Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 117 Judgment Day (Part 1)

All the executives in the secretary room looked at Michelle with joy. They were all inexplicably angry at Le Xiao who appeared out of nowhere. Many executives hated the little girl's poor resume.

This is a naked insult to their hard work over the years. Such a person suddenly became the second-in-command of the administrative department. There are only 13 section chiefs in Bright City, as well as the positions of section chief and secretary-general of the General Affairs Section. This is for many people. It is simply unimaginable for people that the position of secretary will not change for decades or more than ten years.

Such a position is the ultimate pursuit of an executive. Many people have struggled in school for more than ten or twenty years and spent many years to get the position of an executive. Generally speaking, many people can sit in the third place in their lifetime. The board members who are waiting are already pretty good, and most of them can only sit in the fourth, fifth, and sixth ranks of regional section managers, section team managers, or special section officers.

In the bright city, only knowledge without practical work is not enough. Only by combining knowledge and practical work can you pass the examination of the clerk. These two items are the most basic. Most people here have defeated one after another. Competitors, using their talents in the field of business, eventually climbed up the ladder.

The most critical thing now is the mouth-talking MPs. Although they have already tampered with Le Xiao's resume and birth, it is only a matter of time before they are found out. This is tantamount to giving these mouth-talking factions one more excuse. This group of whole people Guys who are thinking of ways to dig holes for people in the field will never miss this opportunity.

Michelle smiled coldly. She would never let such a cancer stay in this position. Although Jean's decision has been finalized, if she is not qualified for the job, persuading her to quit is the best way. , Michelle, as a member of this group of elites, will never allow such unreasonable things to happen.

"Leave it to you Wu Lei, don't live up to my expectations of you."

Wu Lei stood up straight and bowed, and Michelle breathed a sigh of relief. Wu Lei was a little more spiritual than many old clerks. He was not a bit dull like many clerks. Although he was capable of working Strong, but without spirituality. At times like this, only Wu Lei dared to stand up and speak. Perhaps it was because he was born in a business family. His father was a famous loudmouth. I didn’t expect that the son of such a guy would actually So capable, which surprised Michelle a little.

But at this time, a female director ran in with a hurried expression. She swallowed and looked at Michelle.


"It's Lord Jean, here again."

Michelle immediately stood up and walked to the mirror. The female director immediately went over and took out the dressing things. Michelle took off her hair tie and started to arrange her hair. After all, she didn't sleep a wink all night. Didn't see Jean either.

Many people looked at Michelle expectantly at this meeting. Although Jean was a complicated emotion for many of them. When they needed him, everyone was moved by him, but many At that time, the trouble caused caused a lot of people to scramble to deal with it. Although he might not be able to listen to his words, many people still held Michelle in their arms to persuade Jean.

"Come on, Mr. Secretary-General."

Wu Lei clenched his fists, and all the secretaries and directors behind him stood up.

"Everyone, don't worry. Even if I can't convince Lord Jean today, I will definitely let that little girl resign."

Locke sat quietly at his desk, looking at the amnesty document in his hand with slightly trembling hands. Gene still insisted on submitting it to Congress. After all, there was a meeting in a few days and there were only 3 days left for the submission deadline.

It takes at least three months from the first round of approval, to the second round of reconsideration, to the third round of decision.

"What's the use of fishing these people out, Gene? Although that guy from the Wise Man may be of some use. After all, that guy's head is different from ordinary people. Digging holes for people to jump into is what he's best at. Several other guys, especially Alpha, hey.”

"Don't worry about it, just help me submit it."

Gene sat on the sofa opposite, smoking a cigarette, and the shadow of the Congress Hall flashed through his mind, but he soon shook his head with a wry smile.

"No matter what?"

"No matter what, you just did this kind of thing, and now you want me to submit this thing, and the five people on it are all specially recruited members of Section 13. Are you kidding me?"


The door to the room opened, and Michelle strode in angrily. Locke's heart trembled, and he pressed his forehead.

"Michelle, why didn't you knock on the door?"

Michelle ignored Locke and stood directly in front of Gene.

"Lord Jean, I really can't imagine that a person like you would make such an ill-considered move, because your move is very likely now."

"Time is a good thing, Michelle."

Gene said and stood up, looking at Michelle seriously, but with a bit of tenderness.

"The kid is 26. What were you doing when Michelle was 26?"

"Lord Jean, when I was 26 years old, I served as the student council president of the school. I have done a lot for the establishment and reform of the school. So far, Seungdeok Women's College has many ideas and..."

Gene smiled and put a hand on Michelle's shoulder. Michelle was a little surprised and didn't know what to say.

"I would like to ask, Miss Michelle, how old are you now?"


Locke, who was picking his nose hair behind him, muttered something. Michelle blushed instantly. After feeling the murderous gaze, Locke sneered and covered his mouth.

"To be precise, it's 59 years and 213 days."

Gene smiled and sat down.

"You are 33 years older than her, Michelle. Time is really a good thing, it can make people grow and transform. Okay, Michelle, I will leave it to you. The gap between her and you may be just time. After all, human beings are now The years are very long, just like you still wet the bed when you are 7 years old."

Gene said calmly, picking up his uniform, walking towards the door, tilting his head and smiling mysteriously at Locke, who was already sweating profusely.

"I'll leave the documents to you, Fatty."

The moment the door closed, Locke's whimpering sound came from inside the room.

Gene walked striding down the aisle. When passing by the General Affairs Department staff, they would stand aside on their own, look at Gene respectfully, and watch him leave. In the minds of many people, Gene is a perfect elite. , but he is kind and approachable, and there is no trace of the arrogance and imposingness that a person in a high position should have. His whole person looks like running water sometimes, but sometimes like a rock.

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