Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1376 Collision (Part 2)

“When you wake up in the morning, your whole body won’t hurt from the cold. At least the air will be fresh when you go out. When you’re thirsty, you don’t have to run to the middle of the street to get water. You can drink directly from the faucet at home, and Oh, you don’t need to heat the tub when you take a shower, you have to use a bucket of water several times, you only have to eat liquid food once a day, and when you get home at night, at least you have electricity.”

"It's that simple?"

Wu Qun asked with a smile, Le Xiao nodded, seeming to think of something again.

"By the way, it would be nice if you could watch TV on weekdays. After dinner, you can take a walk in a park or something like that. There are some fitness facilities and the like."

"Any more?"

Le Xiao thought carefully for a long time and counted on his fingers.

"That's pretty much it."

"It's easy to do, if you have magic."

Le Xiao stood up angrily for a moment and looked at Wu Qun laughing and teasing him.

"If you keep running around like this, not to mention doing the simplest things, you will even destroy the original life structure at the bottom, so you have to do things with purpose and stages, rather than just come up with what you think of, so even if you continue to Even if you work hard, you can’t get anything done.”

Le Xiao sat down quietly, feeling that although the fat man's words were a bit unreasonable, he still made sense, so he planned to continue to listen to him patiently.

“How about we listen to what the middle- and upper-class ordinary citizens have to say?”

Le Xiao blinked and nodded.

"Something like a questionnaire!"

"The credibility rate of questionnaire surveys is less than 30%. People are hypocritical creatures. They will constantly beautify themselves and say casually what they have and don't have. Since you don't know what the middle and upper classes lack, try to create the illusion that the middle and upper classes lack it. Isn’t it ok if the people at the bottom provide the things for us?”

Le Xiao looked at Wu Qun in surprise.

"Can such a thing be done?"

"I just said, have you read the economic charts carefully?"

Wu Qun pointed to the block diagram on the light and shadow screen next to the city's current 118 districts, which showed intensive, sparse or even no economic activity.

"Do you understand what?"

Le Xiao looked at the color block carefully and replied.

“The color patches in the middle and upper layers seem to be quite even, but the color patches in some places on the lower layer are a bit different.”

Wu Qun nodded.

"To give you the simplest example, what animal do you think humans are more similar to?"

Lexiao answered after being confused for a few seconds.

"More like a monkey!"

Wu Qun looked at Le Xiao helplessly.

"Well even if it's a monkey jumping up and down, one monkey might be nothing, but two or three, a group?"

"Isn't that very noisy?"

Wu Qun nodded and pointed to the chart of economic density and thinness in the middle and upper classes again.

"The red color block indicates relatively large economic activity. The simplest so-called economic activity is buying and selling. The blue color block indicates average economic activity. The gray area indicates that there is almost no economic activity. The white area represents all economic activities. none."

As he spoke, Wu Qun stood up and brought up another light and shadow screen. He enlarged a light and shadow screen with a cross-section of Brilliant City. Wu Qun began to pull out the regional streets corresponding to the economic chart.

"Why do you think the middle and upper classes are economically stable?"

"Because everyone originally had a better job? It doesn't seem right."

Le Xiao pondered for a long time and shook his head. Looking at the neat red, blue, gray and white color blocks, he seemed to understand something in his head, but he couldn't tell the specifics.

"The progressive relationship between the economy is very subtle, and so are human activities. Only when the two are well integrated can there be a stable market. Most of the white places are residential areas, and these places are relatively quiet. , and the gray parts are some special economic zones related to residents’ lives, ranging from taste buds and breakfasts to some wall decoration materials for homes. These things are related to living.”

Le Xiao finally understood.

"Most of the blue commercial activity areas are related to food. There are many vegetable markets, and there may be people at three times every morning, noon and evening. Finally, there is the red commercial activity area. These places have everything you need. The ultimate place for eating, drinking and having fun. The spots are in these areas.”

"Yes, I used to run to the next street for breakfast when I went out in the morning. If I wanted to cook something for myself, I would have to run a little further. If I wanted to go shopping, I would have to go to the commercial plaza. If I was on holiday, I would go back and forth all day. Spent."

Wu Qun nodded.

"If you look at the districts with relatively good middle- and upper-class economies, they all have this kind of structural model. However, in other districts with poorer economies near the lower class, most of the economic models and structures are chaotic. If you look at the bottom class, do they look like little monkeys? The same thing, all heading towards where there is food?”

Le Xiao hummed, and the more she listened, the more interested she became.

“The four words of basic necessities, food, housing and transportation are not as simple as they appear on the surface. It took us many years to build this consumer market ecosystem with a progressive economy. Most people in the middle and upper classes have already formed an inertia. Basically, the daily necessities of life, food, clothing, housing and transportation will not change much throughout the year, so the economic structure is extremely stable. You should know that even if you get a business license from the business department, if you want to start an industry in the area, you need to get it from the district authority. To the business license within the area, right!”

Le Xiao nodded, this is indeed the case.

"Did you come up with this method?"

Wu Qun shook his head.

"My wife."

Le Xiao pouted, and Wu Qun continued.

"We will not put the economic activities that were originally supposed to be carried out in the blue areas in the red, gray or even white areas. The plan was gradually implemented in some districts 40 years ago, and the underlying economic activities are extremely chaotic. , you should be aware of this, aren’t you planning to build cinemas in places where there is no traffic at all?”

Le Xiao hummed, and Wu Qun pointed to the 58 districts on the bottom floor.

"If you want to improve the living standards of the people at the bottom, the first thing to do is to follow the economic structure that has been extremely stable for the middle and upper classes for many years. It does not mean that there are snack bars, material stores, and clothing stores on one street. , you can also open a barbecue restaurant and the like at night. People have inertia, and the social environment also has inertia. Now everything at the bottom is chaotic, there is no inertia at all, so the economic flow will always be only those Hot areas have been formed over the years, and everyone is rushing to compete in those places. Prices and rents are also rising year by year. In the end, everyone is bleeding and the entire business environment is in chaos, because no one knows what will happen in the future. In this way, everyone has become accustomed to this kind of chaotic life."

Le Xiao nodded understandingly, feeling that she understood a lot of things in an instant.

"I feel like you guys are pretty awesome."

Le Xiao said and Wu Qun smiled.

"Do you really think that the city can be completely stable by relying on the administrative department? Our council members play a role no smaller than that of the administrative department. Although the middle and upper levels have such an economic structure, they are inevitably affected by economic fluctuations caused by market changes, which leads to some Depression occurs in areas where the industry is not too developed. Coupled with the factional fighting among businessmen and parliamentarians, many things are uncontrollable, but economic stability is controllable. No matter what kind of investment, it is just a return to glory or a shot in the arm. The same thing, if you don’t put the entire economic market in order, chaos will make everything a mess, do you understand!”

Le Xiao nodded, and Wu Qun turned off the light and shadow screen.

"Any other suggestions or comments?"

Le Xiao started to turn on the light and shadow screen and took notes seriously. Wu Qun glanced at Le Xiao and did not intend to talk about the current disputes among the merchants, because these things had no effect on this little girl. The only The effect is to increase her pressure.

"That's all I've said. You can handle the rest yourself. Don't tell others. I told you. Do you understand? Our positions are different. In Congress, I will also spare no effort to deal with your administrative department. of."

Le Xiao blinked, watching Wu Qun push open the door to the room and walk out, and hurriedly chased after him.

"Thank you for telling me so much."

Wu Qun smiled helplessly. He didn't know why he told this little girl so much. Building a stable economic progressive market was far greater than the long-term benefits of industrial management. In Wu Qun's eyes, people rather than talking about It's like a monkey, or rather like a flock of sheep.

Someone must plan the route and travel time for this group of sheep. When they form a fixed habit, they will grow up healthily. After Wu Qun walked out of the alley, he smiled slightly. He remembered his wife for the first time. I was on a date with myself and talked about this issue. At that time, the middle- and upper-class neighborhoods were also very chaotic.

"Is there an effective solution?"

"Of course, I do. I think incremental economic planning is the only way for a city to make steady progress."

"That's really naive. How many years will it take?"

"How do you know how many years it will take if you don't do it?"

After noticing the sight, Wu Qun instantly jumped to the roof, where Michelle was standing.

"I have given her a preliminary concept. As long as this concept is actually implemented, it will lay a good foundation for the future. Why don't you tell her personally, Michelle."

Michelle shook her head.

"Some things are more convincing when told from the enemy's mouth. Thank you, Congressman Wu Qun."

"Looking at how anxious you are, do you know something about a major issue affecting the city, Her Majesty the Queen?"

Michelle stared at Wu Qun and shook her head.

"I won't ask any unnecessary questions. The conflicts at the bottom will become more and more intense, and the conflicts have already begun. The bottom is about to start fighting. We and the Fashion Association have begun to put pressure. It is very likely that the Film and Entertainment Association will You’ll be deflated once.”

Michelle nodded.

"It doesn't matter. What will you explain when you go back?"

Wu Qun smiled.

"We deserve our share, and I won't be polite. After all, I am a congressman!"


With a tired look on her face, Ji Qing followed her team members out of the Section 5 headquarters and went to the nearby block to rest. They could rest until 3 o'clock in the morning tomorrow, and then they had to get up and go to the examination room.

Ji Qing didn't say much, and the group went into a beverage shop to sit down and rest. They would have a dinner together later, and the team leader had to explain something.

Just after Ji Qing and several female staff members sat down, one of the women asked.

"Sister Xiaoli, do you want to make some extra money?"

Ji Qing just took a sip of water and almost spit out the water. She swallowed it with difficulty.

"Sister, what's the extra money?"

Ji Qing asked pretending to be ignorant.

"Tomorrow you will also be one of the record takers. It's very simple. You just need to tell me the physical values ​​​​of the mutants you recorded after the physical ability test is over. Under normal circumstances, we have more than 4,000 mutant candidates. Each person will be assigned to 3 to 4 people, which should be easier to remember. After the event is completed, each person will give you 1,000 yuan."

Ji Qing swallowed and didn't know how to answer. A woman next to her immediately put her arm around Ji Qing and said.

"It's just some self-media people who want to do some exclusive reporting. It's no big deal."

Ji Qing felt a little cold in her heart. She really couldn't see that the five female staff members in front of her, who looked gentle and nice, would do such a thing. There was actual evidence.

"Would it happen if the candidates' physical data were leaked?"

"It's okay little sister."

Ji Qing said oh and planned to tell Niya later, but for some reason Ji Qing always felt a little uncomfortable.

In Niya's office, Niya bit her cigarette and spoke loudly.

"If any of you are drawn tomorrow, give me a good fuck!"

At exactly 3 o'clock, every director's mobile phone was sent a selection document for examination officials by the General Affairs Department. Except for subjects 12 and 2, all directors in the other 10 subjects need to use a large format. Press the lottery button on the document with your thumb, and the results will be announced at 10 o'clock tonight. The director who is selected as the examiner needs to go to the General Affairs Department.

The most important actual combat scoring in the 10 combat examination rooms has a total of 100 directors. The chief examiner is Michelle, and the deputy examiner is Le Xiao. If the chief examiner and deputy examiner are dissatisfied with the on-site combat scoring, they can add or subtract scores based on their subjective consciousness. .

There have been cases in the past where board members collaborated with gambling companies to cheat, but now it is impossible, because no one is willing to lose the position they have worked so hard to climb for such a small amount of money.

Didi didi

Niya took a look at the document sent by Ji Qing. On it were the names of five people from Section 5, all of whom were ordinary section members. Niya blew out a puff of smoke and suddenly stood up angrily. She was still relaxed for a moment. The directors who were discussing were all startled.

"It's okay, you continue. I'll go out and finish the job at hand."

Niya said and turned around, grabbed her uniform, and jumped out of the window.

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