Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1489 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 5 (middle)

January 1, 2190

At 6 o'clock in the morning, the red light that filled the city had just faded. Vehicles were parked at the entrance of a pharmaceutical company, and a large number of doctors gathered at the entrance of Hillman Pharmaceuticals. This company is located directly south of the upper floor. The door is closed.

At the end of December last year, after a heavy rain that had been rare in decades, a very serious epidemic occurred, and as many as a thousand people died in just one week.

The supply of medicines is seriously insufficient. This occurred two years after the establishment of the Medical Association. The supply of medicines in various places is often insufficient, causing the prices of medicines to rise a lot compared to before.

After Congress spent huge sums of money to sign a drug contract with the Hillman family, the epidemic finally came to an end. More than 1,000 doctors from across the city gathered outside the pharmaceutical company today to conduct a silent protest. .

After the gods in the city have gradually opened up some privileges to families in various aspects over the years, eight major associations have been established: medical, construction, education, clothing, industry, entertainment, lawyers, and food. A huge cleansing has been completed in the city. Card.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the large and small families in the city handed over their management rights in exchange for the right to operate the economic market of the entire city. In just three years, high-rise buildings have been erected on the upper floors, and there are many problems in the middle floors. A small town built by Shaoxin.

Clean and bright commercial streets have appeared one after another, and most wooden buildings have begun to be eliminated.

The lower levels of the west are vigorously building factories, and the city's transportation network is also being established in full swing. The city has begun to enter an era of unprecedented rapid development. The city is dazzling at night, with flashing neon lights and dense flows of people. vehicles often.

All kinds of new and fashionable things have appeared in people's lives with each passing day in the past three years.

At this time, more and more vehicles began to park at the entrance of Hillman Pharmaceutical Company. Doctors from all over the city would arrive here today to hold a silent protest.

Occasionally some people would whisper to each other, but most people just leaned silently by the car. The prices of medical equipment and medical supplies were no longer affordable for many doctors. If they wanted to make a quick return, the only way to do this was to increase medical prices. Doctors in various parts of the city Medical prices are rising.

Cold medicine that used to cost a few cents now costs a few cents. In just three years, medicine prices have increased more than 10 times.

As time passed by, many reporters from the entertainment industry in the city arrived in droves. Today was originally the beginning of the annual New Year, but everyone's attention was drawn to the doctor's gathering to protest. things.

At this time, several managers came over with a group of administrators. It can be seen that there are many young faces among these administrators. Nowadays, more than half of the administrators of the original families in the city have been replaced, and the managers Most of the members came from the school founded by the students whom the gods taught more than 30 years ago.

The city has an army of 12,000 people, stationed in four directions: southeast, northwest and northwest. They train every morning and build military camps in the afternoon.

Nowadays, more and more businessmen have joined the association. Once they join the association, they must accept the management of the association. The association directly communicates with the Congress every month about the situation in the city. If any problems arise, the Congress has the right to solve the problem. Make rectifications in the place.

The current situation of the Congress makes many people laugh and cry, because there are only 15 members of the Congress, and these people manage the management offices in various parts of the city, are directly responsible for reporting the situation in various places to the gods, and then go to various places to implement the orders issued by the gods. The command.

At this time, a man with orange patterned epaulettes on his shoulders, wearing a black uniform, looked very arrogant. The management officer who was present immediately led the administrator behind him over, bowed and saluted, and a large number of reporters gathered around him. .

"Please don't panic. The rise in drug prices is due to some fluctuations in supply due to the increase in population due to urban development. Our Congress has already begun to regulate this phenomenon. I believe this phenomenon will occur in the next three years." It will improve in the next month.”

The doctors present watched the interview on their mobile phones. The congressional official who said this looked serious, but the doctors knew that this was absolutely impossible. Congress would not do anything that violated the law in the association. It has no right to conduct investigations or control goods.

The most critical thing is that the amount of tax revenue provided by the eight major associations every year can support all aspects of urban construction and transformation carried out by the gods, as well as maintain the salaries of managers, including the normal operation of those schools.

All walks of life in the city need to be monitored by managers. The managers' own vital interests are inseparable from the current rapidly developing economic market. Most doctors know that if they want to change these, they can only rely on collective voice.


In the lobby of the Central Bank on the upper floor, there are a bunch of people in suits carrying large and small bags. They look angrily at the group of people standing behind them in black uniforms and armed with weapons. Today, the bank's management rights are... It's about to start changing hands.

Most of these were bankers from their families, and they looked very embarrassed, because as soon as someone came out, they were handcuffed and hooded, and put directly into the escort vehicle.

Most of the problems of tampering and theft within banks that have appeared before have been investigated. Gene stood quietly at the door of the bank, watching the people being taken into escort cars one by one. The family simply abandoned them. Many families They all have no relationship with these people.

As he exhaled smoke, Gene looked at the smiling member of Congress next to him. He was still saying some words, many of which were compliments that people were keen on and loved to hear.

"Okay, I will leave the bank to you from now on. Remember, if there is any problem at all, the head on your shoulders will disappear."

Gene patted the congressional official next to him. The smile on his face froze. Then he immediately bowed respectfully and waved back. A group of people in uniforms hurriedly came out and rushed towards Gene who was leaving. They bowed, but many people had smiles on their faces.

"Everyone will follow me and work hard from now on. As long as we don't cause too many problems, we will become a very wealthy group of people."

There were many young-looking people with hearty smiles on their faces.

Looking at everything on the street, Gene stopped next to a telephone pole and squinted at the splendid Central Bank behind him. He knew very well that it was just a new group of people who were not as corrupt as before.

The 15 officials selected by the Congress are all capable people. Some are from families and some are businessmen. Now they can only continue to develop the entire city. With the development, most of the employment problems have been solved. The riots The number of incidents has been effectively reduced, and the city is much more stable than in past years.

Development requires businessmen, and stable development requires power. Money and power are inseparable.

"You have to create a situation where corruption is difficult."

After Gene smiled at a bunch of little girls who were looking at him with joy, he quickly disappeared into an alley, and soon jumped directly to the roof.

Overlooking the surroundings of the city, machines like giant pillars could be seen everywhere from top to bottom. Balls of billowing black smoke were rising everywhere.

Although there is the sun in the sky, the upper part of the sun is gray-black, and the lower part is also gray. There are no flowers and trees, only an endless gray-black color that extends to the barrier.

Listening carefully, there is only the roar of the engine, the sound of machinery working, and the noisy and slightly lonely human voice.

Either continue to move forward, or stop where you are, Gene smiled slightly. The answer is actually confusing. He and the other six people know that this situation will make the entire city more and more solid in the future, but Cities can become bright and dazzling.

8 a.m.

In a large muddy town on the ground floor in the north, there was a two-story building. In a room on the second floor, Gu Yi quietly stared at the street below, as if still waiting for something.

Finally, the door to the room was opened. Accompanied by the smell of blood, C stepped into the house with a graceful smile. There was a faint dark red color on the mud-stained shoes.

"Teacher Gu Yi, you did it very cleanly. The administrator should have brought someone there."

Gu Yi nodded and stared sideways at C behind her, smiling expectantly.

"When is the next mission?"

Gu Yi didn't answer.

At this time, many people were watching outside a mansion in the town. The administrators continued to search out some weapons from the mansion. Among the crowd of onlookers, K and R looked a little panicked. This was because they First mission.

This is what the so-called emperor is far away from the mountain. A murder occurred in the house. The owner of the house is the local emperor here. He has more than 100 subordinates, and the most important thing is that he has a large number of weapons. Naturally, the local administrator has a close relationship with this leader. good relationship.

The people above came to check several times, but there was no improvement. At this time, in the living room, a man was wearing a bathrobe, his neck was crooked to the side, and his throat had been cut directly. The man's wife and children were being questioned and investigated.

There were more than 10 corpses in the house, all of which were killed by slitting their throats with a knife. Many people said that it was the leader's former enemies who paid for the murders.

At this time, K and R noticed a suspicious man. The two had been lurking here for a month. They walked quickly and casually.

"C, the target has appeared."

C, who was standing in the room, smiled slightly and put one hand on the dagger on his waist.

"I didn't expect it to show up so soon. I'm going to handle the follow-up work, Teacher Gu Yi."

Gu Yi nodded and said.

"Remember, acting skills!"

C smiled, and soon the smile of an innocent little girl appeared on her face. After she quickly went downstairs, she quickly went around to an alley based on the information she received from R and K.

A man pressed his hat and walked into a muddy alley. He was very confused. As a killer, he originally planned to take action a week later, but early this morning, the target was killed. He felt a little incredible. Although he doesn't know who did it, he is very happy now because he plans to go to his employer's house to collect the remaining half of the commission.

At this time, there was a gurgling sound, and the man watched with vigilance. In front of him, a tall boy hugged a little girl into the alley, and the two kissed passionately.

The man breathed a sigh of relief. He knew very well that a little girl of this age would be easily attracted to handsome men. If she handed herself over easily at an age when she shouldn't have done something, what would be the consequences in the future.

The man had just walked behind the two of them and saw that they were a little nervous, with childish expressions on their faces. However, the moment he lost his mind and looked towards the entrance of the alley, he saw a flash of light, and a dagger stabbed into him fiercely. In the pit of his heart, before he could cry out, a small white hand pressed on his neck.

Blood continued to overflow from the man's mouth and throat. He knelt on the ground and looked at the smiling little girl in front of him. His vision went dark and he fell to the ground.

K quickly took a dagger and shook it with the man's hand. Then he handed the dagger to R who came to the entrance of the alley. He also collected some hair from the dead man and gave it to R.

On the other side of the town, a man was hugging two women and still sleeping. However, suddenly the door to his home was broken open. The moment he woke up from his dream, he looked at a bunch of non-local management officials in front of him. , arrested him on the charge of paying to commit murder.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, R drove the car and left the town. The case had been solved. Two forces were in conflict. One party paid the murderer to kill, and the murderer's body was also found. There were many wounds on the body and many footprints at the scene. , and the murderer's commission disappeared. It is certain that after multiple murderers committed a crime, one of them died due to uneven distribution of the spoils. The other murderers ran away with the money, and a person under the murderer paid the leader to kill the murderer. Also offered.

C looked at the piles of blood-stained banknotes in the car, totaling 50,000, and looked at K next to him complainingly.

"Did you eat garlic last night? Can you please brush your mouth clean next time? It stinks."

As he spoke, he made a disgusting movement, and K immediately looked at C.

"The inside of your mouth isn't any better."

Gu Yi looked at the three people in front of him, his face a little solemn. The first mission, the three of them were here for a month, and they completed the mission perfectly. The two gangs entrenched here were defeated in one fell swoop, and the stolen money collected was at least There are 1 million, and there are also a lot of weapons and ammunition.

Among them, R had already awakened the alienation gene one step ahead of the other two. At this time, R, who was driving, laughed.

"Stop arguing, you can go back to school today."

"You may have to do this kind of thing for decades. Have you thought clearly? If you want to do something else, I can."

C turned his head, held his chin with his hands, and looked at Gu Yi.

"Teacher Gu Yi, cleaning up garbage in the city is a great job. The three of us came out of the garbage dump before and know the harm of garbage to the city!"

K nodded with a smile on his face, and R in the front row also opened his eyes. Although he had undergone surgery and his myopia was cured, he still couldn't change his habit of squinting due to bad eyes since childhood.

"Just make your decision. Don't tell anyone when you go back. It will be the same in the future."

On the lawn where the sun was shining, Violet sat quietly in the pavilion in the courtyard, drinking tea, chatting happily with Mo Yingying, who had become her best friend. On the lawn, their daughters were playing happily. .

"Come after me, Mo Xiao."

Alpha shouted childishly, but Mo Xiao, who was sitting on the grass next to her, holding a doll, shook her head, and she simply lay on the ground.

"Violet, my Xiaoxiao feels like me, a bit lazy and not very active, but your Alpha is quite active."

Violet glanced at Alpha, who was obviously 10 months younger than Mo Xiao. He directly dragged Mo Xiao and ran with a happy face.

Who does it look like! Better not be like me.

Violet smiled awkwardly. Her daughter did not want to be as silent and quiet as her father Avano, nor was she as quiet as she was when she was a child. She only became naughty when she grew up, but Alpha has been naughty since he was a child.

The relationship between the two families has been very good in recent years, and Violet also knows that the woman in front of her looks innocent and romantic, but in fact she is very scary inside. She deliberately brought her daughter Mo Xiao to get in touch with her in order to get closer to her. The relationship between the family and the Angus family has further improved. The woman's husband is also going smoothly in his career and has received strong support from the Angus family, because her husband Avano is not wary and feels that he has a good relationship with the Mo family. They are very good friends and naturally help them a lot in business.

"Alpha, there is a bug, look."

Mo Xiao was so annoyed by Alpha that she couldn't stand it anymore. She pointed to the flowers. Alpha let go of his hand. Mo Xiao leaned on the doll with a comfortable smile on his face. Alpha ran to the flower stand and looked for it carefully. .

Violet was a little surprised. Mo Xiao was just a child under 4 years old. She saw her daughter Alpha being fooled into looking for bugs in the flowers.

"Xiaoxiao, go inside and bring out some biscuits for sister Alpha to eat."

Mo Xiao got up from the ground and started running.

After a brief breakfast tea, Violet took Alpha home, holding her daughter's hand on the way.

"Have you found Chongchong?"

Alpha shook his head.

"Are there any bugs in our house?"

Violet smiled, picked up her daughter, and kissed her.

"We'll ask dad about it when we get back."

There is only one thing that Violet knows very well. Her daughter is very similar to her father Avano. She is very persistent and will indulge in something she is interested in and strive to find the result.

At this time, Mo Yingying looked at Mo Xiao, who was lying on the rocking chair and watching the cartoon on his mobile phone.

"Xiaoxiao, can you get up and move?"

Mother Mo Yingying was lying on the sofa.

"Mom, can you get up? I don't like Alpha very much. Can mom not let me play with her next time?"

"Alpha is very nice, lively and active, and she really likes to play with you."

Mo Yingying stood up and walked out. Mo Xiao shook his head.

“Always I just don’t like it!”

A neatly decorated recliner with a large number of symbolic patterns on mathematics, physics, biology, etc. was shaking. Accompanied by a burst of laughter, Locke patted his thigh and stood up because of the variety show in front of him.

King Xue and Noah stood in front of a dormitory, carefully using a machine to put the dark yellow liquid material into a one-square-meter reaction vessel, and then carefully placed the circuit conductive storage components one by one. Use tweezers to place it into the material according to the position, and then start adding some things.

Both of them were wearing microscope glasses, and behind them was a student dormitory that was about to be built. They needed to coat the exterior walls of the entire dormitory with photoelectric coating.

"Master Luo, can you come and help us?"

King Xue muttered, Locke's interest was interrupted, and he frowned.

"The teachers are not here, I have the final say here, and look at my big hands, can I do such delicate work? And today I have three times more training than the two of you, and I have done at least the combined work of you two. Four times the work.”

Noah and King Xue could not refute that Locke had awakened the alienation gene and was forced to fight by several gods who came over every day. Every time, he could be seen being played by the gods.

"I'll leave the fine work to you. I need to take a rest. That bastard Jean is coming tonight and I don't want to fight him."

King Xue and Noah looked at each other and smiled helplessly, because fighting with Jean was the worst. Locke often couldn't even touch the corners of Jean's clothes and was simply beaten.

The school has begun to take shape, and many facilities have taken shape. Several people have gradually understood why the gods can only do it themselves, because everything in this school is related to all aspects of the future of the entire city and determines it. The future direction of urban technology.

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