Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1505 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 10 (Part 2)

As the sun's rays became stronger and stronger, the whole city began to heat up, and there was a sense of heat in the air.

In economically prosperous areas, the traffic flow on the streets is very large. Even on the 50-meter-wide streets, there is still congestion. The signal lights at the sockets constantly change between red, green and yellow signals, and the vehicles are moving slowly. is marching.

There was a constant flow of pedestrians on the sidewalk. It was not so crowded on weekday mornings, but it was like this on the morning of the new year.

The changes in the city over the years have been dizzying. Buildings with black photoelectric coatings will light up at night. The light elements in the coating materials of the buildings can continuously transform into colorful lights at night. Neon screen to play advertisements.

Ran Zhi drives a black latest model car with a photoelectric coating. It can rely on the internal bacterial battery to provide powerful kinetic energy at night, and it can have an endless supply of driving energy under the sun during the day.

The car is not expensive and can be bought for only 8,000. It only requires subsequent equipment maintenance and adding bacterial culture fluid for a period of time.

The two children in the back seat of the car were noisy and hot. Ran Zhi smiled and told them they would be there in a moment. Ding Manman sat aside. With the unexpected bonus, Ran Zhi purchased a warehouse covering an area of ​​400 square meters and renovated it. It has become a small supermarket, with the supermarket on the first and second floors, and the third and fourth floors where they live and the staff dormitories.

Today, their family plans to spend the New Year in the upper floors. They have already made reservations in some shops famous on TV, as well as a room in a high-end hotel.

The display screen in the car was playing a news report about Hawke, the leader of the inspection team, dealing with a medical association's suppression of a junior doctor.

The city is really becoming more and more stable. In the past, middle-class people had to be careful when traveling at night because they would encounter robberies in the market, but now there is no need to worry about traveling at night because administrators patrol the streets every night.

"We will try it next year and make some technology products, which will make us more stable and profitable."

Ran Zhi said that he had been optimistic about many projects. While browsing the technologies opened by Congress, Ran Zhi found several things that he thought would be very profitable in the future.

In particular, Ran Zhi is very interested in online payment technology. Many businessmen are still hesitating. With the coverage of the Internet, crimes on the Internet have also surged in recent years. Many technical personnel who are devoted to the Internet have begun to Using the technology at hand, after finding network vulnerabilities, they create some viruses to attack the networks of some companies and steal business secrets or other things.

Some small companies have begun to try online payments, using the inherent software in mobile phones to pay, replacing physical banknotes. However, this technology has too many security risks, and there have been many crimes against this type of online payment. .

Most companies that do this kind of online payment only start after attracting a large number of users and merchants. This is indeed more convenient, but most of these financial companies will invest large sums of money raised. Other industries are used to make profits. Recently, such companies have been subject to strict qualification reviews by banks. A large number of such companies have gone bankrupt due to poor management.

Ran Zhi also knew very well that before the gods opened up more network technologies, they could not rush in. Ran Zhi planned to wait for the opportunity quietly.

At this time, the car stopped again. Ran Zhi looked at the door of a financial company on the street. There were many people waiting to withdraw money. The merchants that cooperated with these online payment financial companies were all designated merchants. Generally, there were Some discounts are provided to attract savers and hand over money to them, but by the New Year, most people still have to withdraw money because the coverage of online payment is too small.

Among the people waiting to withdraw money, there was a pale man with sunken eyes and a skinny man. He kept swallowing and the backs of his palms were wet with sweat. It would be his turn soon.

Finally, when it was the man's turn, he took out his cell phone tremblingly.

"I want to withdraw money."

After opening the company's software on his mobile phone, the man actually had 200,000 in his account. The waiter at the counter was a little confused. The man said he wanted to withdraw all the money at once. Although the manager on the side came over and asked some questions in a friendly manner, But the man insisted on taking the money.

After a while, the man took the box and left with 200,000 yuan. After leaving, he immediately ran wildly, put on his hood, and quickly ran into an alley. His legs are still shaking to this day.

"What are you afraid of? As I said, it's very easy, isn't it?"

In the alley, X looked at the man with a smile in his eyes. The man's face was full of joy at this time, and he really took away 200,000 easily.

"Is it really okay? Mr. X."

X patted the man on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, they won't find out until the end of the month when they set up tents that you are a gangster. What are you afraid of?"

The man laughed happily, kept swallowing, and X led the man away.

"Just be careful not to spend money lavishly in the future, so as not to make people suspicious."

The man nervously held the money box and looked around. X recently needed a large amount of money to conduct underground research. After trying many methods, the results were quite embarrassing. However, at this time, many online payment financial companies were born. , X targeted these companies. Although their corporate networks were quite tight, they were just like a blank slate in front of X.

First, He first asked this man to deposit some money into his internal customer account, and then began to modify the amount in the account, directly moving other depositors' money, like ants moving, each depositor moving a few yuan to dozens of yuan.

This is the fourth time that he has successfully committed a crime. Each time, There is no way to check it. It is too complicated to query the modified data.

The gangsters who helped the first three times have all been arrested. After all, when they went to withdraw money, they were monitored. At one place, X took out the 100,000 yuan from the man's box and left with a smile. Behind him The man was still thanking him repeatedly, but suddenly he felt that something was wrong. He immediately began to analyze the streets on the left and right sides, and then quickly entered the back door of a restaurant and went directly to the bathroom. He closed his eyes and connected himself directly. Entered the nearby surveillance network.

Sure enough, many people from the Special Inspection Section came over, and the man was still carrying a suitcase. He was ecstatic because he had money. When he saw him, he took out a stack of money in an instant, with the intention of spending it. By 3 minutes, the man was surrounded and he was soon arrested.


X opened his eyes and said something. His body had just received an unusual signal, like a warning signal. Although he didn't know who it was, X knew very well that there was a guy on the Internet who could also be free. It is a network monitoring program, but it does not expose X. Instead, it always tries to contact X. But most of the time, X finds that the program is locked, as if its mouth, ears, and eyes are covered. Just rely on feeling to explore.

X began to try to obtain voice permission. At first, the other party was repulsive, but as This unkempt man withdrew 200,000 and felt suspicious, so he asked technicians to investigate directly. Although this man had access records and identity information, he immediately used a software that the gods distributed to all financial companies for free. After calculating the amount, the result soon came out. This man actually only saved 1,000 yuan.

After X came out of the network, his expression became serious.

"Quantum AI computing technology, haha, it is indeed worthy of the gods. It has been developed so easily. It seems that we need to be more careful in the future."

The fierce wind swept by, and Rose shivered. Some black sand and stones hit her body, which hurt her. Rose grinned slightly.

"Bah, there's sand in my mouth."

After Li Chu breathed hard, something black immediately sprayed out from his nose.


With a violent noise, a fist-sized ice block hit next to Gu Yi. Deguna was raising her hands, relying on powerful telekinesis to control huge metal materials.

Werther was still installing things on the ground. Tang Rao was very unhappy and his hair was about to be blown off.

Six people are carrying out huge construction work on top of the 50-meter-wide barrier. Every day when they are free, the six people will come over to do part of it. Humans will freeze to death in this environment, let alone working.

"Aren't you cold? Your skin is turning purple. Put it on."

Tang Rao held a coat, and Rose smiled and raised one hand. For a moment, the air around him seemed to be forbidden. Some sand and gravel flew directly along the curve towards both sides of the crowd, and the ice fell down. The block shattered directly as if it hit something hard.

When designing this barrier, everyone thought of countless solutions, and finally decided on a 300-meter-high and 50-meter-wide city wall. This was the first step in building an ecosystem.

When the sun rises, the air in the city will overheat and start to rise, and the low-temperature air will continuously flow into the city to form wind, and the wind will bring moisture into the city.

The height and angle of the barrier were strictly calculated by Li Chu. Because water molecules have a large mass, basically this height allows a large number of water molecules to directly absorb small holes through the water molecules on the wall, and then pass through the wall. After entering the barrier, the cold air in the barrier flows directly to the city. Finally, it is absorbed by water molecule extractors installed throughout the city and processed, and then there is domestic water.

The entire city, coupled with the barrier pattern and the barren outer barrier area, has gradually formed a structure that relies on wind power to absorb water molecules. After the water evaporates into water molecules in the city, it will suddenly evaporate due to the night temperature. Once the sun sets, they will directly return to the dry and cold barrier area. As soon as the sun rises the next day, they will return to the city, so there will be no shortage of water in Bright City.

The water molecules in nature outside the barrier will also move towards this side with the flow of air. As long as the artificial sun rises every day, the air flow will continue to transport water molecules.

Now everyone plans to build four observation and research stations on the top of the barrier, and then use photon core power generation to maintain strong electrical energy, and then lay on the barrier a four-section motion observation station that can be moved left and right to the observation station at any time like a train in the past. Including starting construction of weapons on the observatory.

I originally thought about using a robot, but the robot is very easy to be damaged if it has been in such a harsh environment for a long time. The wind that blows over carries a lot of metal ions. Over time, the robot may be damaged, so we can only rely on manual labor. To complete, this is the lowest cost approach.

"You guys, can you stop standing? Can you work quickly? You have to go back to school tonight."

Witte looked at the few guys who seemed to be looking at the scenery with some annoyance, and a few people also started to move. The construction here, with the speed of six people working together, can be completed in only half a year, but if the stability in the city If so, six people would work on it without sleeping or eating. Gene would only need to send the materials once, and it would take at most two months to complete.

"I'd say that's about it. The temperature in the city has continued to rise recently, and there's a reason why the wind is so strong."

Deguna said as everyone gathered together.

"Now is not the time to build an underground traffic network."

Werther said, Gu Yi said with a smile.

"Continuing research into more reliable and safe life-span vaccines is the top priority."

Several others nodded.

Now, through the joint efforts of Jean and Guyi, a new type of chemical rock stabilizer has been developed, which can increase the density of rocks in a certain area, making the rock structure more stable, stronger, and even Hardness can exceed steel.

This thing called rock stabilizer can be transformed into a superfluid state through ultra-low temperature that can easily penetrate rocks. You only need to set a certain launch intensity to accurately send these superfluid states underground as far as possible. The distance has been tested and can penetrate up to 200 meters underground.

After the superfluid state slowly recovers its temperature and is reduced to a rock stabilizer, it will increase the density of the rock in the area and finally reach the density and hardness of metal.

The rocks in an area only need to reach the density and hardness of metal. It is not a problem to carry tens of thousands of tons of buildings. It will be more useful in construction. You can change the density of the stones on different floors to directly eliminate the need for pillar support. A house can be built quickly with only wall support.

"Now is not the time. Farms in the east are still being reclaimed. There is not enough food to support more intense construction. Development has been too fast in recent years, so we have to slow down. We have to wait for the breakthrough of more useful genetic foods, and we must develop suitable ones." Only genetic food can be used as a vaccine for human lifespan, and the current rate of human diseases caused by meat is very high."

Li Chu said, Gu Yi nodded and continued.

"Besides, we have not yet cultivated a group of useful managers. The establishment of administrative departments and the establishment of the parliamentary system have not yet been completed. In addition, with the implementation of electronic money, taxation must be completely stabilized. Many recent incidents Cyber ​​crimes against financial companies are enough to prove that no matter how powerful the system is, there are loopholes to follow. A complete financial management system must be developed so that no data will be missed and cannot be modified. Ultimately, Gradually complete the transformation from physical banknotes to virtual banknotes, so that you can control everything more powerfully."

Tang Rao squatted on the ground. At this time, accompanied by a biting cold wind, everyone looked at Rose. She had sunk into the mud-like ground and wrapped herself directly with stones. Only two eyes are exposed.

"You guys keep doing it, I'll take a break."

Tang Rao looked at her hands that had been frostbitten by the low temperature of more than 30 degrees below zero, and the skin had turned black. She gritted her teeth and smashed the stone wrapping Rose with a slap.

"Come up here. If you rest, your efficiency will be very low."

Rose could only crawl out again.

"It is very troublesome to control. If you directly create a vacuum environment, you will need to rely on your own strength to resist the atmospheric pressure in your body. If you do not create a vacuum, you will have to carefully select some atoms that will hinder the work. Xenophobia, let’s leave it at that.”

"Get started, such a small amount of atmospheric pressure is meaningless to us."

As Li Chu said, yellow particles appeared around Rose's eyes. The wind stopped completely in an instant. Blood began to ooze from the surface of Tang Rao's cheeks. The bodies of several other people also appeared strange, but everyone soon recovered. As usual, he started to fuck quickly.

"By the way, how about implementing a citizen hierarchy, which will make it easier to control."

Li Chu, who had just picked up a large piece of steel, asked, and everyone looked at him.

"Forget it, this way the hierarchy will be more obvious. It's better not to use the citizen hierarchy unless it is absolutely necessary."

Tang Rao said, and Deguna chuckled.

"If you want to develop more quickly, the citizen hierarchy is a good solution, because of its stimulative nature and the joint squeeze of the carrot-carriage effect. Candies and whips are shared, and competition will intensify, so there won't be so many things for nothing. That’s it.”

Werther shook his head.

"This is too cruel for people. Indeed, there are many gangs in the society who gather together to steal, violently intimidate and do nothing but have fun all day long, as well as a large number of guys who have become beggars. We live by the mercy and charity of others, but I always feel that these social phenomena can be gradually eliminated, relying on the laws and the efforts of managers."

Rose laughed helplessly.

"Let's get to work first. I have to preside over the city meeting tonight, and I have to nag with those idiots. I really can't stand it anymore. A group of unproductive guys. As a member of the city committee, it's really hard for me. It’s quite sad.”

"There is nothing we can do about it. After all, once people fall into greed, it is difficult to extricate themselves. A few years ago, they were all very constructive people, but after struggling in the circles of power and business, they have become corrupt. Damn it, let me tell you in advance that from now on, I will directly let the little Gil under my command be the section chief of the 5th Public Security Management Section. Do you have any objections?"

Tang Rao said, and Li Chu immediately burst into laughter.

"That weak boy, let's forget it. Jean has already decided on the candidate for the head of Section 5."

Tang Rao pouted.

"It's true that the little girl named Alpha is quite capable."

"I think it would be better for Jill to go to Section 7, Purse Management Section."

Rose said, and Tang Rao nodded reluctantly.

"Where's the little fat guy?"

Gu Yi asked, and after Deguna pondered for a while, she shook her head.

"Little Fatty is not suitable to be a manager, he is too soft-hearted!"

Several people stopped what they were doing and planned to discuss the training direction of the heads of the operational section first, but all six people agreed that King Xue was the best candidate for the 1st section.

"For Section 2, I think it would be better to let the more stable R be the section chief, but that little girl C will definitely be dissatisfied. K's character is too unstable."

Deguna said, Gu Yi shook his head.

"Not necessarily. As long as that girl C has a task, that's fine. Then we'll be on the same level. Externally, R will be the section chief, internally, K will be the one, and C will be responsible for all operations in the city."

After everyone deliberated for a while, it was finally the decisive turn of the 10 subjects. This is the subject responsible for the future technology of the city.


As soon as Werther spoke, everyone nodded. Although Noah was more flexible than Noah in terms of talent and interest, Noah had a very clear purpose in doing things, which was enough.

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