Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1313 Rotating Gears (Part 2)

"Let her sleep for a while!"

Alpha walked downstairs, and Su Xin eagerly wanted to go upstairs and wake up Lexiao.

"This kid, isn't he going to start work today?"

Alpha smiled and shook his head.

"Everything should be in order, but there may be deviations."

C smiled and nodded. She and Alpha had the same opinion. After all, there is a cunning and insidious wise man in Core 13, and the wise man has been at the bottom for many days. The recent movements of the bottom forces make it feel like he is being influenced by someone. With his snub nose, C can often see the small leaders of some groups running towards Area 118 in the past few days.

The most critical thing is that shops in some places have been acquired, and those places are in squares or busy central streets. It seems that someone has done this intentionally. C has noticed that these places should be the locations for the proposal to build a movie theater.

Regarding the current power structure of Section 13, C has a clear view. Section Chief Gene’s cell phone is held by Alpha, and the arrangement of things within the Section seems to have been clearly arranged by the wise man, but it makes C feel confused. The most interesting thing is that this secretary Le Xiao seems to know nothing, and it seems that she has become a puppet.

But I don’t know why, but C always feels a little strange, because the stupid girl above doesn’t seem like the type who can quietly obey all arrangements.

"I'd better go up and take a look first."

Su Xin went upstairs anyway. She could see that the two of them had something to discuss.

"Is it weird?"

"Of course."

C rested his chin on his hands and looked at Alpha.

"I am not the so-called invisible section chief. All actions in Section 13 will be carried out according to the wishes of the secretary. We are just section members who assist the secretary, not the leaders!"

C stood up somewhat unexpectedly.

"But the reality is that she probably can't do it."

Alpha smiled and shook his head.

"Whether it succeeds or fails, we will continue to do it with the secretary."

"Where are you?"

Luo Ziyun stuck out her tongue and listened to the phone with a smile. Her father Luo Jiahui's volume increased a lot.

"On the ground floor, Dad."

"Come back to me quickly."

Locke Jiahui said sternly, and Luo Ziyun looked helpless.

"Dad, I'm not a kid anymore. I came down here with Uncle Xingyuan and Uncle Wu Qun."

"Wu Qun?"

At this time, Wu Qun, with a smile on his face, took the phone from Luo Ziyun's hand.

"I won't let your precious daughter lose a hair. Wouldn't it be a good experience to come and play on the ground floor?"

After a while, Locke Jiahui agreed without saying anything else. He told Luo Ziyun not to be naughty and be careful, and then hung up the phone. Luo Ziyun breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, many congressmen in the store came downstairs to greet Wu Qun. Wu Qun also dealt with them one by one, but they just said a few words casually and then gave up. Many congressmen wanted to chat with Wu Qun further, and Wu Qun immediately Refused.

"It's almost time, would you like to go over and take a look?"

Wu Qun said, Luo Ziyun stood up, and they were about to leave, when Lin Min and Fei Xin came over.

"Old Wu."

"Xiao Min, why are you here too?"

Wu Qun said that Fei Xin, who was next to him, was about to speak when he was stopped by Lin Min's outstretched hand.

"Can we go shopping together?"

Lin Min glanced at the pretty and lively little girl next to Xingyuan who was still watching the news on the light and shadow panel, and felt a little confused.

"Let's get together!"

Chen Qiao quietly looked at the information uploaded by the light and shadow panel. All the business application plans with more than 2,000 points were rejected. The reason was that during the special period, any business applications were prohibited.

"The inauguration ceremony of Section Chief Ivy will be in a few days, and she actually rejected these applications at this juncture."

As Chen Qiao said, many businessmen next to him were talking on the phone. Zou Yun was lying at the window, enjoying the sunshine and looking at the vibrant streets. This was completely different from when he came here a few days ago. Zou Yun also thought It is necessary to continue to develop some industries at the bottom. After all, everyone wants to take a bite of this piece of meat thrown down. If it is slow, they can only chew the bones.

But what Zou Yun doesn't quite understand is that the guys behind him are really ungrateful. They have obviously won the right to participate in the Angus family's next giant new energy plan, but now they still want to go to the bottom to share it. Taking a piece of the pie is indeed a bit shameless.

"Old Chen, those guys from the Film Association are probably going to make big moves. We have to be careful. Many shops in lively areas on the ground floor have been acquired recently."

A guy said, Chen Qiao nodded and said.

"Let's go there together. After all, we have to go in person to congratulate the secretary on her first bill."

A group of people began to go downstairs. They had arrived on the ground floor a few days ago because everyone knew that the administrative department would be under martial law and it would be difficult to get in, so it was best to come in advance.

Those who can take the subway down are those who are directly related to several bills in the executive department. It is impossible for other unrelated guys to come by the subway.

Many people's ideal locations are Districts 113 and 114. Once the waste treatment plant starts to be built, there will be areas with great commercial prospects, and land will inevitably become expensive. However, those two districts are now probably It is already in the pocket of the Phoebus family. It can be seen from the fact that the business department has spent so much effort in the past few days to revive the originally dying Phoebus family. Therefore, many businessmen are quite sensible. , except for those businessmen in the construction industry who are fighting to get the construction rights of the two districts, the businessmen at the upper level are waiting for the opportunity, and if they want to seize the opportunity, they must create the first opportunity, that is, First lay the foundation at the bottom.

A group of people came downstairs and took to the street. As expected, there were already many people from Section 1 outside who approached them as soon as they came out and asked them to show their identity documents.

Zou Yun did not go downstairs, looked at the empty room, and laughed helplessly. He and these guys had already been at odds with each other, and now Zou Yun felt as if he was being excluded.

After the brief identity check, Chen Qiao glanced at the dilapidated neighborhood with a sneer, raised his head and smiled slightly.

"No matter how dilapidated the place is, once capital is injected, it will flow rapidly. Come on, let's go there and take a look."

The wise man sat quietly in the shop. The mechanical ball would not be delivered until the day after tomorrow, so it was relatively easy these past few days, but it was not easy to look around. People kept looking at the shop, and many guys They are all here to spy on the upper-level businessmen, and the wise men have been fully prepared.

The one-eyed fox was drinking wine on the side and laughed helplessly.

"The bottom level is now even more chaotic. Except for my direct subordinates who have not accepted it, there are already many guys who have accepted the benefits of the upper-level businessmen and started running away."

"Humph, after all, who can have trouble with money!"

Jin was a little unhappy. More than half of the shops under him had been closed. The people under him had been having a hard time these days, so they naturally accepted the benefits from the upper-level merchants.

Baleka exhaled a puff of smoke and said with a sneer.

"These fools don't understand at all that if the upper-level capital is really injected, all the industries at the bottom will be swept away in an instant. In the end, it is the upper-level businessmen who maximize the benefits. Once there is no big actual income here, the businessmen They will take everything with profit, and in the end they will only make themselves poorer. What a bunch of idiots."

The wise man laughed coldly. All this had been in his calculations for a long time, so he informed these three guys in advance about the construction of the cinema. The three guys were also very smart. From the time they announced the construction of the cinema , began to buy a lot of houses in prosperous areas through various means.

"Since the people from the Film Association are interested, we naturally have to satisfy them. Remember, never let one family dominate. Otherwise, there will be no way to control it. As long as the people from the Film Association are willing, whether it is food or They can put in all daily necessities.”

The three of them looked at the wise man at the same time. This was different from what they had agreed before. Originally, the three of them wanted to rely on the inside information that the wise man had about the Xingzhi's plan to carry out activities at the bottom to divide the Xingzhi's investment. There are tens of millions of working capital at the bottom.

The wise man only told the one-eyed fox about this on the day he was attacked. The one-eyed fox knew that he was unable to eat it, so he contacted Baleka and Jin. The three planned to work together to eat the money, and the wise man reminded them that the movie theater The three of them found every opportunity to do something, and they understood and did it.

It was only now that the three of them were chained by the business department that they realized that they had been completely betrayed by this old man.

"Don't think I've tricked you. After all, there is something going on with the movie theater. I will find a way to let you have a stake in it."

The three people's faces became a little more relaxed at this time. The taxes on the original industry had been raised. If they were not given some benefits, the three of them really didn't know what to do. In an instant, the three of them understood that the bottom 1800 With a population of 20 million and 60 cinemas being built, the income will be horrific.

Even if a movie ticket costs 1 yuan, people in the film association can make a lot of money.

The whole city began to become restless. The wise man took a look at the time. It was almost 10 o'clock. At this time, a bunch of businessmen appeared on the street. The wise man took a look and saw that no matter which one was a guy with a net worth of over 100 million, they did not come. , but went directly to some small street shops where his subordinates had already occupied a seat, and seemed to be waiting for Le Xiao to come over.

"It's so slow, girl, shouldn't it be time to come over?"

The wise man looked suspicious, and immediately Baleka next to him took out the phone for him and pressed Le Xiao's number 001301.

"what time is it!"

A yawning and confused voice came from the phone, and the wise man frowned slightly.

"Wow, it's over. It's 10 o'clock. Grandpa, I'm really sorry. I'll be there soon."

The wise man frowned in embarrassment. The voice on the phone was heard by the three guys next to him. The three guys were also very suspicious and felt that something was wrong.

That stupid girl, what are you doing!

The reporters outside were also ready to move, but everyone was very confused. They were supposed to come at 10 o'clock, but now it is 10 o'clock, and there is no one there.

"It seems that Secretary Le Xiao is still at home, and no one saw her come out."

A reporter squatting near Le Xiao's home called.

"Come on, Alpha sister, it's over."

Lexiao looked like she was in a hurry. She wanted to rush out the door as soon as she came downstairs. There was a red mark on her mouth from the finger pressing on her face. Alpha immediately stopped Lexiao.

"Don't be anxious, just go slowly."

C kept smiling, but felt a little tired at this time.

Is this stupid girl really okay?

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