Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1490 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 5 (Part 2)


Ran Zhi was running hard when a tall and thin man in front of him robbed him of his money. On the first day of the new year, the food wholesaled early this morning was sold for more than 500 yuan and he made more than 100 yuan. As a result, he just traded When it was over, it was snatched away.

Although the person in front of him ran very fast, Ran Zhi's speed was not slow. His daughter had just been born, and the family's expenses had increased. When he passed a bunch of administrators sitting in the tavern, Ran Zhi shouted, but They seemed not to hear and continued eating and drinking.

Finally, in an alley, Ran Zhi caught up with the thief who stole his wallet. He approached step by step, but the thief collapsed on the ground from exhaustion.

A bright dagger was pulled out, and Ran Zhi was not afraid. However, at this moment, the door of a room next to him opened. As soon as Ran Zhi turned around, he was met with a wooden stick, which hit him firmly in the chest. face.

A few minutes later, Ran Zhi lay on the ground. He only felt his head was dizzy, his whole body had no strength at all, and a dagger was pressed against his neck.

"What are you going to do? Killing is no small matter."

"I'm just teaching this kid a lesson. He chased me for five streets and you guys held him down."

Along with a burst of screams, someone noticed the situation in the alley. After a while, Ran Zhi was carried to the medical clinic by the doctor and two young and strong people who arrived. Ran Zhi's left cheek was stabbed with a knife. After writing the word "thief", blood continued to pour out, and the doctor hurriedly stopped the bleeding.

At this time, several drunken administrators came over. They shook and began to question witnesses. Ran Zhi woke up and his eyes widened.

Things were far more difficult than he thought. He was too naive. One morning a year ago, he resigned from the east and came to the south. He originally wanted to make money through secondary sales, but Chen Qiao never contacted him after that. .

After arriving in the south, Ran Zhicai realized that wanting to re-sell was a fool's errand. Ran Zhicai had just arrived here with a grain wholesale license and talked to some people who also had the certificates. As a result, he and his pregnant wife ended up talking to each other that night. He was gagged and tied into a dark room.

A local leader directly said that he would either die or give them the food they wholesaled at the price they set each time. Ran Zhi could only nod in agreement. After that, Ran Zhi left here, but no matter where he went, it was the same. It's the same, it just fell from the tiger's mouth into the wolf's mouth. No matter what, it is just a life of being eaten.

Finally, Ran Zhi found a place where the purchase price was pretty good and settled down.

"I just said clearly that there was a robbery, why are you still drinking in the pub?"

Facing several administrators who asked questions, Ran Zhi vented his inner sorrow and anger, and several administrators looked at Ran Zhi.

"Why are you chasing after me? Who knows what you mean by shouting?"

"That's my hard-earned money, you scum!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the doctor hurried over and stood in front of several administrators. After saying some kind words, he waited for them to leave before looking at Ran Zhi.

"Young man, why are you so impulsive? Even if you lose a little, just treat it as a loss of money and avoid disaster. Forget it."

After a while, his wife Ding Manman came over with the child on her back. Seeing her husband's appearance, she hugged him distressedly and comforted him.

"It's okay, I just lost a few hundred dollars. Just be careful next time. When the child is older, I will go to work in a nearby tavern. We will slowly save some money, and then leave here and go to the middle floor. "

However, Ran Zhi's eyes looked a little scary at this time. He stared at the white wall and felt as if he saw a faint black shadow on the wall, shaking, his head was buzzing, and bloodshot eyes appeared on his eyes.

After the doctor finished bandaging Ran Zhi, he and his wife walked on the street. Knowing that her husband was not feeling well, Ding Manman leaned on his arm and pursed her lips with a smile.

"The doctor said that when your wound is better, he will do some skin grafting surgery on you. It will be fine. The child wakes up."

However, at this moment, Ran Zhi saw the thief who had just robbed his wallet, sitting outside a pub and drinking. Although the faces of the people next to him were not seen, they should be the ones who beat him. .

Ran Zhi was not impulsive this time, but went to the management office and brought a group of administrators over.

Faced with Ran Zhi's accusation, the robber laughed.

"Sir, did you admit the wrong person, or do you have an eyewitness?"

"I saw your face."

It is difficult to rely on Ran Zhi's words as evidence. Ran Zhi became a little embarrassed. Several people across from him said that they had been drinking here early in the morning. Ran Zhi recognized the wrong person, and more and more people were watching.

Suddenly Ran Zhi thought of something.

"Fingerprints, if there are my fingerprints on the money in your pocket, it can prove it."

For a while, several people panicked and started shouting louder. Finally, the few people were taken to the management office and their money was found. After fingerprint verification, it turned out that the money had Ran Zhi's fingerprints on them, and the fingerprints were also there. It's very fresh. The fingerprints on the money have been measured by a machine no more than 3 hours ago.

Seven people were directly arrested and imprisoned for robbery and intentional injury. However, the money was not taken back, but was used as evidence.

It was a good holiday, but something like this happened. After returning home, Ran Zhi was lying on the bed, thinking about something quietly. His wife had prepared sumptuous ingredients, and was preparing to spend the New Year with Ran Zhi.

"Are you kidding me?"

Wu Qun looked at his mother with a scowl on his face with a smile. He is 18 years old and has completed his studies from elementary school to high school. After the New Year, he will enter a newly established university on January 8th. However, Wu Qun suddenly said that he did not plan to go to school, and wanted to start a business with his father, and then he would see what would suit him in the future and then study on his own.

Wu Qun's father was watching the news. His mother had the final say in everything at home, and his father did not dare to intervene.

"Mom, think about it, what can I learn in that kind of school? During the week of the trial class last November, I basically despaired of that kind of subpar school. It would be better to go to a place where gods opened schools.”


Wu Qun seemed to see what his mother was worried about and shook his head.

"That's okay, Mom, I haven't finished all the courses in half a year, and then come back, is that okay?"

Wu Qun's mother looked at Wu Qun in disbelief, and he took out a stack of playing cards.

"Mom, let's play a game, blackjack. If I lose, I will agree to your request and go to college for four years. If I win, you agree to my request and I will drop out of school in half a year. "

As Wu Qun spoke, he began to stare at the playing cards in his hand seriously, and then carefully and slowly began to shuffle the cards several times. The silent father beside him knew that his son would definitely win.

The result was indeed the same. My mother thought she was very lucky. She played 30 games with Wu Qun in succession, and Wu Qun did not lose any of them.

"Let me think about it again. Is your child in a rebellious stage?"

The mother walked into the kitchen with a confused look on her face, and then the silent father spoke.

"How can you cheat in front of your mother? You kid."

"If the person involved doesn't find out that it's cheating, it won't be considered cheating. Dad, what do you think I can learn by entering that kind of school?"

Father shook his head.

"The homeless shelter is pretty much the same, but the only benefit of entering the school is to build connections for your future. As I told you, people from all walks of life must get along, because you can learn from them. To make a profit, as long as the method is right, the reason why I took you to that school is because among the children of the families who entered that school, there are many children from big families, and it is very important to build relationships."

Wu Qun sighed.

"Those people are too ordinary. I have no opponents recently. Dad, do you want us to play blackjack?"

The father put down his cell phone and walked to the table with a smile on his face. The father and son looked at each other, their eyes fixed on the cards in Wu Qun's hand.

The deck came to an abrupt end in the 10th round, with 6 wins and 4 losses.

"I'm not worried about what your life will be like in the future. I just want to warn you that only by making the right decision between advance and retreat can you stand on others. You will be the loser in the end."

Wu Qun was a little dissatisfied. He clearly had 6 wins. Then he began to deal out the cards he had silently memorized in his heart according to the relationship between winning and losing. In the end, he lost.

Several people who were close to Wu Qun outside the house shouted again. Wu Qun walked out of the house and looked back at his father who was behind his mother and hugging her waist affectionately. In the eyes of outsiders, his father was an honest and ordinary man. He is a small businessman, but Wu Qun knows very well that his father does everything right. It is obvious that his father can stand higher, but he chose to be mediocre. His father married the woman he loves most in his life and started a family. He is very happy now.

The three couples outside the house were talking about where they were going to play. Wu Qun was really reluctant to go play with them. After all, they always talked about themselves because they didn't have a girlfriend yet.

What Wu Qun was thinking about along the way was the structure of the city. The current structure is obviously very unreasonable, but the gods are not fools, let alone what some people say, they are just a group of scientists who do not understand the operation of the city at all. On the contrary, Wu Qun felt that these gods he had never seen before were very powerful.

In a short period of time, he was able to wipe out the power in the hands of most families, and then began to divide the city's layout, step by step, completely controlling the city. Such control is amazing, because every step seems to be taken in advance. The calculation is generally good.

In the past three years, all Wu Qun has been thinking about is when the School of God will open and he must enter this school.

Many families think they have complete control over the city, but they don't know that the gods throw out the fat and let these families eat it. When they are full, the city will naturally develop and grow. And now the gods founded it. The more than 30 special schools in the city are cultivating the next generation of managers from all walks of life in the city. Soon the gods should become more tough.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Wu Qun followed the three people to a neighborhood where a nearby school was concentrated. As soon as they got off the car, they saw many students waiting to enroll, all of whom were concentrated in the middle-class southwestern area. Most of the families The street where the school was founded is already extremely lively, with young people gathering in crowds, seemingly unwilling to spend a boring festival with the old men and women at home.

However, Wu Qun took a casual glance and clearly saw many focal points, the most dazzling of which was the Eberon family, which was now second only to the eight major families in strength.

Seeing Charles, the eldest son, chatting and laughing with a bunch of men and women, while his wife in a white dress next to her, Freya left Charles expressionlessly and walked away minding her own business.

"I'm going to school first."

Looking at his wife leaving, Charles was a little embarrassed, and he could only sigh helplessly.

The school Wu Qun attended was a new college that had just been built less than two years ago. This year was the first batch of students. After greeting a few friends, Wu Qun went to the new school. He planned to bribe the school administrator first, so that You can get the room you want. These rooms are all single rooms. Wu Qun had his eye on one early in the morning, and he picked it up during the trial study last year.

After passing through the noisy crowd, Wu Qun had just stepped into the empty school gate when he saw Charles's wife, Freya, who was wearing a white dress. She had already started walking ahead of him. Wu Qun quickly ran over and smiled. Then he ran towards the dormitory. Unexpectedly, Freya behind him also started running.

The two stopped at the door of the dormitory administrator, glanced at each other, and instantly guessed what the other wanted to do, because taking advantage of the lack of people today, coming over to bribe was the most straightforward way.

Because they are all children of the family, the teachers in the school do not dare to offend anyone, so the most primitive lottery method will naturally be used to allocate dormitories. However, you only need to bribe the dormitory administrator in advance and get the corresponding room. When the lottery is drawn, you can Grab the dorm you want.

"I'm sorry, miss. Since we have the same purpose, we'll do it together."

The two knocked on the door of the dormitory administrator. It was an old man. When he heard the purpose of their visit, a smile appeared on his originally ignorant face.

However, after asking, both of them wanted Room 608 on the 6th floor, which is located in the northeast corner of the school, quiet and sunny.

After that, both of them began to increase their bets, from 1,000 to 3,000 directly. No one was willing to let the other go. The administrator was a little embarrassed, but he soon made a decision. After all, one of the two students was a new kid in the Ai Bolun family. My beloved wife is the son of an unknown small businessman.

"It's better than this, miss. Let's play blackjack. The winner gets the dormitory. The price remains the same at 3,000."

Freya looked at Wu Qun with a sneer.

"What a coincidence, I thought so too."

However, this time it was different. After Wu Qun finished shuffling the cards, Freya took over and asked the dormitory administrator to shuffle the cards. In an instant, their eyes were fixed on the churning poker points.

Both of them began to calculate in their heads the cards they saw, which round they had to deliberately lose in order to ensure that they would win after all the cards were dealt.

"Sorry miss, I win."

Wu Qun showed a winner's smile. He felt that the previous feeling of powerlessness was swept away. The girl in front of him was not simple, she was very powerful. However, Freya laughed.

"You deliberately lost two hands to me. After all, the order of dealing has determined the outcome."

Wu Qun put his hands in front of him and bowed.

"Okay, ladies first, I'll live in 606 opposite you, although the lighting is a bit worse."

Both of them took out 3,000 yuan and handed it to the dormitory administrator. The dormitory administrator immediately agreed that when he compiled the student list, he would put them on the 6th floor. Later, when the lot was drawn, the two of them When drawing lots, he would quietly put the slips of 608 and 606 into the lot.

When the two returned to the lawn, Charles ran in with a serious expression. After seeing Wu Qun, there was a trace of anger in his eyes.

"Why didn't you wait for me?"

"Why should I wait for you?"

Freya said and looked at Wu Qun.

"Let's continue our game! Who can stand at the top in the end?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Charles, would you like to join us? After all, your wife has an extremely strong desire to win."

After Charles knew everything, he looked at Wu Qun with some surprise. His wife was far behind him in terms of study. The reason why he chose Freya was not only attracted by her beauty, but also by her uniqueness. His unique temperament and unusual intelligence are also what attracted Charles. People in the family naturally hope that the next generation of the Abron family will be smarter.

The three of them found a restaurant. Half an hour later, Charles' palms began to sweat. He looked at the two equally matched people, with a strange brilliance and deep hostility in his eyes. The kind that he must fight against overturn the other party's hostility.

"Why don't you stop playing, Freya, today."

Wu Qun took a sip of the wine on the table, then laughed and turned over the cards in his hand.

"I still win, Miss Freya."

Freya gave up her hand. Charles clearly saw that Freya's hand had higher points than Frye's. However, it was this suspicious move that caught Wu Qun's eyes, and Freya became a little angry. With Charles.

"Can you watch quietly?"

Half an hour passed again, and Charles was still dealing cards. The two of them were sweating profusely and looked a little tired, but they still refused to give in to the other.

"Sorry to bother you."

At this time, accompanied by a gentle voice, Freya looked at Jean who came over with joy in her eyes. Wu Qun looked at the mature man in front of him with some doubts. His appearance could easily crush him. There were many girls in the restaurant. Sex also became restless.

"Mr. Jean."

Charles shouted respectfully, and Gene glanced at the cards on the table.

"Blackjack! Do you want to play together?"

Half an hour later, Wu Qun felt sweating on his back. This man looked like the kind of flashy guy who always had women around him. He always had a gentle smile on his face, but he couldn't see through it at all. He was very powerful. He and Freya have already lost several times.


Gene put down the cards in his hand and glanced at Wu Qun.

"That's pretty good. You're very smart."

Wu Qun smiled awkwardly.

"It's such a great festival to stay in a place like this and play cards. Come on, Charles Freya, I'll take you to the place we promised."

After watching the group leave, Wu Qun trembled slightly. He felt that his school life would not be boring because a rival appeared.

At this time, a little boy of eleven or twelve years old walked into the restaurant. He was carrying a big bag and looking for a seat. Then he sat in front of Wu Qun. The little boy in front of him had a somewhat fluffy hair, but he was well-groomed. Nice hair, nice face.

"Kid, don't you see anyone here?"

Wu Qun looked at the young man in front of him in surprise. He smiled and called something.

"What does it matter? I just came here and I'm not familiar with the place. My name is Noah, and what about you!"

The young man extended his hand in a friendly manner, and Wu Qun took it.

"never mind."

Noah glanced at the scattered cards on Wu Qun's table, then picked them up and arranged them.

"How about we play a game and see if we can draw an A."

Wu Qun laughed.


"How about you shuffle the cards and I draw first?"

After a while, Wu Qun placed the cards in front of the young man. He touched his fingers on the spread cards. Wu Qun watched quietly. He knew very well that he could draw 3 Aces because He has memorized the order of the cards.

1, 2, 3, and then the 4th Ace of Spades.

Wu Qun looked at the young man in shock.

"Based on the two card points you shuffled and the number of cards on both sides, after calculation, you can get a huge number of data. Then based on some of the cards I saw, I eliminated incorrect data, and then Carry out precise calculations to get the area where A may exist, and finally move the area where these cards exist, perform superposition calculations, eliminate some useless cards, and then reduce the area. Finally, I came to the conclusion that 5 cards may be A, but I seem to be very lucky today, I hit all the marks!"

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