Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1502 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 9 (Part 2)

"There's nothing wrong with your head, right Wu Qun?"

Beckinsale looked at Wu Qun in disbelief. Except for Freya, everyone else was extremely surprised, because everyone knew that Wu Qun's family was currently very prosperous in the upper class, and their supermarket chain had already opened. 13 companies.

As a very powerful supermarket now, as long as Wu Qun takes over his family's business after returning, everyone present will know that he has the ability to make Wu's supermarket the largest supermarket in Bright City.

In addition to the relationships Wu Qun has built in the past four years in school, there are many people who know Wu Qun not only in this school, but also in other schools. If he wants to do business, he already has a lot of keys in his hand. Open the door and his path is clear.

"Are you serious? Lao Wu."

Pullman muttered and Wu Qun nodded.

"Of course I'm serious. Look at the time I joked with you."

Freya smiled, but there was a hint of shock in her smile. Although she did not tell Wu Qunming, Jean once told her that the administrative system and the parliamentary system are the two major factors that will determine the direction and future of the city. Factions.

In the future, when the city becomes more stable and the social structure becomes more and more complete, law will be the necessary foundation for being a councillor. Freya has already begun to study law in private without telling others.

What Freya didn't expect was that Wu Qun understood Freya's meaning in an instant and thought of what might exist in the future, and the law was a key point.

Not far away, Baozhen and Chris walked over. Baozhen looked a little uncomfortable. Many people knew that Baozhen's clothing company was in unprecedented difficulties and was on the verge of bankruptcy. The eldest son Baoyan had dropped out of school and went back to help. The family weathered the storm.

"Can everyone give me some advice, Lao Wu?"

Baozhen looked at Wu Qun sadly, and he shook his head. Several others also said they were helpless. Now that the Baozhen family has fallen into an economic crisis, several people who have a good relationship with Baozhen lent her the tuition and miscellaneous expenses for the entire year. Paid in advance.

"Why don't you go talk to your sister? She is not the chairman of the liquid food giant Sanlian Company now."

As Chris spoke, Baozhen's face instantly became tangled. On the one hand, she did not dare to disobey her elder brother. On the other hand, she also vaguely felt that it was wrong for her sister to follow a man to the lower floors and run away from home. Her family had already When she died, it was because she stole a large amount of money from the family when she left.

Although Baochun later succeeded and returned the money to her family, her family refused to forgive her. Baozhen, who was caught in the middle, had a hard time being a good person. Her parents were old and could no longer manage the family business.

"After the graduation party tonight, you ask your brother to come over, and I will go with you to talk to the Su family."

Freya said, Baozhen looked at her with joy, hurriedly ran over and hugged Freya, tears filled her eyes for a while.

"Thank you, Freya, thank you."

Although they are still students, they are only 22 years old and they all know that the city is undergoing drastic changes. Many students from the family have dropped out of school. Competition is becoming more and more fierce. The family system is falling apart. Except for the more than 30 people at the upper level, Apart from the huge family, the rest of the small and medium-sized families are in decline.

No one can escape unscathed from this fierce wave of reshuffle, and the city is increasingly controlled by the gods at one point.

In this era, everyone feels somewhat uncertain. The world in front of them is hazy and unknown. Where the future will go is difficult for everyone to imagine, even Beckinsale is the same.

Even though she has entered the entertainment industry, today's industry is very disgusting to him. Last year, she was invited as many as 15 times. Although she refused once, she was almost accepted 3 times. Take away forcefully.

In addition, Beckinsale is well aware of his acting skills and relies only on his appearance. However, in such an era of extremely advanced information technology, latecomers will continue to pour in, and he will only be squeezed out. A smart head is not a good thing. Although Beckinsale can indeed accompany those investors or bosses and be praised higher by them, that is not what Beckinsale wants. Her self-esteem does not allow her to do this.

"I'll give you a piece of advice, Beckinsale. If you really can't bear it, don't step in. Reality will strip off every piece of clothing on your body. Once your clothes are stripped off, you will sink in." , as a classmate, I don’t want to see you fall.”

Lin Xiao looked at Beckinsale seriously, but at this moment Beckinsale looked at him with a smile.

"Don't you want us to have a serious talk?"

Lin Xiao smiled.

"I only like Wang Ying, I'm sorry."

Freya stared at the management of these schools quietly. Among them, Chris would go to teach in the school after leaving the school. As a primary school teacher, this was also surprising.

"Be patient, everyone, a stage that can show us, a stage that can carry our ambitions, will eventually come."

Freya said and everyone else laughed.

"Forget it, I am indeed not this material. I actually did not sign a contract with the Jiang family. I lied to you."

Everyone has known for a long time that Beckinsale often suffers from insomnia these days. Although she is very good at communication, she is not a frivolous woman in appearance. Instead, she is very self-loving and reserved.

K was waiting quietly at a junction of highways. He looked like a passenger waiting for the bus. He was dressed in a white suit and his handsome appearance attracted several girls who were waiting for the bus.

Not far away, a truck slowly came down a ramp. It seemed to be empty, with a transportation sign on it.

K threw away the cigarette butt, raised his head, and glanced at his pocket watch. It was just 9:19 in the morning.


With a violent noise and screams, some girls at the platform saw K running towards the truck.

There was a fierce braking sound, and just when everyone thought the truck was going to hit K, K pressed one hand on the front of the truck. The truck stopped instantly, and then the entire truck was lying across the intersection.

"What the fuck are you looking for"

The four people in the truck got out of the truck angrily, but the guy who was about to curse was punched in the face by K. His eyeballs exploded in an instant. The bloody scene made everyone present scream and run away. .

Seeing the other three people trying to escape, K instantly ejected. One of them was kicked directly in the chest. After the truck was flattened, he lost his breath. The other two knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

The siren blared, and management trucks came one after another. Soon the administrators opened the truck's container. In an instant, many people turned around and vomited. K pinched his nose and looked at the things in the container. There were a pile of corpses of young and beautiful women, more than 30 of them in total. Most of the women had scars on their bodies, and many had severe body spots and signs of severe torture during their lifetimes.

"The things have been found and we can start taking action. If you dare to resist, we will kill you without mercy!"

K held up the phone. On the other end of the phone, R stood at the door of a large club. Behind him were a large number of special inspectors who stood up straight, had sharp eyes, and already had weapons in their hands.

R nodded, walked slowly to the door of the club, and put down the phone.


Following a violent side kick, the iron door exploded instantly as if it had been hit by a cannonball.

"You are now being arrested for murder, illegal body trading, hiding corpses, illegal disposal of corpses, and weapons possession. Please don't resist or you will die!"

As soon as R finished speaking, many employees in the club who were cleaning in the early morning knelt on the ground and put their heads in their hands. One guy turned around with frightened eyes and was about to enter the room. In an instant, R was beside him.

"I said so."

A finger gently pressed down on the guy who was about to enter the door to report the news. In an instant, his whole head was smashed back, and he was already dead when he knelt on the ground.

As brutal screams rang out, R led more than 100 people into the club, and hundreds of soldiers on the outside quickly set up a cordon.

R and K discovered this secret crime in April last year. Many young and beautiful women and men were tortured in some perverted ways. After a period of time, the bodies were transported to the lower floors and dumped and buried in some ravine areas.

There have also been many missing persons cases in the city. Currently, the city’s population registration has been initially completed. In the past three years, as many as 1,285 people have disappeared.

Finally, the source was traced to the family club located on the upper Qinglong Street. It was a medium-sized family club owned by the Hillman family.

"do not panic!"

Along with a burst of sound, in the hall of the club, some people squatting on the ground with their hands on their heads were sobbing. A man in his 40s came out, smiled coldly, and looked at the squinting special inspector in front of him. .

"Your Excellency, it is true that we have committed a crime. I admit my crime, but unfortunately, we have immunity!"

R nodded with a smile, stretched out his hand, took a gun from a subordinate behind him, and shot a crying manager in the head.

"Okay, now that the family patriarch has admitted his crime, everyone except the family members will be shot on the spot, leaving no one behind."

"What are you going to do, you guys?"

R directly jumped over the patriarch, and several crying employees were executed instantly. R wiped the blood from his hands and said with a sneer.

"If you want to repent, go and tell the deceased. Not only adults, but also children. After all, it is better to burn rotten things with fire."

Accompanied by fierce gunfire and tragic screams, many people in the entire club tried to escape in fear, but were shot directly without exception.

"You are not human at all!"

The middle-aged man screamed, trembling, looking behind him with narrowed eyes, sitting in the corridor of the stairs.

"It's not your turn to talk about us, you are qualified."

At this time, many women in the basement were brought up in a trance with sad eyes. Without exception, they all had collars around their necks, wore thin clothes, and had scars on their bodies.

"Hand over the list of customers, and I will slowly investigate the murderers one by one."

As R said, the middle-aged man laughed heartily and kept shaking his head.

"Our store does not have a customer list. As long as you pay, no matter who you are, you can enjoy it. You have no right to arrest us."

R nodded.

"Be prepared for huge compensation! Aren't you quite rich!"

At this time, a large number of reporters were outside the door, watching the rescued women being interviewed one after another.

"Excuse me, Sir Administrator, we just heard gunshots. What happened inside?"

"The members of our special inspection team encountered strong resistance from the other party and engaged in fierce exchanges of fire. However, please rest assured that this illegal body trading club has been wiped out in one fell swoop, and the traffickers have been rescued."

R sat quietly on the stairs, looking at the women and men who were already in a trance. The proportion of women was higher. There was an exhibition hall on the lower floor, as well as a large number of torture instruments, masks, and various clothes.

"The cancer must be eradicated. There are countless cancers that can harm the city. This is a warning to other guys!"

The overwhelming reports caused an uproar in the whole city at 10 o'clock in the morning. Many people on the upper Qinglong Street ran to the periphery of the scene to watch.

At this time, in some nearby shops, the bosses gathered together, and everyone looked extremely solemn. They discussed how to secretly dispose of the goods in their hands. Now for them, all this is a hot potato. .

There will be supply only when there is demand. Since the Hillman family started doing business in this area, many stores have followed suit. The income has been extremely high. There are many rich people in the upper class, and many people are so poor that they only have Money, for many people, is a tool for enjoyment. Parties that became popular among some small families have made many people smell business opportunities.

"I think it's better to give them a sum of money and let them leave. Missing persons are being investigated. If our people report us, we will definitely die."

Everyone was very scared, because the only people who walked out of the club were the patriarch of that family and several members of the family. There should be more than 300 people working there. The gunshots rang out for a long time before they stopped, and there were continuous shots. The plane came down to transport the body.


Accompanied by a violent knocking sound, the more than 30 bosses present were stunned for a moment. They saw an inspector wearing a black uniform coat and squinting eyes rushing in. Along with a strong smell of blood, several bosses appeared. The personal mutant bodyguard at the door was dead.

"The big mouse has been caught, but the little mice can't escape. I have been observing you for a long time. Now I give you two choices, either plead guilty or die!"

"Wow! So beautiful!"

Mo Xiao woke up from her sleepy eyes. She watched TV last night before going to bed after 3 o'clock. Alpha looked at everything in front of her quietly. The refreshing feeling made her fall in love with this place instantly.

A long circular corridor is separated by open-air training fields. There is a huge seven-sided building in the middle. On the left and right sides are two 5-story rectangular buildings from major brands. The corridor is covered with green vines. , there are flower beds on the outside, with trees and flowers inside.

A large number of patterns are carefully carved on the pillars of the corridor, and each section of the corridor has beautiful colorful gradients. The huge stone slab under the feet is engraved with a large number of scientific symbols of different styles. Alpha saw the square facing the school gate. At the entrance of the teaching building, there was a big α symbol on the ground, and he ran over happily.

Alpha was just about to go over when she stopped and saw a woman with a beautiful smile sitting on a chair in the corridor on the left. She was holding a screen and looked over with a smile.

"Little sister, are you looking for your mother?"

Alpha shook his head.

"Sister, Uncle Gene brought me here."

Alpha said politely, and suddenly C put down the panel in his hand, and walked towards Alpha step by step. At the moment when he was 5 meters away from Alpha, he suddenly ejected towards him, and Alpha quickly dodged it.

C looked at Alpha with some surprise.

"You are very strong, little sister. Your body balance may even be better than mine."

"I am here to visit today with my two children. When they are 10 years old, they will enter school!"

Mo Xiao blinked and shook his head. He always felt that the smiling woman in front of him was not a good person. Looking at her eyes, he felt scared.

"You idiot, you almost killed me."

Noah looked at Noah angrily, and Noah scratched his head with a disapproving smile. As soon as they stepped out of the door, they saw Alpha and became a little confused.

"You two, your tendency to stay in the laboratory every day is good, but don't forget to exercise. If you two are still lazy in tomorrow's test, I will let C guide you from now on."

"I know, principal!"

The two of them answered in unison. At this time, Alpha also looked at the two guys in front of him. They had an unpleasant smell and the smell of sweat.

"Beautiful little girl!"

Noah said, Noah walked over.

"Principal, are you a new kid? My name is Noah."

Alpha held out his hand.

"Hello, my name is Alpha."

For a moment, everyone present looked at Alpha in surprise.

"The alpha of the Angus family?"

C asked suspiciously, Jean nodded, and then introduced Mo Xiao.

"Her name is Xiaolan. We will go to school together in the future. I hope all brothers and sisters will take care of her."

Alpha bowed politely to everyone.

At this time, Gene received a phone call. He glanced at the phone number and left. Alpha soon started talking to several people, while Mo Xiao only dared to watch from a distance.

"What's wrong Hawk?"

"I want to resign Gene!"

Gene was a little surprised for a moment, his mouth opened slightly, and the cigarette butt in his mouth almost dropped.


"Have you seen the news this morning? What exactly did you teach?"

Gene looked solemn and said after a while.

"Deguna and Gu Yi have always been responsible for the education of the three of them. I am only responsible for some combat education."

"Their behavior is becoming more and more like yours, Jean. There should obviously be room for maneuver, even if it is..."

Gene raised his head with a cold expression and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"I have only taught them one thing. Once they are judged to be no longer human, they will be wiped out directly. That place, from bottom to top, has been like an airtight wall for three years. Everything that happened this morning has affected those guys. It’s fair to say that when they started engaging in this inhuman business, they should have thought that they would be treated inhumanely in the end!”

"I've had enough of Gene, helping you cover up the truth, or fabricate a truth that the people want to see, I"

Gene said with a smile.

"Can you wait until the day when the executive department is officially established? Hawke, we are now planning a large-scale investigation and resource collection outside the barrier. I will personally lead the team out. Please, Hawke, what do you need!"

Hawke laughed.

"I just want to get married and have children, and then live the rest of my life peacefully. I've been so tired over the past few decades, and I'm really tired of Gene."

"I know, I'm really sorry Hawke, I ruined your life!"

After a while, Hawke let out a long sigh.

"My life is my own choice, and it has nothing to do with you Gene. I will wait until the day when the business department is established to officially retire. Gene, help me give a message to the other bastards. Your original intentions are good, but on the way The road started to twist and turn, and there are still more kind-hearted people in this city."

"Because of this, what we can do is to cultivate a group of managers who can solve all problems and maintain this kindness!"

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