Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1448 Correcting the Past (Part 2)

"Don't be crowded and line up properly."

The entrance of the hospital in District 118 was already crowded with people. Only more than ten minutes had passed since Le Xiao announced the truth, and a long queue formed at the entrance of the hospital.

There was no riot in the city, just silence. Many people in the middle and upper classes were discussing at this time. The facts just announced were too shocking. More than 10 million people who have eaten poisonous food may become sick.

However, at this time, many people know that the bottom level is likely to be in chaos. If the 4th Section does not come up with a solution, once the symptoms become more and more serious, the consequences will be more serious. Behind this sudden announcement of the truth is a A bomb that could explode at any time.

Many chemical people have made comments on the Internet. It is a very huge project to completely deconstruct these new substances. Some people point out that after these chemical substances are integrated into the human body, the changes in human genes will be even more severe. There is simply no medical method to cure the huge unknown number.

It's just that such remarks were deleted less than 10 seconds after they were posted.

Some middle-level people who had eaten food from Sanlian Company also began to line up near the hospital to receive the so-called antibody solution.

"We will make changes!"

Many people remember Le Xiao's last words, but today's televised speech to the whole city is different from the previous speeches. In the past speeches, most people just listened and started making jokes as soon as they turned around.

However, today's speech is different from any TV speech in the past, because many people know the truth. Although the truth is cruel, many people feel uncomfortable, and the whole city seems to have fallen into silence.

Some people are looking at the pages of the medical departments. At present, none of the departments has issued any statement. They just mentioned that some people who may have experienced dizziness or weakness in their limbs recently must go to the hospital in time to get free treatment.

At this time, many people are tangled in their hearts, especially those at the bottom. On the one hand, there is a hint of joy in their hearts, but on the other hand, they are bitter, as if their whole body is a little soft, and they want to be angry but are angry. As soon as it jumped up, it began to dissipate.

A wonderful feeling is fermenting on the streets on the ground floor, and many people feel a hint of warmth at this moment.

"Humans are really simple creatures!"

Ran Zai sat quietly on the roof of a house on the ground floor, looking at the many people below who were walking towards the hospital. They had all eaten poisonous food. Ran Zai already knew very well that the antibody solution distributed was fake. .

If it was really effective, the TV speech that just announced the truth should have given a more specific explanation. However, Gu Ningning, the secretary of Section 4, used a lot of perfunctory words to summarize his speech.

But what Ran Zai didn't expect was that the secretary of Section 13 really dared to say it, but after seeing the situation at the bottom, Ran Zai understood.

The bottom layer that used to be immersed in darkness and coldness had no hope. Since there is no hope, despair will come sooner or later. People's resistance in despair is the most intense. The fire of life is about to burn out, and the flames burst out in an instant. It's the hottest.

But in recent times, the city has turned its attention to the bottom layer. A ray of warm sunshine has been cast into this cold and dark bottom layer. People who have been in the dark for too long feel the brightness and warmth.

"It's incredible, really incredible!"

Ran Zai kept smiling. People like this could actually let go of their anger, prejudice, and sadness because of a trace of warmth and light.

"Everything is right again, destroyer of worlds, who are you?"

Ran Zai looked at everything in front of him, and some things were beginning to die. The anger, unwillingness and humiliation that had been accumulated for so long should have turned into anger the moment he knew the truth. However, the flames did not burn after all. Instead, it went out naturally.

Ran Zai didn't know whether this was arranged by the business department early in the morning or the girl's own decision. All this seemed incredible to Ran Zai.

"Do it well, otherwise the next time you are disappointed, the despair born out of it will be far greater than any other time."

"It seems the worry is unnecessary."

Tang Rao turned off some light and shadow screens showing the underlying images. Gene next to him smiled, and Rose exhaled a puff of smoke with a relaxed look. Lu Xi, who was sitting beside him, was filled with excitement at this time. Wiping the tears that overflowed from his eyes.


Gene smiled and stood up to walk to the basement.

"Aren't you going to go over and see your children? The secretaries are heading to the General Affairs Department. This is an extremely serious gaffe. There are already rumors in the city. This is only the first day. No one can predict what will happen in the future. ."

Rose said and Gene shook his head.

"No matter how things develop, as long as they develop in a good direction! Let's go and continue training."

Tang Rao put down the cup in his hand.

"I still feel that there is nothing wrong with our approach!"

Jean did not answer, but went directly into the basement. Many scenes flashed before his eyes, and the memory images that remained in his mind echoed in his mind one after another.

Everything that happened when he came to this land was vivid in his mind. There were frequent situations along the way, and there was no smooth sailing at all. By that time, Jean could hardly stand it any longer.

"How about we find a place to sleep together!"


Ellie's hand hit Gene firmly on the cheek, and she cried.

Arriving in the basement, Gene looked at his feet and felt a little sad, because he had never thought that the truth was so important to the people of the entire city, and maybe it was very important to everyone. , nothing happened.

Everything that was caused by lies began to die with silence.

"There is no need to delve into whether our choice is right or wrong, and there is no need to think deeply. The city standing in front of us under the sun is enough to explain everything."

Rose said, throwing away the cigarette, with yellow particles floating in her eyes, Tang Rao nodded.

"Even if it hurts, we have to move forward. Once we stop, human beings will cease to exist. After all, when this planet dies, all the cruel things in the past may start to happen again. All we can do is to hold human beings together." Live as long as possible to ensure that human life will not turn into dust."

Tang Rao said, yawned, and his eyes became serious. Gene smiled, nodded, and turned around.

"That will be a century later. We have enough time, because I will make time enough. I have remembered something recently. Although it is a bit vague, I should be able to find a lot of resources when I go out. ."

In the lift, Le Xiao sat quietly in her seat. The last secretary, Larry, also got on the lift. Secretaries from 13 departments were all there. The lift slowly flew towards the General Affairs Department. .

"Things will not end that easily. Be prepared to be relieved of your duties."

Zi Yuer looked at the secretaries angrily. No one said anything. Everyone was very tired. Michelle drove the lift without saying a word.

Zi Yuer was still dealing with the problem of leaving messages, so she could only send someone from Section 1 to warn. Now, the authority of all departments has been returned to the hands of the section chiefs, who are busy dealing with the matter.

"Dismissal means dismissal. Anyway, I don't care."

As soon as Chloe finished speaking, Zi Yuer stood up and grabbed her ears.

"Senior sister, nothing happened. Isn't it great? Publicizing the truth will at least make those potential patients mentally prepared. Otherwise, when the disease breaks out on a large scale, people who are completely unprepared will learn the truth. , what do you think will happen!"

Zi Yu'er raised her hand. At this time, the secretaries all looked at her. She put down her hand and walked to Le Xiao. Just when she was about to say something, she found that Le Xiao had fallen asleep.

Zi Yu'er was so angry that she raised her hands fiercely, and Yin Cai next to her grabbed Zi Yu'er.

"How we treat the people is how the people treat us. The entire society is a huge mirror. Everyone knows that this time our profession has been greatly embarrassed, but continuing to hide it will only make it worse."

Zi Yu'er snorted coldly and turned around to return to her seat. Ye Jiao was a little unbearable and wanted to pull Le Xiao away from her, because there was an unpleasant smell on Le Xiao's body, which made Ye Jiao unbearable. Jiao was very uncomfortable, but for some reason, looking at Le Xiao's cheek, Ye Jiao felt a little relieved.

The takeoff and landing speed was very slow, and every secretary had his or her own concerns. Larry saw Qin Dong's serious look on his face, patted him on the shoulder and shook his head.

In the section chief's conference room at this time, all the section chiefs were busy dealing with matters within their own departments. Le Xiao's sudden willful behavior made everyone feel worried at this time.

Especially the situation on the ground floor, Li Chu, Gu Yi and Weite were watching everything on the light and shadow screens. The 58 light and shadow screens were constantly changing the situation of each street.

All members of Section 3 stationed at the 58th district public security management office on the ground floor have been dispatched. Although some people have been shocked, they are still sitting on the street, waiting for the mutant promotion exam to start at 2 o'clock.

Locke looked at the content on the light and shadow screen angrily, feeling that his lungs were about to explode. Mo Xiaolan next to him chuckled.

"Hey, fat man, you're going to be scolded badly now."

Locke nodded, feeling as if he was being pressed down by a boulder. It was him who took the blame again, but this time the pot was a bit big. He felt out of his depth and couldn't carry it anymore.

After the outbreak of the poisonous food incident, Locke gave a total of 21 televised speeches. What he said was completely overturned by Le Xiao's remarks today, and he became a laughing stock in the city.

There are already a lot of sarcastic and mocking remarks that are constantly appearing on the Internet. Section 2 is now scrambling to delete them. Some media companies have even blocked the comment function directly, and a large number of comments are being deleted.

"It's too heavy this time."

Locke blushed and glanced at the light and shadow panel that Mo Xiaolan was operating. Comments were screenshotted and saved, and then the original comments were deleted. Some offensive comments were displayed on Mo Xiaolan's side. , and she needs to issue orders to Section 2.

At this time, situations occurred frequently in various parts of the city. Instead of riots, there were mocking remarks and large-scale concentrated discussions, including some protest departments deliberately concealing the truth. Many media reporters were interviewing people on the streets in the city unscrupulously.

Most people's opinion is that the administrative department has gone too far and how could it conceal such an important matter. Others are seeking accountability. Some civil society organizations have already submitted protest documents to the administrative department to announce the person responsible.

The section chiefs were already overwhelmed by the handling of the letters of protest received by various sections due to various issues. Niya stared at the light and shadow screens angrily.

"You still need to ask me about this kind of thing? If you have brains, you can think of a reasonable way to handle it."

At this time, the most letters of protest received by Section 5 were questioning the inaction of Section 5 in most of the past public security management at the bottom, which resulted in usury eroding ordinary people for a long time, and ordinary people were in debt for a long time and had to buy poisonous cheap food.

All kinds of doubts are fermenting, and many people are trying to send individual or group protest letters in various ways. At this point in time, the only way to stand and get beaten is to cut off the Internet, and the reaction will be more sideways. All the section chiefs are scratching their heads due to the deceiving behavior of the department.

At this time, many people in the Eastern Grain Base were questioning the people in Section 12 in the cafeteria as to why the disease was said to be an infectious disease when it was clearly caused by poisonous food.

Le Xiao's behavior really disgraced Xingke, and the dignity that had been established for a long time seemed to collapse at this moment.

The ordinary officers who were still on the street looked very sad at this time, because they didn't know anything and could only act according to the orders. Some officers had already started to quarrel with the people who criticized him on the street.

As if it was a huge farce, when the lie was exposed, hotness and shyness came to the fore. No matter what method was used, when Le Xiao announced all this, the scene gods and section chiefs all thought about it. .

However, the most vicious ones at this time were the MPs, one after another accusing and criticizing the administrative department for concealing this big issue from the public.

The section chiefs' orders to all section members are to handle all problems properly.

"It looks like a vegetable market!"

Witte looked at a few people from Section 5 who were debating something with people in some shops. There was no riot or anything like that, but simply arguing at the top of their lungs. Looking at groups of people with red faces, Li Ang suddenly He slapped the table and stood up.

"I'm so fucked"

This soft feeling made everyone feel that they had nowhere to vent their anger, and they wanted to vent their anger but couldn't.

All kinds of criticisms were brought out for criticism. It was as if overnight, the people on the upper, middle and lower levels were standing in a united front, and the administrative department seemed to be taken to the stage of public execution and had to accept it. Everyone cursed and threw things.


The door of the conference room was opened. For a moment, the section chiefs temporarily stopped their work and looked at the door. Michelle walked in with the secretaries of the 13 departments. The secretaries of the 13 departments came in in order. They formed a row, Michelle stood in front, and the door was closed.

"It's my responsibility, section chiefs, gods!"

Michelle bowed deeply, and the secretaries behind her also bowed. Le Xiao felt that her heart was about to jump out of her chest. She blushed and didn't know what to say, but she still stood up.

"I'm sorry, it's really me."

At this time, Le Xiao blinked and saw Werther, Li Chu, and an unknown little girl lying in a mechanical concave ball next to her, with a tube connected to her head, and a very stereotypical-looking girl wearing a white coat. man.

"I didn't ask you to stand up, so go back."

Witte said, Le Xiao blinked, and the secretaries also realized that the four people in this room were gods. All the secretaries lowered their heads and leaned forward slightly.

Le Xiao was stunned for more than ten seconds, and then King Xue stood up.

"It's no longer enough to talk too much now. We have to prepare a plan, a plan that can appease the people."

Werther sighed and waved his hand.

"You all should come and sit down next to the section chiefs."

Michelle bowed, and the secretaries also moved towards their section chiefs. Only Le Xiao was looking for Jean's shadow, but after seeing a chair in Section 13, Le Xiao just walked over.

"Who asked you to sit down?"

Li Chu had already touched the edge, but Le Xiao still sat down and gathered a chair. Li Chu's furious hand pressed Le Xiao's cheek on the table.


With an ouch, Le Xiao looked at Li Chu angrily and covered her aching forehead.

"What are you doing?"

"If you weren't of some value, I would drown you in the water right now!"

Le Xiao felt that the atmosphere was a little solemn, and looked at the acquaintance of Werther again.

"By the way, why are you two here? The former section chief is also involved. There is no need to be so aggressive. I am doing this entirely to let the public know the truth. Do you see any big problems happening now? And so It's a big matter. I've been deceiving it for so long. What if I continue to deceive it? What if a bigger problem arises? And I didn't tell the truth completely, but I said some things in a different way. I can only face that Many people lied.”

As soon as Le Xiao finished speaking, Niya lay on the table and burst into laughter. Li Chu's eyes widened, and Le Xiao snorted coldly.

"You are not my boss, and what is happening now is the responsibility of our current secretaries. Shouldn't the secretary be the one who can solve some problems for the section chief? So I feel that I have done nothing wrong and it is not my turn at all. You come to accuse me. When I was a child, my teacher said that lying is wrong. Haven’t you all here learned this?”

At this time, Gu Yi came over and took Le Xiao by the collar. Le Xiao blinked and Gu Yi opened the window.

"What do you want to do?"

"Throw you out."

At this time, the brain circuits of everyone in the room felt a bit disconnected due to Le Xiao's series of actions.


Deguna woke up, and Noah, who was suppressing laughter, returned to normal.

Gu Yi put down Le Xiao and pressed his heart. He had not felt this uncomfortable for many years. Facing a woman who was several levels below him, a single-celled woman who chattered endlessly, he Feeling very uncomfortable.

"Come here, little girl."

Noah was helping Deguna pull out the tubes one by one, and Le Xiao walked up to Deguna.

"Even if your teacher has taught you this, has your teacher ever taught you the word "respect"? When you are talking nonsense here, the problems in the city have begun to pile up again, and they are piling up by the second. Everyone is stunned. What are you doing? Hurry up and deal with the matter. Secretaries, too. I will settle the accounts with you after the handling is over."

Le Xiao turned around and ran to the chair of Section 13 and turned on her phone.

"If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know."

Deguna looked at the smiling Le Xiao quietly and couldn't get angry. This time it was a big shame. Everyone was in this situation and could only be busy dealing with the current problems in the city.

"What's the matter? You former section chiefs are no longer in the executive section, and my direct boss is Gene, the section chief of Section 13. Our section chief has the final say in dealing with me."

I have a tough head, so I must not show any weakness!

This sentence keeps wandering in Le Xiao's heart. She still remembers the last time she cried here. She will definitely not cry this time, and it is obviously the right thing. Even if she is beaten to death, she will not cry. Change your words.

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