Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1354 Turning the Page (Part 2)

"Are you crazy!"

Heimo pressed his aching head and looked at his wife's body parts scattered in the room. His head felt dizzy. He tried to get up several times, but was unable to do anything. The clone Frye was sitting at a table. Some files are being arranged on a light and shadow screen.

"Your wife wants to get rid of me, because once I am exposed, you will definitely be eliminated by the creators, and Lolita will not let you go first!"

There was a hint of sadness in Heimo's eyes. He finally got up and walked to the scattered machines, looking sadly at the parts scattered on the ground.

"No matter what, you are just a pawn on both sides after all, not a hot commodity that can be cured by both sides. Once you lose your value, they will not let you go, so your only way is to cooperate with me!"

Heimo stared at clone Frye with anger in his eyes, and then he glanced at the data code Frye was writing on the light and shadow panel.

"what do you want to do?"

"What is the correct way to use cloning?"

Heimo stared at clone Frye with some suspicion.

"I am very different now from before, don't you think?"

Heimo nodded. The clone Frye in front of him has indeed become a little different. The body that used to take two or three days to be cloned was only completed in just a few hours, because Heimo had no choice. I work here 24 hours a day, looking at the data panel that generates the body, and adding effective amounts when some substances are insufficient.

A flash of cyan particles flashed in front of Heimo's eyes, and he seemed to understand.

"Is it caused by the power of the cyan god!"

Clone Fry pointed to his head.

"What do you think it would be like to have a shared consciousness!"

Heimo's eyes widened.

"Your spirit will collapse in an instant."

Clone Fry laughed and shook his head.

"We can start the experiment now, Minister. I have put all my genetic material into the cultivation chamber, and my ideology will be transferred to another person with the same ideology every minute and every second. Let’s wait and see.”

Clone Frye said and stood up. Heimo looked back at the parts scattered on the floor and then at Frye.

"Aren't you the same? Wanting to use me and throw me away when I'm of no use."

Fry pushed Heimo's crib away and shook his head.

"You just want to live and live to see the day when your ideals come true, and I am the same. My only purpose is just to live. I am not someone else's substitute or someone else's tool."

Heimo walked over and asked with a serious expression.

"Tell me more specifically!"

"I will continue to clone myself. I don't need to use the brain's quantum signal converter to store my memory. You only need to help me adjust the body values ​​​​for testing. It is not so much cloning as copying. My brain is not stupid, right? !”

Heimo understands what clone Fry wants to do, but the risk is very huge. He wants to clone himself infinitely, and all clone Fry can be cloned through the power of the cyan god he currently controls. Complete the coexistence of consciousness, so that his head will be exploded by the infinite superposition of mental energy consumption.

"Signal circuit breakers have existed before. When using the shared consciousness system, some machines that have been invaded by viruses can be disconnected and shielded. I don't know what will happen if it is used on the human brain. I can try it and see. , your idea is a bit crazy, this approach is like AI12 infinitely copying its own personality template, using its own personality and emotional template to record the information of the downloader, thereby forming a new personality, let's give it a try."

Heimo said and walked to the ground. After pressing with one hand, the ground turned into mud, and the two of them were swallowed up in the ground in an instant.

In the underground independent laboratory, there are a large number of materials used to make human bodies. These things were secretly taken from the underground factory by Hemio over many years, in order to prevent himself from being killed one day. .

Once Hemio dies, his wife AI12 will inject his genetic information into the culture chamber and clone himself. Over the years, Hemio has tried many times to transfer his complete consciousness into Quantum signals are stored in quantum signals, but all have failed. Except for Frye and Lolita, others who want to achieve such a transformation can usually only let the machine recognize the brain signals over many years, add human manipulation, and rewrite it bit by bit into Quantum memory signal, stored.

In Hemio's view, the human brain is more like an extremely sophisticated biological machine. At present, humans are not yet able to fully decipher and control everything about this machine. Although each person's innate genes determine the degree of intelligence, the brain has been One hundred percent human use.

However, under current scientific theory, 10% of the brain's neurons are the core, and the remaining 90% of glial cells provide neuronal energy for these 10%. It seems that the brain has been completely understood. Analysis, in fact, the supply method, supply level, and supply cycle of 90% of glial cells all determine the strength of the 10% of neuronal cells that provide human intelligence, that is, smart people The difference between a fool and an idiot.

These tens of trillions of glial cells provide energy for nearly 100 billion neurons, which itself is like a mathematical problem piled up with countless probabilities, and this problem is difficult even in the face of powerful AI. It cannot be calculated accurately, just like a weird paradox question, under what circumstances does 1 plus 1 not equal 2? There are countless solutions and infinite possibilities.

It is impossible to determine what kind of supply method can make the neurons of the brain more developed. The reason why there is no way to simply convert the memories in the complex brain neurons into quantum signals is because of the infinitely large digital combination of the human brain. caused.

Human memory often has slight variability. Such variability creates uncertainty, just like something that happened on a normal day to a person. Although he can remember it the next day, he can only remember it the next day. Partly, if the next day, different things may appear in the memory, and as time goes by, the memory can only remember the most important thing that happened that day, and the brain often changes or even beautifies the process of that day. Therefore, along with these complex changes, the instability of memory is created.

In the end, Heimo came to the conclusion that only geniuses with brains strong enough to remember what happened every minute could completely transform brain memories into complete quantum memory signals, but this could only be done in the short term. , and most ordinary people may only vaguely remember what happened in the morning, many details, such as how to go to the toilet, how to eat, how to chew when eating, what dish to eat first, and even what exactly you talked about with others. Specific details of the content.

As long as these things are vague, memory fragments will appear during the transformation process, and the incomplete signal will cause serious blank layers in the cloning vector. These blank layers will stimulate the completion mechanism of the cloned brain neurons, and the brain will Unable to stop trying to complete these incomplete memories, causing great damage to the clone. This is why the clone can only survive for up to three months. The brain controls the body, and the brain begins to age. , the body will also have irreversible problems.

The only solution currently found to solve the problem of rapid body failure of clones is genetic enhancers, which can improve the adaptability of the organs and brain in a short period of time, and increase the number of genes to extend the life of clones.

Looking at Frye who was busy putting raw materials into the reactor next to the culture chamber, Heimo smiled helplessly.

"Perhaps it is because you are Frye's clone that you are able to do many things that are difficult for ordinary people to do. After all, Frye in my memory has always been like this since he was a child. He can always do things that most geniuses cannot do. matter."

Clone Fry laughed.

"As long as people have strong beliefs, they can overcome many things. Or to put it more beautifully, people have souls!"


Deguna stared at Jean with cold eyes.

"It would be better for us to end this meaningless struggle as soon as possible. After all, we don't have much time left."

Gene nodded. Locke and Michelle were a little confused, but at this time Gene showed a relaxed smile.

"It's true that we don't have much time, but how about one year! Give that girl one year. If it's still the same after one year, even if I don't come back, you can start the Avalon plan right away!"

Jean said, and for a moment the faces of the other gods in the room showed relief. Michelle felt that sweat was about to break out on her forehead. After thinking about it, she probably understood what the Avalon Plan was about. Well, this is despair for human beings!

"Just give that kid one year!"

Rose said, Deguna was still reserved and seemed not to let go, as were Gu Yi and Werther. Only Li Chu and Tang Rao were waiting with smiles on their faces.

"I will ensure sufficient resources for you and investigate potential threats that may exist!"

As Jean said, Deguna sighed, and her original solemn expression finally relaxed.

"Okay Gene, we promise you we won't do anything for one year!"

Guyi looked a little embarrassed, and Werther leaned back in frustration. Rose walked over with a smile, pressed Deguna and Jean respectively, and asked them to sit down. Jean glanced at the other people, everyone Everyone nodded.

Locke took a handkerchief and kept wiping the sweat from his forehead, feeling relieved.

"It's just that I want to remind you, Gene, if that child does something that the entire department of business cannot recover, she needs to bear the responsibility alone. If you are not in the city, there are two ways to get her out of her seat. The first method is to use the Six Gods King Seal, and the second is for her to resign herself. We can also promise you that we will not use the first method!"


As Jean said, Michelle seemed to realize that she had been tricked by Jean again, or that Jean had tied her to Le Xiao. She had clearly said before that if Le Xiao was not competent within three months, she would Dismissing her seems impossible now, because once the gods launch the Avalon Project, everything in the entire city will definitely change dramatically.

Now I can only try my best to stop that girl from doing something wrong!

Michelle looked at Locke next to her, and the two of them looked at each other.

Don’t worry, I’ll lift you up from behind!

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