Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1468 Annihilation Operation (Part 2)

The black and red plant-like plants are climbing up the barrier little by little. Frye sat quietly on a piece of sand, surrounded by a large number of plant-like plants. He must now get outside the barrier because an abnormal light has just appeared outside the barrier. Frye became alarmed.

Just before they rushed to the bottom of the barrier, they saw an abnormal opto-magnetic explosion outside the barrier, and the department was conducting experiments on some kind of weapon.

Jielin looked solemn and was entangled by the plant-like plants. At this time, some plant-like plants released from Fry's body had climbed to the top of the city wall. Soon Frye saw everything in front of him. The white photomagnetic effect in the distance was subside.

Frye stood on the surface of the wall and was constantly being pulled up by the plants. Soon both of them were standing on the barrier. This 100-meter-wide barrier was officially completed 91 years ago.

Frye once moved rocks here, and the scenes kept echoing in his mind.

Frye, who was once a deformed man, had moved stones here. He still remembered everything about that day. The 300-meter-high and 100-meter-wide barrier could not be built by manpower or machinery.

It was at this time that Frye first learned about the concept of gods. At that time, the forces in this arena had been integrated by the eight major families, and the eight major families were in turn obeying the orders of the seven gods. It was also not long after the sun had just risen. thing.

"Such a huge barrier project cannot be completed with human power, even with the use of machinery for hundreds of years."

Jie Lin said, Fry nodded. She had asked Fry before how this place was built. Fry told Jie Lin that the yellow god has the power to control matter atoms, while the orange god has very powerful matter. Modeling capabilities, and several excellent engineering and construction experiences.

Frye and most of the people who worked here only had to do one thing, which was to keep moving the materials. The most shocking scene for Frye was that the stone materials seemed to dissolve and became like mud. , under the control of a woman, it was constantly rebuilt, while another person built some internally embedded filtering pipes.

The densely packed small holes on the wall are used to filter the air. They will completely filter out most of the harmful particles. The remaining part will be deposited at the bottom inside the barrier and will be cleaned out regularly using machinery.

It is precisely because of this barrier that humans can gradually restore the ecosystem under the light.

Jie Lin squatted on the ground and was looking at the long-distance observation equipment that had appeared on the Source of the Matrix. The optomagnetic explosion just now was more than 40 kilometers away. At this time, many charged particles can be observed floating in the air. , the place in the distance is like an artificial magnetic field formed suddenly.

"Let's go."

Frye said, Jielin stood up. After the plant-like plant wrapped her body, Frye quickly moved to the outside of the barrier and jumped directly. In an instant, the plant-like plant on the right side of her body grew downward in large numbers. Frye Her body fluttered gently in the wind, and slowly landed on the soft plant.

The plant-like plants began to crawl rapidly on the ground. A large area of ​​the plant-like plants in front of them had disappeared, and some signs of burning could be seen.

Frye came out this time to conduct some experiments on the plantoids outside the barrier. The nature of the plantoids parasitic and rooted in his body has gradually begun to be different from the original plantoids. It is certain that his body is also borrowed from these plantoids. Complete the evolution of a certain biological form.

The evolution of this form is pleasant, as one's own consciousness and strength are constantly increasing, as if it is a huge and endless Big Bang of the universe, with only infinite expansion and expansion.

Vaguely, Frye felt something strange. He closed his eyes. For a moment, he was rushing through the gray environment, and his consciousness had already seen everything on the plain 40 kilometers away.

Black smoke was rising upwards, but a spot on the ground was flattened. The moment he raised his head, Frye was shocked to see a huge battleship swimming above his head, like a blue whale-like battleship.

At this time, a large number of soldiers fell from the sky. Frye instantly discovered that these soldiers wearing gorgeous armor were already dead, and the biochemical machines had mutated into humans.

Frye's consciousness returned to his body, and he opened his eyes again. The plant-like plants moved even faster. With Frye's ups and downs of emotions, these plant-like plants would immediately respond accordingly. All he needed to do was move his thoughts. These plant-like things that looked like his own hands and feet before have now become like his subordinates.

The ground was rugged. Jie Lin was still looking at the values ​​​​on the light and shadow screen, and she seemed to understand. Some of the things falling from the sky in front of her eyes should be the supplies for this experiment of the Business Department.

"It's the floater Jielin."

Frye said and Jaylin nodded.

"It should first use a photomagnetic explosion to form a natural electromagnetic field that will not disappear in a short period of time, and then use the particle acceleration circulation effect to move freely and quickly in this magnetic field. It is a very powerful technology."

Frye continued to move forward anxiously. At that moment, he was angry and shocked. His consciousness returned to his body after seeing a woman wearing a crown with red skin all over her body. , at which point Fry stopped.

"What's wrong, Dean!"

The black-red plant-like plants violently whipped the surrounding earth. In an instant, the rocks on the ground seemed to be cut by a knife blade, and the ground seemed to be pressed by heavy objects. The ground around Fry began to become more and more chaotic, becoming a mess.

"What's wrong with you, Dean!"

Jielin felt a chill. The plant-like plants that had been wrapped around her tenderly were constantly oppressing her armor. The armor had already made a creaking sound. Jielin also felt that her body was being squeezed. She panicked. I became confused and even breathing became difficult.


Seven-colored particles began to appear in Frye's left eye, and his body became extremely chaotic. Plant-like plants were still spreading around. He himself also became extremely chaotic, and he began to talk nonsense in his mouth.

Jielin's voice became weaker and weaker. For a moment, her eyes widened. Frye was floating in the air. The plant-like plant had completely shrunk back into Frye's body. Jielin fell towards the ground, accompanied by With a flash of light, Jie Lin stopped her body the moment she landed.

The place they chose was not due east. Fortunately, it was not within the observation range, so there was no need to worry about being exposed. But at this time, Frye's left cheek had a scowl on his face, looking extremely angry. On his clenched fists, there were seven-colored The lightning was flashing.

The black and red plants began to tighten, and Frye stared at the plain 40 kilometers away with a ferocious face.

"Why be so cruel!"

Frye roared angrily, and the air began to become slightly distorted. Jaylin felt a heat flow coming from Frye's body.


A name came out of Fry's mouth, and his whole body began to be wrapped in black plants, and the left half of his body disappeared.

The black and red plants wrapped around Fry bit by bit like armor. The red light spots were evenly distributed all over the body. Two curved horns grew out of both sides of Fry's head. His left The eyes released a fierce scarlet light.

"Why are you so cruel, why!"

Frye was muttering in his mouth. At this time, Frye was half squatting in the air. Some black particles appeared around his body. Jielin's eyes widened. The armor made of fine silk threads flowed around Frye like water. The surface of Frye's body flowed slowly, and red hair-like tentacles appeared on the back of Frye's head.

In the conference room, everyone saw that the Mythical Legion had landed on the ground. In the distance, some alienated creatures had indeed gathered. The entire Legion began to move slowly on the ground. The battleship Blue Whale was still checking the surroundings. The number of alienated creatures coming over.

"A high-speed object is approaching! Intensity"


Jean and the other six gods, who were sitting calmly on their chairs, all stood up.

"What it is!"

While Noah was speaking, he saw a dark thing hitting the light particle defense wall. In an instant, his fist had a natural phenomenon, and the huge impact instantly caused the light particle barrier that was gradually generated around him to begin to appear. Stable turbulence phenomenon.

A huge, faintly visible shock ripple appeared in the sky. The guy with devil horns and water-like scarlet armor in the camera shattered the light particle barrier.

"Spontaneous combustion without fire, it is a plant-like thing!"

As soon as Noah finished speaking, Gene had already thrown away the uniform in his hand, pierced his heart with one hand, and pulled out a spider-shaped machine. Gene held up the machine in his hand, with his left foot. Lifting it slightly, Deguna had already opened the window.

"Go and get rid of him Jean! The guy who should be the creator's codename is Devil."

Jean nodded. A large number of dark blue particles and white current floated on the surface of his body.


Jean disappeared indoors in an instant. Everyone looked in shock at the demon who had broken through the light particle defense wall. The thing wrapped around his body was a plant-like thing, but it spontaneously ignited without fire when the light was irradiated. , but it quickly grew again, and the right hand that hit the light particle wall grew again.


Accompanied by a violent knocking sound, Frye had punched the metal deck on the surface of the Blue Whale battleship. However, at this time, the deck seemed to have melted, and Frye only felt a sense of weakness from the blow.

Following a violent fluctuation, the surface around the Blue Whale battleship was struck as if the water was boiling.

"Liquid metal defense wall!"

Frye recognized it instantly. Just when Frye was about to continue doing something, a golden light appeared next to Frye. On Noah's head, the golden light was floating like a fine thread.

"When an uninvited guest arrives, it is etiquette that the host should come out to welcome him, what do you think?"

The moment Frye turned his head, he only saw a large golden ball of electricity. He screamed in surprise, and in an instant he fell towards the ground.

"The queen please stay to assist in the battle and destroy the enemy. The remaining troops will be led by the king to continue the annihilation operation."

Noah issued the order instantly, and the mythical army on the ground began to disperse.

With a violent noise, a ball of golden thunder and lightning exploded. Noah raised a hand, and with a flash of orange light, a long knife with golden electricity appeared in his hand.


Accompanied by a loud noise, Frye's eyes widened in pain. The plant-like things on his body were constantly decomposing in the golden thunder light. He raised his head in pain and looked at the red-skinned woman in front of him, with two pieces of blood floating on his body. The light blue ribbon was already attacking towards him.

There was a suffocating pressure in the air above his head, and Frye roared angrily.

"Monia, why are you here, why are you like this!"

Frye, who got up, was instantly wrapped in black and red plants. The intertwined plants formed a defensive net, but what followed one after another was the powerful telekinesis released by the woman in front of him.

Frye's eyes were painful and he wanted to get away, but it was too late. A golden lightning flashed behind him, and the mechanical guy in the sky came down.

"I'm going to kill you, kill you all!"

Frye roared angrily. Noah, who originally thought he had succeeded, felt something was wrong. The light thunder sword in his hand stopped on the head of the guy in front of him. It was telekinesis. Noah had seen this guy's information before. He had an orange , purple and green, three divine powers, but at this time it is obviously not one of these three powers.

Although the queen who was attacking in front of her passed through the plant-like plant, the thorn claw in her hand stopped in front of Frye's eyes.

"Are you satisfied? Do you think you are satisfied as a human being by making something like this?"

Noah's mechanical voice sounded.

"Science is never-ending! Satisfaction? As long as there are people in this world, there will be no word of satisfaction! Although I don't know which nerve of your madman was stimulated, but you took the initiative to stir up trouble, and you will sleep forever It’s okay here.”

As soon as Noah finished speaking, red particles suddenly appeared all over the queen in front of her.


Along with a violent sound of breaking through the air, the right half of Frye's body was directly exploded. The queen directly slashed across Frye's body, and the sword in Noah's hand also slashed down.

Accompanied by a burst of golden lightning, Frye rolled on the ground. The right half of his body was completely pulpy, and juice was constantly spraying. Frye felt that his consciousness had begun to become blurred, and the plant-like plant wanted to control it. One's own body erodes one's own spirit.

"What's going on with your body!"

Noah was carefully observing Frye's body, but not a single particle of matter could be seen from the shredded right side of his body. It was certain that this guy had merged with the plant-like body, but how on earth did he do it? But it is unknown.

"Take him back."

The queen instantly moved to Frye's side, raising her left hand. The golden ornaments on it began to split, and then formed strips of golden light, binding Frye's body like a rope.

Frye quietly looked at the woman in front of him, Monica, who was the first woman to bring him warmth. His memory seemed to return to the days when he was in an underground shelter during the war.

It had been many days since he had eaten anything. Frye was hiding in a dark underground room and could still hear the explosions coming from outside. Then the basement began to flood and the water began to accumulate deeper and deeper. Frye could only curl up in bed. Side, quietly waiting for death.

However, with the sound of water flowing, the door was pushed open, and a woman covered in blood walked in, closed the door, and lay casually next to Frye.

The woman looked very weak, with excitement on her face. After the lights went out, everything fell into darkness. Frye didn't know who the woman was or what she was doing here. The strong smell of blood on the woman made Frye feel He was about to die.

Frye fell asleep, but he did not die. Instead, he felt warm, very warm. When he opened his eyes, Frye found himself in the woman's arms, and the woman also woke up. In the dim light, the woman's face His eyes were extremely sharp, but when he looked at himself, he seemed a little gentle.

"You clown, are you hungry? Do you want me to take you up to get something to eat?"

This was the first time that Fry heard Monica's voice. It sounded very nice. He followed Monica out of the basement, but the outside world was already bright. This was a sight that Fry had never seen before. Everyone was Cheering heartlessly.

There was a slight drag, and Frye looked at the woman in front of him, Monica, with despair. She was dead. Frye knew this, and she died in front of him. There is no doubt that it was Monica. Ka raised him up and taught him a lot of things.

"Why kill her!"

"To you, she may be the person who raised you, but to others, she is a villain!"

This is the answer Frye got from the woman who killed Monica.

"Then you want to kill me!"

"Then have you done anything evil?"

Fry shook his head.

"Then live well. She should want you to live, so she came out voluntarily so that we could catch her. It is up to you to choose light or darkness. Others cannot decide."

Suddenly, the queen who was trying to drag Frye up suddenly jumped away. Potholes appeared on the ground, dust was everywhere, and a large number of black and red plants emerged from the surrounding ground. Frye's The right half of the body also began to heal, and a large number of plant-like plants appeared.

Frye sank into the darkness again. He could see everything clearly. The robots and Monica in front of him took turns attacking him, but he did not feel any pain at all, not even a trace.

The plant-like plants on his body continued to turn into fly ash, but they continued to grow. At this time, Frye raised his head slightly and looked at the scarlet in the distant darkness behind him.

"Who are you!"

Gradually, the smile returned to Fry's face, and the scarlet red did not answer him, but at this time, Fry was squatting on the ground, quietly watching the battle below.

"Have you ever seen hell! I have."


With a loud noise, Noah, who had just floated into the air, was about to launch a more powerful attack. Suddenly, a huge claw appeared behind him, which was completely composed of black and red plants, and pinched Noah. .

Bar chi

The place where Noah's head was was opened instantly, and a small ejection ball flew towards the battleship Blue Whale.


Noah, who only had a head and a cylindrical body left, looked at the body below that was being decomposed in the claws that suddenly rose up and pinched him.

The queen has also been caught by another one, but she was not swallowed, but was completely wrapped in black and red plants.

There was a rustling sound, and a bunch of black-red plant-like plants began to rise slowly into the air. Noah quietly observed that some bulges were still appearing on the ground. The plant-like plants were moving under the ground, moving towards Gather over here.

The demon was lifted into the air little by little. He raised his head and opened his hands. With a touch of scarlet, Frye regained consciousness. He stared coldly at the battleship Blue Whale in the sky. His mouth had been opened, and the light was constantly gathering. With.

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