Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1267 Declaration of War (Part 2)

The wind was howling, and the gravel and gravel were rolling in the wind. It was already dark, and the temperature in the barrier area had dropped to minus ten degrees. In a small town near the north of Brilliant City, there was still a place with lights on.

The temperature will continue to drop, dropping to minus 20 degrees between 3 and 4 in the morning. In a damaged house that is tightly wrapped with only small holes for ventilation, two teenage boys are reading a book. Book.

Paper books are extremely rare in the barrier area. They are textbooks for teaching literacy. However, they are very rare nowadays. There used to be a lot of them. When I used to receive food at the guard station every month, I saw families with children. , the business department will distribute some books, hoping that they can learn the simplest literacy.

Paper is strictly forbidden to be carried by private persons in Bright City. If you want to record anything, you can use the light and shadow panel. This is to facilitate the supervision and recording of the administrative department.

In the barrier area, most people who get books will choose to wait for the market to open and sell the books to some merchants in exchange for food, because paper pulp is one of the good photoelectric coating materials, and it is actually made into a raw material for sale. The income is far greater than that of a physical book.

This approach of the barrier area naturally angered the administrative department, and they stopped distributing any books and teaching materials many years ago. At this time, in the small room, the two children were still looking at the books, seemingly unable to put them down.

"Brother, I need to pee!"

The younger child said, and the older child walked over, picked up the coat of his father who was sleeping beside him, wrapped the little boy in his arms, and took a coat himself.

"Hurry up."

The two of them carefully opened the door of the house and ran out quickly. Suddenly, they were stunned. They looked at something dark in the distance, with a little bit of scarlet. Only an outline of teeth and claws could be seen. , and bursts of rustling sounds rubbing against the ground.

"Brother, there is a monster!"

At this time, Frye was using plants to move quickly on the ground. He could already see the huge Black Mountain in front of him. He just wanted to stay here until morning. No matter what the final result was, he wanted to be as close to the war as possible. Wherever you go, even if you hear the slightest sound.

A large number of plant-like plants formed tentacles and wrapped around Frye's body. Only his nostrils and left eye were exposed. Frye did not feel the cold at all. These plant-like plants are very cold-resistant and can survive in any harsh environment.

Sooner or later, there will be a battle with the Xingke, but there is still no way to start. It has been accumulated for a long time over the years. Frye is very clear that the Xingke is an obstacle that must be overcome before overthrowing the divine power.

"Anyway, it's just the waste they left behind. Let's show them what the consequences of what they've done will be!"

Frye smiled coldly. Many of the cyborgs stored underground were brought out from an underground research institute and were the products of an underground research institute located under Black Mountain.

Frye still clearly remembers that he was completely shocked when he learned that the technology for human modification was outsourced to a technology company by Section 10 more than 30 years ago. When he first saw these biochemically modified humans, Frye was surprised. Unexpectedly, such a thing was created.

In order to trace the source, Frye conducted a lot of investigations and finally found clues. There was a reason why the gods abolished the mining of mineral deposits in a research institute located under the Black Mountain.

At that time, a company secretly excavated towards the location of Black Mountain. As a result, the personnel at the company site collapsed that night due to geological problems and all died inside.

What happened was such a coincidence that the next day Congress announced a complete ban on excavation, saying it was to protect the foundation of Brilliant City and other problems caused by pollution, including private mining.

After many years of waiting for the matter to completely subside, Fry led a large number of patients to dig underground day and night. Because of the invention of rock stabilizer, as long as the materials are not reluctant, the tunnels excavated generally have rock stabilizer added to them. If so, it would be impossible for it to collapse.

Frye still clearly remembered that the moment the bodies were dug out of the soil, the truth came out. After examining the bones, everyone was shot, and there were also signs of man-made collapse of the tunnel.

In those years, Frye was always hesitant because he felt that Jean could be trusted. He was different from the other six gods. He always faced the light and was not afraid of any darkness at all. The one founded by the gods back then The principal of the school was elected by all the students after teaching for a year. As a result, a large number of votes were cast for Jean.

Scenes from the school still pop up in Fry's mind from time to time. It's really a happy life on campus. But when Fry found those corpses, he completely lost sight of the top of the city. Trust, the last shred of trust, was shattered.

After opening the experimental base under Black Mountain, Frye was shocked to see a large number of mutant corpses marked with numbers, as well as some abandoned equipment. This base was at least a hundred years old.

Frye began a large number of investigations and discovered that many mutants were arrested after committing crimes and were not exiled to the barrier area, but disappeared.

After many investigations, Frye found proof that these mutants were alive from the abandoned data in the institute, and Frye finally understood.

After the establishment of the Acting Department, why is there a complete mechanism for cultivating mutants? Even once the people in the Acting Department awaken their powers, they can become stronger than ordinary mutants after being trained by the Acting Department system. several times.

Frye sat in the abandoned research institute for three days and three nights at that time. He knew very well that the gods needed troops. This approach of preparing for a rainy day was correct. They did it. With strong power, they established the city and founded The city's steady development has continued to this day.

Frye has changed since that time, and the last glimmer of hope in his heart has been wiped out.

"Let the war begin!"

Three days and three nights later, these three words were the first words Frye spoke. Jielin and Mansha, who were still young at the time, were shocked. Only Lolita smiled and nodded.

Since then, Frye has entered into a long-term preparation plan, using all means to establish creators, successfully allowing a large number of patients to become researchers while they are awake, and establishing a systematic treatment for mental illness. problems and ways to control them.

From then on, whenever mutants died in the city or were expelled, Frye would use the forces of the Barrier Zone to send these mutants into his own hands. He began to establish a base underground in Area 79. The abandoned research institute under the Black Mountain and the personnel of the technology company obtained the technology of semi-mechanical biochemical modification of humans. According to Frye's inference, the reason why this research institute was abandoned was because of the giant battleship Noah.

A lot of things were moved there, and the 10 subjects took shape later.

A faint ray of light floated in Frye's eyes. Some of the plant-like things on his cheeks began to fade away, and spontaneous combustion began to occur. Frye raised his left hand and took out a special polyethylene book from his pocket. A small note sealed in ester.

My name is Loren and I live near the quarry in the northwest. If anyone sees this, please help me tell my family that I love them.

I don't know what exactly I was guilty of but a lot of us were brought here and they cut me open and put things on me and I don't know what happened and every day was terrible. , I want to go home!

I don’t know how many days have passed. My body has been modified in many places. They are extremely cruel. They are demons, a group of guys without blood and tears. I feel like I am dying. I really want to see my family!

This may be the last time, there are many people like me recording everything, because I will soon be deprived of everything, I will even lose myself, God, why did this happen to me, I'm sorry, My favorite family members! Here they come!

Fry put away these thick stacks of small notes that had been bound, and wiped away the tears that overflowed from his eyes with one hand. He had seen the proof of living left by these people many times.

It's a pity that Frye can't say anything. Some of these people's family members are still alive today, but Frye can't say anything to them. Frye once asked some people, and they still remember that their family members were still alive during the half-century. They were taken away centuries ago, and the last news they received was that they had been exiled. Many people thought that their family members might be dead.

"This is your stage. I'm sorry that I can't tell you everything, but one day, these proofs that you were alive will be shown in the sun."

Frye smiled slightly, raising his head, and the cold wind blew across his cheeks.

Noah sat quietly in the temporary command post. More than 10 directors who participated in the operation were communicating with the captains of the five special forces teams. Xima was concentrating on watching the red flashing on the light and shadow screen. light spot.

"It's really troublesome!"

Noah knew very well why Tianhen planned to go in. It was obvious that he didn't need to go in for these things.

"Do you know something? The Black Mountain Tunnel Collapse more than 30 years ago!"

At this time, Xima asked, and Noah shook his head.

"How could I possibly know! Secretary Xima, the battle may start soon. Remember, this is an absolute order initiated by the six gods. No one is allowed to get out of here."

Xima looked at Noah with a serious expression. She clearly remembered that more than 30 years ago, not long after Tianhen joined Section 3, she was the same. Xima, who was only less than 10 years younger than Tianhen, was the same as Tianhen. Same period.

Just one night, the head of Section 3 urgently mobilized a group of newcomers and asked them to perform a special task. Tianhen volunteered to participate.

The matter ended smoothly. After Tianhen came back, he was directly promoted to squad leader in a short period of time. Xima was a member of Tianhen. Then among the newcomers who participated in the special mission, only Tianhen survived. Xima asked Tianhen many times before, but every time Tianhen just smiled and shook his head.

"Why do you think a person can survive? Of course it's because he is willing to do anything to survive!"

In the following years, Tian Hen would always receive some secret assignments. He rose quickly. In just over ten years, he directly became the section chief of Section 3. When Tian Hen became the section chief , Hima was directly designated as the secretary of Section 3.

"Do you know why I chose you as my secretary?"

"I also want to ask the section chief of Tianhen Team!"

In the memory, Tianhen smiled ambiguously and shook his head.

"Because if I die one day, you should succeed me in Section 3, because although you are somewhat similar to me in nature, you are more human!"

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