Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1401 Exhaustion (Part 1)


There was a corpse hanging in the air, blood sliding down the thick and strong arms of the deceased and splashing on the wooden floor.


Black and red plant-like plants entangled the corpse. The differentiated twigs were like threads, constantly piercing the body of the corpse and absorbing nutrients. Gray-white light hit the ground through the gap in the window, and a plant-like plant slowly He swam slowly through the glimmer of light without any reaction.

Jie Lin stood in the corner of the room, looking at the light and shadow screen with a serious face. Through the nano-robots installed in the two special inspectors' communicators, she had successfully stolen a lot of useful information, including several nanometers. The robot has also been destroyed after emitting high-frequency signal waves.

Such a nanorobot is about 0.000003 millimeters in size. Some mutants with strong close-range vision can see it, but they need to be able to see one millionth of a centimeter. There are very few mutants with such abilities in the entire city. .

Jie Lin herself can only see matter that is one hundred thousandth of a centimeter in size. This is already her limit, so she is not worried that the nanorobots will be discovered.

This kind of nanorobot has a powerful signal receiving component. After recording a certain byte of information capacity, it will immediately transmit a short-range high-frequency signal to a fixed location. In an instant, the internal energy component will be used to transmit the high-frequency signal. The electrical energy is overheated and then destroyed and melted.

Nanotechnology was originally intended to be used in medicine, but it failed. There was a period of time when Department 4 carried out a technological innovation, hoping to create some nanoscale robots that could carry drugs through human blood and reach patients directly. Where there are abnormalities in the body, drugs are delivered, or cells that are harmful to the human body are killed.

This product, which once set off a craze in human society centuries ago, has been successfully applied in various fields, but its actual effect is minimal, and manufacturing is even more difficult.

This kind of nanoscale robot is close to the size of human cells. However, like human cells, the smaller the object, the less energy it can carry. If you want to rely on nanomaterials to drive something, you need driving force, and energy becomes The key point is that most nanorobots will basically be reimbursed after being used once. Even if they can be mass-produced now, the flaws of this technology are very obvious. As long as humans cannot overcome the semi-perpetual motion machine, they will not be able to complete the development of nanotechnology. innovation.

The medical innovation plan of Department 4 was shelved, and in the end it could only be declared a complete failure amidst the anger of many people.

The supporting equipment required to create a nanorobot is expensive, and most of the manufactured nanorobots have a service life of only 1 to 2 times. If they are made with the most cutting-edge materials in a timely manner, they cannot be used more than 3 times, just like paper. It couldn't be folded more than 9 times, so the plan was shelved in complete refrigeration.

At that time, a former head of Section 4 who was obsessed with nanotechnology took over everything. Under the huge pressure of public opinion and the coercion from within the practice section, he went crazy. In despair, the scientist finally came to Frye. In the mental hospital, it was Fry who cured him.

Lolita looked at the source of the matrix placed on the ground. The successful development of this technology is the core of the source of the matrix, and the man's name is Akimi.

Looking at Frye in front of him, he is becoming more and more different from before. At this time, the man's body is completely shriveled, and all the body fluids have been absorbed by the plant-like plants. Frye is sitting on the ground with a satisfied look on his face, as if he has just finished enjoying the meal. A sumptuous meal, with only half the cheeks showing the highest satisfaction.

In front of Jie Lin's eyes, Frye has completely lost his humanity and turned into a monster, becoming extremely bloodthirsty.

The reason why Jie Lin followed Frye was the same as the reason why everyone in the hospital followed Frye. The former Frye was their sun, the only sun they could see in the dark wilderness of endless despair.

Frye doesn't give up on any of his patients.

"You are just sick. It's okay. I will cure you. I will definitely do it. Please believe me!"

Jie Lin pressed her forehead and felt a soreness rising in her nose for a moment. Although she couldn't remember much of it in her memory, she originally thought everything was over when she sank in because of the drugs and completely turned into a lunatic and a waste.

All day long, Jie Lin wore the theatrical costume that her father often wore in the past, singing, dancing, laughing, making trouble, crying, and scolding incomprehensibly on the stage. The memory of that period is extremely vague and chaotic. Jie Lin I can't feel anything, whether I am alive or dead, or even what I am.

Until one day, Jie Lin heard the voice again and felt the warmth again. It was the man in front of her who tried every way to save herself in front of her again and again, even if she attacked him, bit off her ear and stabbed her. Pierced through his midriff, the man didn't flinch once.

Until Jielin finally woke up, it was as if she had had a long dream, but she felt love.

Everyone is the same. Fry loves everyone in Frye Mental Hospital, can tolerate everything about them, and can provide them with a shelter when death is waiting for them. In the harbor of rain, many of them are marginalized people step by step, no one cares about them, they have lost everything, they no longer even believe in family ties, love and friendship, they are completely crazy and crazy.

Only Frye accepted them and shouted again and again. It was this cry full of goodwill that woke everyone up. Everyone followed Frye. All he needed was a word from him and everyone was willing to die for him.

However, at this time, Jielin felt sad in her heart. In the current Frye, Jielin could no longer see any light, only endless darkness.

"I'm sorry Jaylin, I hear your heartfelt voice, it's very sad!"

There was a hint of indifference in Frye's words.

Sure enough, things are different!

The plants crawling on the windows closed little by little, and the dim light on the floor disappeared.

"Before it became like this, I had already foreseen that my love was dying day by day, and now it has dried up!"

Jie Lin's eyes widened. Fry stood at the door. Along with the sounds of people going upstairs, the voices of a man and a woman came from the door. They were also the owners of this room and relatives of this big man. Jie Lin was there. Praying that they wouldn't come in, the two of them still came to the door.


Jie Lin stared blankly. The door had been opened. The two people standing at the door were pierced by red and black plants all over their bodies. They were dragged in little by little. The blood slowly gathered along the grooves on the ground. With.

"It's obviously not necessary, Dean."

Frye shook his head.

"The Business Department has started to track us down. In order to complete the experiment, this is a necessary means. Listen up, Jie Lin, I actually made the decision a long time ago. Whether you understand it or not, I will only follow the decision. Keep moving forward and start researching!”

Jie Lin nodded, and the light completely disappeared from Frye's body. Jie Lin could already be sure that the war would begin soon.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the community of towns in Jirigra began to heat up. On the streets, many people were exchanging with each other to buy the things they needed. Some were wearing project red headscarves and waistcoat jackets with black cotton coats underneath, holding Armed men patrol the streets.

As the most stable area in the south, Jirigela is governed by three forces. The leaders of the three leaders are very wise. In the decades they have occupied this area, they have not treated the people in the territory inhumanely like other forces. plunder, but gave them order.

The three leaders all understand that in such a harsh environment, blindly plundering will only accelerate the death of the plundered. When the ferocious beasts in the jungle eat up all the gentle animals, the only ones left are the beasts. of cannibalism.

Jirigela is the most prosperous barrier area, with nearly 3 million people living in the south, which is enough to explain everything. As long as the order of the general environment can be stabilized, other small-scale battles, oppression, and plunder that still exist, are It is difficult to shake the main body.

Recently, the three leaders are waiting for the opportunity to discuss with Xingke. They want Xingke to build an agricultural experimental base on this land. Even if the life is passable, this is a barrier area. Even if people are used to this kind of land, It's an extremely bad life, but it doesn't mean that people will always be willing to live like this.

"Kid, if you act recklessly again, I will kill you."

Sarah's voice was a little loud, and several sneaky children who wanted to steal something from her and He Min ran in panic. At this time, a group of people wearing red headscarves walked towards them not far away. Come over.

“Sarah, you haven’t been here for a long time, would you like me to buy you a drink.”

The leader of the team knows many special monitors. The other Area 3 Divisions have carried out many cleaning operations to remove dangerous factors. However, in Jizhigla, such operations stopped 20 years ago. This is all due to the strong armed forces here. What kind of trouble will it cause to the business department?

"No, please help us find a place to rest. We want to have a good sleep."

The captain immediately made arrangements and started walking with Sara and He Min. On the street, Sara asked if there had been any changes recently.

"I said Sarah, what exactly is your business department investigating? More than 100 special inspectors have asked me about this question. Of course there are no more. Our place is relatively stable and prosperous."

At this time, He Min saw a gray-faced little boy on the street, trembling and huddled in a corner. He seemed to be very hungry. She walked over, took out some food from her backpack and handed it to the little boy.

"What are you doing? Are you doing your old habit again?"

Sara pulled He Min back. He Min would often do such things in the past. She had reminded He Min once or twice that such things were meaningless.

"thanks, thanks!"

In the noisy street, He Min turned around and looked at the little boy who was drowned in the sea of ​​people.

After a while, the two of them were taken by the captain to a comfortable house that only required some food. This place was still very new, it had just been built not long ago, and there was no peculiar smell. In a small room, The four walls were clean, and the most important thing was that there was an electric bath bucket. Sara took out the heavy water from her backpack with some joy. Soon, the heavy water polyester filled the bucket due to sufficient chemical exposure and degradation reaction.

"We'll take a bath together later, drink some wine leisurely, and then have a good sleep."

He Min nodded and took down the things on his body tiredly. Now is a special period, and the superiors are very nervous. The progress of the investigation must be reported at least once every half hour, regardless of whether they have found anything.

"Why Sir Xima suddenly came to the scene and gave direct command is really surprising."

Sara said, and He Min shook her head. At this time, Sara had started to wash her body with a towel dipped in cold water. He Min shook her head, walked over, picked up another towel, and wiped Sara's back.

"It's better to be careful. The situation this time is different from before. In the past, perhaps during the march, there was only one problem to worry about, whether you would be attacked by people in the barrier area. After what happened last time, those who came to the barrier area during this time Aren't many forces already restrained? Even the forces in the north are the same and have become more peaceful."

"hope so."

Sara took out a cigarette, lit it and smoked it for a while, then handed it to He Min behind her.

Kakuri breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on a rock. Although it took a little longer, he led the team members through the rock pit behind him in a smooth straight line. He ordered the team to rest for half an hour, and then Continue to move forward until nightfall. As long as you can find a temporary resting place before 7 o'clock, you can rest until the early morning of the next day and then continue on the road.

Most of the team members have begun to show their fatigue, which is completely different from when they first came out. Many team members have fallen asleep, and everyone talks less and less along the way. Although Luo Zhenzhen's incident has a certain impact, the biggest impact is It's still this extremely harsh land.

"You should rest for a while. If you continue, you won't be able to hold on."

Yu Tong kindly reminded Hu Xue, but at this time, Hu Xue was still staring directly at Sun Lu. She kept holding the gun tightly in her hand. Others were using hydraulic pressure to place it on the gun. Among the weapon straps around the waist, only the security team members on the outside of the march would do this, but they would rotate after a while, but Hu Xue held the gun the whole time.

Yu Tong saw several times that Hu Xue had pointed the gun at Sun Lu and rubbed his finger on the trigger.

Post-traumatic stress disorder, Yu Tong was very worried about this. If Hu Xue suffered from such a disease, her career in the field would be over. She became a little irritable and irritable at this time.

"Get away!"

Hu Xue said coldly.


Yu Tong slapped Hu Xue hard on the cheek. Suddenly Hu Xue's eyes widened. With a clicking sound of the safety being released, a hand had already grabbed Hu Xue's hand, and the gun Mouth raised.


The sound of gunshots startled Kakuri, who was sitting on the stone with narrowed eyes. The sleeping team members stood up one after another and instantly entered a state of combat alert. Some lay on the ground and some began to look for cover.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't, I didn't mean to, I..."

Hu Xue regained her consciousness. She was trembling. Team doctor Sophia looked at the two people in front of her blankly. Yu Tong did not blame Hu Xue and pulled her up.

"The gun went off, it's okay."

Team doctor Sophia immediately explained to the team members who had come closer. At this time, many people put down their guns with relaxed expressions. Sun Lu, who was not far away, looked at the three of them strangely. She saw everything.

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