Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1355 Turning the Page (Part 2)


The lights on the ground floor were exceptionally bright tonight. Some street lights that would normally go out at 0 o'clock were still brightly lit at this time. Drunk people could be seen everywhere on the streets.

On the streets of District 66, there are many pedestrians still gathering in twos and threes. Because this district is close to the middle class, Zou Yun took a fancy to this district in the early years. He decisively purchased a large amount of land and built many independent houses. There are many villas and communities, and many middle-class and slightly affluent people have bought houses here.

Because it was close to the annual mutant examination, most companies were on holiday, and the area benefited from the fact that Section 13 secretary Le Xiao settled on the ground floor.

Some middle-level people who invested in shops here have sold all their shops. This place has been deserted for a long time. Many people believed that Zou Yun would make this place not inferior to many places in the middle-level. People will buy real estate here only in the best districts at the bottom. However, the so-called economic revitalization plan has been repeatedly frustrated.

One of the biggest reasons is the large and small power groups at the bottom. Many consumer industries will be hindered in one way or another before they have even started. The cost that was originally required under normal circumstances has become such a complex situation at the bottom. Double or even triple.

If they are unwilling to agree to the conditions of some powerful gangs, they will use rogue and other methods to disrupt normal operations. Although such actions will be arrested by the administrative department, at most they will work on the farm for 1 to 3 months, which is a crime. The cost is very low but for some business-oriented industries, the effect is outstanding.

Over the years, the bottom floor has been like a big mud pit. No matter what method is used, it will sink to the bottom like stones in a swamp. Especially when there are fights caused by gang interest disputes, most people just know how to do it. If you are arrested and put on record, if the crime is not particularly serious, you will basically be sent to a farm to work for a week or two as punishment.

The most critical thing is that for some illegal crimes, there are no witnesses at all. Many people who have been threatened with violence and persecution are speechless because they are afraid of being retaliated. There have been countless bloody lessons in this kind of thing, and it is important to act scientifically. I can't control it, because many people are unwilling to speak up, and those gang organizations have figured out the appropriateness of their operations over the years, and generally will not do anything that crosses the line. The situation at the bottom is in such a delicate balance, like a pool of stagnant water.

Bang bang

"Brother, I was wrong, please forgive me."

Tamai directly knocked a young man's head against the wall. After the blood flowed out, the young man fell softly to the ground. Many people onlookers watched in silence. On a lively back street, More than 20 young people were lying in confusion.

"It's over, it's over, it's okay, no one will die!"

Tamai said and dusted himself off. He had made an appointment with a friend here to meet, but when Tamai went to the toilet, he accidentally bumped into a few young people. As a result, the other party naturally took advantage of the alcohol. , relying on the strength of their numbers, wanted to extort a sum of money from Tamai, but Tamai directly gave these people a severe lesson.


At this time, the crowd started to get noisy again. Just when everyone thought Tamay was going to be taught a lesson, they never expected such a result.

"Who's causing trouble here?"

A drunken team leader from Section 5 came over with more than a dozen team members. Tamai looked at it sideways and showed the special letter of appointment for Section 13. The team leader immediately nodded and said he would handle it.

"Although it's much better than before, it's just that times have changed, and what remains unchanged is always the bottom class."

Tamai glanced at the time and returned to a barbecue shop on the main street. There were still people at this point. As the mutant exam approached, everyone's topic today about the secretary of Section 13 began to gradually shift to mutants. During the exam, many people were looking at the names of those who registered for the exam, and had already begun to buy gambling. In order to attract large amounts of money, some gambling companies offered relatively high odds before the exam began, and accumulated funds. Then, use this large amount of funds to make sure-win bets on other gambling companies' markets. Basically, every year, you can make a sure profit without losing money.

Looking at the street in front of him, Tamai smiled helplessly. Although it was still chaotic, it just lacked the death and large-scale bloody conflicts, as well as the women standing on the streets. It was just that it was difficult to ban fights.

At this time, there were some conflicts on the street. People on both sides began to gather together and start pushing and shoving. Soon, people from the business department came to stop them, and the two sides quickly dispersed.

"finally come!"

Tamai looked towards the street, and saw a tall man with a beard walking quickly towards this side, wearing a gray workman's uniform and a work cap.

"Finally here Andre!"

Tamai said, the man immediately picked up a bottle of high-strength wine on the table after he sat down, and drank it in one gulp. The man who took off his hat had a weathered look on his face, and he looked very old, with a thick brown beard. It looks like weeds that haven't been taken care of for a long time.

"Boss, bring me more wine."

The man named Andre has the words Rocket Express on his hat. There is only Andre in this company. He is both the boss and the courier.

"Sorry Tamai, went to make a few deliveries."


Tamai said, Andre grinned, grabbed the food on the table and ate it.

"It's not easy for you either. It's already hard to stay alive!"

There was a deep helplessness in Andre's words. Tamai nodded. He had not seen Andre for many years. He used to be a cadre of the Wise Crime Group at the bottom, but he only acted as a thug. , and they got along well with Tamai. On the eve of the accident, Tamai leaked part of the information to Andrei before he was arrested. Andrei did not hesitate and ran away with his family, and in the end he escaped. , but he was still caught later, all his assets were confiscated, and the mutants were directly removed from the list. They will never be able to obtain relevant documents for mutants, and they will not be able to enjoy the wages that mutants of the corresponding level should have, and they have been sitting on the job for almost 20 years. The prisoner was finally released.

After coming out, Andre went to see Tamai, hoping that Tamai would help him. However, Tamai could only spend most of the month at his own home, eating and drinking whatever he wanted every week. Make a list, and people from Section 1 will send it to you later, but it cannot exceed the quota of money that can be used that week, and your life will be miserable.

"Is there any good work I can do?"

Looking at Andre looking anxious.

"Short of money?"

"My daughter is getting married at the end of the year. I owe a lot to my family in my life. I want to buy an apartment for my daughter, but I still have a shortfall of more than 300,000 yuan."

Tamai nodded.

"Mr. Jean entrusted me to help him find some capable helpers. Are you willing?"

Andre nodded quickly in agreement.

"Don't you want to ask something?"

Andre shook his head.

"It doesn't matter even if you go to hell. Besides, I'm helping Mr. Jean, so I still trust him."

"We need to take a walk outside the barrier."

Andre was a little surprised, but he nodded quickly. At this time, he seemed a little embarrassed, and his hands covered with a lot of calluses were trembling slightly.

"If possible, can you."

"300,000, right?"

Andre hummed, his eyes a little red.

"Relationship with family."

Andre wiped his eyes and nodded, and Tamai patted him on the shoulder.

"Although things may be more dangerous this time, when I find all the people, we will all get together. Then I will talk to Mr. Jean. Do you have any requests when I come back?"

"Erase all my previous records!"


The boiling water spilled out of the kettle and splashed on the wise man's pants. He immediately jumped up and kicked the kettle away angrily.

The wise man opened his mouth slightly, and there was a burning pain in his jaw. He was alone on the second floor of Section 13's shop. He was born to be extremely strong. After the people from Section 5 sent him back, he let them leave, holding both hands. No consciousness at all.

With a touch of warmth in his eyes and a sore nose, the wise man stared quietly at the overturned kettle, and the steaming scalding water spilled all over the floor. Unknowingly, tears fell from his eyes.

The wise man has never had such a sense of frustration. Since a long time ago, he has relied on his clever head and constantly used all available resources and connections around him to constantly consolidate his position. Step by step, he has climbed to the bottom of the mud pit. top.

Looking again at my hands that are still in plaster and unable to move, I don't have any feeling below my shoulders. No matter what I do these days, I can only use my mouth or feet to replace the functions of my hands.

Looking at his hands that had no feeling at all, the wise man felt despair. When he helped the wise man perform surgery before, Hua Shen said that the only way for his hands was to amputate. If he wanted to recover, the probability was almost zero.

The wise man has never been so helpless as tonight. Everything he designed was broken in an instant. He didn't know how to explain to that innocent little girl, and he didn't know how to make the bottom All parties are convinced because what everyone thinks is not on the same channel.

Wise men had previously doubted whether Le Xiao really didn't know or whether he didn't know how complicated the underlying problems were, but now it seems that Le Xiao knows and really wants to solve these problems.

The more you want to get out of something, the deeper you get stuck in it. This is what a wise man feels today. He has no other ideas. He is no longer young. Those glorious years in the past are gone forever. At this time, At this moment, the wise man just wants to solve the problem of grandson Ranzai properly.

These days, wise men always dream about the past, instilling evil into Ran Zai again and again, making him look at the world through evil eyes.

The thoughts in his head became more and more confusing. The wise man endured the pain all over his body and walked to the top floor step by step. Looking at the bustling streets around him, the wise man felt unprecedented pressure.

"Obviously controlling everything is the easiest solution, but it is extremely difficult to solve the problem!"

A deep sense of powerlessness fills the body of the wise man. The bottom layer has become like this. He has contributed most of the role. He uses money and power to tie everything up. This is what wise men have always done. He only needs to be a Just hold on to these knotted ropes, but everything is going to be a situation that a wise man cannot predict or imagine.

Didi didi

The wise man sat on the ground, hunched over with difficulty, bit out his cell phone from his pocket, and answered an unfamiliar number.

"Excuse me."


For a moment, the wise man's heart was full of mixed feelings, and his chest was filled with suffocation. He kept choking, and after adjusting for a long time, he said.

"What's wrong?"

"You shouldn't be crying, haha!"

A burst of hearty laughter came out, and the wise man held back tears, but the tears still came out.

"Feel sorry!"

"When these words come out of your mouth, it's really disgusting. It's extremely disgusting. I just want to ask you tonight, how did my mother die back then?"

The wise man did not answer, nor dared to answer.

"of course"

"I'm sorry, grandpa, my brain works very well. You are already old. If you feel tired, you can also choose. The method you once taught me should be the best for those who are helpless and reach the end of the road. My sincere condolences, living is meaningless to you!"

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