Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1402 Exhaustion (Part 2)

Hu Xue gasped and pressed her forehead with one hand. She dragged off the veil with a painful look on her face. Her cheeks were twisted into a ball. She kept shaking her head. Tears kept falling down. She held Hu Xue's shoulder with one hand.

"If you want to cry, just cry for a while."

Yu Tong spoke in a gentle voice and took Hu Xue into his arms. Hu Xue and Luo Zhenzhen only met when they entered Section 3. Yu Tong has noticed their friendship since joining the team and they ate together. Sleep together, play together, and do everything together.

A large part of the reason why Hu Xue didn't want to leave the 3rd Department was because of Luo Zhenzhen. Luo Zhenzhen was from a single-parent family. Her mother raised her by herself and paid for her to be admitted to the Practice Department. Therefore, Luo Zhenzhen was very hard-working and behaved very well as soon as she entered the Practice Department. powerful.

Yu Tong is the recruit with the best physical fitness including actual combat in the 144 team, Luo Zhenzhen is the second, and Hu Xue is one of the last few in the 144 team. She has good family conditions, but she refused the transfer order and chose Stayed in Section 3.

It is definitely not because of the admiration for Section Chief Tianhen, because Luo Zhenzhen is in Section 3, so Hu Xue will not leave. Yu Tong does not believe that Luo Zhenzhen will die so easily. There is only one reason, many sparring, The two fought until they were exhausted. Finally, they relied on their tenacious willpower to stand firm, and Luo Zhenzhen fell down. Each time, she was only a little better than her.

Because she was afraid of being caught up by that girl, Yu Tong was still working out hard in private. Her hard work paid off. In a recent physical examination, her alienated gene value increased. This was good news for her. Soon she would You can become a mutant, but the same situation also happened to Luo Zhenzhen.

In terms of feelings, Yu Tong herself believed that Luo Zhenzhen did not die normally, and that her body would not die because of such a minor illness.

The team started to march again, and Hu Xue could hardly walk anymore. She was too nervous all the way, and the sadness at this time had condensed in her heart and could not be resolved at all.

Yu Tong grabbed Hu Xue's backpack and looked at the group of men in front of him who had been deliberately emphasizing that they would help if the women couldn't carry it. None of them came over at this time.

"If you really want to find something certain, you might be able to find it by completing this military exercise in the barrier zone."

"What would you choose to do if it were you?"

Hu Xue looked at Yu Tong seriously.

"Do you still have to ask? Of course, like you, I will pull the trigger without hesitation."

"Here, drink it while it's hot."

Zhao Zhen brought a bowl of freshly cooked bone soup and placed it on the table. Taotao was lying on her side on the sofa, holding her abdomen with a look of discomfort on her face. She had just started to vomit again. The reaction to morning sickness has been particularly strong in the past few days.

Since she can't eat it, Zhao Zhen has been making her easy-to-digest and nutritious soup for the past few days, coupled with some light food that won't easily cause nausea.

"Thank you, doctor."

Taotao looked at the middle-aged man in front of her with gratitude. He was very good at taking care of people. In the past few days, Taotao felt unprecedented warmth. Although Zhao Zhen didn't talk much, his delicate and considerate care made Taotao feel better. The chill in my body disappeared.

Zhao Zhen just nodded, told Taotao to finish the drink, and planned to get up and go to the kitchen to work.

"Doctor, your wife should be very happy!"

Taotao smiled, and Zhao Zhen stopped. His normally normal face now looked confused. He turned his back to Taotao, nodded, and walked quickly.

However, as he walked to the kitchen step by step, Zhao Zhen's face showed anger. He pressed his chest and became excited again. His physical condition was very bad. He tried his best to restrain the urge to cough. He pressed his hand against the edge of the pool, and after a heavy cough, he coughed up a mouthful of blood.


Blood flowed from Zhao Zhen's nostrils. He hurriedly took out a small bottle of medicine from his pocket, opened his mouth, unscrewed the bottle and drank the medicine inside in one breath, breathing weakly.

"Doctor, are you okay?"

Taotao asked with concern, Zhao Zhen adjusted it and answered normally.

"It's okay, Miss Taotao, please drink quickly. I'm going out later."

Taotao adjusted the angle of the light and shadow screen in front of her. At this time, on the CBV channel, Pan Hua smiled relaxedly and was talking to Duke on the side about the evolution of mutant battles in the past.

Taotao stared blankly, knowing very well that this man might have liked her before. Everything that night shattered Taotao's last hope for this man.

Taotao once felt that her relationship with Pan Hua, although she didn't know how long it would last, maybe she could be his underground lover for the rest of her life, but Pan Hua seemed to have more than just her as his underground lover.

Zhao Zhen came out and wiped his wet hands.

"Doctor, I want to go for a walk, can you?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Taotao. I have committed some crimes before and cannot be exposed to surveillance. Please forgive me."

Zhao Zhen said as Taotao got up. She was always restless and couldn't calm down these days. She still wanted to go outside for a walk. In the past, as a front-line reporter, she was extremely busy running around the city every day. , she was a little uncomfortable with suddenly putting down her work.

"Miss Taotao, for the sake of your child's health, please insist on walking around the house every day. Although it is a bit boring, it is better this way and get more sun."

After going out, Zhao Zhen disappeared into the air. He started walking slowly. Now he is relying on the nanomedicine developed by Dr. Archimi to survive. He is going to get it from Archimi today. medicine.

Akimi, like Zhao Zhen, has been included in the death list. He successfully deceived the acting department with the help of the suspended death genetic agent developed by Fry. This genetic agent and some drugs that can cause intermittent shock-like symptoms Different, it can successfully evade mechanical and human detection.

After that, Frye created clones of these dead people and burned them directly into ashes in front of the members of the four departments who came to inspect. Then they had the death certificate and were successfully removed from the list of the living.

Once the list of dead people is logged in, the city's Sky Eye surveillance system will no longer capture their images when they reappear after they disappear for a period of time. Machines are not like humans, because in their database, the streets These people are dead, and the machine will selectively ignore them as if they are like air.

All machines based on data and all humans based on emotions have their own advantages and disadvantages. Akimi once said that she will use nanotechnology to improve both, so that people can move toward perfection. .

Humans themselves are emotional animals, and often cannot control themselves. The left brain, which determines human logical thinking and maintains rationality, will be completely controlled and dominated by the right brain when a person's emotions are strong to a certain extent.

Walking on the empty streets, Zhao Zhen bathed in the sunshine and pressed his chest. He knew very well that the people around Frye were gradually withering away and their hearts were drying up little by little. Everyone had suffered severe injuries. A painful and resentful person, Frye never advocates letting go of everything.

Everyone has their own different obsessions. Obsession cannot be easily let go. The smarter the person, the more painful it is. The more painful it is, the lonelier it will be. If it cannot be achieved, it will make the heart Until the knot inside is completely untied, every day is painful for this group of people.

Glancing back at the large apartment building wrapped in light behind him, Zhao Zhen showed a rare smile. This smile had a very graceful outline in the dim light. He still could not understand that the person from the 2nd Department that night was there. When both parties are equally human, on what basis are the choices made? Both parties are equally human.

"Is there really no other way?"

Zhao Zhen continued walking as he spoke. People are simple yet complex at the same time. Suddenly, Zhao Zhen felt a strange aura. He quickened his pace. In an instant, he fell into an alley. Just when he was about to jump, A hand stretched out from the air on the opposite side and held his shoulder.


Zhao Zhen's eyes were full of anger as he looked at the face in front of him that he could not forget even after so many years. This man was his enemy, K, the culprit who killed his wife and children.

"Want to kill me?"

K in front of him shook his head, his eyes were still the same as when he was in a state of madness in the past, and he did not dare to look directly at him.

"I just want to talk to you about Mr. Zhao Zhen."

K received a mysterious note early this morning, which said that Zhao Zhen was active somewhere in the city, so K came here early to wait. After noticing a mutant, K immediately took him After finding out, he didn't expect that the information turned out to be true. K hasn't reported it to Mo Xiaolan yet because he wanted to solve everything alone and didn't want to involve other people.

K handed a cigarette to Zhao Zhen, who sat on the ground without saying a word, leaning against the alley.

"Mr. Zhao Zhen, don't you want revenge? If you want revenge, I have told you a long time ago that you can kill me and I will not fight back."

Zhao Zhen shook his head. Killing this man was meaningless. He had realized a long time ago that even if he killed this man, his burning heart would still not be able to cool down.

"What on earth are you doing, Mr. Zhao Zhen."

As K said, Zhao Zhen laughed, shook his head, stood up and continued walking.

"No matter what I do, it doesn't matter. Maybe I'm planning a huge conspiracy. Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people may die this time. Do you want to arrest me!"

K looked serious, but still shook his head.

"I'm nothing now, or I can't do anything."

Zhao Zhen walked slowly with a smile and disappeared into the air again. He ignored K behind him. The more rational people are, the more they will deliberately suppress their emotions, and these things cannot be suppressed for a lifetime, as long as It's the day when a person bursts out, and the man behind him is the same, already exhausted.

People with brighter hearts tend to be darker. When your heart is bathed in the sun, you don't know that your shadow has been infinitely diffused by the sun, covering it to the point where you can't even see it.

K didn't chase Zhao Zhen. He knew very well that he wouldn't tell him anything. He couldn't find anything from the man who had died long ago. He opened his palm and pointed it at the sunlight sliding into the alley, fingertips The gap is slightly shiny.

"If you give me another chance, I probably won't go!"

After countless thoughts, K came to only one conclusion: evacuate everyone near the line, mobilize all manpower and material resources, and minimize the damage at the moment of explosion.

I feel that omnipotence is the greatest tragedy for people, and I deal with some things roughly, but in fact the root of the disaster has already been laid. When K walked in the city these years, what I saw was that the branches and leaves were already luxuriant, and the roots were unknown. Darkness, no one knows where this darkness will eventually flow and where it will converge.

At this time, K saw a woman walking on the street not far away. She walked very slowly and seemed to be enjoying herself. She raised her head slightly and pressed her belly with one hand in the sun. K was a little surprised. Isn't it Taotao who announced yesterday that she will take an indefinite break due to illness?

Suddenly, K was ejected, and one hand supported Taotao who was about to fall. Taotao was a little panicked and covered her mouth, but she couldn't help but vomited. K patted her back.

Looking at the woman in front of him, K felt as if he had seen a light.

"Are you okay, Miss Taotao?"

K said, Taotao looked a little frightened, but she still pursed her lips and smiled and shook her head. After saying thank you, she took out her hat and put it on before quickly returning to the apartment building.

Maybe I disturbed her from enjoying the sunshine alone!

In the No. 1 venue used for the combat examination, everyone is waiting anxiously, because the battle that is about to begin soon is the highlight, and it can also be regarded as the opening ceremony of this year's feast.

Lively discussions continued in the auditorium, and the eyes of more than 2,000 people were always staring at the stands.

However, at this time, many of the S-class mutant traders hired by the gaming company on the edge of the stage had serious expressions on their faces, because just now the audience had received the news that all the original groups for the battle had been broken up, and numerical values ​​had been adopted. A similar random system, rather than the usual group battle based on the candidates' numbers.

This is something that many people did not expect. Even if the numerical difference between the two mutants is larger, the examiners will still conduct on-site viewing and consideration based on the physical values ​​of the two candidates based on the situation at the scene, and then give a reasonable score. Even the losing party can still get a good score, which is relatively fair compared to mutants of different levels at the same level.

In the physical ability examination venue, all the mutants were neatly arranged together, the equipment had been recovered, and Michelle stood in front of the candidates with all the examiners.

"Dear candidates! Currently, all the groups for the battle test have been rearranged. I hope you will take it seriously in the subsequent tests. Now please start warming up based on the numbers you just got!"

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