Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1438 One step! Long or short (medium)

Eye to eye

Qin Dong put a finger on his lips, Ji Qing nodded, and the red particles wandering on Ji Qing's lips moved away.

"Nothing, I almost fell!"

The moment Ji Qing finished speaking, Qin Dong turned on his mobile phone and used the permission code to directly activate the communication interference within Section 5.

Ji Qing's eyes widened and she looked at the secretaries inside the room door, knowing that something was wrong. Lilian had already told her to report anything unusual if she went down.

"Lillian has discovered it."

Seema, who had remained silent until now, spoke.

"I'll find a way."

While speaking, Xima directly exited the quantum communication channel.

Lily was sitting quietly in the office on the second floor. The communication was suddenly disconnected. She had already begun to issue an order and planned to submit it to the General Affairs Department.

Didi didi

An orange pop-up video popped up directly, the number was 0003.

Lillian looked at the prepared documents and saw what the secretaries were plotting!


"What's wrong Hima!"

Lillie pursed her lips and smiled, acting very normal.

"Don't send any messages to the General Affairs Department!"

The smile on Lillian's face disappeared.

"What on earth are you planning!"

"Make the truth known to the public!"

Lillian lifted up the right side of her face that had been burned with one hand. There were still traces of the burns on it, and the entire right cheek was very scary.

"the truth!"

Xima looked solemn.

"So what if we announce the truth? Or have you forgotten it? Hima, the truth is the most ridiculous thing. What is the truth in your mouth!"

Xima opened her mouth slightly and did not continue to say anything. Lilian smiled coldly and moved her hand away. Her hair covered her right cheek. She looked much more normal again, a standard beauty with an oval face and a smile. There was a coquettishness in her eyes, but there was anger in her eyes.

"Over the years, I have often dreamed about what happened in those ten or so days, over and over again. What was the truth during those ten cruel days? Because I told what I knew and told the people in the department, and as a result, my parents , all my brothers died, and I was captured by those people and endured their inhuman violations over and over again."

"Lillian is different now than before!"

Xima bowed apologetically, and Lillian chuckled.

"Sometimes the truth can lead to tragedy. Over the years, I have thought about it. If I had chosen not to say anything at that time, I might be an ordinary person now, getting married and celebrating my birthday with the person I love. Although it is harder at the bottom, I can still have happiness. , the happiness of being a woman!”

Seema nodded.

Lilian moved away the finger that was about to send the report, and then stared at Hima quietly, and the bad things that had happened in her mind came to mind.

Lillian was born in a relatively stable area at the bottom. Her parents ran a grocery store. Lillian was only 16 years old at the time.

More than 30 years ago, although the situation at the bottom was chaotic, organizations of all sizes were established here, and the situation was considered stable.

Lillian, who had excellent grades since she was a child, originally planned to go to Shengde Women's College. She was admitted because of her excellent grades and completed the skipping grade. When her family received the notice, the whole family was very happy.

Although there were frequent fights in Lillian's neighborhood, Lillian who grew up here was still happy. However, her parents tried not to let Lillian go out because she had been beautiful since she was a child. You will encounter harassment from some small groups.

At that time, Qin Dong had just been transferred from Section 3 and fell into Lilian's district. He had just entered Section 3 for more than two years. Because he was dissatisfied with the practices of many people in Section 3, acting as a pawn of the rich in some areas, he directly Was transferred to Section 5.

It was at that time that Lillian was pestered by some gangsters on the street one day. They asked Lillian to drink with them. Qin Dong, who had just been transferred at that time, took action.

The two met at that time, and gradually they became familiar with each other. Lilian also felt that Qin Dong was slightly different from many people in Section 5.

However, one day, a murder case occurred on the ground floor. Lillian witnessed a gang brutally killing a family. Although the administrative department intervened in the investigation, it was just a formality. Lillian also knew that they and this A gang is a gang.

But there was still one person who was looking for the truth, and that was Qin Dong. Before Lilian left, she hesitated and told Qin Dong what she saw.

After hesitating, Qin Dong began to search for evidence alone. After finding some evidence, as the most critical witness, Lilian's confession was indispensable.

Qin Dong contacted Lilian many times, hoping that she could help, saying that he would definitely protect her safety.

During Lillian's hesitation, she chose to believe Qin Dong and went to 5 Core to record a confession. However, that night, a group of thugs broke into Lillian's house. The store's finances were looted, Lillian was arrested, and the family's No one was left alive and was killed.

Early the next morning, Qin Dong frantically dragged the then regional section officer and asked him what he had done. However, it was only classified as a robbery and kidnapping case. Although people from Section 5 were investigating, there was no result at all.

Qin Dong searched everywhere like crazy, but even if he rushed into the gathering place of the criminals, he found nothing and was fired for dereliction of duty for trespassing.

On a night of heavy rain, Qin Dong came to the gate of the southern guard station at that time and begged for help to find Xima, the team leader with whom Qin Dong had the best relationship in the 3rd department.

"Please help me!"

Seeing the crying man kneeling in front of her, Xima nodded in agreement. She returned to the guard station and mobilized the members of her team, but was stopped by Tian Hen, who had been promoted to regional officer at that time.

"Using ordinary methods won't work."

Tianhen made an immediate decision and went to the area where Qin Dong was located with Xima and the others. At this time, Qin Dong had been searching for ten days and found nothing. He was helpless and had no choice.

Under the command of Tianhen, Xima's team arrested several people and taught them a lesson to death. They soon found out Lilian's location and found out that she was still alive.

Qin Dong and the others broke in. The opponent had a large number of people. However, Tianhen shot decisively, killing many people, and asked Xima to lead people to block all the entrances to the warehouse, and no one was allowed to live. go out.

Everyone knows that if this kind of thing is exposed, coupled with the complicated situation at the bottom, they will all be held responsible.

In the underground warehouse, she found Lilian who had been tortured until she looked like a human or a ghost. Qin Dong cried. She could only hold Lilian and say sorry over and over again.

Although the thugs were subdued, Qin Dong saw the smiles on their faces and said he was willing to surrender to Section 5.

"Kill them, this is the result, this is also the truth you want, the cruel and bloody truth."

A gun was still in front of Qin Dong. Qin Dong killed these people one by one without any hesitation.

When he originally thought that everything was going to be over, Qin Dong received another special attack order from Section 3. More than 60 gang members died in the warehouse that night, and they did not suffer any censure.

Qin Dong didn't know why. It wasn't until later that the neighborhood where Qin Dong was located was bloodbathed by the chief of Section 13 during the Wise Man Incident. Qin Dong probably guessed the reason.

In the following years, Qin Dong continued to work hard, no longer contradicted his superiors in the 3rd department, and patiently obeyed all orders.

"If you want to change something, climb higher. The reason why everyone was fine that time was because I climbed up. There were people behind me, and their authority exceeded that of the section chief! Trampling those guys to death is like trampling to death ants. Simple."

Just when Qin Dong was promoted to regional section officer, Section 5 had a new generation, and the candidate for the next section chief of Section 3 was none other than Tian Hen.

At this time, Xima recommended Qin Dong to go to Section 5, but Qin Dong had already been disappointed with Section 5. Over the years, the corruption in Section 5 has been deeply rooted. The reason why Qin Dong wanted to climb up quickly was to be able to have a good career. He has also done a lot for money, and the money will be given regularly to the people who take care of Lilian.

However, one day, Lilian said that she no longer needed money and she had been liberated. Although Qin Dong didn't understand what it meant, after a while, in news reports, the chief of Section 2 was replaced. And a little girl named Mo Xiaolan who was sitting in a wheelchair became the successor, and the person pushing the wheelchair was Lilian.

The city was gradually completing the replacement of section chiefs. Qin Dong finally went to Section 5. Everyone in the section was dissatisfied with Niya, a woman with a record of misdeeds, becoming the section chief.

However, as soon as she came to power, Niya directly announced the problem of completely rectifying the bottom class, as well as the problem of Cone collecting money from ordinary people privately on the street. It was at that time that paper currency was canceled by virtual currency.

One after another, officials and ordinary members of Section 5 were directly arrested or even expelled. Cases that had occurred at the bottom kept coming to the surface, and the criminals were ruthlessly expelled one after another.

"Those who dare to resist arrest may be shot to death, depending on the severity of the case!"

With the issuance of Niya's order, the entire city has undergone tremendous changes, and Qin Dong also began to seriously carry out renovations in the underlying area. At this time, Qin Dong saw the news that Lilian became the secretary of Section 2. At that time He was shocked.

Qin Dong once asked Lilian if she was feeling better, and Lilian said that she was completely fine.

After that, some people were being arrested for no apparent reason in the city. Qin Dong knew the reason very well. After a certain meeting of secretaries, Qin Dong asked Lillian.

"What on earth are you doing!"

"It's just covering up the truth that may cause tragedy!"

At this time, Lilian regained consciousness. She looked at Xima on the screen again, and pressed a finger on the option to send the file.

"I'm sorry, Xima, I can't let you do this, after all, there is such a thing as the truth."

Didi didi

Another pop-up panel lights up, the number is 0005.

Qin Dong stood quietly against a wall, beside which he could see the secretaries and Gu Ningning in the light and shadow screens. At this time, the secretaries looked at Lilian with a heavy look.

"Did you tell them about me?"


Even Chloe, who was a little noisy at first, no longer had a smile on her face.

"I'm telling you Xiaoqing, this matter must not be exposed, otherwise I will definitely be scolded by the tigress."

Le Xiao's voice came through clearly, and Lillian chuckled.

"You were once so obsessed with pursuing the truth. You have done a lot to cover up the truth over the years, but why do you want to pursue the truth now?"

Lilian stood up, but Qin Dong said nothing.

"Because he was pursuing the truth back then, and you were rescued in the end. Perhaps it was because if the truth was not found, many girls like you would have experienced the same thing as you again. At that time, they were bloodbathed by Lord Jean from the bottom. It has been many years, sorry Lillian, this matter should not have been brought up now, I hope you can understand."


Lillian's eyes widened, and she put one hand on her chest and pulled off one leg of her shirt, revealing shocking old scars.

"These scars remind me all the time that the pursuit of stability is sometimes more important than the truth. Our 2nd Division has only done one thing over the years. If riots break out in the city later, how many people will be hurt because of the truth? Please wake up and don't be fooled by that little girl. She has been very lucky recently. A few mornings ago, she solved the riot that almost happened. Do you think she will have good luck every time? I often think, if I didn't By choosing to tell the truth instead of keeping silent, I might have graduated from holiness now.”

Qin Dong bowed deeply, lowered his head and said sorry.

Everyone was silent, no one spoke, they just looked at Qin Dong who lowered his head and kept saying sorry, and Lillian who was a little out of control.

At this time Le Xiao appeared in the camera.

"Eh? What's wrong with everyone? Wow, Sister Lilian, what's wrong with you?"

Le Xiao looked at Lillian in horror, but at this moment she noticed that something was wrong. Lillian raised her head, wiped away the tears that were about to overflow from the corners of her eyes, and still looked at Le Xiao with a smile.

"Secretary Le Xiao, you still have 4 hours to memorize your speech. Due to your behavior this time, I could have reported it to the General Affairs Department, but when you are free, treat me to a meal and forget about it. Do you understand? If you understand, go back and memorize the speech."

Le Xiao looked at Lilian stubbornly, with his head lowered and his face red, not knowing what to say.

"There will not be any danger. This time the truth is announced. In the past, we lost something at a certain point, and we began to be afraid of the truth, thinking that the truth would not bring any benefits, but it is different now!"

Qin Dong raised his head and looked at Lillian blankly. Lillian smashed the table with an angry hand, and Le Xiao was startled.

At this time, everyone is thinking in their hearts.

Xima quietly recalled everything in the past, what was the truth, maybe she should have stopped Tianhen when he went on a special mission, then Owen would not die, and now the other members of the team are still alive.

Ye Jiao raised her head. The truth was also cruel to her. Even after she became a secretary, she never investigated or even took a look at her father's affairs. What was the thing she was afraid of? Maybe it wasn't on her. The dark uniform may just be afraid. After finding the truth, everything will start to flow.

Yincai kept pressing her forehead. She kept thinking about everything in the orphanage. Even now, it is the same. There are still many orphans' problems that have not been solved, and even some problems of shady households. If these truths are exposed to the sun, What will it be like next? Some of the notes on the screen in front of me are black and gray. The colorful notes in the past, maybe when I left the orphanage, those beautiful colors were dyed with only gray and gray due to survival. Black two colors.

Letty smiled bitterly and blew out a puff of smoke. After extinguishing the cigarette butt, she lit another one. In recent years, the most difficult cases have been those related to businessmen. Some commercial cases from more than ten years ago are still in custody. , obviously devoted to the law, Letty has thought about using the law as a tool to solve the problems of human society a long time ago, but time and time again, many cases were detained by Section Chief Heathcote. It was put on hold indefinitely, and she protested and roared exhaustedly again and again. However, in exchange, the city needed peace and quiet, and last night she finally broke out.

At this moment Larry spoke.

"The growth of crops will not stop when the night comes, so I think"


The extremely heavy iron door made a loud noise, and the entire door was blown open, and a white stream poured in.

"What are you doing!"

Michelle frowned and looked at the room full of secretaries. Except for the secretaries from Section 1 and Section 11, all the secretaries from other sections were there.

"Stay outside and don't let anyone in."

Michelle roared angrily. Wu Lei behind him lowered his head and glanced at Le Xiao, who was so frightened that he felt as if his soul was out of body.

"It's over now! It's not about being scolded."

Wu Lei returned to the aisle where he came down and squatted on the ground.

"Ask me again, what on earth are you doing!"

No one answered. Michelle suddenly broke in, catching everyone off guard. After wandering around outside for a while, Michelle still couldn't find Le Xiao. Then she turned on her phone and found Gu Ningning and Qin Dong. , at the headquarters of Section 5, she immediately rushed in, and then used the authority of the secretary-general to check some things. Sure enough, she found a quantum communication channel dedicated to the secretary, but her entry was denied.

"Your Excellency Secretary-General, we are just discussing whether the prisoner behind the door is guilty or not!"

Le Xiao took a deep breath and replied hurriedly. Michelle walked over quickly, and Le Xiao held her head in her hands and huddled behind Qin Dong.

Xiao was very happy and was dragged over by Michelle and held in front of her.

"Tell me, what on earth are you doing?"

"We are discussing the issue of publishing the truth, Your Excellency Secretary-General!"

Le Xiao replied loudly, and Michelle's expression completely changed in an instant. She glanced at all the secretaries angrily.

"Lillian, immediately report the situation to the General Affairs Department."

While Michelle was speaking, Lilian did not move, but lowered her head, as if she was still thinking about something.

"I promise there won't be any problems. Please trust me, Mr. Secretary-General!"


The back of Michelle's hand crossed Le Xiao's mouth. She took a step back and covered her mouth, but her eyes were still looking at Michelle stubbornly. At this time, Michelle was like an angry tigress. Her anger made her Her cheeks looked a little ferocious. Michelle had already taken out her mobile phone, but found that the signal interference was still continuing. At 9 o'clock, the mutant promotion exam began.

Le Xiao's cheeks were red, and she stood in front of Michelle again, staring at Michelle seriously.

"Everything will happen again, Mr. Secretary-General. Jean asked me what he saw. He took me to the barrier area and pushed me up. Although I am stupid and I often get scolded by you for doing things, I know that I If I don’t speak out, one day my lies will definitely cost the city a heavy price, and I will eat those poisonous foods in front of the entire city.”

For a moment, everyone at the scene looked at Le Xiao in surprise, and she looked at Michelle with firm eyes.

"Michelle, if you really become a benchmark in the future, what you bring to others depends on you. If one day you encounter an insurmountable problem, integrity, kindness and sincerity are the most powerful weapons. !”

After a long time, Michelle put away her angry expression and glanced at the secretaries again.

"Now that you've decided, vote!"

Le Xiao raised her hands, while Leti and Yincai also raised their hands. Gu Ningning and Qin Dong also raised their hands later, Chloe raised her hands, and Larry also raised his hands.

Ye Jiao hesitated, took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and raised her hands.

Xima also raised her hand silently, and everyone looked at Lilian.


Qin Dong bowed again, a crystal teardrop fell from Lillian's eyes, and she raised her hand tremblingly.

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