Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1363 Heating up (Part 2)

On a messy street, a group of people wearing light blue work clothes were busy on the street with cleaning tools.

"Hurry up, don't be lazy, eat at 1 o'clock!"

A yawning man leaning against the alley entrance wall and smoking a cigarette was urging the cleaners. At this time, the man had a smile in his eyes and a large sum of money in his pocket. After the demonstration, most of the people on the ground floor The main streets were a mess, and at times like this they could make a lot of money.

"If only it happened every day."

The man smiled and showed his black teeth. This man is a small gang leader in District 69. He has many companies under his control. The most profitable one is the cleaning company. He can earn enough by cleaning a few main streets. The pots are full.

The price offered by the administrative department was not low, 50 yuan for cleaning one person at a time. The men only gave these workers 5 yuan, and 45 yuan fell into their own pockets. Nowadays, a total of 8 large-scale demonstrations have taken place in District 69, located in More than 10 streets in the center were affected, and there were still black stains left on the streets after being burned, as well as some colored dust bags used for throwing, etc. There were a bunch of colorful colors on the ground.

Most major streets are cleaned regularly, but this kind of cleaning work is basically monopolized by gangs in the streets. Ordinary people cannot handle it at all. Many small gangs want to take advantage of this big move by the Executive Branch to make a profit. A windfall.

There are basically no formal jobs at the bottom. Most companies are handbag companies after obtaining qualifications. The company will only hire when there is work, but it is basically temporary employment.

Many industries such as cleaning, food scrap recycling, waste recycling, plant fiber clothing, accommodation hotels, pubs and restaurants, etc. are controlled and monopolized by some small groups at the bottom.

The construction industry, in particular, is controlled by some gangs, and the relationships between these gangs are complicated. But basically, except for some new gangs, most gangs are affiliated with One-Eyed Fox, Baleka and Jin.

It's just that most people in the small gang now know that things are going to change at the bottom. Now is an important time to step away and clear their name, and it is also an opportunity to rise to the middle level.

Many people from the 7th Department can be seen on the street, conducting damage audits on some damaged shops along the way. There are also many people from insurance companies following. The insurance business is surprisingly popular on the ground floor, and the insurance amount is not large. Once your finances are damaged, you can get full compensation, but there is no private medical insurance business.

At this time, the man at the entrance of the alley hurriedly stood up straight and approached with a smile on his face. Pasha came over with many team captains.

"Clean it up today, don't put it off until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"Master Pasha, don't worry. Don't worry when I do things!"

Pasha was just about to leave, but she couldn't help but ask.

"Have you paid them properly?"

The man nodded wisely.

"Of course, according to the labor law, temporary wages must not be less than 40% of the total value of the company's services, and 20 yuan will be paid to them naturally. However, most of our company's employees are long-term temporary workers, and insurance must be purchased for them. There are still taxes and other things to pay, including deposits for tools and clothing used by some staff, so I will give them 5 yuan for the time being, and we will make up for it after we calculate it!"

Pasha didn't say anything, and the other party was very reasonable, but she knew very well that these workers would never get the remaining 15 yuan of nominal wages. If anyone did, he would lose his job.

Each cleaning work can only be paid for with taxes in the area. Pasha now has to go to the district office, and Section 5 will pay for it temporarily, and then hand over the details of the expenditure to the district office on the spot, and the district office It will be submitted before the city meeting at the end of the month, and the money will be directly added to the heads of the 5 subjects when the next tax is distributed.

All taxes used for repairs and rectifications in the region, as well as water and electricity subsidies, and education subsidies, are submitted through cross-handover between the administrative department and the district office. However, regional construction funds and internal construction funds of the administrative department do not need to be handed over. How? Use is a matter between both parties.

The use of regional construction funds of the district power office directly determines the votes in the annual parliamentary election in the region. Most of the construction funds of the administrative department are used to repair uniforms, department equipment, and maintenance of weapons and equipment, including network Maintenance, etc., the remaining part will be directly incorporated into the welfare funds of the members of the corresponding departments in the district, but there will basically not be much tax left in the district every month, especially in areas like the ground floor. , the wages of most of the lower-level district bureau members have not increased for many years, and only meager welfare benefits are increasing slowly.

Pasha looked at the street quietly. Nearly five small groups were involved in the cleaning work this time. These groups were very close to the MPs. They also played an important role in voting for the MPs and even voted for ordinary people. Citizens use some means to coerce and induce them to vote for designated people during elections. Most people don't care about the economic environment at the bottom. Many people just watch the members of Congress vote, and after voting for designated people, they get Benefits to a certain extent.

The bottom class is not like the middle and upper classes. There is fierce competition among legislators from various factions, and there are many ways to boost votes.

There were still many problems, and Pasha couldn't imagine how secretary Le Xiao would solve them, but what just happened gave her hope.

At this time, Pasha saw a bunch of people filling up the seats in a restaurant bar. Many people were holding playing cards and just asking for some ice water, just sitting and playing cards. Pasha walked over quickly and looked at the boss. With an annoyed look on her face, this restaurant and bar had just opened, so Pasha naturally knew what was going on.

"I'll give you three minutes. If you don't leave, you can go to the eastern farm to work for a month tomorrow!"

A few men who were still laughing stood up and ran hurriedly. In less than a minute, everyone in the store was gone, and the boss hurriedly walked out.

"Thank you, sir, thank you!"

Most of the small groups targeting these newly opened restaurants do it to obtain the food scraps from the restaurants at low prices, and then sell them to some middle-level liquid food manufacturers at a profit.

Pasha didn't say anything. She squinted at the guys who had left the store but were still watching. They would not make trouble or hit anyone because they knew that the matter violated the security of the area. However, They will use this rogue method to interfere with the store and they will come back again.

Pasha walked quickly to a few guys who had not left and were watching. When they saw Pasha, they turned and ran away. Pasha jumped over with a lunge and grabbed one of the guys by the collar.

"Let me tell you, if you dare to cause trouble, don't blame me for being rude. If I don't smash up your pub next time, I will send you all to prison."

The man nodded in horror, Pasha pushed him, and the group of people ran away quickly.

More than 10 years ago, some gangs at the bottom dared to resist the administrative department, and would even attack the people in the administrative department. The attackers were happy to resist the blame, but the guys behind the scenes looked innocent.

After that, Niya directly told their lower-level officers that if necessary, they would use informal means and give them a good beating before they would be honest. The group just now had their shop smashed by Pasha and others. And they beat them up severely. Before, a clerk kept reminding them not to disturb the people, but one day they surrounded and beat up the clerk. At that time, Pasha got angry and took someone over to kill him. Their store was damaged to the point where it could only be rebuilt.

Although Pasha took responsibility afterwards, Niya said nothing and only symbolically deducted two months of her salary.

"What a bunch of bastards like flies!"

Pasha said angrily and continued walking with the team captains.

"Stop hiding, I know you're here!"

Michelle stood on the edge of the rooftop of Section 13 store, looking at the situation below. Le Xiao had already gone down, found Honghong, and was ready to have a meeting.

"Everyone, wait a minute. I have to talk to people from the film company first. I'm sorry!"

Le Xiao said awkwardly. Chen Qiao, who was in the team at this time, widened his eyes. Honghong followed Le Xiao into the store of Section 13 with a smile.

Wu Qun emerged from the invisible state and sat cross-legged on the ground with a smile on his face. He looked at Michelle with a smile.

"The momentum seems to be a little different, Michelle!"

Michelle turned around and walked towards Wu Qun. Their eyes met for a moment, and Wu Qun stood up.

"Amazing change, Her Majesty the Queen, congratulations in advance!"

Wu Qun put his hand on his chest and bowed. Michelle was a little surprised, but the surprise flashed away. She didn't know what Wu Qun knew. Everything about last night should be a secret. ongoing.

"This is your first time coming to the bottom, Michelle. In the past, you always had arrogance in your eyes, and you have never set foot on the land of the bottom, because in your understanding, you naturally don't have much affection for people at the bottom. I can’t blame you, after all, you are the leading princess in the city, and you also know how cruel it is for the weak to sympathize with the weak without meaning, but now it is different, you have stepped onto the bottom."

Michelle looked at Wu Qun with a serious smile. The guy in front of her could always see through everything at a glance and had extremely keen insight.

"Is that what you want to say?"

Wu Qun shook his head.

"We may have to work together for another twenty or thirty years in the future, and I will not quit this game of thrones! You are confident and powerful, and your heart is stronger than anyone I have ever seen, even stronger than yours." Mother, because you are strong enough, you are able to carry a lot of things. You used to feel like a benchmark to me, but this morning you suddenly came down, and I felt different again. In the past, you just served as a role model on the top of the Capitol Hill. A dazzling gem that everyone longs for. You just focus on business matters, but now it is different. You have come to the bottom! It is enough to explain everything. Although I don’t know what the gods said to you, but The only thing I can think of is that your identity is different. Congratulations again! Her Majesty the Queen!"

Wu Qun bowed again as he spoke, and Michelle looked at him quietly, knowing very well that he would not say meaningless words. The two of them joined forces for the first time a few days ago and perfectly solved some problems.

"What on earth do you want to say!"

"To be honest, Michelle, I admire you very much. If I were decades younger, I would definitely pursue you crazily!"

Michelle said slightly angrily.

"Please watch your words, Councilor Wu Qun!"

"This is not a joke, Michelle, I just hope that in the next 30 years, the city can continue to move forward steadily as before, so we can cooperate again, just like the current situation at the bottom, we can follow the thoughts of that simple little girl , because her innocent thoughts can reach the other side of the light. I have read countless people, and I can still see this. I am even more convinced this morning, and there must be many guys with always colorful heads who still feel that The girl is a cunning and cunning type, what is the final result after complicated superpositions!"

Michelle looked at Wu Qun blankly and nodded, understanding what he wanted to say. Wu Qun came over and stretched out a hand to Michelle. Michelle hesitated for a second and took it. Wu Qun's hand.

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