Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1268 Declaration of War (Part 2)

The wind whistled through the alley, and Tianhen walked in the dark night, with red particles floating around his eyes. He was like a gentle wind, and like he was walking in zero gravity, wandering on the street. At this time, the distant The streets were still silent.

Setting foot on this land again made Tianhen think of a lot of things. He had succeeded in becoming a leader more than 30 years ago by relying on what happened on this land.

Tian Hen will always remember that in the special mission that day, they were asked to shoot some rebels who were planning to rebel. However, when they arrived, Tian Hen was dumbfounded. They were not rebels. They were just a group of miners mining underground and some companies. staff of.

"Tianhen, can you pull the trigger? Such a shameless act, do you really think this is what we as humans should do?"

Tianhen stopped. In his memory, the man named Owen roared at him. However, Tianhen still pulled the trigger. He pulled the trigger again and again, without any hesitation, as if the person in front of him was not a person, but It's like a toy.

"I will never allow this to happen, I must"

In the memory, Owen was beaten by Tianhen to the point where he could no longer stand up. His face was covered in blood, but Owen was still fighting hard.

"I'm begging you. If you want to kill all of us, you can go back and spread the word. I don't want Owen to die. I have a young sister."

In the end, Irving said nothing, but after returning, they were immediately sent to the barrier area to conduct acting activities in three subjects.

However, after Tianhen took his team members to a certain place, he was in despair. The upper management promised that they could be stationed in the department they wanted to go to immediately after returning, and they would be upgraded to 3 levels in a row, directly becoming a regional department. official.

The superiors gave them wrong instructions and the command map was also wrong. Facing a large number of crazy armed forces in the barrier area, they were weak.

"Don't worry, it's okay. As long as we communicate with them properly, we can definitely avert the danger."

People died every day during the siege, but the person who died in the end was Owen. He saved Xima's life and himself. That good-for-nothing Owen saved his and Xima's lives in the end. If Without Owen's desperate fight, he and Hima would have been dead for more than 30 years.

"The most correct decision I have ever made in my life is probably to let Xima become the secretary of Section 3!"

Tianhen murmured that in the following years, Tianhen still helped the gods deal with some shameful things, but he never told Xima. Although Xima had noticed it, she never I asked formally.

Tianhen and Xima survived, but Tianhen still chose the same path as before, while Xima was different. She seemed to be influenced by Owen and chose the path of becoming a human being.

In the previous battle in front of the City of Rebellion, Tianhen deliberately sent Xima there. Until the last moment, Xima never pulled the trigger. Once Xima pulled the trigger that night, now the barrier area is littered with corpses. Tianhen knew that if he went there, he would not hesitate to purge the armed forces of Nishun City.

Wu Qun, who should have died last night, finally saved his life thanks to Xima. Tianhen saw clearly at that time what Xima and Michelle had done. Such a small move could not be hidden from him. , both of them tried their best to push Wu Qun away, and finally Niya knocked herself away.

In the distance, a red particle fell over instantly, and Li Chu looked at Tianhen with a smile in his eyes.

"How about, go back to where you started."

"Doesn't it feel good? Haven't you started yet?"

Li Chu shook his head.

"Let's wait for them to take action first. After all, the other party has already issued a declaration of war."

Tian Hen's eyes widened, and Li Chu immediately put a hand on Tian Hen's shoulder.

"Don't worry, there are three guys here: me, Tang Rao, and Werther. Even if they have a million people, they won't be able to get out of here tonight. And you only need to be responsible for the fish that slip through the net. Once they dare to cross the Black Mountain, If you go to the barrier area, Noah and Noah will be responsible for handling it. You can continue to be on guard here. You don't need to do anything tonight. We will create a Secretary of Section 13 tonight with huge public support. "

Tianhen's eyes widened, and Li Chu turned around with a smile.

"This city has been bathed in darkness for too long. What people need is light, so just give them light. This is why Jean pushed that idiot girl who knew nothing and knew nothing. The reason is that if you want to solve some of the root problems, there must be a light that can shine into everyone's hearts, and now this is an opportunity."

"Want to support your puppet?"

Li Chu smiled, but he was also hesitating in his heart, because he was afraid that this stupid girl would not act according to common sense in the future, and he would have to wipe her ass endlessly, which would be even worse than Jean.

"Who knows! This plan was not planned long ago, but was promoted by Jean's bastard, a puppet? Maybe this time is different, different from you. Tianhen, do you still remember your comrade Owen? "

Tianhen's expression suddenly darkened, and Li Chu slowly floated up.

"How could you forget, you bastard, if you hadn't given us wrong action instructions and wrong maps back then, our team wouldn't have been left with only Hima and me."

Tianhen didn't answer anything and floated towards the distance, but just when Li Chu was about to disappear, he turned back.

"Everything has two sides, right? At least you got everything. Now you can do a lot of things in your position and change a lot of things. If you hadn't taken over the task here back then, you would be sitting here as the section chief now. The person in the position can only be other people, and you won't catch our eyes. I'm actually quite happy. That stupid girl is very similar to a woman I know. She used to be like that girl, but in the end it was her Saved us, saved everything, the reason why this city could be built, if it weren’t for that stupid woman, no matter how powerful we are, now we would only have bones under us!”

Tianhen sat cross-legged on the ground. He didn't know what to say. He planned to apply for a few days of leave after this problem was over. It had been a long time since he went shopping with his sister.

"What exactly did you just do?"

Le Xiao's head shook like a rattle, and he kept waving his hands in the air. Tang Rao glared at Le Xiao angrily. The moment he rushed out, such a force was not something that this fool could stop. Witte was still investigating nearby. .

At this time, Ellie, who was sitting on the top floor in the distance, put her hands on her chin and smiled.

"That idiot Tang Rao still looks like this after so long. I feel relieved. Guardian, there is only one thing I need you to do tonight. Cut off the connection between AI1 and those mechanical legions made by humans."

"Of course, Lady Ellie, I will follow your instructions."

The guardian wearing knight armor next to Ellie put his hand on his chest and bowed. Ellie looked at Le Xiao who was arguing with Tang Rao with secret joy.

"How do I know what happened? If you ask me, I don't know. Besides, shouldn't I contact Niya or Tianhen and Jean as soon as possible? For such a big thing, is there something wrong with that little girl? Starting a war is such a big deal."

"Shut up, you forgot what I just said"

Le Xiao immediately looked at Tang Rao with his hands on his hips.

"You are just a retired section chief. I am the secretary of Section 13. Even if you know a lot that I don't know, according to the regulations of the Executive Section, I am the active enforcer of rights."

Tang Rao looked at Le Xiao's arrogant look and wanted to press her head into the soil immediately. Li Chu had already come back, and he grabbed Tang Rao.

"Okay, okay, Secretary Le Xiao, can you be the one to lure the enemy, and we can secretly assist you?"

Le Xiao immediately hugged her hands and nodded.

"That's pretty much it."

Seeing that Tang Rao was about to get angry again, Li Chu immediately pushed her away.

"Section 3 has surrounded the outside. After all, it's such a big deal. There's nothing you can do if your boss, Jean, can't contact us."

"It's better to inform the General Affairs Department."

Le Xiao took out the phone as he spoke, but Tang Rao quickly snatched Le Xiao's phone away.

"What are you doing?"

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will push your head into the dirt immediately!"

Le Xiao's eyes widened.

"It's too late to notify the General Affairs Section now. Let's go there first. People from Section 3 will search for enemies from other places."

Le Xiao turned around unhappily and started walking step by step. She was a little worried about the three trapped guys, but Li Chu also said just now that Quasimodo was very strong and would not be easily defeated. Defeated, and the fact that they were able to send a distress signal in this place where the signal was isolated showed that they were not in any danger for the time being.

Xima stood quietly at the edge of the area that had completely simulated the environment of Area 79, blocking out all sounds. She had not received any combat instructions yet. She was a little worried about Tianhen, not for Tianhen's safety, but for certain things. Tianhen has been keeping it in his heart for many years and has never told anyone, including his sister Tianai. He likes to bear everything alone, but many times Xima hopes that Tianhen can talk to her.

"Secretary Xima, I think there is no need for you to worry about your section chief. After all, he is not fragile enough to have psychological problems due to some wrong decisions he made in the past."

Xima did not answer Noah's words. She knew that Noah should be the person who knew about that incident. Although Xima could go to Section 6 to obtain some information and learn some facts from it, she had never done so.

Didi didi

Xima looked at the phone and saw that it was Tian Ai calling.

"What's wrong, Miss Tianai! Is your work going well?"

"My brother can't get through on the phone. What happened? He was acting weird last night, so I wanted to ask."

Xima didn't know how to answer, but she adjusted her voice.

"It's okay, Master Jean is here too."

Tian Ai immediately laughed happily.

"That's good. As long as Jean is here, I'll feel at ease!"

After hanging up the phone, Noah nodded and clapped his hands.

"You are really smart, Miss Hima. Among the 12 secretaries in the department, you are the one who knows how to adapt best."

At 11:48, Hima glanced at the time, turned and walked towards the temporary headquarters.

"Chief Noah, if possible, I hope you will not send in mechanical troops."

Noah blinked, and Xima turned back with sharp eyes.

"Our special forces members are much stronger than your mechanical troops!"

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