Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1467 Annihilation Operation (Part 1)

A wisp of breeze blew by, bringing up pieces of dust. On a ridge, a creature with a head that seemed to have been scalded slowly climbed up from a black cave. It looked like a bat.

It's just that this bat looks different. There is no hair all over the body, but there are irregular scabs covering the whole body, and the small wings are fluttering slightly.

At this time, in the dense caves on the ridge, mutant bats crawled out of the caves. They opened their mouths slightly, and made strange calls from time to time. At the same time, they raised their heads, their pointed ears Moving, as if hearing something.

Each mutated bat raised its head and looked at the sky, but there was nothing in the black and gray sky.

The loud noises on the ground did not attract their attention. One after another, there were weird four-meter-long creatures with four corners on the ground, like a cow, but the whole body seemed to be wrapped in stone. Moving slowly.

Gu Gu

There was a cry from the soil, and a round thing poked its head out of the soil. There was only one eye on its pointed head, and its whole body was wrapped in a round metal shell. There were more and more such creatures. The head emerged from the soil.

Some large, shelled insects, nearly one meter long, were swimming among some fragile tree fossils. There were a large number of black and red plants entrenched on the ground. These alienated animals would eat plants from time to time.

There are a large number of alienated creatures on the entire flat wasteland. There is no hostile relationship between them, but they act as if the other party does not exist. Even the alienated creatures of the same type have no communication mode at all.

These alienated creatures between animate and inanimate people are entrenched in large numbers on a plain 40 kilometers east of Bright City. No one knows where they come from. It is a miracle that they can still move. They Also known as walking fossils.

Human beings know very little about what happened to the entire planet in the two hundred years after the catastrophe of Heaven's Punishment, because humans had to survive in a closed ecological environment.

"The appearance of these alienated creatures was when they were first discovered 103 years ago, when the city wall was still under construction."

In the conference room of the General Affairs Section, everyone had just had lunch and was about to start the 1 o'clock battle. Noah was still talking about these weird creatures in the camera.

"They retain the mobility of organisms, but they lose the ability to reproduce. We once conducted an experiment and put an alienated beetle in a box without food. The result was that it took 185 days to completely die. In a box with no air but some food, it will not die. The food source for these things is plants that can metabolize and grow by swallowing all substances in the body. The only known weakness of this type of plants is that they are afraid of light. , and the atoms of the matter swallowed by the plant-like plants will be completely shattered and then disappear!"

As Noah spoke, he snapped his fingers. At this time, the door of the conference room opened, and a robot walked in carrying a transparent box that emitted a faint light, and there was a section of plant-like plant in the middle that was still moving slightly.

"In order to prevent the plant-like plants from eating the box, only the minimum light energy can be used to inhibit the activity of the plant-like plants."

The plants are tied up one by one with light that shines like silk threads from the corners of the box.

"The most amazing thing about these plants is that they can survive in any environment, even at extremely low temperatures of minus 600 degrees, they can still move. There is nothing in their bodies that can be known as material parts. You can also understand that these plants Plants do not have atoms, the basic unit of matter, which are the smallest particle units in chemical reaction divisions. We have also tried other physical, electrochemical and other methods to cut open these plant-like plants, but we still have not found anything that makes up the plant-like plants. , but they can eat atoms of any substance, and after the matter they eat is crushed, where do they go? And how do they provide the energy needed for plant-like growth?"

As he spoke, Noah continued to bring up a light and shadow screen with a three-dimensional plant-like model on it, and then began to simulate it.

"What is certain is that if this kind of plant eats atoms of metal substances, it will become slightly harder, and if it eats biological cells, some dilute substances will appear in its body. Our current thinking is that this Plants should break down substances into sizes that we cannot detect, and then convert these substances into the energy needed for their growth according to a special arrangement. Then we can only see the surface phenomena, but cannot See the inside!”

At this time, the surveillance screen on the plain began to move. As expected, many alienated creatures were eating plant-like plants.

"We have done a lot of experiments. These alienated creatures will grow in size after eating plant-like creatures."

At this time, Noah snapped his fingers. The huge robot in front of him took out another 20 cm high glass cabinet from its long body. There was a spider in it, nearly 4 cm in size. There was a spider in the glass cabinet. There are some black silk threads, and this strange-looking spider is moving. There is no hair on the body, only some hardened scab material, which really looks like a fossil.

"The largest size of this kind of spider we have ever observed is about 5 meters."

As he spoke, the camera on the plain turned. There were a large number of black spider webs on a mountain range that had been pierced with thousands of holes. In these burnt-through caves, huge black spiders were crawling.

"To be more specific, these seemingly biological things do not have any purpose of primitive biological instincts. They do not need to hunt or reproduce."

As he spoke, Noah walked to the glass cabinet where the spider was kept. He pressed the glass cabinet slightly, and a light and shadow panel appeared. Light began to appear on one side of the glass cabinet. The light shone on the spider, and it began to curl up. , moved extremely fast, hitting the glass cabinet as if trying to escape, with two fangs exposed, and hitting with great force.

As the intensity of the light began to increase, the surface of the spider's body began to glow slightly with scarlet red.


A small hole was knocked out of the glass, but the spider began to spontaneously combust all over its body, black smoke and dust rose up, and soon the spider turned into ashes. After a while, only the spider was left in the glass cabinet. A pile of black powdery substance.

"If these substances are in the air, they will quickly flow with the air and we will not be able to see or detect them, because they may be the same as plants eating substances and smashing them into particles that we cannot see. , the illumination just now has reached a level that can make people blind, and it can turn spiders of this size into ashes. In the past, only a little light was needed for their bodies to react, but now they need strong light. And some organisms have evolved outer protective shells that are no longer afraid of light."

Everyone glanced at the time. There were still 10 minutes left. The third victory level annihilation operation under the overall command of AI1 was to exterminate all the alienated creatures on this hundreds of square kilometers of plains.

"One of the purposes of this operation is also to test the purpose of these alienated creatures. 30 years ago, the furthest distance we monitored the alienated creature clusters was 1,000 kilometers away, and the plant-like ones were 500 kilometers away, but Thirty years later, these things were laid out together 40 kilometers east of the city."

After a map of the surroundings of Brilliant City appeared, Noah pointed at the map and continued.

"It can be seen that plant-like and alienated organisms are complementary to each other. They are approaching Brilliant City. It has been almost a century since the last detailed investigation outside the barrier area."

Noah said, and many people looked at Gene. He put down the tea cup in his hand with a slight smile, and then spoke.

"It's almost time to start. These things always need to be cleaned up."

Deguna stood up and raised one hand. At this time, the other six gods also raised their hands. They all wore a ring on the middle finger of their left hand. Six colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple gathered in the air and appeared. One piece has an extremely complex pattern, with a triangle in the middle, a square on the outside, and a circular pattern on the outside.

In the middle of the triangle, flames of six colors appeared, but at this time the six gods looked at Gene, Noah smiled slightly, and Michelle had a trace of emotion on her face.

"To liberate the final limit of the Mythical Legion, it takes the seventh god, Jean!"

As soon as Deguna finished speaking, the secretaries present widened their eyes, while Wu Qun grinned. What he had been guessing for decades was now confirmed. The congressmen stood up one after another and looked at Got Jean.

"Everything here today must be kept confidential. This is the highest secret in Brilliant City."

As Deguna said, Jean put out the cigarette butt in his hand, took out a ring with blue light from his arms, and put it on his hand. The moment he raised his hand, everyone in the conference room stood up. He stood up, put one hand in front of his body, and bowed deeply.

Blue light shot into the middle of the triangle. At this time, the three figures began to rotate, and the patterns were filled with dense circuit beam patterns of different colors.

There was a crisp beeping sound.


Noah, who was in front of the Mythical Legion, stood up and opened his blood-red eyes.

"Start the third level of victory, annihilation operations, and calibrate the range. Within 100 square kilometers east, north, and south of the Blue Whale battleship's location! All active units will be exterminated."

Noah's eyes released a strong white light. At this time, a white human figure appeared in the sky, and gradually the human figure turned into a knight with angel wings.

"AI1 war project, start!"


As the white knight teleported above the mythical legion, it began to decompose itself and turned into pieces of white feathers, which floated down. These white feathers were absorbed into the bodies of the legionnaires.

"We discovered it so quickly. It's exactly what we suspected!"

As Noah spoke, in just the blink of an eye, the alienated bats in the cave on the ridge let out bursts of piercing whistling sounds.

A large swarm of black bats shot straight into the sky in an instant and rushed towards the Blue Whale battleship, which had half of its body exposed.

"This is no longer a speed that living things can achieve, it exceeds the speed of sound."

In the conference room of the General Affairs Department, everyone was watching the beginning of the battle on the light and shadow screen, and a huge and powerful sharp sound could be heard.

"Activate the high-heat particle defense wall!"

At this time, the white knight floating in the air appeared above the conference room. It was the virtual body of AI1, and it made a mechanical sound from its mouth.


As the first bat approaching the Blue Whale battleship hit the hexagonal light particle defense wall that was suddenly activated, a ball of flame appeared in the dark sky.

In just the blink of an eye, a sound like thunder filled the sky densely and noisily.

One after another, the alienated bats hit the light particle defense wall of the Blue Whale battleship, instantly shattering and catching fire, and the entire gray-black sky was lit up.

In the conference room of the General Affairs Section, the camera began to zoom out. Looking over, the countless pitch-black alien bats were still colliding, and the outside of the Blue Whale battleship was already a sea of ​​fire.

"It's very good. These light particle defense walls are formed instantly. They are generated instantly using the second stage of light and shadow materialization technology. You can think of them as opening up in 0.1 seconds when these creatures approach the 100-meter range of the Blue Whale battleship. In this way, the light particle defense wall will not need to be turned on for a long time, which can save the energy of the Blue Whale battleship."

Noah said, looking at AI1 above the conference room. He was controlling the entire Blue Whale battleship. The first round was very effective.

At this time, the fireballs in the sky began to decrease, and the large number of alienated bats did not attack recklessly, but flapped their wings.

"Are you going to start singing?"

Noah said with a smile, a sharp and harsh sound suddenly sounded, and soon the sound in the conference room suddenly stopped, and Noah turned off the sound transmitted from the scene.

"Unfortunately, these high-density light particle polymers will not collapse due to a little sonic attack from you."

A series of values ​​appeared on the side. The sound wave attacks emitted by these alien bats fluctuated in the range of 160 to 200 decibels. This is no longer something humans can withstand. Once humans are attacked by such high decibel sound waves, internal blood vessels will burst in an instant. .

"Start the cleaning operation! Guards Corps, attack! The cleaning will be completed in 10 minutes and 26 seconds to 29 seconds, with an error value of 3 seconds!"

The moment AI1 opened his mouth, a passage opened on the right side of the Blue Whale battleship, followed by a flash of red light. The Imperial Guards holding nearly 50 cm daggers in both hands and wearing red rejoicing cloaks instantly emerged from the opened small The hole flew out.

"Please wait and see. Although there are only 40 members of this Imperial Guard, there are currently 10,235 alienated bats."

Gorgeous ribbons floated in the sky, and a slow-motion scene appeared in the conference room. A Guards soldier covered in soft armor approached an alienated bat and was directly hit by a sound wave of more than 200 decibels. However, in an air flow diagram, the sound wave was diverted at the moment it was about to hit the soldier, and some blood-red particles appeared in the air.

"It really makes people feel a little uncomfortable."

Niya said, everyone understood. The moment he was attacked by the sound wave, the soldier released his alienated cells, which directly split the sound waves. The moment two daggers slashed across the bat, A total of 26 knives were swung out in one second. The bat, which was nearly 1 meter long, instantly looked like a scattered puzzle piece. You could see some slightly red liquid overflowing from the bat's body.

There are strips of red translucent ribbons floating in the sky at this time, rising in the air at an extremely fast speed, rendering, and accompanied by little bits of floating liquid, one after another alienated bats have disappeared in the blink of an eye. It turns into pieces of meat and falls.

Time passed by, and only the dazzling translucent ribbons remained around the entire Blue Whale battleship.

The number of alienated bats in the sky has been decreasing in droves. At 10 minutes and 28 seconds, AI1 above the conference room made a sound.

"Aerial clearance operation completed!"

The red cloud-like brilliance around the Blue Whale battleship gradually faded, and the Imperial Guards returned to the Blue Whale battleship one by one.

"Ground clearing strike begins."

The huge blue whale battleship began to swim forward. At this time, there were still some remaining mutated bats on the ridge, but the number no longer posed any threat. After flying up, they moved quickly around the blue whale battleship, seemingly in the air. Look for opportunities.

"The current test conclusion is that it has a certain degree of intelligence! The probability of being manipulated is 3.8%."

At this time, the Blue Whale battleship stopped in the air, its huge mouth opened, and on the ground in front of it was a large number of alien creatures that were running wildly and gathering.

A white light gathered in the blue whale's mouth, and with a violent shaking, a white light fell from the sky.

The light hit the ground instantly, and along with a burst of violent electrical current, it began to spread towards the surrounding area. A large number of alienated creatures were instantly swallowed up by this white light that was like an Optimus pillar.

The light did not rise upwards, but spread rapidly toward the surroundings, and a large amount of electric current could be seen raging.

A huge light and shadow screen in the conference room displayed a series of huge on-site detection values ​​of alienated creatures, which were rapidly decreasing, from more than 300,000 to more than 160,000 in an instant, and then stopped abruptly.

The light gradually faded, and the ground was directly flattened, leaving only a piece of black dust. On a light and shadow screen next to it, the range affected by the optical railgun just now was simulated, which was 28.69 square kilometers.

"The Mythical Legion is dispatched! The follow-up cleaning and annihilation operation is completed. The operation begins at 1:17:24 noon. It is expected to end at 5:47:29 to 5:58:31 pm. The number of hidden creatures ranges from 11.3% to 12.9 %."

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