Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1312 Rotating Gears (Part 2)

On the street facing the subway station in District 29, there were women standing on both sides. All the women were holding small welcome flags in their hands. Some places on the street also rented temporary light and shadow welcome boards with the welcome number written on them. 4 Mr. Gu Ningning from the Medical Department came to inspect.

Gu Ningning sent a message to Ada early this morning, saying that she would arrive at about 9 o'clock. She would take a brief look and communicate with them to a certain extent. After all, this was an informal proposal.

Ada looked at the chattering girls, who were all watching the news about Le Xiao, chatting and laughing. She immediately walked over and pointed at a few girls squatting on the ground.

"You guys, what are you wearing? I told you to dress conservatively today. At least don't expose your navel. The skirt should at least reach your knees. The neckline is too low."

Ada said one of the girls.

"Queen Ada, we don't have such conservative clothes."

"Then stand back later. The other aspects of speaking must go through your brain before speaking out. Don't make random jokes. Do you understand?"

It was hard to get back two parliamentary seats from Wu Qun, and with the help of Le Xiao, the Medical Department promised to send people over to conduct an on-site investigation and conduct a simple and small-scale nurse training class first.

Yu Fangfang was also in the crowd. She was sitting at the door of her shop, talking and laughing with a few girls.

"Hey, your little boyfriend hasn't replied to you yet?"

Yu Fangfang blushed.

"I hate it. What kind of boyfriend? Xiao Leng should have a more important job."

Yu Fangfang was also surprised. She sent some messages to Leng Rui using social software, but Leng Rui didn't reply from last night to now.

"How are you, Fangfang? You are about to escape from the sea of ​​suffering."

"Yes, if any of the doctors who come to teach in Section 4 are unmarried, I will hook up with one, so that I can at least get out of the sea of ​​misery."

For a while, many people started talking with smiles, but at this time Yu Fangfang felt a little chill in her heart. She looked at Ada who was still preaching to the girls on the street. This is what Ada was worried about. The girls here For too long, children can only rely on their bodies to make money, and many have no idea of ​​supporting themselves. The most discussed topic these days is how to hook up with someone from the 4th subject.

Nowadays, many women in the district follow Lu Xi as an example, but the next best thing is to at least follow a junior clerk like Yu Fangfang. For many women here, men are their long-term meal tickets. And this time many of them want to get a permanent meal ticket.

In the eyes of many people, being able to please a man is enough. Yu Fangfang does not intend to rely on Leng Rui for anything. She just wants to become a nurse quickly and at least have a job to get out of here.

Ada looked at the time passing by with a solemn expression. It was 9 o'clock, and there were sounds in the subway station. Many subway stations stopped by the sound.

Ada clapped her hands, and the girls on the street stood up and waved the little flags in their hands. Ada walked to the entrance to the subway station in person, and sure enough she saw Gu Ningning coming up with several directors behind her. , and those who came up from behind were all female clerks, not a single male.

Ada was completely relieved. Gu Ningning walked up with serious eyes, and Ada stretched out her hand.

"Welcome to District 29, Your Excellency Gu Ningning."

Gu Ningning nodded and looked at the colorful flags waving around her. She followed Ada with a tired look. She had just come out of the laboratory. She just wanted to quickly finish what Le Xiao had asked her to do. , so I brought more than 200 people from Section 4 here today, planning to conduct some on-the-spot inspections, directly select some with slightly better heads, and start training nurses in a few days when the teaching location here is arranged.

If it weren't for the mandatory order, many female staff members behind him would not be willing to set foot here, especially some female staff members who looked down upon the women here.

Disappointment spread across the faces of the women on the street, because there were no men, only female clerks. Each of these clerks was qualified as a doctor. Most of the time, doctors and nurses worked together.

After Gu Ningning briefly talked to Huashen, both of them felt that this proposal was actually a good one. Training the women here to become professional nurses would relieve some of the medical pressure.

"Your Excellency Gu Ningning, may I ask why you brought so many staff here today? I thought you were just here to hand over work."

"I can't help it. Lele asked me to do it. I also want to solve it quickly. Today I will let the staff select some girls with good adaptability. I will start teaching directly in a few days. I have to see it first. Isn’t it the result? By the way, has the 50 million donated by McCullin mentioned before been transferred to the account of your district office?”

Ada shook her head, with a slightly bitter smile. This old woman likes to write bad checks the most. I'm afraid the 50 million will be cashed at some point.

"Damn it, people know that they shouldn't believe what that old woman says. Lele is serious. He even advertised for that old woman for free. It's so annoying."

Ada smiled awkwardly, Gu Ningning's voice was a bit loud, and she hurriedly reminded Gu Ningning to keep her voice down.

"Okay, you can move freely from now on, you guys follow me."

Gu Ningning said that the staff behind her began to disperse under the command of the team leader. Only a few directors followed her. Ada planned to take them to the district authority first. She glanced at it casually. The members of Section 4 who had already started working, as well as the girls on the street, looked like the air was about to freeze. On the one hand, they were doing routine work, but on the other hand, they felt disgusted, because the girls on the street could see that these professional people The way the female staff looked at me was disdain and contempt.

"Your Excellency Gu Ningning, actually bring some men here, maybe it can lighten the atmosphere."

Gu Ningning immediately looked at Ada.

"Is that okay? Men are often thinking animals with their lower body. There is clear medical research on this. Ms. Ada, you should know better than me."

Ada smiled helplessly and nodded.

The assembly hall of a food exchange directly opposite District 29 was packed with individual traders from all 118 districts in the city.

Larry has told everyone about the actual distribution method and management method of genetic fruit trees. Many people present are not optimistic about such a plan. Some people are already ready to buy a fruit tree at a high price, because once it is put on the market If so, it would be a walking diamond.

"Sir Larry, can't you bid? The one with the highest price will win."

Larry glanced at the audience and shook his head, showing his neat white teeth and a look of helplessness on his dark cheeks.

"Unfortunately, we have already discussed with Secretary Le Xiao. The distribution of these fruit trees depends on your luck. We will draw lots later, and the merchants who are drawn can sign a contract with our 12th Section. There is no draw. Merchants who have arrived can wait for the lottery to be held again next month. The sales method is also clearly explained. Please strictly follow the content of the contract."

Many merchants looked at each other. They all wanted this money tree. Many people had discussed it before coming here. They felt that some people could accept selling a fruit for several hundred to one thousand yuan. As long as it was sold to the upper levels, it would be fine. If you make money, you still make a lot of money.

But now they are told that they can only be sold in the corresponding area, and the price is one yuan per kilogram. Just like buying a lottery ticket, people in the entire district can participate, and they only need to spend 1 yuan. If the fruit trees are large, you can always get 1 kilogram of fruit.

Looking at the disappointed individual merchants in the audience, Larry asked the governing officers to start preparing for the ceremony of drawing fruit trees. A large number of merchants began to stand up and lined up in a long queue. In order to adopt a fair drawing, it was like drawing lots. A carton is filled with 100 lottery tickets, and each person has only one chance to draw.

However, someone among the individual merchants immediately came up with a wonderful method. As long as they draw these things, they can still make a lot of money.

Located on the edge of Area 113 in the northwest, a helicopter from Section 3 silently landed on the street where martial law had been implemented. There were still people from Section 3 guarding the edge, and the door of the helicopter opened little by little. .

Locke slowly stepped onto the land where demolition and dismantling work was still going on. He squatted on the ground, and then pressed down on the dusty ground. He smiled slightly. His grandson Ronnie behind him glanced around. It looked extremely desolate, the sun didn't even shine further outside, and ravines could be seen in the distance.

Soon the Phoebus family will take root here, and this area, which is about to be renovated to serve two giant proposals, will usher in a boom again.

"Grandpa, you don't have to come down so early, you can wait."

"Ronnie, help me find a house that I can live in. I don't plan to go back. I plan to start doing some work tomorrow. I'll leave the aftermath to you."

Ronnie looked at Locke with some surprise as he stood up and walked forward. At this time, Locke had a rare smile on his face, and Ronnie quickly followed him.

"It's because of Zhang Yang"

Locke turned around, looked at his grandson with a sad look on his face, and put a hand on his shoulder.

"The following is the most difficult moment for our family in recent years. The future of the family will be shouldered by the three of you. I will try my best to do everything I can, and the rest will be left to you three brothers and sisters."

Ronnie hummed without saying anything, and followed Locke as he walked slowly, looking at these dilapidated and criss-crossed old streets, the outer parts of which had not yet been demolished.

"Remember it Ronnie, some things just need to be remembered in the bottom of your heart. If you are unwilling to accept it, turn this bitterness into a steady stream of motivation. One day, we don't need to look up to the top of the mountain, but to the people on the top of the mountain. Take the initiative.”

"Section Chief, the sample of land recovery has been released. Do you want to go and see it on the spot?"

Ye Chunwang, who was sitting in front of an electron microscope screen, nodded and looked at a set of rice gene series beside him. It was a set of cold-resistant rice matched by AI5. It had been tested in hundreds of temperature ranges in the past few days. The results are amazing. This kind of grain can survive even at minus 5 degrees Celsius. Once the grain encounters extreme cold, a layer of coating will be created on the outside, which can lock in the moisture, nutrients, etc. inside the grain. The plant structure will not be damaged by cold.

But Ye Chunwang still couldn't make up his mind, because there are thousands of groups of genomes in this kind of rice that can only be analyzed after long-term cultivation experiments of actual grains. And the interaction between these genomes will cause changes in the human body after eating it. , Ye Chunwang cannot make an effective decision until this is clear.

"How about the section chief opens a small experimental field for such cold-tolerant rice, and directly looks for volunteers in the city to distribute food on a small scale."

Ye Chunwang didn't nod or shake his head. Such an experiment was tantamount to treating people as guinea pigs. The dangers cannot be known until the person's body shows abnormality.

Ye Chunwang's eyes were full of entanglement and helplessness. After a while, he sighed.

"Wait a minute, I'll go to the barrier area to see the land! Bring all the equipment and go to a few plots of land in the south first."

"Section Chief, then I will contact Section 3 right now."

Ye Chunwang shook his head and walked slowly.

"Just bring a sufficient number of scientific researchers to protect the safety of you guys. I can still do it with my old bones."

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