Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1484 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 3 (Part 2)

"Let's go!"

He narrowed his eyes and was startled. He saw that it was the man driving today, named Gu Yi. He was wearing a white coat and had his hands in his pockets.

"It's very difficult for people to force themselves to do something that they don't want to do anyway. If you want to do anything, you have to give up everything you are as a human being. This is too cruel for you. It's called Get the other two and leave, go to the east, where you can make a living."

As he said this, Gu Yi took out 300 yuan and put it on the ground.

"This little money is enough for you to go to the east."

With squinting eyes and trembling eyes, he grabbed the money on the ground, as if he saw hope, turned around and ran.

However, Xiaoxiao, who was hiding in the garbage at the side door of the tavern, couldn't bear it anymore. She had been hiding for a long time, but the smell was still the same as before, no matter where she went, it was the same. They had been out for the past few days. When walking on the street, when passing some people, some people always pinch their noses.

They were treated like monsters. They were violently kicked out of some shops countless times. Even if they paid, they were only allowed to eat outside the shops.

Xiaoxiao had had enough of all this. The three of them had grown up together depending on each other. She knew the other two very well and were very timid.

"Haha, in the end it's up to me. You two are obviously men."

Xiaoxiao recalled that when they left the garbage dump, it was his own initiative. Then the two refused to leave. Xiaoxiao injured the leader of a local child force. The two were afraid, so they followed Xiaoxiao. .

There was a rustle, and Xiaoxiao climbed out of the garbage pile. She glanced sideways and saw the woman in the alley lying on the ground, looking at her side with blank eyes. The three people were still taking turns to fight on the side. At this time, a The drunken man saw Xiaoxiao, laughed loudly and walked over. Xiaoxiao took out the Molotov cocktail and looked at the crowd of people in the bar who were still enjoying themselves. The leader was enjoying the two women with his arms around them.

Xiaoxiao turned around, and the man behind her rushed toward her. She walked to the side door, opened it directly, and then walked straight to the bar with the bottle in hand. The people who were enjoying themselves were just confused, but as they There was a foul smell, and someone pinched their nose.

A standard C-shaped smile with a graceful arc filled her smiling face.

"Evolve! It's not bad to become a beast."

The Molotov cocktail was lit. Only then did someone react. Xiaoxiao threw the Molotov cocktail towards the wine cabinet behind the bar.


Following a burst of shattering sounds, the bartender at the bar screamed and instantly pulled out a shotgun from underneath, but the gun rang out.

The gun held in Xiaoxiao's hand had already pulled the trigger. The bullet passed through the boss's head, exploded behind him, and then penetrated several wine bottles. The flames instantly began to move towards the surroundings along with the drinks. spread.

Xiaoxiao turned around and ran towards the door. The man chasing her was so frightened that he still stood at the door.


With a burst of explosions, Xiaoxiao raised the gun in his hand. The moment he walked over, the man at the door turned around subconsciously, but Xiaoxiao shot him directly in the back of the head. Blood bloomed in front of her. Xiaoxiao stepped forward with one step. He walked out and fell to the ground, followed by bursts of gunfire.

Feeling hot, she smiled and looked at her left arm, which was wet. She smiled crazily. At this time, the flame had completely ignited. She stood up, ignoring the injured left arm, but rushed madly. Out of the alley, people who were set on fire jumped out of the tavern screaming and rolling on the ground.

At this time, the leader rushed out with his people. There was a power outage. Except for the steaming flames at the wine pipes and the sound of explosions, the whole town was plunged into darkness. He smiled and stared at the leader who was commanding several of his subordinates. She quickly blended into the crowd.

There was only a target in Xiaoxiao's eyes. Her brain was completely excited at this time and she could accurately see the route forward. The burning pain in her body had disappeared. She panted and let out a low roar like a wild beast.

Squinting his eyes and running wildly, some gunshots rang out in the town, and chaos began. He knew very well that Xiaoxiao had taken action. Soon he came to the back of the tavern that was already covered in flames. The panicked crowd had already begun to walk on the street. Opened the fire hydrant and planned to put out the fire.

The billowing smoke filled the street, but now I squinted my eyes and saw clearly. The leader was holding a smile with one hand. She missed it. The leader's men were dispersing the chaotic crowd and starting to put out the fire. They looked anxious. .

"Damn it, who sent you here? Move quickly. The underground vault will be affected. I need to find a way to put out the fire."

Xiaoxiao's cheeks were red and blood was dripping from her mouth. She was still smiling, but her two arms had been directly twisted off by the leader.

"I've seen a lot of brats like you. Wait until the fire goes out. I want you to have a taste of hell."

At this time, a management officer came over with a bunch of drunk administrators.

The tall man was also watching from a distance. He was panting, and he was extremely frightened in his heart. He looked at Xiaoxiao and was completely caught.

"You two. Bastards, are you men?"

Suddenly Xiaoxiao roared, and the leader, who was about to explain to the management officer who came over, immediately dropped Xiaoxiao, raised the gun in his hand, and looked around. His men were busy putting out the fire. Xiaoxiao on the ground looked at a pair of scissors on the ground, looking at it in trance, her hands still moving.

A quick figure took advantage of a violent explosion and instantly jumped on the leader's back. The leader screamed. Several men around him raised their guns, but they did not dare to shoot. A screwdriver pierced his head directly. On the target's shoulders, the tall man grabbed the leader's neck with both hands.

At this time, a Molotov cocktail was thrown over and exploded next to one of his men, followed by a ball of flames. He held the stone accurately with squinting eyes and hit one of his men on the head, snatching the weapon from his hand. He pulled the trigger directly.


Bullets were flying, and many people were hit. The leader pressed hard towards the ground, accompanied by a scream, but the tall man still didn't let go of the hand holding the leader.


The wooden house that was swallowed up by the fire collapsed, and instantly a stream of hot air overflowed in all directions, causing sparks to fly and dust to rise everywhere.

"You three bastards, I must have it."

The leader screamed, and Xiaoxiao on the ground used his last bit of strength to bite the leader's neck.

Narrow eyes had already pounced on the leader and suppressed the gun held by the leader.

"Is this what you want to see!"

Gu Yi sat quietly on the roof. Deguna next to him had a stern expression. The three people who suppressed the leader all roared like beasts. Xiaoxiao bit the leader's neck with all his strength, and was pressed from behind. The tall man below him held the leader's neck tightly, while the other one, Nian Nianyan, suppressed the leader's arm.

Explosions were heard everywhere, and some houses near the tavern were also set on fire. The whole town fell into complete chaos. Many people began to flee towards the periphery, and several of the leader's men had also run away.

These guys who rely on violence to intimidate have never seen such a situation before, and they have been scared to death and ran away.

"In the face of real violence, hypocritical violence is just a piece of paper."


With a violent explosion, something underground exploded, and instantly some scarlet-burned debris flew towards the street. The three of them didn't stop.

In the flames, the three people saw everything that hit them, and their eyes widened. However, in an instant, all the debris that flew over was bounced away, and a purple skirt slowly fell in front of the three people.

"This town is finished. If you do this, you will be executed."

Deguna said seriously, looking at Deguna with a weak smile.

"You promised."

Gu Yi moved away the big man who was pressing on the tall man. At this time, he narrowed his eyes and cried, covering his head and wailing heartbreakingly.

"You promised us!"

Xiaoxiao stood up in a daze and crawled towards Deguna little by little.

"Don't move, your ribs should be broken and your chest has started to bleed."

Gu Yi pressed a finger on the tall man's head on the ground, and blood kept overflowing from his mouth. He felt very uncomfortable, but at this time he saw green particles flashing around him.


Xiaoxiao looked a little crazy, but when she saw the management officer's qualification certificate that Deguna took out, Xiaoxiao cried and the smile disappeared from her face.

Deguna half-crouched in front of Xiaoxiao and stared at her quietly.

"You are dead from today. I will teach you everything step by step from now on. From now on, I need you to do this kind of thing for me often, locking down threatening prey, and then you, as hounds, kill these animals that are harmful to the city. Harmful prey.”

"What on earth do you want to do Deguna!"

Gu Yi stared at Deguna solemnly, and she laughed.

"I need an intelligence unit to deal with some problems."

"Their future will be."

Deguna looked at Gu Yi.

"You are so lucky, really good!"

Xiaoxiao smiled slightly.

"Who are you!"


"Ran Zhi, what are you doing back here!"

There were sounds of banging all around, and many workers were working. They were paid a month's wages today, and the boss asked them to work all night and not rest until at least the early morning. They had to catch up on the progress they had fallen behind in the past few days.

Ran Zhi ignored the workers who greeted him. Some workers also saw that he was drunk and must have come to ask for wages. Some people advised Ran Zhi to say something nice to the boss, so that he might be able to continue working.

Ran Zhi knew what he was going to do next. He knew what his boss was doing now. Today was January 1st. The boss should be having fun in his own house in the middle of the town.

At around 8 o'clock in the evening, Ran Zhi stood next to a small building where he always lived, with one hand tightly holding the gun in his windbreaker. His eyes were red, and he looked at several bodyguards who were playing cards on the first floor. Among them, Two of them are mutants.

You must find a way to lure them away, otherwise you will die.

Ran Zai had already thought of a series of things. He would first take out the money from Rang Lao, and then get rid of him. With the money, he would take Ding Manman to the more stable east.

Seeing that there were surveillance cameras on the surrounding roads, Ran Zhi knew very well that he had to wait for the opportunity, because the boss was almost kidnapped a few months ago, so he rarely went out at night. Even if he needed to, he would call The woman comes directly.

It's just that he did something like that to Ding Manman today. He should be drunk and sleeping now. The lights on the second floor are out.

Thoughts were intertwined in Ran Zhi's mind. Although he was a little drunk, his head was unusually clear.

There was only one way to get to the second floor, which was to create a certain degree of chaos. Ran Zhi quickly thought of a way. He quickly went to a nearby administrator's residence. As soon as he went there, he heard the sound of mahjong. Sure enough, they were all playing mahjong on such a night, and there were women's laughter from time to time.

"What are you doing, kid?"

Ran Zai walked into a room of the administrators obediently. For a moment, several people looked at Ran Zhi, who looked embarrassed.

"Masters, I want to come over and tell you something."

Ran Zai immediately said in a low voice, and then showed a flattering smile.

"It's so dirty. The floor has just been mopped. You stand at the door and say it."

"Sir, you played cards with Boss Su's bodyguards a few days ago. Did you lose a lot?"

At this time, a management officer frowned and Ran Zhi said immediately.

"They cheated, so you lost. Wasn't Xiaoli there that day?"

"That bitch?"

Ran Zhi immediately nodded and added.

"I saw Xiaoli receiving a sum of money from the bodyguard leader. I have been working with Boss Su for so long, so of course I saw something."

Ran Zhi began to talk about the gambling between co-workers and bodyguards before. Xiaoli was always present, hanging around and winking at several bodyguards. They basically lost less and won more.


The manager got up drunk.

"Damn it, I just said that I was so unlucky that day. That bitch Xiao Li didn't even ask for my money, so she paid me one night and went with me."

Ran Zhi walked, nodding and bowing all the way, saying that he just wanted to ask the managers to help him ask for his salary. The management officer who was on the side to maintain order noticed that he was beaten today.

After arriving at the place where Boss Su lived, seven bodyguards were still playing cards. At this time, the management officer rushed in directly, pressed the head of a bodyguard and knocked it on the table. The administrators behind him took out their guns and pointed them at the person inside. The situation among the bodyguards became chaotic for a moment, and the management officer started to curse. However, the bodyguards insisted that they had not cheated, but the management officer handcuffed them and arrested them for gambling.

Ran Zhi knocked on the back door and quickly reached the second floor. At the door of a room, Ran Zhi saw a pair of blood-stained underwear. His eyes widened and he quietly reached the door of the room where the boss slept. Downstairs The commotion was getting louder and louder. Although the bodyguards were all capable of fighting, they did not dare to confront the managers head-on.

Ran Zhi knocked on the door, but the door opened with a creak. There was someone inside. Ran Zhi went in and took out a revolver. Under the lamp, a white-haired man was reading a book, and there was no boss anywhere. shadow.

"do not move!"

Ran Zhi threatened and Gene turned his head with a smile.

"I have asked Boss Su to surrender to the upper-level management office. According to the city's basic law, workers who are not paid wages must be sentenced to prison. As well as his rape and threats to others, plus several previous cases he has committed, he will probably be punished by law. The court sentenced her to 30 years. As for you, you are only guilty of threatening with a gun. Put away the gun, then go back to that town and take the girl to the east. This is your salary."

Gene took out a paper bag with a stack of money in it. When he stood up, Ran Zhi excitedly pulled the trigger.

"It only takes 1 centimeter more and the bullet will be shot out. The tragedy that happened to you will continue. I'm sorry!"

Jean bowed, and Ran Zhi looked at the man in front of him in surprise, and he kept swallowing.

"What do you know? Take out the money, there should be a safe here."

Jean looked aside, Ran Zhi released the trigger, but still pointed at Jean, and walked to the safe.

"Key, open"

"Now you have another charge, home invasion and robbery with a gun. The sentence may increase to 20 years. Think about it carefully."

Ran Zhi laughed loudly and shook his head bitterly.

"In this kind of world, if you swallow your anger, you will only be squeezed by others, and you will have to endure the tragic fate again and again. Where is the key?"

Ran Zhi walked towards Jean excitedly, but Jean ignored him, but sat down and lit a cigarette.

"This incompetent government will end soon. Everything that happens here tomorrow will be dealt with by someone. These managers who neglect their duties will lose their jobs. Put the guns down young people. This is not what people of your age should do." Pick it up, you still have a future!”

Ran Zhi was trembling and sweating continuously. He wanted to pick up the safe with one hand, but found that it was pinned to the metal table and could not be taken away. His emotions became more and more agitated.

"Go to the east, I can introduce you to a job, work in the fields, at least you won't starve."

Gene said and took out his mobile phone. Ran Zhi was panting at this time. He was still looking at the safe, unable to determine whether the beautiful words spoken by the man in front of him were true or just to entertain him.

At this time, there was a thumping sound going up the stairs, and Ran Zhi looked at the door in horror. The muzzle of the gun swayed unsteadily at one moment and pointed at Jean.

The moment the door was pushed open, Ran Zhi's eyes widened, and he pressed his fingers involuntarily. However, he only saw a flash of blue light passing by, and the gun in his hand was gone. He sat down. On the ground.

At the door is a group of special investigators, all with golden epaulettes on their shoulders.

"Lord Jean, we have put all those involved in prison. There are currently 283 people involved, 198 of whom are local managers."

"Take them all to prison, deal with them according to the law, and let the people in the Hall of Law judge them as soon as possible."

After a group of people left, Gene looked at Ran Zhi with a smile, twirling the pistol that Ran Zhi had just held in his hand. He walked up to Ran Zhi, and Ran Zhi took several steps back.

"Trust me, things will change. Go east, call this number, tell him I introduced him, and you can get the job."

As he spoke, Gene quickly wrote down a series of numbers, put the note into Ran Zhi's hand, then helped him up, pulled him to the window, pointed to where he was standing with some luggage underneath. Ding Manman in the center of the street.

"If you are a man, give her the greatest happiness. She has made a deal with others for you. When a good woman does such a thing, she will not do it if she does not make a huge determination. It would be more uncomfortable than death. You are very important to her. Remember this, take your salary and go to the east with her."

Tears that had long been uncontrollable finally flowed out of Ran Zhi's eyes.

"Young man, remember, when you pick up the gun, think about what else you have. If you really do that tonight, she may not have a future, and the same goes for you. Now you have This is not an era that requires guns. Things that can be solved by law do not require guns!"

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