Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1184 Reconciliation 2 (Part 2)

"Mr. Jean, our family is not eligible to apply for congressional assistance!"

Locke lowered his head, and the juice Ran Zai just drank in his mouth sprayed out. Gene scratched his head with a slightly solemn expression.

"How is it going to end now? The MPs haven't made a formal statement yet. I feel like they are holding back. It won't be fun next time. This bitter pill and shameful action will be reduced to an after-dinner show in the future. It’s time to talk!”

Locke sat awkwardly at the table, lowering his head at a loss and sighing constantly.

The original plan was to expose the problems of the Phoebus Resort Hotel first, and then explain the reasons behind these problems in depth, and finally allow the Phoebus family to successfully obtain assistance from Congress, which is justifiable.

But now, everything Locke just said made Jean feel that his future is bleak.

"It's like stepping on a landmine, Mr. Jean, old man, wouldn't you ventilate yourself earlier? It's going to be embarrassing now."

Ran Zai said, sighing helplessly. The chaos at Phoebus's house is a small problem, but the big problem is that they have cooperated with many stores in the area all year round, forcing consumers to often only do it in the hotel. Expensive consumption and the use of equipment purchased on the black market.

These two points alone are enough to send the whole Phoebes family to prison for many years. The congressmen should have already grasped the evidence that these two aspects have finalized the situation, so they have not spoken out yet.

They are even suspected of fraud. They lease the trees they rent at home to some companies that carry solid wood in the area, but they add some chemical ingredients that will kill the trees in the nutrient solution all year round. Once the trees die, they can obtain 100 times the compensation because these trees are insured. Although the insurance investigators are investigating the cause of death of the trees, they cannot find out because there are basically no such things as botanists in the city. Even if they do an autopsy When conducting chemical analysis on trees, it is impossible to find the cause because the harmful substances inhaled slowly and long-term have undergone various chemical changes in the trees.

Most of the nearby shops only sell some simple and unpalatable food, but the Phoebus family subsidizes the owners of these shops every month. In the name of food trading, many customers come here for vacation and travel. I am in a pleasant mood, but the food in the hotel is too expensive, so I can only eat outside the hotel. Although it is cheaper outside the hotel, it tastes terrible. Even a normal person can't stand it. He will eat more than one meal. This is a way to secretly rip off customers. , making Ran Zai feel speechless.

Many shop owners near the hotel also have a bad attitude. They like to eat but not eat because the monthly subsidy money makes their lives very comfortable, and some paid items that need to be used in the hotel are not sold outside the hotel.

The attitude of the staff in the hotel is very good, so basically the guests just feel that their wallets are a little weak, and they won't say anything after the vacation.

Most of the women who work in the special service industry here were recruited by the Phoebes family. Some of them were not even models at all, but they were made into models, bought some news panels, and carried out false propaganda. , to create the look of a model, and the price is too high. Some women who originally came from District 29, after such a package, their original 100 yuan a night has become several thousand a night.

Moreover, there are special training courses for these women in the hotel. Generally speaking, they are how to make the guests' wallets bleed.

"Once these things are exposed, let alone helping the Phoebes family participate in the construction of the bill, their entire family is afraid that they will go to heaven in an instant, hahaha!"

Locke lowered his head, his old face couldn't hold it anymore, and began to blush slightly. Another important reason why the family has been losing money in recent years is taxation. For entertainment resort hotels like theirs, because of the high consumption , naturally need to pay high taxes, and part of their taxes will be returned to people in other districts who come here to consume.

To maintain the manufacturing and production technology of automobiles, a high maintenance fee needs to be paid every year, as well as maintenance fees for a lot of stacked materials. Some aging materials can only be remade.

Jean looked dumbfounded at the chaos happening outside the window, but at the door, some lawyers could already be seen coming in, people sent by the Lawyers Association.

"It's better to just give up making cars. It's not good to be so impulsive. It will bring the whole family to be buried with you."

Ran Zai muttered, and Locke immediately retorted with an angry look on his face.

"Our family has been making cars for generations, starting from my ancestors' generation. Before the world suffered a catastrophe, our family was already developing future cars, including sea, land and air amphibious vehicles. We all have drawings. Now we are completely It is our family's tradition to have the technology to make such a car. I have been educated in this tradition since I was a child. It is the same from my father and grandfather. Our family has always maintained this pride. You will not understand, boy. !”

"Even if you have done so many deceptions, you will not hesitate to drag your family into the abyss!"

Locke didn't look away.

"Even so, we will not hesitate. No matter what we do, as long as it is for the continuation of the family, I have done everything I can. To tell you the truth, kid, part of the land here is illegal!"

Ran Zai stood up in shock, and Gene felt a little creeped out. He tilted his head and looked at Locke.

"I remember you were not like this when you were a child. Are you possessed by something?"

"Ah, by a car!"

Gene pressed his forehead with one hand. He raised one hand, feeling a little weak. Ran Zai continued to ask.

"Why is the old man's land illegal?"

Locke sighed.

"Actually, in order to raise money, our family ceded half of the land to the Angus family. However, because of the previous friendship, the Angus family did not take back the land and let us continue to use it and did not charge rent. But if After checking some information that has not been entered into the computer before, we can know that the land to the east from the front door of our house belongs to the Angus family. It has the signatures and fingerprints of my husband and I, as well as a contract. It was just temporarily sealed before.”

Ran Zai fully realized that the Phoebus family were penniless paupers. How could such a family participate in two huge bills? If this land ownership document was exposed, the Phoebus family would be reduced to poverty in an instant. Being a beggar, the practice of paying debts with debts cannot be stopped once it starts, and it can only reach the end called death.

Ran Zai has seen a lot of this kind of thing. Many people who were in debt ended up not only not repaying their debts, but more and more. In the end, some people hanged themselves, jumped off buildings, or even broke the law to retaliate against society.

"I've done a rough calculation for you. Now that all your family's assets are sold, even if you sell the raw materials for car manufacturing, you still owe 3 billion. Mr. Jean, this is a big pit. Such a move of yours is useless. It's different from pushing the entire business department into a pit of fire. If those section chiefs knew about it, I'm afraid they would kill them now."

Gene burst into laughter, kept laughing, lit a cigarette, sat down and looked at Locke who was smiling awkwardly.

"No way, people just have to be thick-skinned. Mr. Jean, didn't you say that before? Some people in this world, no matter how difficult and difficult they are, can overcome any difficulty as long as they have a thick skin."

"You should jump down from here first!"

Gene pointed his smoky cigarette at Locke, who laughed.

"I am just a low-ranking businessman. I was defrauded out of everything by your grandfather's trap. Now I am still heavily in debt. I have used many deceptive and deceptive methods to maintain my current castle in the air. I am an idiot and a bad person! "

Locke said, put away the smile on his face, looked at Jean with a serious look, and walked over slowly.

"Mr. Jean, I will not compromise. Our entire family is the same. Die for this pride, or survive for this pride. There are only two options. What I have seen, only the family has ever Many people say that the glory of the past does not mean anything, but without the glory of the past, what is our ancient family that has shed blood and sweat for the city? I just want to prove that before I die, I have We have never stopped fighting, even if we have done many excessive things, but this is a family, and every family is the same. If we don’t have the pride of being in the family, then what is the difference between us and those bloodthirsty businessmen? The reason why a family can be called a family is that it has been passed down from generation to generation, so it can be called a family. If we are really going to perish today, then this family will end here. I will accompany the whole family. Let’s witness the final sunset together!”

Locke walked up to Gene step by step, bowed ninety degrees and spoke very sincerely.

"Please help us, Mr. Jean, and help us keep this honor. Although many people may not understand what is the purpose of such impulsiveness, but after the family can restore part of its past glory, I am willing to take on everything. I The same goes for my children, but my grandchildren have nothing to do with these things. After we stabilize, we will return everything we have committed in the past to the city. Although this is just a despicable rhetoric, at least before I enter the grave, this This is my final bell for our Phoebes family!”

Gene raised his head and blew out a puff of smoke.

"Remember everything you said today Locke!"

Jean stood up and looked at Ran Zai, pointing the cigarette butt at him.

"Isn't it time for heroes to stand up at times like this?"

Ran Zai pointed at himself, shook his head, and waved his hands.

"The hero said he wants to sleep now and has no time!"

Gene smiled and walked over.

"Then let me wake him up!"

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