Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1463 Searching (Part 2)


There are still 33.849 kilometers away from the calibration point.

Only half of Noah's body was exposed, and his lower body was embedded in a black base. Colorful lights flashed on his semicircular head, and he was humming.

Just a minute earlier, Noah had received confirmation instructions.

"Finally the war can begin!"

The tone of Noah's mechanical words was particularly high, and he seemed very happy.


With a touch of electricity and a slight sound of mechanical friction, Noah's black blocky body slowly rose up from the base. He raised his thick mechanical arm and pointed to the left.

"Finally we can start!"

Beams of light shot out from the wall, and the light beams began to cover Noah's bare black mechanical body.

click click click

Pieces of fan-shaped metal plates started from the neck of Noah's body and continued to extend downwards. Pieces of fan-shaped bright silver fan-shaped metal plates on the body, arms, and feet filled Noah's body from top to bottom. , and then these fan-shaped metal plates became very soft and wrapped around Noah's body, like staggered playing cards, evenly distributed on the surface of Noah's body in an orderly manner.


A thick human-faced helmet was buckled on Noah's semicircular head. The eyes were partially opened, and with a touch of scarlet and a sizzling sound of electricity, a golden light emitted from behind Noah's helmet. , the light began to become like a thread, slowly flowing around Noah's helmet, the extremely supple light threads were swimming regularly, and Noah's body slowly rose into the air and floated in the air.

At this time, a large amount of dark gold began to appear on the silver armor, from which you could see some red, blue and black. These colors were intertwined and began to color Noah's armor. Soon, Noah's armor It was covered with beautiful golden gradients, some random but exquisite patterns, and was covered with armor. Noah slowly walked to the door, and at this time a red cloak appeared on the left side.

On the back of the cloak, there are 13 different patterns and numbers representing 13 families.

Section 1 is the city, Section 2 is the green brain, Section 3 is the pattern of crossed guns and swords, Section 4 is the cross pattern, Section 5 is the handcuffs pattern, Section 6 is the information grid pattern, Section 7 is the money symbol pattern, and Section 8 Family 9 is the pattern of a hammer, family 9 is the pattern of a balance, family 10 is the pattern of a molecular patchwork structure, family 11 is the pattern of a fence, family 12 is the pattern of golden wheat ears, and family 13 is the pattern of a vortex.

Noah took the cloak and put it on him. The door in front of him slowly opened. Noah floated out. After passing through a white passage that was only 2 meters wide, he came to the door of a wormhole, which seemed to be spinning with countless teeth. The open door opened completely, and in an instant, the lights in a hall lit up.

Noah let out an excited laugh, and a flag stood up slowly next to him. The lower part was made of colorful strips, and half of the word God seemed to have just emerged from the water. The edge seemed to be about to open. The wings, while the upper part is the color of dawn.

There were biochemical and mechanical mutant soldiers standing below.

At the head are two soldiers, one blue and one red. The blue man wears a round golden crown with a six-pointed star on the front. His skin is ice blue, and he wears silver-white hexagonal chain armor with his hands He is holding a broad-backed, edgeless sword of about 1.5 meters. He is nearly 2 meters tall. He has his eyes closed. There are black letters KING on the red cloak behind him.

Next to her is a 1.8-meter-tall, slender woman, wearing a golden crown with circular lace. A skirt with an outward opening at the top and bottom like a barrel covers the woman. The middle is very thin, highlighting the woman. She has an exquisite figure, and her skirt is sky blue with a large number of golden wattle patterns on it. The woman's exposed hands are placed reservedly in front of her body. On her red-skinned hands, she wears a golden ring bracelet on the left side of her chest. With the letters QUEEN.

At this time, behind the two people, there were three old men wearing white, red, and blue luxurious bishop's robes. They closed their eyes quietly. Each of them held something different in their hands. The white old man held something different in his hand. Inside is a black book, in the red old man's hand is a red engraved scepter nearly 1 meter long, and in the blue old man's hand is a scepter with a large number of green plant carvings on his right arm, with a large number of green plant patterns on the edge. A disc with delicate folds, and the letters BISHOP on the chests of the three old men.

Behind the three bishops, there were people wearing one-piece black soft armor, diamond-shaped helmets, two daggers hanging on their waists, and the letters PAWN on their chests. There were 40 people in total.

On the edges of both sides, there are six regular hexagonal machines arranged. In the middle of the machine, there is a round jar. In the blue liquid, three men and three women are soaked respectively. They are wearing clothes with circuits. It has textured red armor, a black semicircle on its head, and the letters ROOK on the front of the machine.

Standing at the very back were 100 black knights holding conical spears and wearing broad armor.

They were all transformed from the best mutants, some died of illness, some were killed, and most of them were criminals.

Noah still remembered that the king and queen in front of him were the two most notorious armed forces in this arena more than 100 years ago. The king was killed by Jean, and the queen was killed by Rose.

It took nearly a century to build the Mythical Legion. Each soldier has a photonuclear battery as a power source, as well as high-concentration biological supplements that need to be added regularly to ensure that they can use mutant abilities normally.

Weapons and armor are the most advanced technology in Brilliant City, but there are still four knights missing, but such an army is enough to destroy a city.

Originally, Noah wanted to bring out the Four Horsemen this time, but the two knights of famine and plague are not yet stable at the moment. Especially the plague knight, it is absolutely not allowed to be brought out from the level 5 virus library without the permission of the six gods. When it comes out, it is equipped with a large number of deadly virus weapons, which is devastating to living things.

Famine is the same, because it is equipped with a very powerful virtual virus arsenal, which is enough to make the entire city's information extremely chaotic, as well as powerful sonic weapons. These two knights cannot participate because of their instability. In the battle.

"Noah, ask Lord Deguna if you can bring death and war."

A light and shadow screen appeared in front of Noah, and suddenly Noah's eyes released a strong red light. He looked at the black metal at both ends in Noah's hand, with a transparent glass tube in the middle. Black matter is floating around like dark clouds, and white thunder and lightning will appear from time to time.

"Why is there such a thing!"

"Sir Deguna gave it to me. Don't ask any more questions. This time we are annihilating the creatures outside the barrier. No mistakes are allowed. I will go underground in a while and take out AI1 and give it to you personally." come over."

Noah laughed.

"I can't wait."

"Wait patiently. The attack instructions will be given to you half an hour in advance, and you only need to drive the blue whale to the gathering place of those creatures. I want to take a nap now, and then send AI1 to you."

Noah slowly lowered to the ground, and then sighed helplessly.

Beginning more than 50 years ago, after the establishment of Section 10, we began to research various weapons. The research on optical nuclear weapons has basically reached its peak, but optical nuclear weapons also have disadvantages. First, they consume a lot of energy, and they are The area struck will die and no living thing will survive.

Individual combat and a small number of legion operations are imperative. You only need to have one or two extremely powerful points to break through the battle situation. Then you can use conventional strategic weapons to attack, and then follow-up cleaning operations by human soldiers.

What is immortal is always the human heart. Since receiving the signal from the Sky Space Kingdom more than 40 years ago, the gods have ordered to seize the time to manufacture weapons, and it was at that time that Noah completely completed the mechanized transformation of his body.

Over the past 40 years, Noah has been committed to the development and research of weapons. Many conceptual weapons built by AI1 have not yet been realized. The worst result of contact with the Skyland Space Nation is war. Many weapons experiments can only It is done in a space environment, which is why preparations must be made in advance.

According to the current big data analysis, there are three types of materials that form the magnetic field on the periphery of the earth: liquid, solid and gaseous. They can swallow light and form a huge magnetic field that is completely natural with the earth itself. The two magnetic fields currently maintain an extremely subtle The equilibrium interval is only about 3 kilometers from the surface to high altitude.

Once many aircraft are 2 kilometers above the ground, they will easily be affected by the unknown magnetic field in the upper level. Bright City once sent a large number of unmanned aircraft to the sky for inspection, but none of the aircraft came back. This magnetic field seems to be alive. , will automatically capture flying objects, which is extremely incredible. There have been cases where an aircraft flying 1 kilometer in the air was suddenly attracted to it.

The Tianji Space Nation gave a clear answer a few years ago. They have the ability to break through this special layer of material and come to the earth.

There are still too many things that are not understood, which is why Noah is determined to continue living. Noah has imagined countless times exploring the mysteries of science in the illusion of the universe.

"It will be possible very soon."

Noah laughed as he said it. He only needs to wait until the people from the Sky Space Kingdom come to Brilliant City next year. Then it will depend on their attitude. Once there is a break, Deguna can dig out everything from them.

On the smooth metal avenue, Noah walked down from the aircraft. He held the antimatter in his hand with a happy face. The order given by Deguna made Noah feel more cordial. He could finally start the actual experiment, and As long as this actual combat is successful, the next step is more specific testing.

What the mechanical biochemical mutants who ride on the AI1 war project can do is beyond imagination. There are so many things that such a legion can do.

Noah walked briskly to the huge square in the middle of the mechanical town. At this time, Noah looked at the light and shadow panel standing on it with some confusion. He jumped up quickly. It was the value of the sun. It was already 5 in the morning. The artificial sun is about to be launched in an hour, but what makes Noah feel strange is why the charging capacity of the four solar launch towers is not 100%, but below 60%.

"What's going on?"

Noah began to collect the values, but found that nothing was found. At this time, accompanied by a beeping sound, Deguna sent another contact.

"What's wrong, Lord Deguna?"

"Didn't I already tell you not to worry about anything?"

Noah immediately smiled and nodded.

"It's too late now. The sun won't rise until at least 8 o'clock today."

"It doesn't matter. The General Affairs Department will issue an explanation later."

After ending the contact, Noah pressed his hand on a base on the edge, and a small hole immediately appeared, and Noah put the antimatter in.

He pulled out a small bed, lay down directly on the table, and looked at the four solar towers around him.

"When this is over, I really need to rest. I feel like my brain is a little slow lately."

Noah said and closed his eyes.

Time flies by. Today is the last day of the mutant combat exam. There are more than 500 groups of mutant combat exams left. It is expected to end at 9 o'clock tonight, and then the top 64 for the next day will be announced. .

This year it takes one more day than in previous years because there are more candidates, but the promotion rate this year has increased.

Many shops on the street have already begun preparations, and mountain carriers carrying large boxes have already moved the food ordered by some shops.

Most Beishan workers get up at around 4 o'clock and go to the food trading station near the east to buy some food that the shop owners bought the night before.

Once the food is purchased by a store with a food purchase license, the food will be distributed in the fully automated food distribution cabin that night, and the mountain carriers only need to carry it.

Some mountain carriers who are confident in their physical strength will run all the way here after getting food at 5 o'clock, while some mountain carriers who want to do more trips will choose to take the subway.

What makes many middle- and upper-class shops somewhat happy is that the supply of food has not been restricted and is still being shipped out as normal as before. The last two days have been even more carnival, especially the battle of the top 64, which is much better than normal exams. It is said that it is much more exciting. The higher the ranking, the more bonuses and the higher your own reputation.

The exhibition match is also divided into three stages: morning, middle and late, with 64 going into 32, 32 going into 16, and 16 going into 8. Most mutants will get enough rest after the first game.

"It's 6 o'clock!"

A shop owner who was ordering food and paying for a mountain worker looked at the still dark night sky. At this time, many people in the shop took to the streets and looked at the sky. The sun had not risen.

From the whispers at the beginning to the suspicion later, in just 10 minutes, the city became noisy, and many people looked a little solemn.

At this time, along with the white light emitted from the electric poles, light and shadow screens appeared on the street. Locke sat upright and said with a smile on his face.

"Good morning, dear citizens! The sun may rise a little later today because the power supply in the city has been insufficient recently. Please wait patiently. The sun will rise at 9 o'clock at the latest."

After just a brief announcement, many people began to complain, thinking that it might be caused by the temporary medical settlement. It is reasonable to think so, and the street lights in many places turned on.

It was obviously daytime, but the sky was still dark, which made many people feel a little uncomfortable. The huge contrast made many people feel uncomfortable.

Many people who get up in the morning for morning exercise will stop after running a certain distance and look at the sky and their surroundings, as if something is missing.

At the entrance of the public security management station in the middle area, yawning and tired-looking officers walked into the cafeteria. Some of them did not want to eat and planned to go back to the dormitory to sleep, but they were stopped by their colleagues.

"Eat something. Sleeping without eating anything is not good for your health."

The people on shift had already had breakfast and took to the streets to start patrolling for the day. However, everyone was a little uncomfortable. It was almost 7 o'clock, but the sun still had not risen.

"Why doesn't the sun rise?"

Jean stood on the roof of Jewell's house, staring quietly at the dark night sky, Deguna yawned and said.

"There's a little problem over there in Section 10. It's that boy Noah who conducted an experiment, which caused the launch tower to recharge slowly."


Jean turned his head and looked at Deguna, who came closer and widened his eyes.

"You look at me, do I look like I'm lying to you?"

Jean slapped Deguna on the head.

"When does it begin?"

Jean asked, and Deguna thought about it.

"It will be held at about 1 o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun is the strongest. Except for the people in the barrier area, no one will notice the noise outside the city, and everyone's eyes are focused on the mutant combat test."

Gene nodded.

As early as 20 years ago, he had seen samples of biochemical mechanical mutants, but the combat effectiveness of the samples at that time was not very good, and he did not pay much attention to this matter. Weapons are necessary, which is the consensus of everyone.

"Are you hiding something from me?"

"No way, what can I hide from you?"

Gene smiled and let go of his hand, and glanced at Deguna, who was lying on the balcony with her hands behind her back.

"We have decided to let the MPs from the seven major factions watch this experiment together."

"I see. After all, they are also part of this city's rights system."

Deguna nodded.

"Actually, we are all quite reluctant to leave you, Jean. We don't know when we will be able to come back after we go out this time."

Gene shook his head.

"As long as you don't mess around while I'm away, you've changed a little, and your girlishness is back."

Deguna kicked her over, and Jean easily dodged it. He looked at this girl who was forever frozen in time at the age of seventeen or eighteen. He had known her for too long, and watched her gradually retreat from an aunt to a girl. The state and bits and pieces in her memories made Jean a little sentimental. The tenacity in her bones allowed everyone else to successfully survive one crisis after another.

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