Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1501 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 9 (middle)

"Bah, don't laugh to death? Get out of here, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

An old man in a suit took out an apostolic order from his briefcase and spoke in a threatening tone.

"You will lose everything if you"

"What can I lose? Why should I be loyal to the family? What have you given me? A pitiful salary of 300 yuan a month, and then food and accommodation? In the same type of industry, in a position like mine, the monthly salary is more than 1,500 yuan, and Year-end bonus, why should I continue to work hard for you without complaint? It is true that you helped my dad when he was down, but the cost of my study was paid by my parents working hard at the construction site. Even at your construction site, but The wages are lower than other construction sites, you shameless thing, get out."

The young man scolded, and many people nearby laughed.

"Uncle, what era are we in now? Return the apostolic order."

At this time, a fashionably dressed businessman came not far away.


The young man bowed as soon as he saw the merchant.

"You will work in my company tomorrow. You will earn 1,800 a month. I will also get you a large apartment on the upper floor and a maid to dress you. Please be satisfied."

Many people standing at the door of a somewhat old family company looked at this young man with envy. He had changed his destiny through knowledge.

The old man in the family trembled and begged the young man not to leave. He was the company's technical core because he followed his father's words and came to the company after graduation. In just three years, he created huge profits for the company. Because of the apostolic order, his salary has never been increased. The new family manager of the company, since he is a member of the family, seeking benefits for the family is the most basic, and he is not qualified to discuss salary issues at all.

"You shameless guy, I will inform all the major families about your position right away."

The old man said, and the self-made businessman laughed and shook his head.

"Times have changed. Uncle, just use your family's so-called family master-disciple order. I don't care. If you really want to do something, I don't mind giving it a try."

At this time, many people in the company gathered around the boss.

"Okay, as long as you come here, I will give you a salary increase, and there will also be a year-end welfare guarantee. Why do you work for nothing for others?"

"I'm going to sue you."

A large number of employees of the company had already taken out their resignation letters on the spot. The old man looked at the resignation letters that were being submitted and shouted loudly, but no one paid him any attention.

The managers and administrators responsible for maintaining order on the side were helpless, because the old man's family company had never signed a labor contract with these people at all, which allowed them to circumvent the labor law's requirement to guarantee workers' future benefits. Law regulations.

In recent years, with the opening up of technology, many businessmen have emerged rapidly. The technologies opened by Congress are diverse and do not even need to pay any fee to purchase. Anyone can use them, but only according to the benefits brought by the technology. benefits and pay technology tax.

This approach was strongly criticized by the family, but it was supported by ordinary people, who felt that the gods were becoming more and more enlightened.

More new products are beginning to appear in the market, people's lives are becoming more and more convenient, and their competitiveness is becoming stronger and stronger. It is no longer the past situation where large and small families controlled everything.

"Boss, our prices are really low, why don't you buy our goods?"

At the entrance of a large grocery store, a young man from a family was holding a bar of coffee potion in his hand. The packaging was full of rustic flavor and the taste was not very good. There were a lot of coffee pots on the shelf selling coffee potions of various styles. There's no way to compare with brand-name coffee potions.

"See for yourself, your products are earthy and taste bad. I'll tell you the truth. In the past three months, I haven't been able to sell even one of your coffee potions, so I want to return them. Isn't that okay? ?We signed a sales contract at the beginning."

Several employees took out many boxes of coffee chemicals that had been backlogged in the warehouse and placed them at the door. The young people in the family looked at them in distress. Many families had suffered greatly from the technology opened by the gods.

Their family has suffered continuous losses from April last year to now, has a large backlog of goods, and is on the verge of bankruptcy. Many members of the family naively believe that they still have control over the market, and have not noticed at all that the gods have given ordinary people people’s right to participate in the market.

8:19 am

A group of tax inspectors in black uniforms from the South Side bank headquarters raided a family business and soon found evidence of tax evasion in some of the accounts.

"You bastards, I'm a member of the family."

"You don't have to bear the legal responsibility for the penalty, but please make up for the tax evasion. If it can't be made up, we have the right to seize your company and sell it. We will take away the tax revenue from the sale. , and the rest will be returned to your family.”

The man who was being held down instantly turned pale. He hurriedly said good things, hoping to be given a few days of grace, because he was not doing well in business and would be doomed if he suddenly paid such a large amount of tax.

"Unfortunately, sir, we only followed the law and closed the company and put it up for sale."

Before 8:20, on a street about 2 kilometers long called Golden Street, this is the bank's headquarters, located on the middle floor.

A large number of family members and businessmen gathered in the bank to do business.

"Unfortunately, according to your asset review, it is not enough to get a loan of 500,000 yuan."

A young man from a family lowered his head, and many businessmen nearby laughed and pointed at him.

Banks have also undergone drastic changes. In the past, banks could invest in some urban land industries, but now banks refuse to use depositors' money to make any investments. Once discovered, banks can be jailed for up to 50 years.

Banks are only responsible for depositing and borrowing money, including taxes. Because banks cannot make external investments, they only generate loan interest when they lend money to depositors. When depositors make deposits, there is no deposit interest. Banks are becoming more and more like a Functional departments, not banks under the past model.

The bank is only responsible for managing the money of everyone in the city, ensuring the safety of the money, and being responsible for the city's taxation. When users are in financial difficulty, those who pass the review can get loans.

There were many bankers in the past, but now bankers have disappeared. They usually have a large amount of property and funds in their names, and have close contacts with a large number of families and businessmen. They will even use their power to give priority to these people. Open certain permissions.

In the seven years since the gods began to open up technology, the city has undergone earth-shaking changes. Many businessmen who responded to the times seized the opportunity and rode the wave of the times. In the cruel environment, they finally survived. Start climbing to the top.

Such a wave of the times is extremely violent, and it is extremely cruel to those who are unable to realize that they are still conservative. Many large and small families have solidified, and they still naively believe that the family still has supreme rights. The result is Under the violent impact of the tide of the times, it was wiped out.

Big families are still brilliant because they are much larger than small and medium-sized families, and they have already established a firm foothold in the upper echelons. Even if they are hit, big families can still seize the market by immediately spending a lot of money. .

Among them, three big families are very enviable, the Angus family and the Eberon family. Because the two families worked together to build the urban road network, many big families used to wait and see and were unwilling to invest. Some businessmen who made money before the technology was open made self-destructive gambling-style investments, and the results were successful.

Finally, there is the Phoebes family. Their automobile industry is already at its peak, and people who buy cars need to pay road use tax every month. After the taxes from Western Zhejiang are returned, part of them will be deducted as city taxes, and most of them will be paid to the city. Among those who participated in the investment at that time, the Angus family received the most money, followed by the Abron family.

According to rumors, the current family, Avano and his wife Violet, are building a larger urban transportation network, and many people are very interested and want to participate in it.

Businessmen and some family members visit the door of Angus's house every day.


Eddie climbed up from the bed quietly and glanced at his cousin who was tied to the bed with a collar around his neck. He stood up with a smile and walked directly over, looking at the girl curled up in a body more than one meter long. In the basket, the dull-looking cousin showed a satisfied smile.

"I will hold a banquet in a few nights, and you will have to serve the guests well then."

The cousin shook her head in horror, her fair skin was covered with scars, and she looked at Eddie pleadingly.

"Okay, I have something to do early this morning."

After a while, Eddie took a shower and dressed up, and then went out with a bunch of people. He always kept a cold smile on his face, and his destination this morning was Angus's house, and he wanted to continue talking to Angus. Let’s talk about investing.

In less than 5 minutes, Eddie led more than 20 people into the territory of the Angus family opposite. The housekeeper led a group of people towards the mansion.

Eddie quietly observed everything inside, with a hint of sinisterness in his eyes. This was the third time he came to the door, wanting to invest in the Angus family's next city reconstruction plan, but every time he was ignored by the Angus family. reject.

As soon as he arrived at the door of Angus's mansion, Eddie saw Alpha, who was wearing a towel and had short hair.

"Miss, you have exercised beyond your limit again."

Alpha smiled and signaled the housekeeper not to tell his mother. At this time, Eddie came over, bowed like a gentleman, and put his hand on his chest.

"Hello Miss Alpha."

Alpha nodded and Eddie came closer.

"I heard that Miss Alpha, you were ranked number one in Lubis Elementary School for the whole last year, and your overall score was the best in the entire first grade. It's unbelievable! You are really a genius."

The smile on Alpha's face disappeared. She looked at Eddie blankly, staring at Eddie with sharp eyes that children at this stage could not possess.

"Mr. Eddie, this is not enough. You have given me a reward. You are welcome to our home."

Alpha stood up and bowed respectfully, then stood aside and made a gesture of invitation. Eddie looked at Alpha with some surprise. She was much better than the children of several other families.

"What a beautiful little lady."

Alpha pursed his lips and smiled, turned around and continued walking. The housekeeper looked at Alpha who was leaving with a solemn expression. She started to get up at 6 o'clock every day to exercise for one hour, and now she has to exercise for two hours. Violet is also a little worried about her. situation, but Alpha will not regress when it comes to training.

Alpha ran excitedly on the lawn, and the bulging muscles could already be seen on her arms. She was just 7 years old. In addition to exercising every day, she also learned all kinds of knowledge, because she believed everything Jean said. With everything she saw while having fun, Alpha would ask Jean some questions every time, but Jean never explained. The knowledge allowed Alpha to think and understand on his own.

"Uncle Gene!"

In a small pavilion among flowers not far away, Gene was sitting quietly leaning against a pillar with a cigarette in his mouth. Alpha ran over happily, and suddenly Alpha was more than 10 meters away from Gene. At that moment, his legs bent and he ejected directly.


Knee flying kick, Gene grabbed Alpha's knee with his hand, and then dragged Alpha with one hand, Alpha hugged Gene happily.

"How am I doing these days?"

"The power is good, but the angle of attack is too monotonous. Fighting is not unconscious, but conscious. Just take your time and don't rush for success."

After Alpha got off Jean's body, he stood straight to the side and looked at Jean respectfully.

"Uncle Gene, can you let me come to your school?"

Gene held out three fingers.

"No need to talk until you are ten years old."

Alpha's eyes looked a little disappointed, but Gene smiled and glanced at the sun.

"But I can take you to see it, how about it!"


Alpha came closer in surprise, and Gene nodded, half-crouching on the ground, exposing his back.

"Can I bring Xiao Lazy with me?"

Jean thought for a moment and nodded, then glanced back at Alpha behind him. He knew very well that pure people are often stronger, and the same goes for those guys in school.

At this time, in the living room of Angus' house, Eddie gritted his teeth and looked at Angus and his wife. For the third time, his proposal was rejected because they were not ready yet.

"That's really a pity. By the way, Mr. Avano, Miss Violet, I have a proposal. I want to marry your daughter, Miss Alpha. The age difference between me and him is only 14 years, which is not that big in this era. I feel the difference in the future.”

"Please don't mention this kind of thing again, Mr. Eddie. Who Alpha will like and who she will marry in the future will all depend on her own wishes. The marriage of the family, in our generation, or in our generation Ange The Si family will be terminated."

The smile on Eddie's face disappeared and Avano smiled and nodded.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for a man to control this child in our family."

Violet next to her smiled and nodded.

"There is one exception."

It was almost 9 o'clock when he got up from bed. This was the first time Wu Qun got up so late. He sighed helplessly. Today was the last day of school. Everything in the past four years flashed through his mind. .

Life in school is actually quite good, at least there is more joy, but there is only one thing that Wu Qun can't let go of, and that is the disappearance of Noah, and there is no sign of him so far.

With a little helplessness and sadness, Wu Qun sighed and walked to the balcony.

“It’s really tiring to do everything in detail.”

"What's wrong? It's rare to see you showing such an expression."

Freya from next door poked her head out and lay on the balcony with a smile. Wu Qun shook his head.

"You should run the company with your husband when you go back!"

"That's just part of it."

Wu Qun heard something else in Freya's voice.

"Then can I ask, is there anything else?"

Wu Qun knew that Freya was very familiar with the senior management officer named Jean. From time to time, he would see Jean coming over and taking Freya out to play.

"A more exciting era will come. Two huge forces will rise. I will ride the wave of one of them. All I can tell you is this, I will be the first!"

The determination and perseverance in his sharp beautiful eyes made Wu Qun feel goosebumps on his back, and all the uneasiness he felt before graduation this morning disappeared.

"Is it the wave of the times? It should be very interesting. Recently, I often feel unmotivated. Maybe I am a little confused."

Freya shook her head, then nodded.

"I'm the same, I'm both looking forward to it and afraid. After all, waiting for a stage where I can show myself and realize my own life value is such an empty thing."

Wu Qun's eyes widened and he laughed loudly. He weighed his feet and stretched out his hands. Freya opposite also stretched out her hands, and the two held their hands together.

After a while, the two went downstairs. As soon as they arrived downstairs of the dormitory, they saw Beckinsale talking to Lin Xiao. Beckinsale has now become a hot star in the city's entertainment circle.

"Hey, you two are as good a couple as ever, going downstairs together, aren't you holding hands?"

Freya smiled and shook her head.

"Beckinsale, please stop making such jokes!"

Wu Qun squatted on the ground helplessly. He and Freya often did a lot of things together in school because of their work as student council president and student council president, so there were rumors in the school that they were a good match for each other. They often jokingly call the two a couple.

It's just that both of them understand that the other person understands them best. They are not friends, and they have no feelings similar to love between men and women. What they have is only the empathy of the same kind and the awareness of mutual hostility.

"Have you ever thought about what you will do after you get out?"

Lin Xiao asked, a touch of sadness appeared on his face.

"I have signed a contract with Jiang's film company."

Lin Xiao sighed.

"Why don't you go back and inherit the family business after you leave!"

For most of the children of the upper class who graduated this year, the only way out after returning home is to inherit their family business and become a businessman.

At this time, Pullman walked over with a smile on his face. Everyone knew that he passed the law examination of the Bar Association at the end of last year and is now a qualified lawyer, and the law is in Bright City. There is still a lot of room for advancement, and you can become a lawyer, a legal litigator for managers, or a judge. There is a huge shortage of such talents.

"Pullman, how about I become a lawyer? Can you teach me some legal things?"

As soon as Wu Qun finished speaking, many people present were stunned.

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