grown, but what about you? Charles, have you grown? You said It will definitely change the world's view of the family, and you are willing to join hands with me to change the Eberron family. But in the end, you were unable to take this step. You said you would take me into business together, but after so many years, I have failed again and again. Looking forward to it, I hope we can work together with you to do something, I have tried my best to surpass Charles."

Charles lowered his head and kept swallowing.

"Where are you going? Take me with you. I have never refused. What am I to you? Just a decoration at the banquet. All you want is a beautiful decoration, and what you want is What matters is only the outside, but what about the inside? As a man, you should do what you say, be able to create a sheltered house for the people you love, and be able to give the greatest support to the people you love when they are in trouble. Support, being able to be by your side when the one you love is happy, angry, sad, or happy. Even if all of this is just a bit of unrealistic fantasy for me as a woman, this fantasy does exist. I know why. Why do many upper-class women in the city always mention Mr. Jean's name when they talk about handsome men in the city?"

Charles was a little surprised. This was the most Freya had spoken to him in the whole year.

"Mr. Jean never broke his promise. He treated every friend he met sincerely. In the year I graduated, I had no way to ask for help. In the end, it was not my husband who was the closest to me, but Jean. Sir, that's enough, Charles, I've had enough of your so-called care. My birth may determine many things in my future. The contract is still valid and I will fulfill it, but please don't set foot in my life or my job again! "

The light in front of him was a bit dazzling. Charles looked at the white figure for a long time, walked out of the store, raised his head and disappeared among the pedestrians proudly. Charles smiled bitterly.

Freya walked on the street with sad eyes. She kept choking and was disappointed again and again. Every time Charles came, he never changed, not even the slightest change. Freya broke away from the shadow of his parents a little bit. Ya will also go home with him immediately, but this time Freya is completely desperate.

Freya took out the phone and pressed the number 07, but the phone was turned off.

"What on earth are Mr. Jean doing? I almost forgot about the academy."

Freya hurriedly clicked on the news page on her phone, and soon found some relevant news below. Those who had passed the written examination patiently at the gate were still suffering under the scorching sun.

Freya laughed. She stood quietly on the street, staring at everything around her. Things from all walks of life kept sliding through Freya's mind. She knew very well that she had to start now. Set up the stage, otherwise you will not be able to keep up with the teaching speed of the gods.

After reading the news reports, Freya was even more convinced that the guys who came out of that divine academy would definitely be a group of formidable opponents in the future, but Freya was not sure what to do at this time. Which direction to go.

"Forget it, let's go to the hospital first."


"It's no use slamming the table. Principal Chris, your school's education funds are distributed faithfully every year."

A management officer was sitting drunkenly at his desk, yawning. There was also a disheveled long-legged beauty sitting on the sofa. She smiled slightly and looked at everything in front of her.

"Will it be distributed according to the truth?"

The management officer said and shook his hand, indicating that Chris should leave. He had no time to talk to him about this.

"Okay, I will go directly to the inspection team. I will tell the inspection team everything. It's up to you to do whatever you want."

In an instant, the administrator's expression suddenly changed, and he stood up and tried to stop Chris, but Chris did not listen at all. His flames had reached the extreme. At least two-thirds of the regional taxes used for education disappeared every year. , were transferred under various names through some schools that only recruit students from wealthy families. There are four schools in this district, and the other three are such schools. Most of the funds go into their pockets, and Chris’s The school's funding is pitiful, less than a fraction of that of the three schools.

"Oh shit."

Just when Chris was about to go out, a rubber roller hit him directly on the back of the head. Four or five people came in and pushed Chris to the ground. In an instant, fists and kicks fell on Chris like raindrops. He curled up.

"That's enough, as long as you can't kill him, don't cripple him."

The manager said, pressing Chris' bald head angrily.

"Going to the inspection team? Haha, don't you know what you're doing? Let me tell you, if you dare to go to the inspection team, not only will you not be able to open school, I will also give you a good look."

Chris shrugged his head, his vision became dizzy, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, his breathing began to slow down, and his eyes became a little blurry.

"Head, something seems wrong with this guy."

His consciousness was fading away bit by bit, and Chris fainted. A group of people hurriedly carried Chris out and sent him to a nearby hospital. The management officer was a little panicked. He knew that if he really conquered If Reese dies, the inspection team will not sit idly by. In the worst case scenario, he and other local managers will be executed directly.

In a daze, Chris felt as if he could see the noisy streets, but could not hear the sounds. He saw many children in the school, but gradually Chris' consciousness became more and more blurred, and he sank into into the darkness.

In the last scene, what Chris saw was people in the school standing on the stage together, taking turns to publish something.

“I think what the city lacks most is education, so I want to become an educator in the future!”

Blah blah blah

At a small waterfall, a clean and clear stream was flowing, with some small fish in it. Gene picked up a handful of water, drank it and sat by the stream very comfortably. He turned around habitually, But no one was behind him. This small stream located in a mountain in central Asia was the place that Jean remembered most deeply.

Deguna's real illusion can pull out all the pictures in his memory, and then immerse himself in the real pictures of the past. This is the place where Jean and Ellie had their first date.

Every plant and tree in my memory is extremely real. Even the coolness in the air makes people feel comfortable. The light swaying on the water is very dazzling. The warm river stones on the buttocks make people feel very comfortable.

Jean's clothes were also changed into a red sportswear and a pair of NIKE sneakers.

"What I wore before was not from NIKE, but from ADIDSS. Did you make a mistake?"

The moment Jean finished speaking, he had already stood up. Along with the intense blue streams of light, Jean saw a shaking in the mountains where the lights were intertwined. He rushed towards it with sharp eyes from Burning Out. Deguna was caught in the picture.

"do not blame me!"

Deguna's eyes widened, and several other people around her had gathered around. Gene instantly turned into floating light blue particles, and with a fierce beam of light, Deguna was directly hit by the light blue particles. The particles were directly pressed onto the ground.

There was a loud rumble, and Jean had touched the edge of the stone wall. There was a burst of cracking sound, and the moment Jean saw a bright color, he instinctively stepped back.

A cold air came out from the stripped stone wall, and a human face emerged from a large piece of white ice.

Jean stood there, and the cold air instantly froze Jean's skin. Deguna behind him stood up, and the others also walked towards Jean.

"You're really smart. You used your memory bias to deceive me. You obviously always wore NIKE before, you bastard Jean."

Gene smiled slightly, and Deguna behind him looked at the bloody place on his chest and grinned slightly.


With a crisp sound, Rose walked directly out of the ice, exuding cold air.

"It was you who forced me, Gene. I didn't want to be so stiff. You have no way to escape from here. The low-temperature space I created can freeze light. If you want to escape from here with speed, It's impossible to escape, Jean, give up your stupid idea."

Rose said as she took out a cigarette and threw it to Gene. After Gene took it, he lit it comfortably and took a puff.

"You have already settled the matter!"

There was still anger in Jean's eyes. At this time, everything around him began to change again. Gradually, it turned into a school located on the bank of the Seine. Jean looked at some cruise ships passing by on the river with some nostalgia. .

"It's really too much!"

In the film and television area on the upper floor, Beckinsale is cleaning up the room. She is the kind of person who will start immediately once she thinks of something. When she participated in movies, she did it on the spur of the moment. In the past two years, she has changed careers. Although the entertainment agent made some money, what she saw made Beckinsale feel very uncomfortable.

It was already 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and Beckinsale had almost finished cleaning up. She planned to rent a cheaper place in the middle floor for a studio, and planned to switch to a drama studio. First, she planned to meet the man named Xingyuan. young writer.

dong dong dong

With a violent knock on the door, Beckinsale opened the door angrily, but immediately a pair of hands hugged Beckinsale, and with a burst of crying, Beckinsale closed the door.

Looking at the young girl in front of her, her eyes were already red from crying. Just one short night passed, and Beckinsale didn't know what happened.

After a while, the little girl who terminated the contract with him yesterday calmed down, but she was still sobbing. After being banned, Seer went out to the street to buy two cups of coffee. When he walked in, the little girl knelt on the ground.

"Help me, Ms. Beckinsale, I was wrong, I didn't listen to you."

Beckinsale had talked to this little girl many times before and also stopped her. After that, the two had a fierce quarrel. She wanted to become famous so much that this girl felt that she could wait for her by acting in some low-cost movies. If you were older, you wouldn't have a chance.

"Although I don't know what you have encountered since last night, but everything is your own choice. I have already advised you. I am leaving here today. This is not the place for you to cry. You can go to management. So, if they did anything illegal or criminal against you last night, you can just report them directly."

The girl kept shaking her head. She originally came from a middle-class wealthy family, but after coming here, she met some people and began to expand herself.

Beckinsale knew with her toes where the person from the agency took her and what she did last night. This is a world of sensuality. Everyone is used to such an environment, and no one wants to To improve, you don’t even need to improve.

"Just go over there after you finish your coffee."

The girl trembled and began to talk. Everything about last night, Beckinsale's face remained solemn. She was taken directly to Qinglong Street, saying that she was just playing a New Year's game and asked her to put on special clothes. Then, she and some other young and beautiful girls were taken to a place full of middle-aged men.

Last night was an unbearable night for this girl. She saw hell in an instant. Although Beckinsale was angry, she still shook her head because she felt that things were too strange. In her eyes, the girl seemed to be acting.

"I can't help you. The only people who can help you are the managers here. I'm sorry."

Beckinsale stood up quietly and continued to pack up. She ignored the girl's complaint because she was not having a good time now. This capable girl finally accepted a share of her because of her inflated desire. It was an olive branch that Beckinsale could not bear at all. Beckinsale could think of it in her future life, but there was one thing that Beckinsale felt was subtle. Recalling everything yesterday and all the past, this girl was very good at acting, and she also lied. , the termination contract was read by Beckinsale later, and the contract was drafted.

Recalling that my attitude towards this girl was just a superficial attempt to retain her, she may or may not have done it voluntarily.

In the end, the girl got up and wanted to leave. She seemed unwilling to go to the manager because she might not want to let go of her acting career. After all, she was still young.

"Why won't you help me, Ms. Beckinsale."

Looking at this girl who was only two years younger than herself, Beckinsale smiled slightly.

"You actually knew the result early on, right? Ada, what exactly are you doing here? Put away your poor acting skills."

Ada smiled slightly, with a slightly embarrassed look on her face, and kept swallowing.

"When I was in college, I used to be the student executive officer. What I did was to help the teachers keep an eye on whether the students were cheating. And I have been in the entertainment industry for a long time. I am not you Ada, you cry When I was talking, I felt that something was wrong. If you insist on telling me what you said, I won’t give you any face, you bitch!”

Beckinsale turned around and slapped her, but Ada pinched her.

"If I were you, I would have already become famous. You are so beautiful, with a good figure and a charming face."

Beckinsale laughed, took back his hand and pointed to his head.

"You are not very smart Ada. You want to involve me in your affairs. Once I start to sympathize with you and pity you, maybe I will go to some secret place with you. Unfortunately, I am not that A person with a sense of justice is not the kind of person who is stupid enough to be dug up and buried by a bitch, so get out!"

Ada glared at Beckinsale fiercely, turned around and walked out of the room angrily, and quickly entered an alley. Immediately, the manager who came yesterday came over, pulled Ada and hugged her.

"How about my baby, her."

"Don't mention it. That woman is very smart. It's a pity that many people are interested in her, but she still thinks highly of herself. When her appearance is gone, she will eventually become a prostitute on the street!"

The agent dragged Ada away.

"Okay, okay, I heard last night that you easily caught the old man's cool spot. It's really amazing."

Ada laughed playfully.

"You have to work harder for me. I need to keep going up. After all, my body is very tempting, right?"

When she walked out the door again, Beckinsale saw some guys nearby. She sneered and started walking.

"This place only produces rubbish, a bunch of shit!"

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