Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1185 Reconciliation 3 (Part 1)


Ji Qing followed the people from Section 5 quietly, holding an arrest list in her hand. She looked worriedly at a few young people sitting in a shop in front of her, drinking.

They are miserable!

Section 2 has investigated clearly and issued arrest warrants directly for those who spread rumors about the city's black craftsmen. When major problems arise in the city, spreading rumors is not a small crime, although many people have immediately deleted themselves There were offensive words and some rumors posted, but Section 2 still spent a whole day, and the entire section worked nonstop until 11 o'clock this morning, and finally compiled the list.

The targets of arrests were mainly bad rumormongers. Among the six people gathered in the shop in front of me, three of them openly published a large number of rumors on some social media last night, saying that black market transactions were only conducted under the protection of internal personnel from Section 5. It went smoothly, and then they deleted the posted remarks.

The arrests started at 4 o'clock, but now the city is filled with news about Le Xiao and the Phoebes family, and everyone's attention has been attracted.

Ji Qing asked Mo Xiaolan when she got up at 4 o'clock in the morning today, if it would be better to postpone it.

"Why should we postpone it? It is at this juncture that these idiots must be arrested. Moreover, we issued a warning order last night to tell them not to spread rumors, but some people still don't listen. Since their brains are not smart, they should be reformed. It’s been a month!”

At this time, several people from Section 5 in front of him stared at the people in the store angrily. Ji Qing started video recording. Because Section 2 was responsible for investigating malicious rumors on the Internet, people from Section 2 must be dispatched to work with Section 5 to investigate and arrest. catch.

A total of 803 people were arrested this time, all of whom were malicious rumor mongers. The punishment for these people was the heaviest. Their citizenship level was directly reduced to 3, and they were required to work in the Agriculture Department for 3 months. They could go in different periods, but they must It must be completed within one year, and those who make offensive remarks will be given a verbal warning and their citizen level will be reduced by one level as punishment. As for those who follow the trend, the 5th Section will directly send them a message and ask them to take the initiative to go to the 5th Section for filing and recording. , if you follow the trend, spread rumors and support this kind of behavior again in the future, you will be arrested directly.

"Jiang Heng, Peter, and Wang Hui, the three of you are now involved in serious rumors. The evidence is conclusive. We will arrest you. Please cooperate!"

A person from Section 5 walked over, and two men and a woman in the crowd stared dumbly at the five members of Section 5 and a member of Section 2 standing at their table.

"No, we just heard about it, and the comments have been deleted, can you?"

Wang Hui panicked and began to beg for mercy, but was immediately dragged out by a female section officer and handcuffed.

"What's the matter? Shouldn't you, Section 5, be responsible? We are the victims for this incident."

Jiang Heng slapped the table and stood up. Ji Qing could only continue recording the video. At this time, two people from Section 5 took out rubber rollers and handcuffs.

"Sir, please cooperate. Section 2 issued a notice a long time ago, and the evidence of your rumors is solid."

"It was you people from Section 5 who were covering up. If it weren't for you, how could they have done it?"

Before Jiang Heng finished speaking, several people next to him grabbed him and pushed him out, signaling him to stop making trouble.


Jiang Heng suddenly spat directly at a clerk. Instantly, the clerk and the clerks next to him were filled with anger. Ji Qing saw that something was wrong.

"Sir, please stop making unreasonable troubles. You said Section 5 is covering up black market transactions, so can you please provide evidence? If there is evidence, our Practice Section will definitely admit it, but if you don't have evidence, don't say anything. White Fang's nonsense, didn't the teacher teach you not to talk nonsense when you were in school?"

Ji Qing shouted with a red face, and the three of them were taken out. At this time, the clerk who was pressing Jiang Heng increased his strength. Jiang Hengyou started yelling, like a shrew, saying that the clerk used violence against him. some type of.

"You have to do it."

Ji Qing swallowed, and a person from Department 5 came over and pushed Ji Qing away.

"Miss Ji Qing, just wait for a while. I'll ask you to write in the report later that the suspect resisted arrest."

Just when Ji Qing wanted to ask something, Jiang Heng was already lying on the ground in the alley, begging for mercy. After a while, Jiang Heng was brought out with a bruised nose and face, and he became more honest.

"You can go on, Miss Ji Qing."

Ji Qing swallowed, feeling a little embarrassed but still feeling weird.

"You should have seen this kind of thing a lot in the 2nd department. I'm sorry, little sister, we are also human beings. We have to work early every morning to maintain the security of the city, and we also have to be slandered by some people. Even my wife and children can't do it on weekdays. You have to be pointed at. You just saw that guy’s attitude. Many people are just like the guy just now. They clearly did something wrong but refused to admit it because everyone thought it was just a small mistake. Why should I admit my dissatisfaction freely on the Internet and why should I take responsibility?"

Ji Qing nodded calmly and looked at the team leader. She knew very well that this kind of conflict had not happened for a day or two. He had also seen some people who behaved and resisted arrest before, and they ended up like Jiang Heng just now. .

There are too many conflicts and contradictions in the city. It is not anyone's fault, but everyone stands in their own position and does not care about the position of the other party.

"I'm sorry, Miss Ji Qing, I let you see such an ugly side even though you are still an intern."

The captain said, and after the other section members stuffed the three prisoners in, they all expressed their apologies. Ji Qing shook her head.

"No, everyone has their own sufferings. It's just a flesh wound. He should be more honest."

Ji Qing has no way to judge. Since joining Section 2 during this period, many people in Section 2 have said that you should never reason with the arrestee. As long as the evidence is conclusive, just arrest him directly. If you resist the arrest, use force directly. Making the other party surrender is the easiest and most effective way.

Ji Qing sighed helplessly. She seemed to fully understand that the conflicts between the business department and the city residents had accumulated little by little.

After all, people are selfish!

"I really didn't expect you, Lao Hu, to be enlightened this time."

Duke smoked a cigarette and looked at Hu Youran with a smile. Every time he wanted to appear on TV, Duke came to Hu Youran personally. The two of them had a relatively good relationship in private, but their stances were different.

Hu Youran sighed.

"The Phoebus family has helped me before, and I personally don't want to see their family completely destroyed. After all, many people got up by stepping on the Phoebus family. If the two bills use a lot of money, If we lower the plane, it will inevitably trigger a new round of damage to the economic chain, but using cars is different, and the transportation problem can be solved smoothly."

Duke nodded and lit a cigarette. Soon the CBV people would come over. Today, a TV program targeting the Phoebes family would be held in the courtyard of Hu Youran's house. It would start at 8 o'clock. Already starting to prepare some materials.

Many materials about the Phoebus family were sent to the two by a director of Section 1, and the two were watching slowly.

"I remember your granddaughter hasn't been home for more than two months?"

Duke said, Hu Youran shook his head.

"She is not allowed to go home, so I want her to be transferred out of Section 3 as soon as possible. The military exercises in the barrier area are about to begin."

"An Xin, it's been cleared. Your granddaughter will be transferred to Section 7 soon. The chief of Section 7 also signed it."

Hu Youran sighed.

"Why do you still have any questions, Lao Hu?"

"No, Xiaorui, that child has a very stubborn temper. I'm afraid she won't want to."

Duke smiled, and the two of them looked carefully at some information about the Phoebes family.

Hu Youran had spoken out on the issue of the Phoebes family a long time ago. Congress's decision-making led to the rapid decline of their entire family, but Congress did not provide any compensation to their family, although the problems in the entire city were relatively serious at that time. , especially crime at the bottom is particularly rampant.

"Lao Hu, I find it difficult. Their family is not qualified to participate in the construction of the bill. It is impossible for the executive branch to directly let them participate in order to please the law. Even if the qualifications can be faked, the congressmen will not give up."

Hu Youran nodded. After seeing the problem of the Phoebus family, he thought about it deeply and roughly understood that the Executive Branch wanted to take advantage of the victory and use the help of the Phoebus family to bring down the congressmen and the Those big businessmen directly curb it. As long as the proposal starts, supply and demand will become the points of dispute between the two parties. The businessmen will definitely try their best to control the market, while the business department can only proceed slowly. This is the businessmen. What we want to see.

Because businessmen want to wait and see, it is safest to slowly watch the pros and cons of an industry. They will only start to take action when they find the profit point, and those companies that have had problems before are more like experiments with mice. If the product succeeds, the businessmen will naturally be happy to inject capital, use big capital to refute small capital, and finally control the capital. If it fails, they will not lose anything at all, and they can still take the opportunity to make a fortune.

This method of manipulating the market is an extremely vicious approach in Hu Youran's eyes, because it will make the capital controller always the winner and create countless losers, and those losers will never be able to get up, and the normal market economy There is no reason to say that the M-shaped society will come at an accelerated pace.

"There's something strange about it, something indescribable."

"What's wrong, Old Hu?"

Hu Youran looked at the economic statements of the Phoebes family for several consecutive years. He always felt that the economic statements looked very neat and had no loopholes, but there were some indescribable weirdnesses, and there was a huge sense of crisis hidden in them. This was Hu Youran has a keen sense of the economy.

"Duke, can you help me call King Xue, the chief of Section 1? Although I personally hate that guy."

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