Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1515 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 14 (Part 1)

In the management office near the No. 13 Grain Exchange in the East, three unkempt men, wearing handcuffs, were explaining the facts of the crime last night. All the details and the methods they used when committing the crime were basically consistent with the situation at the scene.

The skin, hair, body fluids, etc. dropped at the scene are all direct evidence.

Hawke sat quietly in front of the single-pane glass, meditating. The table was already covered with a pile of cigarette butts. He could only handle this matter by himself, and no one could tell him about this seemingly ordinary and simple robbery and murder case.

Anyone who knows a little bit about the situation behind the scenes will turn their attention to the Hillman family. In the past few years, there have been many cases of doctors and their families being robbed and killed in the city. Although the murderer has been caught, the whole process All are normal and reasonable.

Some media have noticed the connection. The doctors who were killed and their doctors were all doctors who announced that they had developed new drugs this year. In the following months, people from the medical association were seen looking for These doctors.

But the Hillman family instead used the law to directly sue those who speculated and doubted without evidence, from the media to ordinary people, for defamation.

This protracted legal battle happens every year, all ending with the Hillman family's complaint. The media is still exaggerating these things, and no one is discussing this kind of thing anymore.

Hawke once led people to search the Hillman family's mansion, but found nothing. It was certain that the Hillman family secretly cultivated many black soldiers. Although there was no evidence, Hawke based on his years of experience Experience, and when they came into contact with some people in the Hillman family, they had no fear at all when faced with a certain degree of threat of force from Congress.

"Get it done! I'll give you a day."

Deguna's words echoed in Hawk's mind. He knew very well that the six gods had already begun to fight Jean, and a violent explosion occurred where someone had just discovered the top of the mountain.

Looking at the three guys who are still being interrogated in the room, they are all gangsters. There are also some surveillance videos of them coming here from the south during this period. They were all honest cement workers before, but because their boss went bankrupt, It resulted in the displacement, there were other people in the home, and Hawke didn't believe it was these three guys who did it.

I have tried to ask them many times whether someone instigated it, but the three guys insisted that they did it themselves.

Hawk stood up, turned around and walked out. Many people from the inspection team were waiting in the corridor.

"Close the case as soon as possible!"

Hawke took a long breath, took out a cigarette, looked at the floating smoke, and smiled bitterly. He found that he could no longer hold on anymore, and his subconscious was already asking him for help. .

Every day, he needs to face the camera and face the people of the entire city, publish some lies that have been prepared in advance, and constantly use lies to stabilize everything. Hawke wants to stay away from this circle. He has had enough of it all, but now he Unable to leave, the next generation of the city has just entered school. It is unknown how long it will take for these new blood to be injected into the city.

"I've had enough of this shit!"

At this time, several team members behind him were a little stunned when they saw Hawke, who was looking annoyed and cursing. Hawke laughed.

"Remember, no one is allowed to report this matter, suppress it."

The midday sun was a bit dazzling, Pullman stepped out of the door of the Law Hall, and the client next to him, Ran Zhi, held Pullman's hand gratefully.

"Thank you lawyer, thank you."

A large number of media reporters gathered at the door and surrounded Pullman.

"Excuse me, Mr. Pullman. There have been rumors before that the Zhang family's attorney sent by the Lawyers Association is likely to win in this matter. What exactly did you do?"

Pullman replied solemnly.

"I just did what I had to do. Please step aside. I still have work to do."

Pullman squinted at the people from the Bar Association who came out, as well as the family criminals wearing black hoods under the custody of the Law Hall, and a large number of reporters swarmed in.

Ran Zhi looked happily at the young lawyer who left the crowd and repeatedly refused to be interviewed. Sure enough, it was right to call Jean when the accident happened last year. Jean told Ran Zhi that the newly joined Golden Pavilion Law Firm, is believable.

The lawsuit was easily won because the evidence was conclusive. Even though the other party's lawyer used all kinds of rhetoric to argue, falsely claiming that Ran Zhi's wife deliberately seduced him for money, Pullman used strong evidence, including some who were willing to pay for Ran Zhi's wife. Witness Zhi's wife testified and refuted the other party.

In just one day, Pullman experienced perhaps the most important lawsuit in his life, and the balance in his heart kept trembling.

Recalling the words I warned Chris yesterday morning, I finally chose my conscience instead of listening to my voice of reason.

Pullman didn't pay attention to the commotion in the city yesterday morning about the enrollment of God's College. Instead, he devoted all his efforts to today's case. Because Ran Zhi, the litigant, has no lawyer, and the case opened at 9 o'clock this morning, so yesterday In the morning, the Lawyers Association learned that Ran Zhi had asked him to take over the case, so he took over directly and put forward generous conditions.

It's just that after Pullman finally heard everything Ran Zhi said, he did what he should do as a lawyer, but this would also ruin his own path.

The light on the street was dazzling, the temperature began to rise, and Pullman felt chills rising from his body. At this time, a phone rang. Pullman answered the phone, and things turned out as he expected.

"I know, you have worked hard during this period."

Currently, nine lawyers at Golden Pavilion Law Firm have resigned, including five clerks and three clerks in the firm, for a total of 17 resignations.

Just as Pullman was about to get in the car, several people from the law firm walked over.

"Lawyer Pullman, these are some cases assigned to you by the law firm. It's up to you to take over."

Pullman just raised his head when a large pile of documents was rudely thrown into the car. Several people from the bar association sneered and walked away.

Pullman looked at as many as 30 cases and flipped through a few at random. It was impossible to win such cases. They were all lost cases. Moreover, he also received orders from the Lawyers Association on his mobile phone. Many unnamed cases in the city were lost. Cases taken over by private individuals must be handled by lawyers assigned by the Bar Association, but most of these cases are guaranteed to be lost, which is a devastating blow to a lawyer's future.

Pullman was trembling slightly, holding a copy of the defense case for a murderer, trembling, and his eyes were extremely angry.

Didi didi

Pullman slapped the horn crazily, his emotions out of control at this moment. The price of choosing conscience was that his own road was blocked. He had obviously been a very rational person since he was a child, so why did he become like this now.

The phone rang.

Pullman drove the car to an alley and never answered the phone. It was Wu Qun calling.

But the phone kept ringing, and Pullman finally answered.

"Old Wu!"

"Congratulations, you successfully won the case this morning."

Pullman trembled slightly and clutched the phone tightly.

"I was stripped of my lawyer badge yesterday morning. Hahaha, our time will come. We will truly stand at the top. Don't be anxious. Success or failure is meaningless to us now. Yesterday's big news, You should know."

Pullman sighed, smiled bitterly, and kept choking. Everything he had worked so hard for so many years was wiped out today.

"What a piece of shit, those rubbish, a bunch of scum, they don't know what they are doing, they are just a bunch of ditch rats hiding behind money!"

"Indeed, they are a bunch of rubbish, so there is no need to be angry with the rubbish. Pullman, the reason why I called you is just to tell you, try your best to take root in a place, no matter how bad the environment is, the stage is not We don’t have to wait for others to build it for us, but we need to build it ourselves. Remember to exercise well. I will also get up and run in the morning starting from tomorrow. I plan to exercise for a while first!”

Pullman hung up the phone, looked at a pile of documents scattered on the car seat, put them neatly, and drove away from the busy city.

Wang Ying sat at the dining table and looked at the old man in front of her with a dull mood. His hair was already bald. In the past, when he was a child, he would often go to his house to drink and chat with his father, but now he has declined.

"Xiaoying, it's okay. Just work here with peace of mind."

As the old man stood up, he walked to Wang Ying's side with lewd eyes and stroked her hair. Wang Ying was a little embarrassed and wanted to get up, but was held down by the old man. The old man's eyes were aimed at Wang Ying's chest. .

Wang Ying hurriedly pulled her clothes and said thank you.

After the old man left, the mother, who was sitting in a wheelchair in the corner, looked solemn.

"Leave me here and let me fend for myself, Xiaoying, this is not a serious place."

Wang Ying pursed her lips and smiled, shaking her head.

"Mom, what are you talking about? I packed my things and went to the hotel."

After putting away the dishes, Wang Ying turned around and entered the kitchen, her face livid. She saw that strange blue light in the sky this morning. She originally thought something good would happen. However, as soon as she stepped into the block, she found many people from the city. The men coming out of the surrounding rooms looked depressed.

As time went by, Wang Ying saw many women smoking cigarettes and walking out of some rooms in scantily clad clothes. District 29 had only been built less than 8 years ago, but the streets were full of garbage. The streets are filthy and you can even see a lot of used adult products.

"Yingying, I'm serious. If you go to a better place, with your academic qualifications, it won't be difficult to find a job."

Wang Ying shook her head. She couldn't leave her mother behind. When she came here early this morning, the old man stared at her lustfully and pretended to be cordial. Wang Ying didn't intend to continue doing this for a long time. , a month at most. Now my mother needs to be taken care of, and I have to eat and sleep before I want to find a new job.

In the past, Wang Ying knew that she was a bit willful. Before she entered college, she still had a young temper. However, after meeting those friends in college, she gradually chose to restrain and change some of her bad tempers. Wang Ying has grown a lot in just over two years since she suffered a family tragedy.

Wang Ying looked at her mother with a sad face behind her. She stretched out her fingers and let out the cold water. The originally delicate jade fingers had already developed blood blisters in the palms of their hands due to the need to carry things in just one day.

Wang Ying endured the pain and began to wash the dishes. Tears overflowed from her eyes bit by bit. Wang Ying wiped them away hurriedly, not wanting anyone to see it. Especially at this time, she must not let her mother see it.

"Don't worry, Mom, I'll stay here for a month at most."

At this time, in front of the small house in the back street where Wang Ying and the others stayed, the old man opened his mobile phone with a smile, opened a software, and then entered a group, and then directly took a group of photos of Wang Ying from Many very attractive photos from top to bottom angles were posted.

The down-and-out young lady is auctioning off her first night rights, with a base price of 2,000 and an auction period of 30 days.

After setting everything up, the old man smiled and uploaded the page directly. In less than two minutes, the price climbed to 10,000.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do about it!"

"Hey, I'm sorry."

Chen Qiao sighed, and Zou Yun next to him shook his head.

"It's nothing. This is the consequence of what we did. It's only been three years."

Zou Yun looked remorseful at this time. He originally asked Chen Qiao to do business seriously and would not cause so much trouble. Now that he was sentenced to work on the farm for three years, Chen Qiao had nothing to do. Lose money.

Zou Yun will be over in a few days. It's really difficult. Originally, Zou Yun just wanted to develop slowly and steadily. But after meeting Chen Qiao, the son of the Chen family, Zou Yun wanted to rely on the family's support. The power will grow in one breath.

In just one day, the Internet was filled with a lot of ridicule and ridicule, saying that there was a liar in the Chen family, a scum, and the like, defrauding an old man who was about to be buried, and even making fake wine to kill people.

Zou Yun is still a little grateful to Chen Qiao. He took the responsibility for the fake wine that killed people, and he was able to survive. Otherwise, he would have been there for 20 years.

"That stinky lawyer, if it weren't for that bastard, we wouldn't be here"

When Chen Qiao thought of the lawyer appointed by the other party, the guy named Wu Qun, he refused to make any concessions in court, so that he and Zou Yun were completely ruined. His family had to pay more than 2 million yuan to the old man of the winery, and Chen Qiao, who was poisoned by fake wine, has been scolded by his father these days.

The Chen family's business has been hard to do in recent years. Since the birth of liquid food, although their family has also been doing it, the earliest founder, Sanlian Company, was much faster than them and occupied a large area of ​​the market.

Nowadays, many businessmen with food wholesale licenses are only willing to sell food to their families. In addition to the amount they receive from the grain base every year, it is extremely difficult for their own family to collect food. As one of the eight major families, the Chen family has begun to decline. , coupled with the fact that he deceived other wineries and manufactured fake wine to harm people, this morning, under the publicity of the media, liquid food fell directly by 11.3%. Early in the morning, he was woken up by a phone call from his father. The scolding was bloody.

"I will definitely kill that guy Wu Qun if I get a chance in the future."

Zou Yun smiled bitterly and nodded.

"But forget it, don't do such deceitful things in the future. Hey, let's not talk about it anymore. I will report to the Eastern Agricultural Base today."

As Zou Yun drank the wine on the table, Chen Qiao sighed, took out some money from his pocket, and gave it to Zou Yun.

"Take it, if anything happens, come to me anytime."

Zou Yun gratefully took the money and walked out of the restaurant melancholy. The sun outside was glaring and the temperature was very hot.

"Don't worry, there's still a lot of water, drink it slowly and don't choke."

Lolita quietly looked at the more than 300 students at the school gate. Everyone looked very happy. They were surrounding buckets and drinking water. The hot temperature was likely to cause them death from heatstroke, so she put The water was taken out, but they still had to wait. The seven gods had gone somewhere and had not come back yet. This test lasted for three days.

Once you can't bear it anymore and go out, you will immediately lose the qualification to enter the school. No one present now stepped out. After drinking water, they began to look for some shady places to rest on the hillside.

Huashen was still checking the bodies of some people under 10 years old, and found that they were indeed very weak, but there were still no major abnormalities in their bodies.

"Come here you three."

Lolita said, Huashen, Akimi and Frye all walked over, and the three of them looked at the beautiful and gentle Lolita nervously.

"Now I am the person in charge here, but the principal said that 3 days must be 3 days. If someone has problems with their vital signs, please contact me immediately. I will ensure that none of the students present will have problems, but You have to be patient. Only if you endure can you be qualified to step here. If you can't even endure this, a large number of you will be eliminated from school life in the future."

As Lolita spoke, she stood up high and climbed over the 10-meter-high gate in an instant, then stretched out her head and made a face at the students below.

"Kids, come on!"

In the college, most students were sitting under some plants. Some students couldn't help but take some leaves, wash them in their mouths and chew them in their mouths.

Everyone is holding back, and some of the food brought by the students has been distributed.

"Are you really not going to eat it, Alpha? This is the last piece?"

Mo Xiao kept swallowing and looked at the biscuit in his hand. Alpha had not eaten biscuits since last night, but chose to endure hunger like most students.

Looking at Alpha sitting quietly, Mo Xiao couldn't bear it, so he walked over and wanted to open her mouth.

"You have eaten by yourself, Mo Xiao. If you can't bear even the slightest bit of hunger, I have no right to stand here."

At this time, Larisse walked in with a sad look on her face. Giving Osman biscuits last night was her biggest mistake. She had already given all the biscuits to some younger children, and now she was starving.

"I'll give you half of it!"

Mo Xiao broke off the cookie and ate it with Latis. At this time, Latis took out another cigarette.

"Would you like to try something to sober you up?"

Alpha's face turned pale. She wiped the sweat that had spilled due to hunger and nodded.

Mo Xiao swallowed the biscuit with a sad look on her face and looked at Alpha with some uneasiness. She smiled and shook her head.

"Uncle Jean once told me that the more persevering a person's will is, the more he can accomplish many things. Especially when you are in a desperate situation, your perseverance can make you overcome all obstacles!"

Latis nodded.

"I quite agree with this. When I was 9 years old, I didn't even know the words, but I accidentally saw the guessing lottery. If I wanted to get those things, I could only learn the words desperately and study the process of guessing. , it was extremely difficult at first, but once I got really good at it, I found everything was quite easy.”

In the endless wilderness, Jean's clothes were almost burned to pieces. He held a cigarette in his mouth and stared quietly at everything in the distance.

"Aren't you going to continue the attack?"

Gene shouted. At this time, in the distance, Werther dressed as a cowboy and rode a white horse slowly ran over. Just the moment he realized it, Werther came in front of Gene.

"Take a break for a while. If you still refuse to change your mind, we will stay with you whether it is one day, two days, or a year. Anyway, we all have a lot of time, endless."

Jean smiled coldly. He could not find the location of Deguna. Once the power of Rose and Deguna was released, it would be very difficult to escape from them. And Jean was not sure how much he overlapped. In the illusion, even though his consciousness is very clear and he knows that these are hallucinations, his perception has been affected by Deguna's power. He can only fight by relying on his body's reflex nerves and countless past battle experiences.


Jean squinted at a black mud puddle that appeared behind him. Guy Yi emerged from it wearing a pair of medieval armor. Jean pressed his forehead. Everything he saw was the real thing that existed in his memory. , this armor Gene still remembers it as something he saw when his parents took him to the museum for the first time when he was a child.

"That's really bad, Deguna."

Deguna's smile appeared directly in the sky.

"This is not bad, Jean. Only if your consciousness completely gives up the idea of ​​revenge can you get out of the illusion. Otherwise, we will only let you out after everything has settled."

Gene clenched his fists, and blue smoke slowly rose from his fists.

"Then I have no choice but to continue!"

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