Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1506 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 11 (Part 1)

"do not move!"


Alpha sat in front of the mirror uncomfortably. There were a lot of dresses next to him. There were fine beads of sweat on Alpha's forehead. Mo Xiao said with a smile.

"She is so pretty, but she always dresses like a boy."

Alpha has always had shoulder-length short hair of three-quarter length since he was a child, and wears a small waistcoat, pants that allow for movement, and a pair of Martin boots.

Violet was helping her daughter comb her hair. Her daughter, who had soft skin, had more elastic and tough shoulders than her own, and her arms were thicker than other girls, at least compared to the one next to her wearing a purple tulle princess dress. Mo Xiao wants to be thick.

Violet was trimming Alpha's hair with scissors and applying some cosmetics to her face. After all, tonight was a grand banquet for the Angus family, which hosted a large number of families, wealthy businessmen in the city, including those in the power industry. people and celebrities.

Looking at herself in the mirror with her cheeks rosy and becoming more beautiful, Alpha felt uncomfortable all over. She didn't like these things very much. Her mind was filled with thoughts about fighting every day. She really liked sparring with Jean.

Next to it was a gold trophy from sports meets held by many schools. Alpha won first place in all sports in one fell swoop, breaking many records that even adults could not complete.

"You are only 8 years old, Alpha. You will also get married in the future. Listen to your mother, exercise less, and attend more ladies' banquets with your mother. At least."

"Mom, it's boring, I..."

Seeing his mother's slightly changed expression, Alpha closed his mouth. Mo Xiao began to look at a set of skirts, intending to choose one for Alpha.

"Just the black one."

Mo Xiao said, wearing a black thorn pattern tulle princess dress with a split knee part in the middle. It looked like a very bold design.

Alpha looked over and nodded.

"Xiaoxiao, this color is too dark."

"Auntie, I think black suits Alpha very well. She will definitely look good in it, and her skin is also very good, which will highlight her beauty even more."

The Argus family branch and some relatives have already arrived. The lawn outside is already very lively, and a large number of servants are preparing for tonight's dinner.

In order to prepare for today's dinner, the Angus family has been making preparations since last month. The news media in the city even reported on it. The entire city attaches great importance to this dinner.

Businessmen, in particular, attach great importance to this dinner, because it is likely that the Angus family's next large-scale city construction plan will begin.

Nowadays, among the eight major families, the Angus family has become the richest people in the city due to the road construction over the years and the many industries owned by the family. The second largest family is the car company that cooperates with the Angus family. The Phoebes family, as well as the Abelon family who participated in the construction and some other small and medium-sized families with relatively good relations with the Angus family.

Most of the businessmen who were not invited gathered in some family courtyards on both sides of First Avenue. Most of them wanted to wait directly near Angus' house to get some news.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, Freya!"

In a garden far away from the crowd, this garden located behind the Angus family's mansion was filled with many brightly colored flowers. Freya squatted in front of a pile of flowers with a smile on her face.

Freya pursed her lips and smiled, stretched out her nose, and sniffed in front of a flower.

"Mr. Jean, in the past year, I have experienced more things, which are completely different from those in school. I am very happy now."

Jean nodded, recalling that night a year ago today, under his own witness, Freya signed a contract with the Abelon family. The children Freya gave birth to must be educated by himself. No one in the Boren family had the right to interfere, otherwise she would take the child and leave.

The elderly Abron couple objected on the spot. They believed that it was impossible for a woman to educate a child well, and they had no intention of giving the child to Freya. In the end, Charles and his parents had a big quarrel. After some persuasion, the contract was finally reached.

However, Freya said that she would only come back when she decided to have a child. This made the entire Abron family very angry. Charles also silently agreed to visit Freya several times a week. But the two basically have nothing in common and are just a couple in name.

Jean knew very well that because of the family relationship, many of Freya's constructive suggestions to the Abron family were all rejected. They indeed only regarded Freya as a fertility tool like a vase. This was Freya's fault. Ya firmly cannot bear it.

The conflict finally broke out on January 1 last year. The Abron family and the Su family had a lot of business dealings, so Freya wanted Charles to go over to intercede, but in the end Charles didn't go over.

"Let's go, Freya, I'll take you to meet a child. Maybe you two will get along well, but that's not necessarily the case."

Jean smiled and stretched out a hand. Freya took Jean's hand and stood up. Then she naturally took Jean's arm and walked towards the mansion together.

In Freya's heart, only gentle men like the man next to her who can practice what they say and do what they say are the most handsome and the most reassuring to women.

A long time ago, Freya had regarded men like Jean as her criteria for choosing a spouse. However, as she grew older, Freya gradually understood that the man next to her was just the most ardent delusion of women and could only be far away. Looking at him, you can talk to him when you are sad, and you can share with him when you are happy. He is more like a respectable elder or a close friend.

After arriving at the back door of the mansion, Avano and Locke, who were talking at this time, looked over in surprise, and they bowed to Jean.

"Sorry for interrupting your conversation."

"You're here just in time, Mr. Jean."

Locke glanced at Freya, who understood and bowed slightly, then walked in.

"Mr. Avano, can I go up and take a look?"

"Go on, Freya. I also want to show that child Alpha and learn some elegance from you."

After Freya went upstairs, Avano sighed.

"This plan carries too many risks, Mr. Jean."

Locke said worriedly and Gene nodded.

"So you have to be fully prepared. When you are fully prepared, we will open the most useful technology for underground construction."

The two people who were originally looking sad suddenly showed a look of joy on their faces.

"I'm very pleased that neither of your two families have caused any problems in recent years."

Locke laughed and handed Gene a cigarette.

"Of course, if I cause any trouble, my dad will break my legs."

Avano also smiled and nodded.

"My wife is very strict about the next generation."

After passing through the large living room, Freya came directly to the second floor. There were many children in a living room. More than twenty children were all dressed up and beautiful. A group of children, men and women, talked and laughed together. There was no sign of fuss.

Opposite was a dressing room, and a faint fragrance came from inside. As soon as Freya turned around, she saw Alpha in a black princess dress. She was dressed beautifully and had a unique aura about her. Freya was quiet. Watching quietly, she had seen this child many times, but only from a distance.

This is the first time to be so close. I always feel a little incredible. This little girl who is only 8 years old has a pair of beautiful and clean eyes. The black highlights make her look even more beautiful. She has inherited the beauty of her mother Violet very well, but At this time, Alpha, who was wearing a silver princess crown inlaid with crystal clear gems, looked very unhappy. From time to time, she pulled the corner of her skirt and looked at a pair of female blue high-heeled shoes on her feet. She was shaking a little when she walked, which was very uncomfortable. Comfortable look.

"Mom, can I not wear this? I won't be able to walk smoothly."

Mo Xiao said with a smile.

"Very suitable for Alpha. I think it would be better for you to wear skirts from now on. Let me tell you, some boys in our class really like you."

Alpha staggered after taking a few steps, grabbed Mo Xiao's mouth with both hands, and pinched it.

"Let you talk more."

Only then did Violet notice Freya standing at the door. The two greeted each other. In an instant, Violet walked over and held Alpha down from behind.

"Don't talk back to me. Come quickly and say hello to Sister Freya."

Alpha glanced at Freya at the door, then bowed and shouted.

At this time Violet walked out, clapped her hands, walked to the children's room opposite, and checked their clothes.

"Sister Freya heard that you moved out of the Abron family. You are really bold."

Mo Xiao looked at Freya in disbelief, and Alpha was also a little confused. After all, this matter has become a topic of discussion in the entire family circle. This year, the Abron family has almost been unable to hold its head high.

"Why move away?"

Alpha looked at Freya with doubtful eyes.

Freya knelt down in front of Alpha.

"If you're not happy in one place, just find a place where you feel comfortable. And I don't really want to see things that make me uncomfortable."

"for example?"

Alpha asked, and Freya immediately understood that this was a serious child. Freya pursed her lips and shook her head.

"Alfa, you are so rude, how can you ask about other people's family affairs."

Mo Xiao choked and dragged Alpha, and Freya laughed.

"Have you ever thought about what you want to do in the future? You two."

"As long as you eat and drink enough every day, you can just lie at home and watch TV lazily."

Freya looked at the girl in the purple skirt next to her, a little surprised. She naturally knew that she was from the Mo family. Now the Mo family, relying on the Angus family, is already in full swing.

"Well! This wish should be easily fulfilled."

Mo Xiao smiled and looked at Alpha with serious eyes.

"You're little alpha sister!"

Alpha made a fist with one hand and placed it on his heart.

"Realize your own justice!"

Freya looked at Alpha with some surprise. This sentence came from an eight-year-old child, and Freya didn't feel that it was a joke at all.

"Then what do you think justice is?"

Mo Xiao yawned and wanted to leave, but was grabbed by Alpha. She looked at Alpha with an uncomfortable look on her face, shook her head and said.

"I don't know, Uncle Gene said, let me find the answer myself!"

Freya smiled, put a hand on Alpha's forehead, and nodded happily.

"What about you, sister?"


Freya stood up, quietly looked at the light pouring into the room, and said with a smile.

"It's a secret!"

Alpha was a little surprised, and Freya asked again.

"So Alpha, what do you think the answer you have found now is the just answer?"

"Use your power to protect the kind!"

Freya smiled and nodded, and at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps at the door of the room.

"Freya, why don't you go home first when you come back?"

Charles smiled with excitement on his face.

"I don't mean anything else, Freya, let's go for a walk together!"

Freya smiled and poked Alpha's cheek with a finger.

"Maybe what you are pursuing is illusory, but I support you very much! Come on, little sister Alpha, I only hope that one day in the future, I will have the opportunity to see you in my sight."

Mo Xiao blinked, squatted on the ground, then lay directly on the carpet, yawned, and pulled a silk scarf from the chair to cover himself.

"I'm going to sleep for ten minutes. Alpha, can you please stop dragging me with you wherever you go? You're so annoying!"

However, the next second, Mo Xiao was pulled up from the ground by Alpha, with a smile on her face.

"Let's go find Uncle Gene."

"I knew you were here, and I'm here to help!"

On a black gravel street, there were deformed people on both sides. Fry put down the backpack in his hand and walked quickly over. Hua Shen was treating a deformed woman with a smile.

There were still many people waiting around, and Frye began to ask them to wait patiently according to the situation.

"How long do you plan to stay this time?"

"There's still no doctor here, but I have plenty of time now."

Fry smiled and nodded.

"I'll accompany you."

"It doesn't matter. Don't you still have many patients in your clinic?"

Fry shook his head.

"I have announced everything that needs to be announced. There are doctors from several nearby clinics who will take my place. There is still no doctor here."

At this time, a deformed child limped over, holding a cup of hot tea and timidly placed the tea in front of Frye and left.

"By the way, your equipment is different from last year."

Huashen said with a smile.

"The profession of nurses may be eliminated in the future, because doctors can do what nurses can do, but nurses cannot do what doctors can do. Machines may replace nurses, and cities will need more diagnosticians."

Frye nodded. The latest pathological analysis machine has come out. Doctors can visually see the patient's body data to more accurately judge the patient's condition. In order to save labor costs, some hospitals have begun to use this method for drug distribution. Efficient and accurate machine.

"Is there no problem in your family? The one in your family."

Huashen still remembered that after Frye accompanied him here for a month of medical treatment last year, a beautiful woman named Nabe came over and said angrily that Frye did not contact her.

"I have told Nabe in advance that she will come to help tomorrow too."

"I'm sorry, I think you should marry her. You would be happier that way."

Frye was a little surprised and embarrassed. At this time, a 2-meter-tall deformed man came over from a distance. He had the ugly and ferocious cheeks of a mutant and a hunchback on his back, but he looked very strong and could carry He came over with a stack of bed frames that had been disassembled.

"Thank you Mr. Quasimodo, can you help assemble it?"

Frye looked at the deformed man opposite. He looked to be under 20 years old and should be a mutant. He nodded with friendly eyes and started to put down his things. Some deformed people with convenient legs and feet around him also began to come over to help.

"The medicine is still not enough!"

As Frye spoke, Huashen pointed to the sky with a smile.

"It will be delivered on time at 11 o'clock."

Frye looked at Huashen quietly. The movements of his hands were even more amazing than last year. When performing an operation in such a bad situation, one mistake may lead to the death of the patient. It was a perfect operation with zero mistakes.

"where is your family!"

After an operation was completed, the two entered a room where a wooden bed had been installed, and 12 people needed to be operated on at the same time.

"Just take a 10-minute break. I have no family."

Huashen said with a smile, and Frye nodded. At this time, Frye also noticed that some of the deformed parts of the deformed people had been operated on.

"Did you perform repair surgery on them!"

Huashen hummed.

"If they are discriminated against because of their appearance, it is understandable, because people are always naturally repelled by ugly things. So since there is something like medicine that goes against the natural laws of growth, then I will change their ugly appearance. Make them like normal people, and one day they can all walk out of here. Their appearance will be repaired, their disabilities will be repaired, and I will use medical treatment to help them walk out of here."

Frye looked at Huashen in shock.

"There are more than 40,000 people here, what if"

"There are no ifs, because I have a lot of time. A city's attitude towards disadvantaged groups determines the direction of a society. If no one is willing to do the job, I will do it, whether it is ten years or twenty years. ,I can do it."

Fry smiled and nodded, holding out a hand.

"I'm here to help, after all, it's very slow for one person to do this kind of thing."


The two of them have been busy, and finally at 11 o'clock, a helicopter slowly landed. The man who delivered the medicine was still the man named Xue Wang who wore square glasses last year, but today he He was not wearing the uniform of an administrator, but a black suit, looking dressed up.

"Where are you going to attend the banquet? King Xue."

Huashen asked, and King Xue pointed to the upper level with his finger.

"You cannot become a qualified manager like this, Huashen, this is my advice to you."

Fry looked at King Xue quietly. At this time, King Xue came over and patted Huashen on the shoulder.

"We here really hope that Dr. Frye can come over. After all, you are a rare talent, completely different from this medical idiot."

Fry looked at King Xue in surprise. King Xue smiled gently, pressed his glasses, with a touch of excitement on his face, and spread his right hand slightly.

"The future will be created by us!"

Huashen smiled and shook his head.

"King Xue, it's better for you to go back quickly. After all, you sent the medicine here without telling the teachers."

King Xue smiled and shook his head.

"I will never hesitate to give the greatest support and help to an outstanding talent."

Frye was a little surprised. Looking back on what happened this morning, Hawke never said that it was Gene who asked him to come.

"Is it you, Mr. Xue Wang, this morning?"

"I don't need to repeat the same thing a second time, Dr. Fry."

At this time, a mature and beautiful beauty came out of the lift, and she grabbed King Xue's ear.

"I really can't stand it anymore. You, Prince Xue, are always acting mature and prudent. You are only 20 years old."

At this time Lolita stretched out her hand and said formally.

"Dr. Frye, I really hope to invite you to participate in a certain research study. Although it will be some time before the school officially starts, I hope you can consider it."

Fry held Lolita's hand awkwardly.

"I am the special lecturer responsible for teaching genetics. If you really enroll in school from now on, you will call me teacher!"

King Xue stood aside completely bored, and Lolita grabbed King Xue.

"Have you finished your homework?"

"Of course!"

King Xue said as he took out a copy of the exercises from his body. Lolita took it and read it for a few seconds, then her eyes widened.

"After you go back from the banquet today, please copy the basics of genetics a hundred times. If you still can't understand it after a hundred times, go over it a thousand times until you can understand it deeply."

King Xue looked at Lolita solemnly, but Lolita did not give him a good look, but slapped the exercises.

"You must first understand genetics before you can learn medicine. This is a necessary step. Future surgeries are inextricably linked to genes. Genetic medicine will also be the general direction of medicine in the future."

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