
There was a burst of clapping, and Kara looked at the dispersing crowd with a smile. The same was true on many congested streets in other districts. A large number of reporters were reporting on this seemingly unbelievable event this morning. It was clear that a conflict was about to happen. However, now that the conflict has been resolved, no one was injured, only fires broke out in some places, and this time the attitude of the acting department made many people find it incredible.

Especially in some eating bars on the middle floor, many people were very surprised. The whole city saw everything that happened this morning and what those at the bottom said. Many people were having heated discussions, and the results of the discussion were The hottest thing is that this time, the Executive Branch did not arrest some of the people who threw rocks, Molotov cocktails, or carried weapons to attack and destroy, but only confiscated the dangerous items in their hands.

In a certain food bar, a man said angrily.

"I don't quite believe that the Executive Branch will do something. Isn't the current situation at the bottom caused by the Executive Branch, the congressmen, and those greedy businessmen? It does seem to make people feel warm, but in fact it won't Nothing has changed."

"Yes, there are also those mobs. It would be better if they were arrested as soon as possible. They might break out again one day."

"I said you two, are you human?"

"I am telling the truth."

The two groups at the next table started arguing. Seeing that an argument was about to break out, the owner of the shop stepped forward and smiled.

"There were no casualties. Isn't it a good result? Guests, there is no need to argue. If you want to argue, you can wait a few months and see the results."

Niya sat quietly in the office. A bunch of directors in front of her were still busy. Qin Dong was arranging some things for the directors to do tomorrow. Many of the directors looked relaxed at this time. They looked at the sitting officials. Niya was behind the desk, her legs crossed on the table, wearing a coat, holding the phone in one hand, holding a cigarette with a smile on her face.

"What a surprise, Gene. That little girl did a good job. I almost rushed down this morning. Fortunately, nothing happened. If nothing happens, let's have a barbecue together tonight!"

"It's better for you to go to bed early. Tomorrow will be very busy. I have to go back to the General Affairs Department now. As for what that girl does, just let her do it. Everything I can do has been done."

Niya nodded.

"By the way, when you and my sister officially start fighting, you must notify me, okay!"

"Just recently!"

Located in the Bell Tower Square at the headquarters of the Urban Management Section, there are now a number of sports cars of various colors parked quietly in glass rooms on the square. Everyone is allowed to visit. King Xue is standing in the square. The reporter asked some questions about the display of these cars. The meaning of sports car.

"Vehicles, as the most convenient means of transportation for us humans, will play a certain role in the two future proposals for barrier areas and ravine areas. This display is mainly to let citizens see physical vehicles. After all, there are many Young citizens have only seen cars in movies, TV shows, graphic novels.”

At this time, a reporter suddenly changed the subject.

"Excuse me, Section Chief Xue Wang. There was a large-scale demonstration at the bottom just now, but it was resolved under the leadership of Section 13 Secretary Le Xiao. This time, you..."

"We sent this 26-year-old genius to the bottom, naturally to solve many problems at the bottom. As for such a small problem, she naturally doesn't care. So, dear reporter friends, the reason why genius is called Genius is because he can do many things that ordinary people cannot do. If Secretary Le Xiao can't even solve such a small problem, it is naturally impossible to call him a genius. Please look forward to this youngest secretary in the business department. Just perform well!”

Le Xiao felt relaxed as she entered the store, and many merchants began to swarm over again.

"You guys wait a minute, I'll go up to drink some water and eat something first. I'm hungry!"

Le Xiao jumped upstairs with brisk steps. However, the moment he stepped onto the second floor, Le Xiao immediately stood up straight.

"Your Excellency Secretary-General!"

He said with a loud salute and a loud voice. Michelle, who was sitting behind the desk directly opposite the sofa area on the second floor, nodded with her hands clasped together. The room was filled with secretaries and directors from the General Affairs Department, who were still processing some documents.

"Secretary Le Xiao, as for what you said about letting people at the bottom watch the mutant examination program for free, please talk to someone from the Film Association yourself."


Michelle stood up, turned and walked to the next room.

"Come in with me."

After Michelle walked in, Le Xiao smiled awkwardly and glanced at Wu Lei, as if she wanted to confirm something with him. Wu Lei secretly made an OK gesture and nodded, and Le Xiao ran in quickly. .

"close the door!"

Le Xiao nodded and closed the door to the room. Michelle turned her back to Le Xiao and said a little seriously.

"Please don't call me tigress in front of others in the future!"

Le Xiao's heart skipped a beat, and her cheeks felt like they were on fire. She was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to do. She lowered her head and didn't know where to put her hands. At this time, Michelle turned around and walked to Le Xiao. .

"Well done today!"

Le Xiao's eyes widened in surprise. Michelle put her hand on Le Xiao's secretary crest and nodded affirmatively.

"Then what I want to say is that according to some companies that have obtained the rights to broadcast live mutant examinations over the years, the income that the bottom layer can create for these companies is about 20 million. If it is free, it is equivalent to letting these companies spend a lot of money to The company that bought the broadcast rights from the acting department will lose money, so you have to discuss it with someone from the Motion Picture Entertainment Association as soon as possible."

Le Xiao swallowed, and suddenly remembered that there was still some money in Section 13's treasury, so it would be great if it could be subsidized to them.

"If you want to use the treasury of Section 13 to subsidize, there are currently not enough millions. If your section has no money, you can only apply to Congress for special intra-section financial assistance in advance, no later than 3 days before the city meeting at the end of the month. , you have to submit an application, and I can give you the application format template later."

Le Xiaomu nodded, feeling that Michelle was not angry, and this was the first time in a long time that Michelle had praised her.

"The next thing is about the mutant promotion exam hosted by the Business Department tomorrow. I am the chief examiner, and you are the deputy examiner. Have you carefully read the materials I sent you?"

"Look at it. A little bit!"

Michelle frowned slightly.

"If you are asked by reporters tomorrow some questions related to mutants, you must answer them. After all, your current information is that you are a super S-level mutant, and many people have seen your battle videos in Area 79. "

Le Xiao blushed and wanted to find a hole to get in in embarrassment.

"Please talk to the people from the film company at noon. Among the businessmen below is Honghong, an important figure in the Film Association. She is Jiang Hao's wife."

Le Xiao was a little confused, Michelle explained.

"Jiang Hao is the head of the Jiang family, the eight largest families in the city, and the president of the Film and Entertainment Association. Councilors from the film and entertainment faction are also there."

Michelle wanted to say more, but stopped. She walked to the door, when Le Xiao turned around.

"Why don't you leave after lunch? Mr. Secretary-General, you haven't been to the ground floor, right?"

Michelle hesitated for a second and then nodded.

"Mom, prepare a rich lunch today. I want to eat it."

Looking at Le Xiao behind her who had already taken out her phone and was busy talking about the name of the dish, Michelle opened the door, but she didn't say a word of what she wanted to say to Le Xiao.

Sometimes you just need to be simpler, just a little simpler!

The secretaries and directors stood up one after another, seeming to be ready to return to the General Affairs Department with Michelle.

"We'll have lunch at Secretary Le Xiao's house today, and you can continue working!"

"Mom, there are a lot of people. Let's borrow some tables and chairs from the aunt next to us. There will be about thirty people."

At this time, on the first floor, Letty heard Le Xiao's shout as soon as she stepped into the store door. Ye Jiao and Yin Cai behind her were also a little surprised. None of the three of them expected that the three of them were still there before the riot started. , they had already discussed it and quickly went to other districts. Once a riot broke out, they would directly conduct on-site command. However, the matter was resolved easily.

The wise man looked at the three secretaries who went upstairs in the store. At this time, he still felt a little confused, because he never thought that the problem could be solved so easily. What came to mind was suppression. He originally planned to let Le Xiao directly issue a suppression order. Before the situation escalated, he directly asked people from Section 3 and Section 5 to use tear gas to attack the enemy. suppressed the riot.

"No, it's really unscientific and impossible!"

The wise man lowered his head and really couldn't figure it out, because in his memory, no demonstrations could be resolved smoothly.

At this time, on the west side of 117, in a chaotic neighborhood behind a main road, many children were eating in a small yard enclosed by a simple steel frame.

"Eat slowly!"

Cheng Chen smiled and patted a little girl on the back. She looked at Cheng Chen with some fear. The female team member behind him looked at the wallet in her hand.

"Captain, you have to report this account to Section 13."

Cheng Chen nodded.

"It's okay. I'll go back later. I'll go to Section 7 and cancel the fixed deposit. I'll transfer it to you first."

Cheng Chen bought the food with his own money. He bought enough food to support the children here for a month. However, there was not enough money in his wallet and card, so he had to borrow some from his colleagues. Looking at the children here, the youngest is only 4 years old. The oldest is about 10 years old.

I heard from the female dean just now that most of the children here are children whose parents were expelled, were in jail, or were working on farms in the east without supervision. Some parents even went out and never came back. Although they were found, there was still something in their words. They just hope that the local welfare home can help take care of it.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the welfare home. Cheng Chen ran over quickly, and more than a dozen people from Department 4 came in with some medical equipment.

"Just put the money for medical treatment on my head later."

Cheng Chen said, and a team leader from Section 4 smiled.

"Our dean has told us to fully cooperate with Secretary Le Xiao's work."

The director of the welfare home hurriedly led people from the 4th department into the large shed built with simple steel frames. The environment inside was very poor. Many children were already sick, and more than ten children with some serious symptoms were still lying in bed. on the bed.

Cheng Chen had never felt so happy. At this time, several reporters from CBV broke in at the door and started filming and interviewing.

Cheng Chen stood aside, and several team members immediately began to go over and began to accept the interview in cooperation.

Do you have to make such a serious fuss to be willing to take a look?

Although Cheng Chen was dissatisfied with this approach, he was in a particularly good mood today. He had always been speechless. When he saw many things, he would reach out and do what he could. However, the whole city was still filled with indifference for so many years, but The difference now is that someone can speak on his behalf, and the voice has spread.

Cheng Chen took a look at the somewhat dilapidated orphanage and looked around.

"Kids, let me fix it for you!"

Many children laughed and gathered around Cheng Chen, clamoring for Cheng Chen to help repair some toys. The dazzling sunshine shone in the courtyard. Cheng Chen smiled and walked into the courtyard in front of him, dragged by a group of children. hut.

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