Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1464 Experiment: Mythical Legion (Part 1)

7:15 am

Wu Qun, wearing a black official uniform as a member of parliament, stepped into the cafeteria of the General Affairs Department with a high-spirited look. He smiled and looked at many members of the administrative department who were eating, and walked towards the food table.

For a while, many members of the department in the hall looked at each other in disbelief, and none of them gave Wu Qun a good look. For the administrative department, the members of the parliamentarian faction were very uncomfortable.

"Bring me a bowl of noodles, add two slices of meat and an egg."

"Old Wu!"

At this time, another congressman walked in. Wu Qun turned around, and Pullman came over with a smile. He is the president and congressman of the Lawyers Association, manages the lawyers in the city, and is also the secretary of Section 8. Dee's father.

"I'm the same chef, just one piece of meat and one egg."

The head chef snorted coldly.

"Why didn't you send me a message earlier? I don't have any responsibility for you, I just have a face to face."

Wu Qun said with a helpless smile.

"There's always an egg!"

The chef turned around.

"Then there's nothing we can do. The congressmen have to eat breakfast and reduce the amount of ordinary staff members by two eggs."

For a moment, the cafeteria was filled with snickers. Pullman sighed helplessly, but Wu Qun didn't care at all. After all, they were members of the parliament, but today's event was considered a relatively important event in their lives for them.

Just last night at around 4 o'clock, they received a contact from the Purple God, asking them to gather at the door of the General Affairs Section Chief's Conference Room at 8 o'clock sharp.

"What do you think is going on?"

Pullman had just asked, when there was a commotion. Wang Ying, a member of parliament representing the industrial faction, and a middle-aged man wearing glasses and parting his hair in the middle, who looked about the same age as Wu Qun, walked in. There are patterns of gears and hammers on his right arm, which is Lin Xiao, a congressman representing the industrial faction.

The two came over and sat directly next to Wu Qun and the others.

"We only have noodles to eat, do you want it?"

The head chef asked. Wang Ying seemed a little unhappy, but she still nodded. Lin Xiao nodded silently.

At this time, a bald man and a petite woman with pink eye shadow walked in. The bald man was nearly 2 meters tall, while the woman was only 1.7 meters tall, so she looked very petite.

Although the woman is a bit old, she is very good-looking. Her name is Beckinsale. She was the city's leading star 20 years ago. However, she suddenly quit the entertainment industry and became a member of parliament. She is from the entertainment faction. represent.

The bald man next to him looked fierce, especially the two inverted mustaches on his mouth, but soon the bald man smiled kindly. He was Chris, a member of the education faction.

At this time, there was a bloated woman at the door. Her round body seemed to burst the clothes. She always maintained a somewhat exaggerated smile and painted red lips. She was the last councilor Baozhen to step in. She was the one wearing the clothes. The parliamentary representative of the faction is also the sister of Bao Chun, one of the three founders of Sanlian Company.

A group of seven people sat at the food table, eating noodles in silence.

"As expected, the noodles from the General Affairs Department are delicious."

Although it was just a bowl of green onion noodles, Baozhen ate it with great enjoyment.

"Old Wu, why are there eggs in your bowl?"

Chris asked, Wu Qun smiled and shook his head, and soon the seven of them had eaten. The sights around them were almost all hostile. The parliamentary faction and the executive branch had been at odds for many years, and the relationship was very bad. Something big happened recently.

The seven of them soon finished eating and went directly to the elevator. After entering, they arranged their clothes against the wall.

At 7:40, seven people stood at the door of the section chief's conference room, waiting quietly without any words.

At this time, on the right side of the seven people, two people, Jean and Deguna, walked over slowly. The seven people looked at the two people in confusion.

"Good morning, Section Chief Jean, this is the person next to you"

While Baozhen was speaking, Deguna glanced at the seven people.

"It's almost time, come in with us."

The seven people stood up straight in an instant, because Deguna's voice was too familiar to them. The petite woman in front of them was the purple god.

Although Wu Qun had seen it before, he was still a little surprised, and the other people were the same. When Deguna opened the door, she looked back.

"The other five people are here too. Before we go in, I hope that the seven of you will not say a word about today's events. Do you hear me clearly?"

The seven people bowed down and bowed formally.

The door opened, and the long oval table in the room was filled with 12 section chiefs, with secretaries sitting behind it. Locke and Michelle were sitting at the top, and five people were sitting on the right. , the seven people who entered the room in an instant were shocked.

"This is not Luo."

Just when Beckinsale was about to speak, Chris next to her pulled her. After the seven people walked in, they saw Deguna walking to the stage on the right, and immediately walked over and faced the six people on the stage. Bowed.

"You can think about the extra things when you go back. Go and sit down over there!"

A round table has been prepared on the left, with water and some snacks placed on it.

All seven people recognized it, it was the voice of the Yellow God.

Gene, who was standing next to the door, closed the door and sat in the chair of Section 13.

"The reason why we let you know our identity is not because we want you to cooperate with the business department and continue to maintain the status quo. Do you understand me?"

Li Chu said, Wu Qun smiled and nodded, and with the gesture from his eyes, he spoke on behalf of everyone else.

"My dear lords and section chiefs and secretaries, first of all, I am deeply sorry for some things that have happened recently."

Wu Qun stood up and bowed.

Deguna nodded and snapped his fingers. Noah stood up and brought up a light and shadow screen. In an instant, the Blue Whale battleship docked above the barrier was displayed in front of everyone.

The congressmen looked at each other, and at this time another light and shadow screen appeared. On it was a neatly arranged line of biochemical robots, which the congressmen had all seen before.

"I came to you today not for anything else, but because you are also part of the top power in this city."

The seven council members were still thinking about what the gods were going to do, but the fact that the section chiefs and secretaries were all there showed that it was not a small problem, and this battle seemed to be about to start a war.

But what the Orange God said just now was somewhat ambiguous.

"I give you permission to know some things because of my trust in you, because you are also a part of this city!"

While Tang Rao was speaking, seven people stood up and bowed hurriedly. She waved her hands and continued.

"There will be a battle experiment next. What you see is the crystallization of the most advanced technology in Brilliant City at present, biochemical mechanical mutants, and the mythical army!"

The seven people nodded one after another, and King Xue stood up.

"Let me give a brief explanation! Everyone, next year we will be in contact with Tianji Space Country. I believe you all know that the worst case scenario may turn into a war. You should be smart and know why we came to you."

Wu Qun nodded, and the other six people also figured out the mobilization preparations before the war. Once the city really starts a war with other civilizations, they need to mobilize all the resources in the city to make strong reserves for the war.

"The first step is to modify the age of citizens."

King Xue said that Hua Shen was dozing off at this time. He had just sent Ji Mo back to his home and was very tired, but no one woke him up.

"No need to be formal, you can speak freely."

Seeing that the atmosphere on the scene was a bit solemn, Gu Yi said, and the congressmen relaxed a little at this time.

"That is to say, the gods don't want the biggest secret of our city to be discovered by Tianji Space Kingdom in a short time, right?"

Wu Qun said, and King Xue nodded.

"The age group below 20 years old remains the same. For those over 20 years old, every three years will be counted as one year. I hope you will work together to stop the age change in each district as soon as possible. As for the reason, the 4th Department will explain it."

The seven people nodded. Wu Qun stared at the things on the screen quietly, feeling very dangerous. The preparations for war in the city started decades ago. The councilors knew this, but to fight a war, it was necessary. Most of the city's resources are consumed, and the city may collapse as a result. Regardless of whether the war is won or lost, there will actually be no winner.

"My lords, is it possible to avoid war?"

Wu Qun asked, but the moment he asked the question, he already knew the answer. It is impossible for two different civilizations, which have closed human society for two centuries, to coexist peacefully. As long as they find that their fists are stronger than the other's, they will not be able to do anything. Call him without hesitation.

"Of course, if they are willing to coexist peacefully, we will not start a war first. If they are more willing to coexist peacefully, we will definitely strike preemptively, so I would like to ask you to make all preparations for mobilization after you go back."

Pullman bowed and looked at Deguna and asked.

"Excuse me, Lord Purple God, is the place where ordinary people are accommodated in the tunnel under the prison department?"

Deguna nodded.

"The current length of the tunnel is nearly 30 kilometers and the width is 100 meters. It is enough to accommodate millions of people, as well as the light particle defense wall in the upper area. Although it cannot accommodate 30 million people, it can still accommodate around 25 million."

The seven people were shocked at this time, suddenly knowing so many shocking facts. Although the seven people had discussed with their colleagues before, the meeting with the Sky Space State, but in the end they came to the same conclusion, only war. The approach is the way to solve the problem.

It is impossible for both sides to hand over their country's research results candidly and unfairly. This is the biggest difference, and both sides know that the existence of the other side is a threat to them, especially in such a doomsday environment, there is no trust. Word.

The most critical thing is that there are still rioters in the city. Once the establishment of diplomatic relations begins, only the slightest change is needed for war to break out.

"In many communications with Tianji Space Nation, the other party has always insisted that they have a way to reach the surface, but it will be extremely difficult to return. When asked why, they have not made any statement in so many years, so We have reason to believe that they may want to invade, and the precursor to aggression is the establishment of diplomatic relations. After everything is investigated, they will definitely show their fangs."

Noah said, bringing up a light and shadow screen, which was full of communication records with Tianji Space Country over the years.

The section chiefs, secretaries, and congressmen all opened their respective light and shadow screens and began to read. Wu Qun looked at the communication records with a solemn expression.

From the beginning, the other party mocked them as barbarians. Later, after announcing the artificial sun and the establishment of some ecological circles in the city, their attitude became ambiguous. The other party really wanted to know the size, population, and technology of Brilliant City. Level, but Noah didn't answer the other person a word.

Many times, Noah interrupted the call due to communication problems, and the tone of the other party seemed to have changed several times.

Our technological level has far exceeded your imagination, Aboriginal people!

Wu Qun's eyes rested on a mocking and tough statement, and then the conversation between the two parties began to reach a deadlock. A few months later, the other party began to express its position again, hoping that Bright City would tell them some changes on the earth. question.

The other party wants to know the technological level of Brilliant City all the time, as well as the population size, social structure, etc.

Are you still fighting with primitive weapons like bullets?

Wu Qun saw another eye-catching call record. Noah directly replied that the other party was indeed using bullets, and the other party's conversation revealed something.

We are now using optical weapons, and there are very powerful things. We really look forward to us being able to establish diplomatic relations, Aboriginal people!

In the end, the two sides set a date for January 1, 2278, when the Sky Space Congress sent hundreds of people to Earth. The specific establishment of diplomatic relations included economic, cultural and technological aspects.

At this time, a picture shocked many people present. It was a huge space station floating in space, running slowly. It was just a very blurry picture. It was passed down by Tianji Space Country, but this is it. The tip of the iceberg made everyone feel nervous.

"The external pipelines should store energy. The most indispensable thing in space is electrical energy, as well as some new energy sources they may discover, including the weapons they manufacture. These are all huge threats to us."

Noah said, and everyone nodded. The other party's repeated use of the word aboriginal has highlighted the other party's intention.

In the past human history, the term aboriginal actually means indigenous people, the earlier residents who lived on a piece of land. When mentioning this, we have to talk about the many colonialisms in human history, and this Vocabulary is exactly what emerged when colonialism expanded.

The Sky Space Country was once the descendant of most of Central and Northern Europe, and many of them had a long history of colonization in the past.

"Aborigines have appeared a total of 10,897 times, and such words are used in basically every sentence."

Deguna said, and everyone's expressions were a bit unhappy. Although Noah deliberately gave the other party the illusion that their city's technology was actually very low, the other party kept using such words to ridicule, and his intention was very obvious.

"Once the establishment of diplomatic relations breaks down, I hope to take over the Sky Space Country within a month. At that time, we will personally serve as the vanguard and cooperate with the Mythical Legion to eliminate the core of the enemy as soon as possible. You, on the other hand, need to stabilize everything in the city and carry out follow-up operations. Cleanup battle plan.”

Deguna said and everyone nodded.

Wu Qun continued to watch these seemingly meaningless conversations. The other party's tone was always condescending, and the core meaning was that they were the orthodox people of mankind, and his side could only be regarded as a part of the aboriginal people who were trying to survive.

Even the other party was using some scientific arguments from centuries ago to test. Noah deliberately answered some wrong answers, and then asked the other party to repeat these arguments, hoping to record them. His words contained the excitement of discovering something new.

As expected, the other party became even more unscrupulous. At this time, Wu Qun finally understood that the layout of most buildings was the style of human buildings in the past, without much change. The photoelectric coating was also the same, and the colors were not too novel. Gives people a sense of calm.

"There is no need to be polite to these arrogant guys. They claim to be the founders of their power system, and its base is on the moon."

Li Chu stood up as he spoke. It was already 8 o'clock, the sun had not risen yet, it was still dark outside, and riots had begun in the city. Although the light and shadow screens on the street played Locke's previous speeches from time to time, the people Still very uneasy.

Mo Xiaolan glanced at the shadow screen.

"I really like to cause trouble. Maybe it's human nature to join in the fun and ridicule."

Seeing a comment that the sun might not rise, Mo Xiaolan directly targeted the comment and asked the people from Section 2 to go directly to arrest him. Then he started to mass-send everyone's mobile phones to prohibit spreading rumors, otherwise they would be arrested.

"Finally, I hope that you can contribute to the establishment of the agricultural experimental base in the barrier zone in the future. We may need to expand our military strength in the future. After all, another threat is quietly approaching."

While speaking, Deguna brought up a light and shadow screen, and everyone looked at it quietly. There were many large mutated creatures in the wild and dark land.

After Le Xiao had eaten breakfast in a daze, she headed towards the examination room. Today she had to be responsible for all arrangements in the examination room alone. This was a bit happy for her, but she had to be careful. Now the science department The secretaries are still in a meeting.

In Examination Room No. 1, 100 examiners were already standing upright waiting. Le Xiao walked in and said with a smile.

"Today, I hope that everyone will continue to grade the exam fairly and justly. We have worked hard these past two days."

As Le Xiao said, the examiners also saluted and then began to disperse, and a large number of reporters gathered around.

Facing the camera, Le Xiao answered questions one after another, always smiling.

At this time, there was already some chaos on the streets, because the sun had not risen yet, and there were always people who would raise their heads and look up at the sky from time to time.

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