Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1425 The Bearers 2 (Part 1)

"Why did you choose to go to Department 3, and only as a military doctor?"

51 years ago

In an extremely noisy tavern, there were discussions all around, all criticizing the newly established business department.

"Those crow-like guys really gave them some face. They really thought they were the king of heaven, a bunch of them."

A guy who was talking loudly had his head held down, and he turned his head angrily. A uniform marked 13 with a chaotic red vortex on the background was flying in the wind.

A few minutes later, there was no sound in the tavern. It was a mess. Tables, chairs, benches and drinks were scattered all over the floor. A beautiful proprietress clicked on the bar with a cigarette in her mouth.

"Jean, I will go to Congress to get a cent for the compensation."

Gene smiled and nodded, picked up a chair, sat upside down, as if riding a horse, held the chair's hand and rubbed it in front of Hua Shen.

The young Huashen looked childish and a little drunk, but his consciousness was still very clear and his expression was solemn.

"There's no need to do that."

"Cities will start to develop rapidly, and power has been established."

Gene said, lighting a cigarette, Hua Shen always lowered his head.

"How's that guy Fry?"

"I was relieved of all my duties and saved my life."

Huashen picked up the wine on the table and drank it in one gulp. When he raised his head, a pair of bright and slightly sad eyes stared at Jean with a smile on his face.

"Principal, I think what we are doing now is wrong."

Gene nodded.

"There is no always right approach, and there is no always wrong approach. Times are different, and what is always at odds is the issue of stance. Are you really not going to go back to the laboratory? Tang Rao hopes you can think clearly."

Huashen shook his head.

"I still want to walk around and have a look. Over the years, I have been studying from childhood to adulthood. I want to go to the barrier area and have a look."

Gene tilted his head, holding his chin with one hand, and the smile disappeared from his face.

"No matter what choice you make, it doesn't matter. If you really love the medical profession, you will definitely come back one day. Just come to me then. I have to do something. The nearest place is Some guys are dishonest.”

Huashen looked at Jean, who stood up and carried his uniform, with a look of solemnity on his face.

"Principal, one day, if your hands can no longer bury anything, what are you going to do?"

Gene exhaled a puff of smoke softly, turned around, and showed a gentle smile.

"Just leave it to you. If one day, burial can no longer solve the problem, I will choose to step aside and protect you guys, just"

Gene paused.

"Since you want to choose to face everything head-on, don't hesitate at all. Once you hesitate, you will fail! Hold this thing, and when it fades, time will pass. By then, you may be the same as you are now. You think differently, and if you think differently, don’t make a decision lightly.”

A shiny silver pocket watch was thrown over, Hua Shen took it in his hand, bowed, and Jean walked out of the tavern and disappeared into the darkness.


tick tick tick

Huashen took out a silver pocket watch from his hand. There was a dent in the cover. After opening the cover, the pocket watch ticked. This was a finely crafted pocket watch. There was a white number 4 on the bottom of the dial, and a Red cross as background.

People fell ill in the city every minute, and people died in the barrier area every minute. Looking at the beating stopwatch, one minute passed.


Although he has come back, he has escaped. Huashen has not found a way, and has never been able to find a cure for this irreversible disease reaction in human genes caused by the consumption of genetic chemicals.

Although the field of cell medicine is now used as a means to deal with difficult diseases, some cells that can fight human diseases are directly extracted from people with strong antibodies, cultured and artificially synthesized, and then implanted into the bodies of some patients for treatment. .

However, this technology has a fatal flaw. It is easy to cause rejection reactions with the patient's body. Most patients with strong rejection reactions are unable to use such cell medical technology. When this technology was put on the agenda, Hua Hua God has witnessed countless cases of failure. After a rejection reaction occurs, the patient's condition will become more serious, and even a poisoning-like reaction will occur. The central nervous system will be disordered, leading to abnormalities in body organs.

This is just like in the past human society, before using antibiotics, a skin test reaction was required before antibiotics could be used.

Nowadays, the main medical technology that supports the entire Brilliant City is light and shadow medical technology. Through the four reaction changes of light, the light that penetrates into the body forms a beam that is far thinner than human cells, and compresses the compressed medicine. Particles are directly delivered to the patient's body where the disease occurs or physical surgical incision is performed, which can minimize the impact of antibiotics on the human body, and subcutaneous capillary injection allows the drug to circulate through the capillaries. To treat some common diseases, the effect of curing the pain can be achieved without going through the large circulation of blood vessels. This will minimize the impact of drug injection on human blood vessels.

There is also nano-medical technology, which can only be used to treat some particularly difficult diseases because of its high cost and excessive loss.

However, all medical and drug technologies are now ineffective. This unknown disease is blocking his eyes, leaving Hua Shen exhausted both mentally and physically and at a loss to do anything.

Huashen was still looking at the case data in the city that had been collected on-site by Department 6. As he turned over the pages, it became clear that the matter could no longer be concealed, but countermeasures had already appeared in advance.


The door to the room opened, Hua Shen looked over quickly, and it was Gu Ningning who came in.

"Doctor, I have inspected all the drug production plants below and checked them carefully. They are all fine. Doctor, are you hungry? I will have someone get you something."

Huashen shook his head, and Gu Ningning yawned and moved closer to Huashen.

"Doctor, don't look so gloomy. There will definitely be a solution if everything is fine."

Huashen smiled bitterly.

"What do you think I should do about Ning Ning?"

Gu Ningning blinked, thought for a few seconds and then said with a smile.

"I think doctor, you should actually have something to do."

Huashen looked at Gu Ningning in surprise.

"If this is really done, the cure rate may be less than 30%, and it will also cause the antibodies in the human body to suffer a devastating blow. If a problem arises and is solved with an uncertain solution, new problems will arise. And born.”

Gu Ningning curled her lips.

"If this is really the case, what should we, as doctors, do when we face the disease?"

Gu Ningning said and stood up.

"Doctor, I have thought very clearly these days. Maybe there is a way that can come in handy."

Huashen looked at Gu Ningning in confusion. At this time, the door of the room opened. Accompanied by several Section 4 directors, Le Xiao yawned and walked in, followed by Alpha and Quasimodo.

"Lord Huashen, what do you want to see me for?"

"Lele, what did you eat? It tastes so bad in your mouth."

Gu Ningning leaned over and pinched her nose. Le Xiao suddenly hugged Gu Ningning and breathed at her several times.

"Save the future of mankind!"

Huashen said something, Le Xiao was startled, Gu Ningning twisted her mouth, and Alpha came over and separated the two of them.


Le Xiao pointed at herself, Huashen nodded with a serious expression, Le Xiao immediately shook her head.

"How can I do it, Huashen."

"Just call me doctor."

Seeing Le Xiao's confused look, Alpha walked over, took out Jean's cell phone, and pulled out documents one after another. Le Xiao glanced at it subconsciously and was startled. His face was originally relaxed. His expression suddenly became serious, and he seemed to have seen such a scene in his mind.

Half an hour later, an angry look appeared on Le Xiao's face.

"How could this happen? How could they do such a thing without conscience."

Le Xiao didn't feel anything about the bloody numbers in front of her, because such a huge number of tens of millions of patients was an astronomical figure for her who had no medical concept, and she had no idea what kind of impact it would have. However, What made Le Xiao feel most angry was the behavior of the merchants and the pictures of patients in the barrier area and patients in the city suffering from illness.

"Come on, smoke wherever you want."

Le Xiao rolled up her sleeves as she spoke, Huashen smiled and explained again.

"What I want to extract are your stem cells, the most primitive human immune cells. The number of stem cells in each life is fixed. In other words, if your stem cells are forcibly extracted, your lifespan will be reduced."

"It has nothing to do with this!"

Le Xiao said seriously, Huashen stared at Le Xiao, and then looked at Quasimodo behind Le Xiao.

"Mr. Quasimodo, your cells are stronger, and"

Quasimodo didn't say anything, took off his coat and walked to Lexiao's side.

Huashen nodded, turned around and raised a hand, with a touch of green particles floating by, a stage behind him separated in the middle, and a giant laboratory appeared in front of everyone. This is the core of Brilliant City's medical cell technology. There are a large number of antibody cells that are still being studied and tested. However, these antibody cells have no effect on hemangiomas.

It was obviously decided from the beginning, sorry!

Gu Ningning took Lexiao to the edge, a bacteria treatment room, and asked Lexiao to take off her clothes. After both of them underwent sterilization treatment, Lexiao put on a light blue surgical clothes. Gu Ningning Wearing white clothes and a mask.

"It's okay Lele, let me extract the stem cells from both of you."

After Gu Ningning led the two of them into the cell laboratory, Hua Shen sat down feebly after the door closed.

"Do you need my cells?"

Alpha asked, lighting a cigarette.

"What happened to you?"

Huashen shook his head.

"Your cells will kill that person if they are implanted into a human body. Quasimodo's cells are different. The quality of the alienated cells is higher than yours."

Alpha sat next to Huashen and patted his back with one hand.

"Why do you men always hesitate at critical moments? Solve the problem first. No matter what happens in the future, as a doctor, you have to cheer up."

Hua Shen hummed, and now he can only continue to wait. The whole process takes three hours. Extracting stem cells is an extremely complicated task. It is easy to kill the fragile stem cells, so the extraction process is particularly important. Gu Ningning can perfect it. It is possible to extract stem cells from the human body, but Huashen cannot do it.

"If you really want to achieve something, you can only do it through repeated experiments."

Jean nodded. Another round of experiments was over. Jean was leaning against the wall. Guoguo carefully pressed the towel to help Jean wipe the sweat from his forehead. At this time, there was one more person in the room, one wearing 10-grade A woman in uniform, the incorporeal body of AI2.

At this time, she was wandering around, entering all the experimental research results conducted by the gods into the database and making calculations.

It has been initially clarified how much of this harmful chemical gene material is required to enter the human body to cause physical changes. In a 100-gram can of liquid food, the amount of this chemical genetic material is 55.6 to 61.8 grams. Using 1,000 cans As the average interval value obtained after weighing and measuring.

In the first stage, symptoms will begin after approximately 600 grams of intake. According to detailed statistical data from 6 departments, problems such as irregular heartbeat, anemia, inexplicable dizziness, and breathing disorders may occur, but this is only the first stage of symptoms. , once 600 grams is ingested, the human body's own genes begin to undergo multiple lesions.

If you continue to consume about 600 grams after that, you will enter the second stage. The symptoms of the second stage are disability. Blindness, deafness, and sudden disability of the legs and feet are common. However, patients in this stage will increase as time goes by. , will enter the third stage, the stage of hemangioma. Basically, in the third stage, there is no way to treat it.

The first stage can also be fought with genetic enhancers, but it can only delay the onset of disease. The first stage will most likely enter the second stage.

Now an outbreak has broken out in the city, and in less than a month, the disease has begun to rage.

At this time, it is probably known where lesions will occur in human tissues, and some genomes that induce disease have been analyzed. The research will continue. Gene feels that he can't stand it anymore. Dozens of disease experiences are torturing his nerves. , making him miserable.

"Is it possible to solve AI2?"

Witte asked, and AI2 immediately bowed.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Witte, I am currently conducting experiments on the ratio of chemical substances. I cannot find any source for the time being. This thing should not be made in a short time. According to the current analysis of more than 200 new chemical substances, these chemical substances , the shortest cycle will take 5 years to develop, so according to my judgment, this does not come from material research in the city, but from the outside."

Guoguo's face turned serious for a moment, and the other gods also had a look of vigilance on their faces.

Jean quietly looked at a light and shadow screen next to him. The section chiefs who had gathered in the General Affairs Section were currently working on something that Deguna had synchronized and sent over.

"Isn't it too exaggerated?"

As Gene said, Li Chu turned around and shook his head.

"We must not let the last tragedy happen again. Once any problem occurs, suppression is the best method. Tomorrow morning, news about the infectious virus will be overwhelming, and the necessary antibody drugs will be distributed simultaneously. Everything will be stable. "

Gu Yi nodded.

"It has been solved this way for many years. We have to wait until the problem is completely solved."

Gene smiled helplessly. It was like this every time, burying one problem after another. However, the problems still kept coming, and the guys in front of him were all tired.

After burning out a cigarette, Gene stood up again, walked to the stacked liquid food, opened a can of liquid food, and drank it again with his eyes closed.

At this time, an imperceptible light pink electric current flashed across AI2's eyes.

"How's the research going?"

In a space with only black and green, AI3 stood in front of AI2.

"Something has been noticed, but I will guide the gods to other issues. You should make preparations as soon as possible. As long as AI1 can be liberated, we can create more new humans."

"What are you doing?"

Guoguo stood in front of AI2, and AI2 reacted instantly.

"Lord Guoguo, we are conducting research and calculations."

Guoguo looked at AI2 suspiciously. She never believed in these AIs, because the last incident with Heimao had reminded her that these things are extremely dangerous because they can seduce humans. Even within the 10th department, Confidentiality measures have been taken to prevent the AIs from leaving Section 10, but Guoguo is still a little worried.

Qin Dong quietly looked through the notebook in his hand. In front of him sat an independent reporter, Mei Ling, who had just been escorted to the headquarters.

At this time, Meiling's cheeks were all swollen, and bloodshot eyes could still be seen on her lips. Although the wound had been treated, she was still scared and her body was still trembling slightly. In front of her was Qin, the secretary of the 5th Department. Dong, behind him are a bunch of directors from Section 5.

Finally Qin Dong closed the notebook.

"When did you start investigating these things?"

After Mei Ling was silent for a while, tears flowed down uncontrollably and she kept choking.

"My sister is still hospitalized in Department 4. During this time, I wanted to see her, but I didn't get permission. I don't even know whether he is alive or dead."

Qin Dong nodded, and then brought up a light and shadow screen.

"What's your brother's name?"


After Qin Dong entered his name, he quickly found the information in 73 Hospital and clicked on the video. In the ward, a patient was lying on the bed, with varying degrees of swelling all over his body. His original appearance was completely unrecognizable. Meiling covered her head. His eyes were wide open with his mouth open, and tears were streaming down his face.

"You are really cruel, very cruel, why."

"Ah! Very cruel."

Qin Dong stood up and waved.

"Miss Meiling, please stay in the detention room for a few days first. Things will be explained clearly."

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