Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 118 Judgment Day (Part 2)

In the early morning in the barrier area, the air was cold and cold. There were already many people close to the ravine in the west. It was the only place where you could enjoy the short sunshine when the artificial sun rose from the east in the morning. Where the shot is slanted.

Even in such broad daylight, only thick gray-black clouds can be seen above the barrier area. Most of the children born here are born with incomplete skeletal development, although the medical department will distribute some vitamin D-containing tablets from time to time. Medicines are available, but many people still have bone problems.

Because this place is no different from the city. Classes have long been solidified. Here, only strength is the means to guarantee everything. Those without strength can only rely on those with strength.

Huashen walked quietly on the wasteland. He was dressed the same as the people in the barrier area. They were all wearing thick shabby clothes, a turban, and a veil. Although he knew it was useless, as long as the person was still breathing. System, toxic substances in the air that can harm humans will be inhaled. However, in recent years, through blood and complete lung tests, many people here have special antibodies. Although there is still some impact, it is not as serious as in earlier years. .

Such a big thing happened yesterday. Hua Shen couldn't sleep all night. He was still looking for people who had antibodies against hemangioma.

After searching many places, there are only two places. Most of the patients there have died. The main food of Sanlian Company is supplied to the middle and lower classes. Only a small part comes to the barrier area. Only when the aid supplies are urgent , will transfer part of it. Huashen found the batch and year of the liquid food transferred from Sanlian Company, and found that there were only 18 times in total.

Of the two strongholds found before, one of them was a bit miserable and was looted. The particles of the poisonous food were extracted from the shriveled corpses. The time of death was about a year. Many people in the city are now taking antidotes. , people whose health has begun to improve, but there are exceptions. Huashen’s results based on blood sample analysis are that these people’s cells have already had some lesions due to differences in their bodies. At present, the only way is to regularly extract the diseased cells, but This will cause people to age.

Once it reaches the third stage, when the blood vessel walls are covered with tumors, there is basically no way except surgical micro-excision to prolong life.

In the second place where poisonous food was used, people were found who were still alive, but they had fallen into a severe coma. After Huashen took some measures, he contacted people from the military department to come and take the people away. More than ten people were still alive. Among the individuals, there are old people, children and women.

Time is running out, and Huashen has to go to the next location. In such a harsh environment, these people have eaten poisonous food and are not getting sick as quickly as in the city. This is because their bodies have long been immune to some industrial metal poisons, so in the barrier area, Huashen I firmly believe that someone with special antibodies can be found.

Suddenly, Huashen stopped. There was a faint smell of blood in the air. Soon Huashen followed the smell of blood and came to an abandoned dilapidated house. There was also an aroma of food inside, which was sausages. .

The moment Hua Shen stepped into the broken house, a stone shot over like a bullet. He raised a finger, and the stone that hit his eyes stopped instantly, and then turned into powder and fell down.

"It's true, you became so embarrassed, but Jean also beat you pretty badly at the end of the season."

Ji Mo, who was eating, looked up. There was no good piece of meat on his body. Many places had turned black and purple. His head was swollen in many places, and some places were seeping with thick water.

"What are you doing here?"

Huashen walked in without saying a word, watching Ji Mo put down the metal bag wrapped in black cloth and sit aside.

"I will perform surgery on you after you finish eating. If not in time, part of your body may be eaten away by the alienated cells and you will become like a monster."

Ji Mo snorted coldly. He had just woken up and his body had already become like this. He was in pain all over. He knew very well that this was caused by using that extremely unstable beast form.

"He has shown mercy, otherwise do you think I could have come here alive?"

Huashen smiled easily. He had guessed it when he received Ning Ning's notice a few days ago. Jean would not kill Ji Mo. Not only because of Jean's relationship with Ji Mo's family, but most importantly, those who The guys hiding in the city all hope to die at the end of the season. This is still very clear in Jean's head. As long as this line is not broken, those guys will be found out one day, and then it will be Jean. My favorite method is to burn the rotten roots directly without leaving a trace.

"Maybe it's because of my daughter."

Huashen muttered in a low voice, and Ji Mo stared at him in a daze, his eye sockets swollen, as if they were about to burst.

After a while, Ji Mo lay on a bed made of light and shadow, and then a thin film material like light waves spread out, and a light and shadow display screen appeared, which showed the concentration of toxic substances in the air and the concentration of bacteria.

Start purifying the air.

"Do you really want to save me? I'm like this"

"I am a doctor, and you are the patient now. Have you ever seen a doctor who would not save a patient until he died?"

Huashen raised his hands, and a flash of light flashed around the bracelet. A set of white surgical clothes appeared. He held something like a small round box and put it aside. When he moved his hands, the small box emitted a ray of light. A series of lights and shadows came, and a lot of surgical tools appeared.

After the concentration of bacteria in the air was almost eliminated, Huashen pressed some buttons beside the bed. As light and shadow appeared, many medical devices appeared one after another. This multi-functional mobile light and shadow handheld platform was developed by Huashen in recent years. The proposal was developed with the technical support of the 10th Science Research Institute.

"The operation begins at 9:31 in the morning."

Ji Mo's body began to lose consciousness as the anesthetic solution was injected. He stared at Huashen quietly. The man in front of him was also incomprehensible. He had obviously done such a thing, causing such a situation in the city. serious problem.

"Life is like this. At the end of the season, do you know what the difference is between you and Jean? He saw the essence, but you are still prying into what the essence is as always. Take a good look at everything in this place. "

There was a noise, and outside the house, attracted by the light unconsciously, many people came over, mostly women, children, and some old people.

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