Located on the middle floor near 12 circular streets and belonging to the 4th Section Headquarters in District 23, a lift landed on the rooftop of the 4th Section Headquarters building at 3:31 in the afternoon.

Five directors from Section 4 were already waiting. There were no signs on the landing gear. It looked like an ordinary civilian takeoff and landing aircraft. The moment the landing gear opened, the five governing officers hurried over to salute. Lilian pushed. Mo Xiaolan walked out of the lift.

"Do you have any test results?"

Mo Xiaolan asked immediately, and a female director replied.

"Lord Mo Xiaolan, our secretary Gu Ningning has already started testing on his own after receiving the calibration test materials. The results should be available soon."

Mo Xiaolan smiled slightly and held up the phone.

"Come to Section 4. Once the test is over, your mission will begin, K."

The group of people came to a place where there seemed to be nothing. A director pressed his hand on the ground. A light appeared on the edge where a few people were standing, and the secret lift under their feet started.

Early this morning, Mo Xiaolan received intelligence from Section 3. The special inspector of the barrier area found a can of liquid food eaten last night in Mining Town. Mining Town is about 60 kilometers away from the enemy's fall site outside Montenegro in the north. , the two special inspectors tracked another mass murder incident that occurred in the barrier zone.

In the cave at the top of the mountain in Mining Town, more corpses were found. Preliminary inspection found that some people were killed by blunt instruments such as stones, and some had their bones broken directly. This is only a small part, and more Many people die from unexplained poisoning, caused by metal toxins.

A large number of metal toxin samples are constantly being taken out of the corpses and have been sent to the 4th Department for analysis and research. It is necessary to make corresponding antidotes for this new synthetic toxin as soon as possible.

But what Mo Xiaolan was most concerned about now was the DNA test matching result on the can of liquid food he had eaten.

"We were able to find out another rioter soon. What a surprise, haha!"

Lilian smiled and nodded. Several directors of Section 4 looked solemn. They all knew that the chief and secretary of Section 2 came in person. The matter was of great importance. The five directors were the only ones who knew about it and were also the helpers. The analysis of the NDA has basically been completed. Based on the human salivary cell residues on the canned liquid food, it is estimated that it was eaten between 11 o'clock last night and about 1 o'clock today. Based on the deconstruction and extraction of the cell nucleus, this was obtained. There is a 64% probability that the person is a woman.

The lift stopped, and a crack appeared on the wall in front of them. A door slowly opened, and a large laboratory appeared in front of everyone.

Gu Ningning was sitting by the table, looking at the NDA matching information on several light and shadow screens. The NDA information of everyone in the city had already been extracted when the business department was established.

"How's it going Ning Ning!"

Lilian walked over. Gu Ningning shook her head and bowed to Mo Xiaolan first.

"Lord Mo Xiaolan, if there is no result by 6 o'clock, it means that this person has not entered his or her DNA information in the city."

"There will definitely be results!"

Mo Xiaolan's eyes were excited and he said confidently. Gu Ningning looked at Mo Xiaolan nervously. The five directors also began to walk towards the surrounding ring test bench and continued working.

"By the way, Mr. Mo Xiaolan, the last night when the city was under martial law, the analysis of human hair and body flakes extracted by your department at some signal locations may be a little slower. The identity information of 3,987 people has been verified, so..."

"There is no need to continue. It will be difficult for us to find out if we continue."

Gu Ningning looked at Mo Xiaolan with confusion, Lilian hugged her with a smile and said.

"Think about it, those rioters are very smart. On that night, we cut off all the networks, monitored the signals throughout the city, and found their location. If any of them thought of it, we could go to the street We went up to collect a large amount of human hair fragments and put them at the scene. If we want to find out who was at the scene that night, it will take a huge amount of time. I am afraid that we have found another thread now?"

Mo Xiaolan pushed his wheelchair to the light and shadow screen where he was still speculating, and watched quietly with his chin in his hand.

"By the way, let me ask you a question, Gu Ningning."

For a moment, Gu Ningning's heart skipped a beat, and she became a little anxious. Before Mo Xiaolan came, Huashen had told her how to deal with Ivy when she came to her home, so that she could hide it from Mo Xiaolan. Little lazy.

"What's the matter, Master Mo Xiaolan?"

Gu Ningning looked at Mo Xiaolan with a confused expression, and Lilian suddenly exclaimed.

"found it."

Everyone looked at the light and shadow screen next to them, and a piece of information showing a 100% DNA match appeared on it.

Name: Jaylin Reed

Gender: Female

Residence: Reed Theater, District 8

Identity: Director of Reed Theater

Mo Xiaolan immediately began to look at Jie Lin's personal information in detail. Lillian directly opened the light and shadow screen, used the authority to instantly access the surveillance near the Reed Theater, and directly input Jie Lin's information.

In less than a few minutes, light and shadow screens began to appear on top of each other. In an instant, all the screens began to separate. Each screen was searching for surveillance videos about Jie Lin in the past few days. As expected, it was quickly found, Mo Xiaolan. Quietly looking at the woman on the screen who always carries a cello on her back.

"Huh? She was there from 10 o'clock to 2 o'clock in the morning last night, and the night before, what?"

Gu Ningning said and Mo Xiaolan showed an excited smile.

"It's her, but the woman in the video last night is not necessarily Jie Lin, but a clone."

"Are you going to arrest immediately?"

Lilian asked, and Mo Xiaolan shook his head.

"She and Mansha are both from Reed Theater. I have suspected this woman before, but there is no evidence. It's good to find it now. The body fluids of a third party were found in the body of the woman in Chense, and Jie Lin Check out the NDA match.”

Gu Ningning immediately walked under a table and pressed it with one hand. As a stream of cold air overflowed, Gu Ningning took out a batch of NDA analysis solution, placed it on the table, and then called up a solution that could be inserted into the table. The test tube stand, put the test tube in.

A few minutes later, the match came out, 100%.

Mo Xiaolan laughed loudly with excitement, and Gu Ningning swallowed.

"Then why don't we send someone to get close to her and get the transmission information from her body, so that we can know whether she is a clone."

Mo Xiaolan shook his head.

"It's completely unnecessary. You just need to hold on to the two lines of Mansha and Jielin. When you pull out all the rioters, annihilate them in one fell swoop."

Didi didi

Mo Xiaolan glanced at the number and answered the phone with a smile.

"Lillian, go down and pick K up. Gu Ningning can borrow your office."

Ten minutes later, the door to Gu Ningning's office was opened. Mo Xiaolan was sitting behind the desk, resting his hands on his chin as he looked at K, who was wearing a white suit and walked in with a serious face. Lilian closed the door.

"It seems that you have understood the idea. Let's not talk nonsense. Your mission is to get close to the woman in the information. I don't care what means and methods you use. I need you to keep an eye on her 24 hours a day."

"It's too much. My body won't be able to bear it."

K looked at Mo Xiaolan with a blank expression. Mo Xiaolan threw a wallet over, and after K caught it, it showed 1 million.

"Your identity information will be redefined later. It will be the same as your identity when you came out of Section 2. Your current identity will also be retained, but some things will be redefined. Please remember all the information and do not show up. If anything goes wrong, if the situation is critical, take action directly. There is no need to show any mercy to the rioters. If you can catch them, keep them alive. If you can’t catch them, do you know what to do?"

K nodded, his face a little complicated for a moment. He looked at the information that Mo Xiaolan opened. He knew the woman on it. K was a little surprised, because he used to go to Reed Theater from time to time to watch stage plays.

"Keep talking to C and Chief R at any time. I need you to do everything you can to dig out the rioters. I have endured it for long enough. No matter what method is used, I will tell San Keke about this operation. Changhe, Section 5 Chief, can contact them directly for external support when necessary, and answer if you understand!"

The things in front of K's eyes began to distort, and his breathing became a little rapid. There was also a phone dedicated to members of the executive branch on the table, with a red number 2 and a K on it.

"I see!"

K walked over and picked up the phone, Mo Xiaolan chuckled.

"Welcome back to the battlefield K. You should know very well that if we fail to exterminate the rioters, how many innocent people will be implicated, so I remind you again, no matter what method is used."

K gave a dull hum, and the soft aura on his face disappeared for a while, and his eyes became extremely sharp. He opened the door and walked out.

"Where's Gu Ningning?"

Mo Xiaolan asked, and Lilian's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning, and she said with a smile.

"Section Chief, Ning Ning goes back to the laboratory to continue studying the unknown toxin."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter."

At 3:45 in the afternoon, the temperature at the mid-level is the highest of the day. It is located in the block between Section 5 and Section 3. At this time, a large number of members of the Executive Section can be seen sitting in some shops.

In an alley near Section 5, Ji Qing was waiting anxiously. She was a little worried. The other party actually had good intentions. Ji Qing half-heartedly agreed to the five female staff in their team. They looked very good. Happy look.

After hesitating, Ji Qing still told Niya about their affairs without contacting Mo Xiaolan directly.

During the chat with them, Ji Qing got some clues. She wrote down the data of the mutant's physical ability test in her head, and then told the bookmaker's people. This would not leave any evidence. Most of them This is what bookmakers should do.

In the mutant combat examination, the physical data can explain some problems to a large extent. In addition, there are many outstanding S-class mutants hired by gambling companies present. It should be possible to judge quickly through the comprehensive physical data of the initial battle. A battle is won or lost.

At this time, Ji Qing smelled the smell of tobacco, and she immediately looked over. Niya, wearing a coat and chewing a cigarette, appeared in front of Ji Qing with an angry look on her face. She was startled.

A few minutes later, Ji Qing told Niya everything the five people said. Niya directly retrieved the information of the five people. Only two of them were in some tight financial situations, such as mortgages and family living expenses.

Over the years, mutants from the same group taking exams would be grouped together to fight as long as their body values ​​were not too different. Niya was still hesitant.

"Forget it, don't do anything for now. If I go and talk to them now, you will be exposed, which is meaningless. You can find a way to fish. I need to know their more clear transaction process."

Niya looked helplessly at the five female general staff members on the light and shadow screen.

"By the way, Lady Niya, the team responsible for the exam records probably hasn't announced it to the public!"

Niya nodded and immediately put her hand on her forehead.

"This kind of problem is unavoidable. I will tell Michelle directly later and ask her to change the opponent on the spot."

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