Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1485 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 4 (Part 1)


At around 8 o'clock in the evening, two large boxes were smashed into the backyard of Locke's house. They seemed a little heavy.

"Little Fatty, has the house been tidied up?"

Locke nodded. His parents had just received a call from Tang Rao. They closed the shop and cleaned and disinfected a room on the ground floor. Locke looked at the two large iron boxes and went over to pick them up. , only to find that it was motionless.

"Sister Tang Rao, with these two big boxes, who are you going to operate on?"

As he spoke, Locke took out a box of cigarettes and handed it over. After Tang Rao took it, he took one out and sniffed it.

"not bad."


Accompanied by a violent braking sound, the lights were turned on in the quiet back street. Locke walked out and immediately smelled the smell of blood and the smell of garbage mixed in the air. A bloody little girl was killed. Gu Yi carried him out, and Deguna behind him held up a finger and walked out holding two unconscious eleven or twelve-year-old boys.

"There is really no other way. This little girl will die if she continues. She is already in shock. I will handle the surgery on this little girl, and leave the other two to you."

"Which garbage dump did you pick it from? It stinks like hell."

Deguna smiled, and a group of people walked into Locke's home. At this time, Locke saw another family of five people in the car, and blinked. At this time, Deguna was already telling her parents that she wanted to take the three The child and the family are temporarily staying at his home.

"You take this little money, Fatty."

Tang Rao said as he took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket, 100 new banknotes with a maximum face value of 100.

"Wow, there are so many Sister Tangrao? How long will you stay here?"

"I don't know, just treat the extra money as your family's hard work."

Locke smiled and put away the money. The money was enough to buy their house.

The operation began. Locke watched from the basement, helping Tang Rao and Gu Yi. Deguna quietly looked at the three children lying on the table, recalling something thoughtfully.

There were no wounds on the face of the unconscious girl. After the blood was wiped away, she looked quite beautiful. Although Locke didn't know what happened to them, in this era, for such an older child to suffer such a serious injury, what happened to him He couldn't imagine it.

"Hurry up, you two. The clan leaders, businessmen, and managers are all heading to the upper levels."

Deguna said as Tang Rao held the scalpel. The most fatal thing about this girl was that her hands were twisted off. She might become disabled, but with Tang Rao's skills, this would not happen.

Locke knew very well what major events would happen next in the city, because the closure of the family college had already caused a huge disturbance.

"There is only one issue at this meeting, banning guns."

Deguna said solemnly, she had seen everything that happened in that town before. Such a big gang could actually control a town, and the management officer was in cahoots with them. When they took out their weapons, In one moment, they all should have been executed on the spot.

Nowadays, most of the guns in the city are manufactured by some family factories. At the stage when the law was not yet perfect, many people could hold guns to defend themselves when they encountered danger.

"Things can only come to you step by step."

Tang Rao looked over with a solemn expression, and Gu Yi nodded. The three of them all knew that if this matter was not handled well, it would jeopardize the foundation of the city's stability. Nowadays, such a situation is difficult to control.

At present, all three of them have received protests from some management officials. Jean has led a large number of inspectors in the west to arrest many people, including a large number of management officials.

"The one on my side is over now. It's not a serious problem. If the one on the side is bleeding internally, it needs to be observed for a few days. Little Fatty, please remember it. Look at these values. I have compiled the details on my phone. You can follow what I have compiled. For some medicines and injections, you must pay attention to the bacterial concentration in the room. If you don't know anything, just call me or Tang Rao."

Locke held the phone and nodded. Every time these gods came to his home, they would always bring some troubles with them, but Locke had adapted to them over the years.

"Master Jean came to me yesterday and asked me to go to the place where you plan to build a school."

"Go if you are told to go."

Locke said oh, and the three gods planned to leave. The operation was completed in only one hour.

"Let's go, it's time to challenge everything."

Deguna said, and the three of them walked out of the basement. At this time, Locke saw a child with squinting eyes waking up and getting up. He just suffered an ordinary fracture and a ruptured finger tendon. He would be fine after resting for a while.

"Lie well, do you want anything to eat?"

He squinted his eyes and shook his head, looking at Locke in a daze.

"What do you think we are!"

Looking at the slightly open but extremely confused eyes, Locke scratched his head.

"What do you want to hear? Little brat, go to sleep. If you're tired, take a good sleep. Don't think about anything."

Locke dimmed the lights, walked over, asked Nian Yan to lie down, and covered him with a blanket.

On the upper mountain peak, the lights were particularly bright tonight. Before entering the road to the facility under the mountain peak, people continued to enter. A car parked on both sides of the mountain. The administrator and both sides of the family received orders from the seven gods. , meeting here at 9 o'clock tonight.

The patriarchs of the eight major families have already arrived. Families of all sizes are surrounding the patriarchs of the eight major families. Charles is holding Freya's hand and looking at people from other families talking and laughing nearby.

Freya looked at everything in front of her quietly. No one from her family came. They had lost the qualification to come here.

Gene had already arrived here first. He sat quietly on the mountain peak, overlooking the crowd below, leaning against the mountain wall with a cigarette in his mouth.

Recalling the time when various forces were integrated more than 30 years ago, and everything that has happened up to now, Gene is very clear that they have failed. In a city dominated by families, big and small, in just over 30 years, violent crimes have become worse than they were at the beginning. In the few years since the city was established, it increased 30 times.

This is not what anyone wants to see. Although the city has developed, some things are out of control. This is very scary. The seven people have been discussing over the past few years to establish a stable platform that can promote the steady development of the city. management organization.

Gene glanced at the conference hall on the side of the mountain. A large number of people had already entered. It was almost 9 o'clock, but the other six guys had not yet come.

The family college in the middle of the east was now in a mess, with many people coming in and out, and some servants were helping the students carry things in the dormitory.

Witt was still in the conference room, telling the more than 100 teachers below about the specific courses they would need to teach in the schools they would open later.

There was a chart on a huge screen. Witte asked them to take laws, rights and obligations, and combat training as the main courses, and the actual extracurricular management of the city as the auxiliary courses. In the auxiliary courses, the main body was all aspects related to the economy.

Many teachers in the audience looked a little solemn at this time, and the core content was that they must obey the orders of their superiors. Those with strong abilities manage those with weak abilities. It is a very complete system of superior-subordinate relationships.

"What I need you to do in the future is to open such schools. More specific things. After a while, I will convene everyone again. Our current idea is to open at least 8 to 10 such schools. We will use part of the tax revenue I support you all.”

Many teachers nodded. Although they didn't know what the gods wanted to do, the only thing they knew was that the city was about to undergo huge changes. The original city management system was removed from the original power of the major families. Those who came out directly invested in urban management, but over the past 30 years, many unimaginable problems have occurred in the city.

"That's how it is. Please start forming your own teams later and discuss it. I will get your specific grouping status early tomorrow morning."

After Werther finished, he walked off the stage directly. Lolita and other teachers stood up and bowed.

When Werther walked to the door, he hesitated for a second and looked at the group of teachers behind him. Many teachers had been assimilated by this school over the years. Although they still obeyed their orders, they were lacking in ability. Too much stuff.

At this time, the venue was full of people. The family members were sitting on the left side, and the management officers were sitting on the right side. From time to time, helicopters landed outside, and those management officers who were further away could only be picked up by helicopter.

Everyone is discussing what the gods want to announce tonight, because the sudden closure of the family academy and the large-scale arrests in the west have made many people alert.

The patriarchs of the eight major families seemed to know what the gods wanted to do and take back their rights to manage the city.

Many people are well aware that the current city management system is too chaotic, and local administrators always rely on the power in their hands to continuously amass money. Most of them collude with local businessmen and illegal gangs. Last year, Throughout the year, there were as many as 395 riots, 32 of which were serious.

But most people are not very worried, because if this happens now, the city will be even more chaotic.

At this time, Gene walked in from the door. He walked slowly through the middle aisle with a smile on his face. Although he had a smile on his face, his expression was not relaxed.

"Everyone, please be quiet."

Gene stood on the stage, and everyone stopped talking, stood up and bowed.

"We called you here today because we want to talk about the current problems in the city."

After watching everyone sit down, Gene called up a chart. The east was currently relatively stable, and the most chaotic areas were the south and west, followed by the north.

"First of all, on behalf of the other six people, I would like to apologize to all the families for the closure of the family academy."

Gene put his hand on his chest and bowed.

"In the future, we plan to establish a school co-founded by the seven of us, with me as the principal, and will recruit students from all over the city regardless of class, gender, or age!"

As soon as Jean finished speaking, the venue suddenly became chaotic. Many people seemed a little dissatisfied. Jean just looked at them whispering and listened to these messy words quietly without saying a word.

He had heard too many things. At this time, a senior management official from the south stood up and stated his opinion. He did not think that spending such experience to build such a school would have such a big impact on the city. The main body of the city is currently still the next generation of the major families, and this group of talents is worth cultivating.

Some managers stood up one after another and stated their opinions, which basically focused on the fact that some people at the bottom had not received basic education at all and would not be able to do anything after studying.

Some small and medium-sized family patriarchs believe that their children have received a good education since childhood and were then sent to school. Now that the gods have stopped the family academy, it may have an impact on the city's future talent supply.

"Shut up, everyone!"

At the door, as Tang Rao roared as he entered, the people who kept standing up to express their opinions stopped talking. Everyone stood up again and bowed to the six gods who had entered in the aisle in the middle.

"The first issue we brought everyone here today is the proliferation of guns, which has caused endless violence and bloodshed."

Deguna started speaking as soon as she stepped onto the stage. She glanced at the people sitting below and clapped her hands on the table with a solemn expression.

"Please remember, in the next period of time, we will start to investigate the gun issue. Private gun trading is completely prohibited in the city, and all guns in the hands of ordinary people will be recycled. If anyone sells guns again in the future, I don't care who it is. Whatever he has done for this city, he will be killed without mercy!"

As soon as Deguna finished speaking, Li Chu looked at the expressions of many people below with a solemn face. At this time, some people could no longer sit still, stood up directly, and began to refute.

Weapons have existed since the beginning of the establishment of the city, which can protect one's own safety. There are also some examples of people who were robbed and saved the day because they carried guns.

"What do I need you for?"

Deguna looked at the management officers on the left. Many of them had dissatisfaction on their faces. Some management officers even took out their certificates on the spot and expressed their willingness to resign if they were not trusted.

Witte and Gu Yi looked at the family members on the right, and many people behind them were laughing.

Gene raised his head, exhaled a puff of smoke, and then walked off the stage. Several management officers standing in the front row were still confused, and Jean took away the management officer certificates in their hands.

"If you don't want to do it, you can leave now and go to the local bank tomorrow to settle today's wages for the whole day."

As Jean spoke, he continued to use telekinesis to take away the IDs of each management officer. At this time, dissatisfied voices rang out, and more and more management officers stood up and slapped their IDs on the table. superior.

The entire meeting place was completely chaotic. After a while, a thick stack of management officer certificates had been received by Jean in a bag.

"Please let go."

Gene looked at a hesitant management officer and put his hand on the certificate. When he wanted to sit down, Gene had already taken away the certificate.

"Anyone who has nothing to do with it, please leave here. Since you don't want to do it anymore, there is no need to stay here."

As Deguna spoke, the protests grew louder and louder, and finally turned into slogan-like shouts, saying that the gods were being unfair and wanted to deliberately provoke disputes.

However, some management officers still sat in their seats and did not get up and take out their ID cards.

Of the nearly 400 management officers, more than 300 have had their documents taken away. They are all members of the family.

Faced with the roaring noise like a tsunami, Tang Rao couldn't bear it anymore. She jumped directly below. In full view of everyone, the green particles instantly looked like fireflies and pounced on the manager who was still shouting. them.

The shouting suddenly stopped, and Tang Rao raised a finger.

"You have been fired. From today on, you are no longer a management officer serving the city. If you continue to make trouble, I will let you get out of here."

"Sir Tang Rao, if these people are fired, I'm afraid the city's management will fall into great chaos tomorrow."

The patriarch of the Phoebus family spoke, and Li Chu looked at him solemnly. At this time, the people in the family also stood up, feeling that the gods' actions were too rude, and everyone should sit down and talk.

"Just tonight, among the many cases I handled, in one of them, a young man who suffered a tragic experience easily bought a gun in a bar. He entered with the idea of ​​killing the other person and then robbing him. At the target’s home, if you hope that similar incidents will happen more often in the future, we can waive the order banning firearms.”

As soon as Gene finished speaking, Tang Rao stopped. Many managers looked at Tang Rao with solemn expressions, and several other gods looked at the people in the hall quietly.

Rose smiled and whispered softly.

"A farce!"

Deguna patted the table.

"In the future, please continue to serve the city. Please take back your documents later. There is one point I need to explain. If there are deaths caused by guns anywhere in the future, we will thoroughly investigate and those who sell guns will All crimes will be punished as dealing with death."

Afterwards, Gu Yi, Li Chu and Witte discussed construction issues with many family members for a while. The meeting was finally over. The management officials took back their certificates and began to leave one after another.

In the empty venue, the tables and chairs were scattered. Gene began to sweep the floor with a broom, and the other six people sat in front of the computer, processing some things.

Everyone was silent. Tang Rao sat aside with his hands folded in displeasure.

"You just wanted to kill them, Tang Rao. If you did, the city would be in chaos."

As Li Chu said, Tang Rao slapped the corner of the table.

"We must take action as soon as possible. If we continue, it will only turn into a war."

At this time, Jill came out of the room on one side.

"Aunt Tang Rao, I have learned everything you taught me. When I grow up, I will help you and won't make you angry."

Tang Rao's smile returned to his face, he stroked Jill's head, and Gene took out a cigarette.

"It's easy to kill them all, but the city will be finished. Starting tomorrow, I will gather a group of workers to start building schools. The schools will be built within 5 to 10 years at the earliest."

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