Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1447 Correcting the Past (Part 2)

The wind was blowing in the streets, and a lot of garbage was flying in the air. The entire street was dilapidated, and many places had been reduced to ruins. In some places, traces left after the explosion could be seen everywhere, as well as rotten corpses on the ground. .

November 2076

A tattered flag of black, red and yellow fluttered in the breeze.


A flying bird fell from the sky, kicked its feet, and died in less than a few seconds.

The entire city was filled with dead silence, only dead people, and debris, including some weapons that fell to the ground, planes that hit the ground, and tanks lined up along the street, some of which were already stained with rust.

Only six months after the disaster, humans were unable to resist and could only seek refuge in the forests and mountains where the disaster had not yet spread.

Human society, with its rapid technological advancement, is so fragile when faced with unknown disasters. Eight people with weapons and backpacks appeared on the dilapidated streets.

"How long do you want to cry Tang Rao!"

Deguna stared at Tang Rao sideways. Some of her slightly curly hair had been cut off. She was nearly 40 years old and had a dirty look on her face. Her face was thin and the bones were protruding, and her lips were chapped. Several others were also uncomfortable.

Everyone was very depressed because they had just missed the last rocket to take off, and no place on this planet was safe.

Gene walked at the end of the team, and Ellie on his back had been in poor condition these past few days. His serum had been checked and he was not infected, but he was always lethargic and had a low fever every day.

"Go there to eat!"

Gu Yi, who took the lead, pointed to a nearby courtroom whose door was blown open. After entering, he pinched his nose and looked around. Everyone also saw that there was a fierce gun battle here, and everyone died. It has turned into a mummy, although there is an unpleasant smell in the air.

The tall Werther put down his backpack, took out cans of dog and cat cans, and handed them to everyone. This was the only edible thing they found in a supermarket.


Deguna just grabbed some cat food and stuffed it into her mouth, then spit it out. She has been refusing to eat it for the past few days because she couldn't stand the fishy smell, so she lost a lot of weight.

This is Deguna's hometown, but she didn't grow up here, so she doesn't have much affection for this country. Everything is gone. The same goes for everyone else. The road to the future can only be taken one step at a time.


The door on one side suddenly opened, and in an instant several black figures appeared. In just a blink of an eye, seven people were holding guns in their hands, aiming at the people around them who were also aiming guns at them. Three sickly figures The child, a woman with blisters on her cheeks, Tang Rao could tell at a glance that something was wrong. This woman must have been infected with a virus and would die soon.

"The food is here, let's put it down and everyone move back together, okay!"

Gu Yi said, taking Werther's backpack, taking out some cans and placing them on the ground. A group of people began to retreat towards the door. Li Chu knew very well that no one was more reliable than these guys around him. As well-trained people, Scientists, along the way, everyone has used everything they have learned to help everyone overcome difficulties. Now if they lose one person, it will be too uneconomical for them.

Seeing the excited expressions of the four people across from them, Li Chu's eyes signaled that they were all moving back. From the door they opened, some voices came from time to time, and it seemed that there were still people there.

When Li Chu came in, he felt something was wrong. It seemed that there had been several gun battles here.

"Leave everything behind!"

The woman said tremblingly, and at this time, some people, large and small, came out of the rooms on both sides. They all held weapons in their hands, and a child carried an anti-tank rocket launcher.

The moment the disaster swept through, the whole world was in chaos, and all order was directly destroyed by the disaster. At this time, Ellie woke up and looked at everything in front of her.

"Give them food."

In the end, Li Chu and the others handed over all the food and retreated.

Li Chu was very angry. As soon as he exited the door, he threw a bunch of grenades directly to Rose. She smiled and quickly lowered her body and walked to the left. Werther lay down behind a car, holding the automatic in his hand. Rifle, Li Chu held a pistol and watched by the door. Gene and Ellie retreated to a distance, while Gu Yi and Werther ran towards a tank on the street. The two quickly entered the tank. , tried it, the tank can start, and there is still some gasoline.

"Stop them Jean!"

Ellie was trembling, pressing Gene's cold cheek with one hand. Gene turned his head, dragged off his coat, wrapped it around Ellie's body, took out a can of cat food from his pocket, and placed it on Ellie's body. in hands.

"I've been looking for a long time, but I haven't found any food. Either they die or we die!"

"There are children inside."

Jean smiled, stood up, and took out a small sniper rifle from his backpack. Tang Rao had already taught Jean how to use it. Jean was also very smart and very talented. He quickly analyzed the situation and ran to A high point.

Ellie looked at the seven people with sad eyes. They had a clear division of labor and began to plan to break through. She even planned to snatch the weapons and food from the hands of people in the house. They had done it countless times along the way. They had a clear division of labor together.


Accompanied by a violent explosion and gunshots, the tank ran directly up the stairs and rushed into the gate.


With a violent roar, a shell was fired. Guyi immediately got out of the tank and quickly ran to the back of the tank. Witte drove the tank and ran over it directly.

Gradually the gunfire stopped, and Deguna looked at the group of people in front of her quietly. The woman just now looked at her like a pleading, and Deguna curled her lips slightly.

"Please, at least take away the children below."


After Deguna fired, the battle ended. Several people were searching for things in the house. At this time, some people who had given up resistance were begging to take away those who could still move.

"Leave some for them."

Gene looked at the few people who were still holding food and water, and Tang Rao turned around.

"You have a hole in your head, right?"

At this time, Ellie walked in holding a stick. She looked at everything in front of her and saw a group of children shivering in the corner, with tears in their eyes.

"Who's coming!"

Li Chu asked, Deguna lit a cigarette and nodded.

"Jean! Like this"

Gene didn't say anything. He lowered his head and picked up Ellie, carried her things and walked out. Deguna raised her gun and pointed it at the still living people.

"I'm sorry. If you keep waiting, there will be nothing, just endless nights and suffering."

Gunshots rang out one after another. Every time this happened, everyone was in a bad mood. It had been like this all the way here. It made everyone understand the truth. Bringing useless people is just a burden.

Deguna walked out with a gun, exhaled a puff of smoke, and then handed the cigarette to Jean. After Jean took a puff, everyone took turns to take a few puffs, and then began to carry buckets around to collect gasoline. .

"How long will this continue?"

In the past, they might have taken some people along because of some compassion, but along the way, the evil side of human nature will be highlighted. Betrayal, drag, illness, and nothing else, let the group of people go together in these three months. It's like walking in hell.

The tank was driving slowly on the streets. Everywhere it went, people would collect food and water, but basically nothing could be found.

It was clear that the situation could not get any worse, but the eight people's desire to survive was getting stronger and stronger. No one wanted to die, and it was extremely difficult to find a shelter, especially when facing the survivors like the one just now. At that time, the seven people never hesitated. Death was the best relief for them.

"What are the test results?"

Tang Rao was using a microscope and other tools to examine the food and water.

"No, there is a lot of E. coli inside. Those guys inside, even if we don't go in, they will all get sick in a week."

Food and water were thrown away, as the disease is transmitted through the mouth. Along the way, two extremely excellent biologists, Tang Rao and Ai Li, were relied upon to check all the food and water they received. Make sure you don't get sick from eating contaminated food.

The two people also carefully classified and processed the standing drugs collected along the way, and synthesized the drugs after crushing them. The tacit understanding of the entire team became stronger and stronger, and the eight people overcame countless difficulties and obstacles.

Ellie's physical condition improved a little. She climbed out, came to the back of the tank, and gently hugged Deguna from behind.

"Go in and lie down. Your health is good or bad."

Ai Li pursed her lips and smiled and shook her head, hugging Deguna as if to comfort them. The two cuddled together. Deguna took a blanket handed over by Li Chu and put it on Ai Li.

"No matter how many times you do this kind of thing, it's the same. It's obviously the men who should do it."

Ellie said and Deguna smiled.

"If there is a hell, we should go to it after we die. I still dream about the crying in the mine from time to time. Where do you think we should go?"

Werther looked at the compass in his hand. They were walking towards the east. At this time, a tank drove into a supermarket. The shelves were empty and banknotes were scattered on the floor. Li Chu jumped down, picked up a handful of banknotes, and shook them hard. Stuffed into backpack.

Others also helped to pick it up. Banknotes are good fuel for making fires. Now that the temperature is so low, banknotes are the easiest thing to light for living in the wild.

"Grass! It's moldy."

Looking at some moldy and rotten food and fruits, a pile of things, Tang Rao ran over excitedly.

"You guys come here to help. We may need to stay here for a few days to get some penicillin."

The long and dark night came. Eight people lit a fire in a corner of the supermarket and looked at a pile of burning wooden furniture, crackling. In today's dark night, nothing could be seen. Real darkness, daytime The light is very weak.

Based on what Li Chu had deduced along the way, large-scale epidemics should have broken out in many places, and the only way for humans to escape was to migrate to the mountains. There was not much time left for them, and they had to find someone who could allow them to escape. A shelter that continues to survive.

At night, several people looked at the world map under the light of the fire. They crossed the Black Sea from Africa to Central Europe. However, they were still too late and failed to catch up with the final rocket that took off. They contacted the Virtual Space Nation at that time. The other party was very willing to accept them as scientists, but under the chaotic situation, there was no way to pick them up. They could only walk straight from Africa to the rocket launch base in Central Europe.

Now they had to choose to start hiking to their next destination. When they came over from the Black Sea, the scene shocked them. A large number of dead bodies were floating on the water.

Some radioactive materials can already be detected in the water, and the disaster of an asteroid falling in the center of the Pacific Ocean is sweeping the world at an unstoppable speed.

"If we go to the Arctic, the extremely low temperatures mean that unknown viruses will spread very slowly and we will have time to build shelters."

Gu Yi said and Gene laughed.

"If people are working in extremely cold places, if machinery is not used and the efficiency is too low, many people should have passed by, but it will only accelerate death. If there is no land, once food is scarce, have you forgotten ? Things in the mine."

"No place in this world is safe anymore. How ignorant do humans have to be to be willing to give up."

Li Chu felt extremely angry when he said this. The eight people went to a nearby airline before, but all the usable things inside were looted, and most of the equipment was directly destroyed. If the factory building is still there, Witte, Li Chu and Gu Yi are both engineering experts in physics and mathematics. They can build another rocket. The most important thing is that the fuel has been looted.

As an aerospace engineer, Gu Yi led several rocket launch projects, all of which were successful. The eight people were no longer young. Since they only went to space for seven days, most of them were leading scientists in the field.

The training that lasted for more than ten years was just an opportunity for human progress, but it failed. No one thought how stupid and pitiful human beings were in the face of the unknown.

"Go here!"

Ellie pointed to an area on the world map, and everyone looked over.

“The highest place in the world!”

"It's impossible. If you want to go there on foot, our current situation is very difficult. Someone may fall down on the way."

Li Chu immediately retorted that this place could indeed allow them to survive, but it would be extremely difficult for them to cross the mountains.

Unless they can use airplanes, they have also seen along the way that the situation in the sky is very strange. Many airplanes have crashed for unknown reasons while flying.

"Just walk over step by step."

All night long, the eight of them didn't sleep much and were all thinking, because they were all 40 years old on average.

Some people have suggested that they just find a place and die when they want. Anyway, they still have twenty or thirty years to live.

"What do you think, Jean?"

In the past few days, Gene has been silent and said nothing.

"I will follow you wherever you want to go, no matter where it is, even hell."

"I hope you can persuade them, and they will listen to you."

Jean smiled bitterly.

"I see."

Early the next morning, the eight people started to get busy. They searched everywhere for everything that could be used and started to make some things that might be used on the road. By the way, they found a usable car. This might be the last time for the eight people. Fighting, only by going to the highest peak in the world can you survive for twenty or thirty years.

On the morning of departure, the sun appeared in the originally gloomy sky, and the long-lost light put more smiles on the faces of the eight people.

"It's up to you to be a genius proficient in 12 languages."

Ellie looked at Rose with a smile. She smiled and relied on Rose to identify the signs along the way. They basically didn't make a mistake.

The car started, and along the road outside the city, there was a scene of decay all around, except that the light shining on the road was a bit strong.

The picture seemed to be burned, everything was separated bit by bit and turned into ashes. Deguna stared at everything in front of her quietly, while Ellie next to her smiled.

"I don't remember much about what happened so long ago."

"Yes, it has been so long. At that time, we never thought that mankind would begin to revive and prosper again. All this is unimaginable, but we have come through."

Deguna smiled slightly.

"I really miss myself at that time. Now that we have become younger, time has also been frozen in us. It is really like a curse. It will never die. The price is to constantly witness the decline and prosperity, rebirth and death. Why? You are still conscious Ellie.”

Ellie shook her head.

"I won't talk about this matter for now, Deguna. I just hope that you can correct the wrong path of the past. In today's era, there is no need to use guns to help those children who are destined to die, and there is no need to travel across mountains and rivers to find someone who can live. This is our home!"

Deguna smiled bitterly.

"Mistakes can be corrected. Now is a good time. Those kind-hearted children are trying to change something. If some mistakes made in the past cannot be corrected, one day we may witness it again. The fall of the city.”

"I see. In fact, I have suspected it for a long time. Who can control AI0? Gene is about to leave the city. Why don't you go and see him?"

Ellie pursed her lips and shook her head.

"Those things that hang on his shoulders are dissipating. He is fine now. I am satisfied knowing this. Each of you has endured too much, but everything now is no longer a problem. I have grasped it. I found a guy who also has the technology to send his consciousness into the virtual network, but I can’t get anything from his consciousness. Once I know it, I will tell your Deguna, be careful of the AIs, they may have surpassed it far. beyond our imagination.”

Deguna shook her head.

"As long as AI0 still kneels down to us, it means that everything is still under our control, but it doesn't matter. If those guys dare to do anything, we will definitely let them know what God is."

Ellie gently hugged Deguna from behind with both hands.

"Believe me Deguna, now is the best time. If you want to correct everything, only now. I just hope you can convey everything I think to other people. Time is running out. I feel it. Danger, lately I often see in my mind a ball of flame coming from a dark place, approaching us."

Deguna's eyes widened, and Ellie brought her cheek to her ear.

"Once Jean goes out, let him thoroughly investigate the world and finally do something for mankind!"

Deguna nodded.

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