Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1154 Going Home (Part 2)

Under the dim light, wisps of smoke and dust were floating at the entrance of platform 0. Gene sat quietly on the left guardrail going down from the platform entrance. Ran Zai sat on the steps and looked at the cars parked quietly on the track. of the subway.

"What are you going to do? The problem is very serious."

Michelle was still sleeping soundly, and it was just after 4 o'clock in the morning. Gene smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"If she lets it go, the Abron family will be in a lot of trouble in the future. Once a label is attached, it will be difficult to remove it, especially when problems like this arise one after another! "

Jean knew very well what Ran Zai said. The Angus family was like this back then. They were labeled with various labels. The reason was that the construction of subway and transportation pipelines was too huge and had already destroyed the whole city. Everyone is involved, and no one cares about what it is for, what the result will be, or what the future will look like, because people only need to live in the present, which is enough for most people.

"Yesterday they could curse the 5th Section for how miserable it was, but when the sun rises later, the 5th Section has done the right thing in the eyes of many people, because everyone knows that the investigation of the black market transactions will not be a good thing. For a small number of people, it is extremely beneficial. The sales volume of regular product fairs will start to increase again, and the income of many people will increase. In the markets that were occupied by the black market in the past, such a large piece of cake has been given to many people. This kind of creature is actually really incredible. In my opinion, it is no different from a goldfish in the bathtub that only has a memory of 7 seconds. It keeps repeating everything in the past and cannot get out of its own inertial thinking and accept everything it thinks is good. , and when this thing has a little flaw, it is criticized, just like many people who have enjoyed special services. They obviously enjoyed it at the time, but after enjoying it, they cursed the prostitutes for being dirty, not knowing that they and the people in their mouths I have already been exposed to dirty things, and I still enjoy it! Hahaha, so what I hate the most is this kind of idiot, but it is very honest to say that I don’t want my body!”

Gene just smiled and looked at Michelle, who was still sleeping soundly in the subway. He didn't plan to wake her up for the time being, and planned to let her have a good rest. She was indeed too tired, and she didn't wake up even when she arrived at the station. come over.

"It's different this time. Some people are destined to be labeled with these labels. Even if the ignorant people no longer mention it after a while, the competitors of the Abron family will never let the matter disappear. I can already imagine that many critics in the city will write articles and use verbal and verbal arguments to completely destroy the Abelon family. This is a society that is sunny on the surface but bloody and dirty on the inside. Everyone just wanted to see the light, but little did they know that there was already a muddy pond under their feet. When they were dragged down by the muddy pond, they woke up, but it was already too late!"

Gene sighed, stood up, walked over, knelt down, sat next to Ran Zai, and patted him on the back.

"Not everyone is like you. Isn't it tiring to live like this? Sometimes it's not good to not need to know the truth. At least you can be free and happy. The more you know, the more painful it is. This is because of your twisted character. Knowing too much makes one.”

Ran Zai smiled and winked.

"Really? I don't think my personality is twisted. What are I going to do? The level of the woman inside can no longer be summed up in four words. She is somewhat similar to you. She is willing to be bound by something. I can't. You understand this kind of behavior, so you plan to change some things about her. After all, she will be the successor of the General Manager, and it will be very dangerous if she continues!"

Gene smiled and lit another cigarette.

"I always believe that something like family cannot be cut off. Isn't it the same with you?"

Ran Zai shook his head.

"Do you think my grandpa and I are like family?"

"Of course it's family."

Ran Zai shook his head, resting his head on the steps with his comfortable hands.

"That's not family at all. Maybe it was before, but what is everything he instilled in me since I was a child? Remember what I told you about helping others, what I said is true, there used to be He was a half-dead gambler who owed my grandfather a lot of money, so he ran away. After he was caught, he begged for mercy. My grandfather didn't ask him to pay back the money and just killed him. That's what he told me at the time, because that guy There is no hope of continuing to live, and living will only become more and more painful, so just kill him. This behavior is called helping others!"

At this time, Michelle in the tram moved, and both Jean and Ran Zai looked over, but she only frowned slightly, but did not wake up, as if she had dreamed of something uncomfortable.

"When I saw my grandfather again after so many years, I just felt a little sad. The guy who once carried out evil to the end was just like an ordinary old man when he grew old."

"Go and see him when you have time."

"Hands out!"

Sunlight diffused from the white patterned curtains onto the brown ground. The young Michelle put her hands behind her back and stretched out a small hand. Standing in front of her was a cold and charming woman, wearing a white long skirt with cutouts. He held a slender soft stick in his hand.

bang bang

The sound of slapping sounded, and Michelle stood motionless. After the slapping, red marks appeared one after another on her palms. Along with a burst of crying, the young Miguel and Miluer were crying behind them. , the brother and sister hugged each other.

There are many fragments on the ground. It is a glass-colored vase with many ornaments inlaid on it. It looks very expensive.

"Don't cry!"

The woman looked at the pair of children sternly. Michelle's hands had begun to become red and swollen. She just looked at the mother in front of her quietly without any tears.

"That's almost it. Freya, you scared the child."

Young Charles, who was smoking a pipe, came over dissatisfied and comforted Miguel and Mirul. Freya glared at her husband.

"When I married you, I already signed an agreement. I will be responsible for the education of the children and take them out."

Freya squatted in front of Michelle and looked at her sadly.

"I know it wasn't you Michelle, why do you have to admit it?"

Michelle didn't answer, just looked at her mother quietly, held Michelle gently with one hand, and pulled her into her arms.

"Live your own color, Michelle. There is no need to have your life dictated by others. You are always my pride, Michelle, but today you made a mistake. Your father cannot understand it at all. Your brothers and sisters are still young. I just hope that you can live proudly no matter where you are! I don’t have much time!”

Freya looked at Mitchell who was still sleeping soundly in the crib next to her.

"Take care of your brothers and sisters! It doesn't matter even if I'm gone, you can do it!"

Michelle hummed and nodded her head lightly.

Michelle opened her eyes and glanced at the time display on the tram, which read 5:21.

"Why don't you wake me up, Lord Jean!"

Michelle walked out of the subway station quickly, but immediately he noticed the extremely spacious First Avenue in front of him.

"Can you go home, Miss?"

For a moment, there was a slight anger on Michelle's face. She did not answer. At this time, Ran Zai had already closed the door of the subway station behind him. Under Michelle's angry eyes, he immediately ran to the next door as if running away. On the main road, far away.

"No one will force you Michelle, I know your mother Freya!"

Michelle looked at Jean in surprise, but Michelle immediately understood that the gods had been living for centuries. Jean turned around, tilted his head and said with a sideways smile.

"Come with me, there's something I want to talk to you about."

The two sat on a bench on the left side of First Avenue. Gene leaned back leisurely with a cigarette in his mouth, while Michelle sat next to her with her hands reservedly on her legs.

"She was a rare beauty. She was smart, capable, and serious about her work. She was almost impeccable. It's a pity that she is no longer here."

Michelle's expression was a little moved, but it was only fleeting.

"Lord Jean, I don't think you need to persuade me. I have already explained everything that needs to be explained!"

Gene shook his head, lowered his head and smiled slightly.

"Things like family can never be cut off. I asked you before going out where you are standing. It is probably the right position."

Gene turned his head and looked at Michelle seriously.

"What do you think of that girl Le Xiao!"

Michelle frowned slightly, and although she didn't say it out loud, she responded with her expression, and Gene laughed.

"She is just an ordinary little girl. Like many young people, she works hard and has good expectations for the future. If she has done nothing so far, I am afraid it will not only be you, but also the section chiefs of other departments. The secretaries will not continue to let me go on like this. In the end, I will have to fire her to calm everything down!"

Michelle looked at Jean in shock.

"It is true that she is useless, but she has done something that many people cannot do, so she can only stay in that position temporarily!"

Gene nodded.

"Let me tell you the truth, Michelle, pushing her up is not my impromptu idea, nor is it because I have helped her in the past, nor is it because of pity, it is just because she is an ordinary person who forgets her feelings when she is happy. Laugh, cry a lot when you are unhappy, even a little stupid, have some evil thoughts, and often want to be lazy and just focus on the things in front of you!"

Michelle looked at Jean with confusion. At this time, Jean had stood up and started walking slowly.

"I'll make a bet with you Michelle, by January 1 next year, if she still can't satisfy you, I will fire her and eliminate this disharmonious cog in the business department!"

"Are you serious, Master Jean!"

Gene nodded, then turned slightly sideways.

"Follow me. It's time for you to go home now. I'll ask that guy to bring your phone later. You can continue to rest for a while after you go home. Come to my house on time at 10 o'clock. After all, there is an important event tomorrow. Activity!"

Seeing that Michelle still looked motionless, Gene added.

"How about you just pretend to be deceived by me once, Michelle? You have to help your family. As for the method, you should have already figured it out. This is the content of your bet with me!"

"I understand, Sir Jean! But it can only be postponed, not eliminated! No one can eliminate his own sins!"

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