Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1424 The Bearers 1 (Part 2)

Chen Qiao looked solemn as he looked at the plates of white rice served with liquid food. A can of liquid food was placed in front of everyone. For a moment, the mood of the businessmen became even worse. The name of Sanlian Company was clearly printed under the can. LOGO.

Lillian giggled.

"What's wrong, aren't you hungry? Everyone, our department only has this kind of food, don't mind eating it quickly, it should taste very good, shouldn't you have already eaten it?"

Wu Qun laughed. It could be seen that this was just a general intimidation. There should be other things besides investigation. Wu Qun glanced at the plates and added some vegetables and liquid food together to serve with white rice. After eating the food, I walked over and picked up a plate and started eating directly with a spoon.

Lilian's smiling face showed approval in her eyes.

"Old Wu, what are you doing!"

A businessman looked at Wu Qun in panic, but Wu Qun started eating disapprovingly, and after eating, he took the food from Chen Qiao.

"If you don't want to eat it, I will eat it. It tastes pretty good, but it looks a little ugly."

Wu Qun was not a fool. He recognized at a glance that this high-end liquid food was made by a liquid food company specifically targeting the upper-class market. It was made from absolutely safe and fresh ingredients. It cost 5 yuan a can, but All the merchants present were shocked by the liquid food cans from Sanlian Company that Lilian brought in.

"It's okay to eat it. It's food produced by Zhenwei Company. Lance, as the boss of Zhenwei Company, why can't you even recognize your own company's products?"

The nervous-looking middle-aged blond man in the third position to Chen Qiao's left swallowed a mouthful. Lillian made a gesture of invitation and he took a taste.

"It really is."

Chen Qiao finally couldn't resist the hunger in his stomach and started to eat. It tasted really good, but he had only eaten liquid food a few decades ago.

After a sound of spoons and plates, the merchants were all full. Lilian sat opposite the merchants, and then waved, all the staff turned around and walked out.

"If you have any questions, please tell me directly, Lillian."

At this time, Lilian directly brought up a light and shadow panel, and the merchants' faces became even more embarrassed for a while.

"The cancellation of military exercises is a waste of time and money. Now, 67 recruits from Section 3 have died, one of them died of disease, and the remaining 68 died abnormally. Two female soldiers may stay for the rest of their lives. psychological shadow."

Wu Qun sighed helplessly. At this time, shocking photos and videos appeared, and all the businessmen lowered their heads.

"It is impossible to count the official figures in the barrier area, but it is expected that more than 2 million people in the barrier area will become ill. Let's not mention the numbers in the city. People are dying every second."

Along with a shooting video, armed men holding guns shot and killed some patients one by one.

"That's enough! Your Excellency Lilian, what do you want from us next?"

As Chen Qiao said, Lillian did not stop playing the video.

"It's okay if everyone is reluctant. The evidence has been collected. The middle and lower-level businessmen who have had transactions with you have provided all the evidence. According to the law, everyone present has essentially formed Charged with endangering the city!"

At this time, Wu Qun raised his hands.

"Secretary Lilian, the businessmen should not be borne by the businessmen for your so-called crimes. After all, no one could have imagined that things would develop so quickly, and the three guys from Sanlian Company, Qian Jiazhen, Baochun, and Lu De, are the culprits. I should give you everything that needs to be explained. This matter can only be characterized as selling harmful food, and the punishment according to the law is to pay a fine of three times the normal market price of this batch of poisonous food. According to Sanlian Company’s underground at that time The inventory records in the warehouse show 81 million cans of unprocessed toxic food. According to market price calculations, a can of 50 cents has a sales volume of 40.5 million. If the fine is tripled, a fine of 121.5 million will be paid, as well as the need for related parties. Accept the trial and be sentenced to three years starting from the sentence. Depending on the circumstances, the sentence will be about 10 years. If there is a major accident, such as this time involving the death of someone, you will need to be deported directly!"

Lillian nodded and clapped her hands.

"It's a pity that these businessmen don't know about it. All matters are handed over to their subordinates. As for the profits of those subordinates who enriched their own pockets, we will definitely investigate thoroughly, and of course we will definitely cooperate with your business department in the investigation."

"Then Representative Wu Qun, if there is evidence that they authorized the transaction of this batch of food, may I ask?"

At this time R stood up and clapped his hands.

"Lillian, stop talking. Councilor Wu Qun is from the legal department. You can't argue with him. As long as they fight to the death and refuse to admit that they have authorized subordinates to conduct transactions, after all, the insider information of such transactions can only be verbal authorization. They are not stupid. No evidence will be left behind, even if the subordinates who took the blame come back to bite them, they will not be able to provide any valid evidence according to the law, is that right, Representative Wu Qun."

Wu Qun didn't answer, just smiled. He had figured it out a long time ago. Although he was caught in the 2nd Section, there was no need to worry about anything, because there was no evidence in the Business Section, and the transaction evidence provided by the businessmen was only I will go to the sales managers who are subordinate to this group of businessmen. If I really want to do something to them, I am afraid that more than 20 companies have been thoroughly searched and a large number of people have been arrested.

So the key now is what Section 2 wants to do. Wu Qun squinted at everything on the light and shadow screen and understood it instantly.

"Secretary Lillian, first of all, I would like to express my highest respect and deepest apology for the young lives sacrificed by Section 3!"

As he spoke, Wu Qun put his hand on his chest and closed his eyes to mourn. The businessmen also stood up and followed suit. After one minute, Wu Qun opened his eyes.

"If the fine of three times is really dealt with, it will require a lot of procedures and it will need to be made public. At this juncture, it is a little inappropriate, so the pensions for these victims will be left to us in the name of donation. ?”

Lilian laughed coldly, and Wu Qun raised three fingers.

"No matter how many people die in Section 3, each person will receive an additional 300,000 yuan in addition to the pension you set."

The businessmen also became friendly at this time. They had been discussing before to spend 2 billion to solve this problem, but Wu Qun said that he would explain everything after the 2nd subject.

"You've got a bargain but still behave?"

Lilian looked at Wu Qun with a cold voice, and Wu Qun smiled.

"It's just in the name of aid money. The public won't know that we are getting this pension. What do you think?"

Lilian directly brought up a light and shadow panel.

1.2 million for each deceased person, and a monthly pension of 300 for each of the deceased’s family members for 30 years.

The businessmen immediately calculated an account, and they could settle it all without even needing 500 million. It was already quite a deal. At this time, Wu Qun said again.

"We will also bear some responsibility for the failure of Section 3's operation. In addition to pensions, we will increase military expenditures by 500 million to Section 3."

The businessmen also stood up one after another and began to say good things. Lilian sat down and R looked at the businessmen quietly. At this time, most of the businessmen became friendly and the embarrassment on their faces disappeared. Wu Qun was stunned. Looking at R with a smile.

"Okay, let's discuss it carefully. After subject 3 is over, we still need to discuss other things."

Wu Qun nodded, knowing that tonight would not be easy. As his former classmate, R across from him made Wu Qun a little wary.

"Lord Ye Jiao!"

Rows of council officers stood in the conference room of Section 7 Headquarters. As soon as Ye Jiao stepped in, the council officers all saluted in unison. Ye Jiao nodded and motioned for everyone to sit down. Several council officers began to sit down one after another. Report on the current situation.

Ye Jiao, who had been hanging out on the ground floor for a day, found a good hotel. Just as she was about to go to bed, she received a call from Section Chief Li Ang, asking her to quickly return to Section 7 to take charge of the work.

On the light and shadow screens, there are economic pictures of each company, as well as the current situation of the stock market, including the transaction volume of various materials in recent days.

Among them, the most important food trade, Section 12, has given a clear plan to gradually restrict trade, give priority to areas with poor food reserves, and stabilize the economy of the entire city market.

The direct connection documents between Section Chief Li Ang and Section 9 Chief Ivy were continuously sent back, and Ye Jiao began to distribute them to the governing officers below in an orderly manner. The entire Section 7 headquarters building was now brightly lit.

"Process today's bookmaking company account transactions first to ensure there are no errors and let the bookmaking company handle the settlement directly without any arrears."

Ye Jiao knew very well that things had to be done step by step, and the economic problems that might affect tomorrow should be dealt with first.

"You guys, please check the taxes on the item trading frenzy that increased last night."

Ye Jiao said, taking a look at some verified money data that she had extracted from every wallet management office she had spent the whole day wandering around on the ground floor.


Ye Jiao shouted, and a very tall director came over in a hurry.

"Starting from tomorrow, some small loans will be gradually opened, and the citizen level will be lowered to no interest within 2,500 yuan, and the repayment period will be increased to 4 months."

Stair nodded and then asked.

"Sir Ye Jiao, what's the basis for the review? Will it be based on the original criminal record and monthly income?"

Ye Jiao frowned slightly. When she was wandering around, the most impressive thing she saw was a woman who had just given birth, carrying a child on her back and carrying her 6-year-old son at the door of Department 7. I prayed for a loan and only hoped to borrow 300 yuan, but because the family's long-term income has been below 300 yuan, and her husband and she both have citizenship levels of 2, and the husband has some criminal records, the loan application was immediately rejected.

"Based on the assessment of family living conditions, loans will be given to families with poorer conditions first, and families with children will be given priority."

Stair's face looked a little solemn.

"That may be due to manpower."

"Go to other people's homes, take photos and videos, and write a life assessment report. One hour should be enough, so I'd better say"

Ye Jiao looked at Stair, who stood up straight for a moment.

"If you move and run, will the legs of the people below break?"

Stair bowed hastily, turned around and walked away. Ye Jiao shouted the names of the directors one by one. The directors whose names were called stood up one after another, a total of 6 people.

"This list is some evaluation reports of the regional section officers under your jurisdiction. Give them 3 months. If they are still lazy in their work and there are more than 3 economic documents that have not been processed, let them go to the middle-level district officers. Here, start from the grassroots level, and if it still doesn’t work, go over and teach them step by step.”

The six directors looked at each other and bowed one after another. After taking over Ye Jiao's order, the six of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Jiao traveled to many districts after leaving District 118, and saw a lot of things along the way. These things are not seen in the reports. Although each district has its own problems to solve, every wallet management she went to Science is a virtue, and the work efficiency is indeed somewhat low.


Ye Jiao shouted, and a female director walked up with a smile on her face.

"An announcement will be issued early tomorrow morning. First, we will lead people to screen out private lending companies. Companies that meet the qualifications will directly send people there to retrieve their financial statements in the past few years and strictly review them. Companies without qualifications will directly freeze their wallets. Account, let them take the initiative to go to Section 5 to explain, and arrest them for illegally operating a lending company!"

Luo Er let out an ah, and opened her mouth slightly in embarrassment. She had no idea whether the girl in front of her had taken the wrong medicine. Going to the bottom would really lead to a loan shark. For the bottom, It will make the situation more confusing.

"Any questions?"

Rohr said with some embarrassment.

"If we move at this time, what will happen at the bottom?"

"Loans have been opened. As long as people can borrow money to survive from Section 7, that will be fine. If not, you can go back and rest tomorrow morning."

Rohr immediately bowed, turned around and walked away quickly. At this time, more than 60 directors in the entire 7 departments looked a little embarrassed. Everyone thought it was groundless and would not be rectified so quickly, but it seemed that the secretary What did we negotiate when we were at the bottom?

At this time, Ye Jiao picked up the phone and pressed the 0008 number.

"The matter has been explained. The key lies in the situation on your side."

Letty laughed.

"Don't worry, it's just as we discussed, but the section chief doesn't seem to agree with this matter."

"Are you scared?"

Letty took a puff of cigarette and exhaled thick smoke.

"Afraid? The problem will be solved sooner or later. The only thing we can do is to solve as many problems as possible before this impact comes, instead of piling up a large number of problems and finally erupting completely, no matter what the result is, just like that idiot The little girl said the same thing! Just ask the children."

Letty put down the phone and looked at a bunch of directors from Section 8, some of whom were preparing prosecution materials for businessmen. The docking materials were directly completed on the spot by Niya, the chief of Section 5, and Heathcote, the chief of Section 8. They Just get things done quickly.

"Tomorrow, when people from Section 7 join forces with Section 5 to investigate the crime of loan sharking, all members of the law office in each district will be mobilized to record the crime."

Letty said and stood up.

"Tomorrow is a battle, a battle for our Law Department. I hope everyone can do everything well. If you don't understand something, you can ask me directly. No mistakes are allowed."

A large helicopter slowly landed at the training ground behind the Public Security Management Office in Area 118. After the helicopter was de-invisible, heavily armed soldiers from Division 3 came out one after another. 450 people from 15 teams came out and stood back. They formed a row, and the accompanying officer, a 3rd-level section officer, came out, and Ma Tao, who was smoking, greeted him.

"Long time no see, Jia Yun."

The two shook hands cordially, and Jia Yun asked the squad leaders to take the soldiers from Section 3 into the cafeteria or set up some baffles at the training ground, arrange them in order with backpacks that can be extended into simple beds, and then they can rest.

"Would you like to go have a drink?"

Ma Tao said, Jia Yun nodded, and the two quickly walked out of the compound of Section 5. At this time, some members of Section 5 could be seen patrolling on the street. The bottom floor was still very jubilant even at such a late night. TV programs Although it was over, many people took out some food and wine directly in the center of the street and started drinking. It was like a celebration for several days, and everyone was very happy.

"The situation is not optimistic, Lao Jia."

Jia Yun nodded.

"Something happened outside the barrier. More than 60 recruits died."

Ma Tao was startled and almost dropped the cigarette he had just put to his mouth. He used telekinesis to push the cigarette back to his mouth.

"The orders from above have been issued. Maybe there will be another riot, hey."

Ma Tao thought for a while.

"Should it be"

Jia Yun immediately pulled Ma Tao, and the two came to a secluded place before Jia Yun spoke.

"The previously stocked batch of toxic food flowed into the barrier area, and now a large-scale disease is breaking out in the barrier area. I happened to be at the eastern guard station, and Section Chief Tianhen killed several businessmen directly."

Ma Tao trembled and swallowed.

"No wonder Master Qin Dong gave us an order that every street must be patrolled 24 hours a day. Let me go have a drink first. I slept for a while and can only keep my eyes open until dawn."

"Just one drink. After that I'm going to go back to bed. I've been busy all day."

Yincai, who was busy in the hospital, had already made a comprehensive statistics on the data, but at this time she saw many people from Department 5 moving boxes of things outside a small pharmacy next to the hospital.

Some people from Department 4 directly opened the capsule inside and drank the contents. The dean also took one and looked at the sound color awkwardly for a while.

"What's this?"

"Sir Yincai, you should know if you use your secretary authority to look at it."

After a while, Yincai's eyes widened, looking in disbelief at the fact that this article had replaced the crisis caused by poisonous food with the harm caused by a spiral infectious virus called DLT, and the symptoms were clearly written out.

"Master Yincai, you can have a drink. It's just water. The staff are watching!"

Yincai took the capsule, opened it, drank the contents, and walked outside the hospital in a bad mood.

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