Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1439 One step! Length (Part 2)

The enthusiastic cheers seemed to tear down the roof. In the 10 examination rooms, groups of mutants were fighting hard.

The second day of the exam was more intense than the first day. More than 30 gaming companies had gone bankrupt during the first day of the promotion exam. This situation has been very rare in the past. Many people were talking about it early this morning.

Many people know that it must be due to Le Xiao and Michelle's several changes to the test results. Today's handicap is no longer like yesterday, and the odds are extremely low.

But what many people are confused about is that neither the chief examiner nor the deputy examiner is in the examination room.


Michelle held up the phone.

"Preparations are still being made! Your Excellency, Chief Steward."

"Michelle, please, we need to take a rest now."

After the call ended, the secretaries behind him breathed a sigh of relief. Wu Lei, who was sitting cross-legged at the damaged door, glanced behind him. At this time, Michelle walked directly into the monitoring room, dragging Le Xiao. Went in and closed the door.

Qin Dong and Gu Ningning sat on one side of the table, and Michelle sat on the top of the table with her hands clasped together. The secretaries in the light and shadow screens had also found a place to sit down, except for Section 1, Section 10 and Section 11. The secretary is not here, and the secretaries of the remaining 11 departments, including Michelle, total 11 people.

All the secretaries looked at each other, waiting for Michelle to speak. Le Xiao seemed to have done something wrong, standing next to Michelle, neither sitting nor standing, feeling uncomfortable all over.

"You only have one chance! Lilian, you must ensure that the network will not be cut off!"

Michelle could imagine that the moment Le Xiao told the truth, the network would be cut off, and even what kind of methods the gods would use to cover up the lie later, Michelle also considered it in an instant.

"After that, everything will happen in the city after the truth is announced."

"It should be fine."

Le Xiao said, everyone looked at her, and she smiled awkwardly.

"No problem, no problem!"

"Zhang Zuo, Myers, Ge Jun, Li Ming, Zhou Yun, Hamol, Dick."

Located at the gate of the southern guard station, there are a group of pale people wrapped in thick clothes and carrying large bags. There are men and women. Most of them are older. The youngest is 41 years old and the oldest is 95 years old. .

Cheng Chen was still reading out the names one by one, and the process was very slow. More than 500 people were surrounded by soldiers from the 3rd Division holding guns, and everyone's eyes were focused on the Weeping Bridge.

Their losses have been recovered. Because of the Angus family's capital injection, Cocos Polyester has not gone bankrupt. Their investment is still valid. Many people have regrets on their faces. Their family members can choose to open a business in Cocos Polyester. After the market closes, 110% of the total investment will be returned.

For more than a week, many people have been recalling the day of the attack. Many of them lost their minds, rushed into Cocos Polyester, smashed and burned them, and violently attacked them. When they learned that they would be expelled, Everyone cried.

Zhang Zuo, who was in the crowd, looked quietly at Cheng Chen who was still reciting a long list of names on the stage, and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. This warm-hearted young man had helped him many times, but this time there was nothing he could do. .

After more than ten minutes, Cheng Chen finally finished reading the name and looked at the signature below the name on the deportation order, the head of the 5th Public Security Management Section, Nia Angus.

Cheng Chen swallowed and took a deep breath.

"Due to the violent crimes you committed at Cocos Polyester a few days ago, now at 9:20 in the morning, you are being evicted!"

Cheng Chen put his hand on the brim of his hat as he spoke and looked at the ground. At this time, people from the three departments on both sides fired into the air. The expulsion officially began. The crowd burst out crying, and the crying became louder and louder. Soon they were connected and the crowd started to move slowly.

As soon as they stepped onto the Weeping Bridge, everyone felt it. The biting cold wind blew by, whistling sounds were heard in the ravines below, and the pungent and unbearable odor came one after another. Some people vomited.

Everyone moved very slowly, and the light shining on the bridge became weaker and weaker. Soon someone stepped into the shadows. Everyone knew that the place in front of them was not a place for people at all.

"Don't worry, everyone!"

At this time, Cheng Chen's voice made the crowd stop, and a pair of blank and helpless eyes looked at Cheng Chen helplessly.

"The agricultural experimental base in the barrier area will be established soon. Go to Jizhigla and you can survive there."

Cheng Chen said, but many people didn't pay attention at this time. Under the urging of the people from Section 3, everyone stepped onto the Weeping Bridge, lowered their heads and began to gather in groups of three or five, and walked slowly over .

Cheng Chen did not go back, but quietly looked at the people leaving. No one believed that they could return to the sun again. Most of them were middle-aged and elderly people and had no chance.

In the past, the city would mostly arrest people for such riots, but many people would always lose their minds in such riots, and all the dissatisfaction accumulated in daily life and work would often burst out at this time.

Riots have a great impact on the stability of the entire society. Once such emotions are vented for no reason, they will radiate to the surrounding areas. Over time, some crimes unrelated to the riots will breed under the riots.

Cheng Chen has seen too many such things in the past few years. The reason why Cheng Chen joined the business department is that when he was young, he and his parents were involved in a sudden demonstration. There were many people at the time and it was very chaotic. Cheng Chen was rescued by a person from Section 5, but some other children on the street were not as lucky as him and were trampled to death in large-scale riots.

This kind of thing went on for a long time. At that time, the only way to deal with the rioters was to imprison them, which would lead to overcrowding in the eastern farms. Cheng Chen even saw some people who looked relaxed and comfortable after participating in the riots, and still looked at them in a joking manner. Telling about the fight between himself and the acting department.

When surveillance and laws were not perfect, riots were difficult to cure. There were a lot of protests in the city. They felt that the law enforcement department was too lenient on those who participated in the riots, and it was difficult to investigate some people who committed crimes during the riots. It turns out that everyone participated in the riots with the mentality that the law should not be held accountable.

In the end, in a huge referendum, the people who supported the expulsion of the rioters won by a narrow margin of 51.3% 28 years ago. The law was changed so that anyone who violently attacked someone during a demonstration, no matter how minor the crime, would be punished. expulsion.

A large amount of surveillance began to be spread throughout the city. At first, many people thought it was a joke, but still participated in the demonstrations and rioted. As a result, they were expelled without ceremony.

Assemblies, demonstrations, and voices are allowed in the city, but violent crimes are not allowed in the name of protest.

After a fierce conflict with Niya that day, Cheng Chen got a piece of information given to him by Qin Dong. This information recorded in detail the harm caused by many riots. In the past, when monitoring was not perfect, The things in these materials are vague, only the oral accounts of some people who have experienced them.

Cheng Chen didn't feel at ease this morning because he saw this information. Instead, he felt very sad at this moment. Large-scale demonstrations have not stopped due to the expulsion law taking effect in recent years, but have increased year by year. the trend of.

What is the truth!

Cheng Chen saw that the last group of people had crossed the middle section of the Weeping Bridge, which was the middle line where the sun disappeared. At this time, the wind was whimpering in the ravine. Many people behind him, including members of the 3rd Division, had gone back. His team The members had also entered the guard station. Cheng Chen still did not get up, but just watched quietly.

If many things were transparent, would there still be such fierce resistance? Cheng Chen has been thinking about this issue the most this week. Problems in orphanages are common at the bottom, but basically no one cares about them. The thing that lingers in Cheng Chen's mind is the bottom orphanage in District 118. The situation is worse than The reports he had seen before were more heart-wrenching.

Cheng Chen couldn't imagine that in a city-state with such advanced technology, the attitude towards children would be like this.

Some of these children are fostered in orphanages by their parents, some are children from black families who were abandoned at birth, and some are in jail after their parents committed crimes, or are deported.

Because everyone knows how risky it is to give birth to a child privately. The extension of population life span has made the city unable to accommodate newborns. It is said that there are more newborns in barrier areas, with a mortality rate of more than 60%, and there are piles of them. Behind the numbers is a chilling reality.

Cheng Chen took out a pamphlet from his pocket, with the words "Destroyer of Worlds" printed on it.

What is the source of fear? Countless people have explored it, fearful because of their own weakness, fearful of poverty, or fearful because their hands are stained with blood! There are many, many types of fears, but unfortunately! These are not the root cause.

The biggest root cause of fear lies in the asymmetry of information. People are often afraid of the unknown, whether it is poverty, crime, or weakness. What are people afraid of!

Someone once did an experiment and put a bunch of people into a prison and told them nothing. Within a week, everyone was getting along peacefully, but starting from the second week, suspicion began, and by the third Zhou, powerful people became the leaders of the prison, not for food, not for survival, and not for women (the prisons are all men).

On the fourth week, someone was injured and the experiment was terminated. When the door opened, light shone in, and everyone was bathed in the sunshine. They were told that this experiment had no purpose and did not require them to do anything.

What people fear is often the unknown! The unknown is the source of human fear, of course! No one can predict the future, so the truth is important to many people because it is the only thing that can break the fear caused by the unknown.

in the future! Information will reach an unprecedented level of development, and information control, information manipulation, and information blockade will become the means that all powerful people must use to stabilize everything, and the only drawback is the breeding of fear!

You or you, or you, you, what on earth are you afraid of!

The most uncontrollable thing for people is thinking, and when thinking is active, when faced with the vast ocean of information that is difficult to distinguish between true and false, fear will begin to pervade. Beasts that are forced into a corner will fight back desperately, and people in a certain Sometimes, driven by fear, they will do more heinous acts than wild beasts!

Unfortunately! My maxims cannot bring any light to you who are in fear, but please remember to keep a clear mind at all times. Although fear is pervasive, when the truth comes, fear is just dust in your heart!

BY——Destroyer of Worlds

Cheng Chen looked at the pamphlet in his hand. This man named the Destroyer of Worlds had explained everything very clearly. Although he didn't know who he was, the pamphlet was only one page and he got it from his grandfather's belongings. of.

"Perhaps, things will be solved, now should be a good start!"

Cheng Chen turned around, and the two waiting members of Section 3 closed the door after Cheng Chen entered.

At this time, the people who had set foot in the barrier area were looking at everything blankly and still discussing. Zhang Zuo held up a direction locator and a map.

"Everyone, follow me to Jizhigla."

For a time, many people came closer, and some had a hint of malice in their eyes.

"Please believe me, this map and locator were given to me by a friend of mine."

Zhang Zuo said, some people came closer, and finally everyone nodded, and a group of people began to step into the black and gray frozen world.

Clone Frye stood quietly in front of the eight towers. People from Section 1, Section 4 and Section 5 were all there. Nearly 60 people from the executive section were conducting carpet-like investigations on the towers.

"Dean Frye, have you really not felt anything strange recently?"

Frye smiled, but this smile looked a bit scary to many people, with black incomplete teeth, dark spots on his face, and a left hand with only three fingers, walking with a limp.

The white coat on his body has turned gray and is stained with other darker colors. He has a pair of worn sneakers patched with thread, and only half of a big toe is exposed.

"This is a gathering place for the dead. On weekdays, except for some people who come to pay homage, there is basically no one there."

The tower was full of people from the business department, carrying instruments to conduct all-round inspections of the tower. Some people from the business department squatted under the tower and began to dig soil.


There was a loud noise, as if someone stepped on the wooden stairs and fell down.

"Be careful, these towers are in disrepair."

Clone Fry said with a smile, all last night, while Xingke was busy, the creators had covered up all traces underground, but Xingke could not find anything.

But what Clone Fry didn't expect was that the Business Department came over to investigate so quickly. The matter hadn't even passed a week, and the speed was too fast. Thinking of some of the problems happening in the barrier area now, the Business Department should not be so The fastest speed is right.

Clone Frye was still answering questions from the business department. He looked at the soil dug up by several members of the department, and directly put the underground detector down. Sure enough, he detected ordinary soil and a foundation made of cement.

"I wonder if this was really done by a ghost!"

A person from Section 5 joked, and many people nearby laughed.

"Continue to investigate. The order from above is not to let go of any trace."

A person from Section 4 said, and everyone got busy.

At this time, a man in a white suit walked through the main entrance corridor of the hospital's main building and walked directly along the path in the middle of the cemetery.

K quietly looked at the small jar-shaped black urns in the cemetery, densely arranged on both sides, as well as the huge pillar in the middle.

K came in because he wanted to continue investigating Zhao Zhen. The man had already died, and the hospital also had his death record. It was indeed Zhao Zhen.

"Hello Dean Fry!"

As soon as K said this, a familiar scene appeared in clone Fry's mind. He knew the man in front of him, but he couldn't remember who it was. It was clearly in his memory.

Sweat was steaming under clone Fry's armpits, and he still couldn't remember who the man in front of him was. At this time, two people from the business department walked over.

"Sir, we are investigating here, please show us your ID card!"

K took out his ID card. The two of them were a little surprised when they saw it. K immediately told them not to act.

"Don't remember me, Fry, I'm K."

Clone Frye shook his head. His memory was incomplete. Without all of Frye's memories, just when the secret was about to be revealed, K laughed and patted Frye on the shoulder.

After a while, the two came to the entrance of the main building of the hospital.

"Sorry, I thought you knew me. I'm a student in Class 9!"

For a moment, a memory emerged in clone Fry's mind. Although Class 9 was vague in his impression, there was only one concept. It was a relatively sinister group of guys, and the number of students was very small. Clone Fry was the only one. One student I know is King Xue, but I have never seen the others.

The Academy of Gods was founded 90 years ago when Brilliant City took its first shape. Seven gods serve as teachers at the school. They look for people with superior intelligence from all over the city to enter the school.

The people trained by this school will become the cornerstone of the huge management organization of the Acting Department in the future.

In the memory of the clone Frye, although Frye had physical defects, he was unusually intelligent, so Frye was taken out of a center for the disabled and sent to school.

The gods will teach students all aspects of knowledge. The only thing clone Fry knows is that the person who proposed the establishment of such a special school was Jean. All people who entered the school were, without exception, smart people, regardless of their birth. , whether you have money or not, carry out full-time and all-round education.

At that time, there were many voices of opposition in the city, especially those who helped establish the Brilliant City. They all hoped that their children could enter, but in the end everyone could only compromise with the powerful force of the seven gods.

In order to stabilize the eight major forces, the gods gave them the best land on the top of the mountain and gave them greater rights than ordinary people.

This memory emerged in the mind of clone Frye. What kind of teacher taught what kind of students? The city's pattern may have been laid down from the beginning.

Although his memory is vague, Frye is very clear that the college adopts unprecedented strict teaching, or it is called order teaching. Everything is based on strength. Students can use all means to challenge the seven gods in the school. , but if you fail, you must study harder.

Group after group of management and technology talents were cultivated, and finally 50 years ago, the Business Department was established.

"There are only 4 students left in Class 9, how about you! Fry, I remember you were a student in Class 4, mainly in the medical field."

Clone Fry shook his head.

"The only students I know now are Student Council President Alpha and Doctor Huashen. I don't know much about the others. After all, I have been in this madhouse for more than 50 years and wake up every morning listening to the words of madmen. Come, listen to the words of madmen and fall asleep every night! You can't even take a step out."

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