Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1153 Going Home (Part 2)

A burst of haha ​​came from Wu Qun's mouth. He took off his shirt, revealing a white waistcoat, and lay directly on the cold ground, putting his head on the ground.

"Can you borrow the next room to take a shower?"

Michelle stood up, Leng Rui pointed to the bathroom at the back, and Michelle walked straight in. The moment she opened the door, Michelle collapsed on the ground, but at the same time she also turned on the water. She violently Panting, sweat was like water and began to seep out from the skin in dense masses.

"Somewhat unwilling!"

"I'm really unwilling!"

After Wu Qun rolled around on the ground, he stood up and looked much more comfortable. Wu Lei was a little worried about his father, but Wu Qun soon started walking.

"Good night, everyone, I'm going home!"

After saying that, Wu Lei bowed to Jean, turned around and walked away, following quickly.

"Did you have fun? Dad."

Wu Qun nodded happily.

"Xiao Lei, you can't do this at your current level."

Wu Lei also knew what his father wanted to say.

"Don't mention these things, I think I'm almost fine, there's no need to step into the world of madness!"

Wu Lei knew that his father's ability to win names through gambling relied on his father's instant memory. The father and son often played such games, but Wu Lei lost every time, whether it was numbers, letters, or graphics. Wu Lei Now after watching it once, I can remember up to 40 numbers, more than 50 letter combinations, and up to 19 graphics.

"If you can't step in, it may be very troublesome in the future. People need to complete self-evolution anytime and anywhere. I feel like I have found something new tonight. I haven't felt like this in a long time. Are you willing to Are you just going to be the first secretary in the General Affairs Department for the rest of your life?"

Wu Lei scratched his head.

"It would be too harsh to climb up. Not to mention section chief, even if you want to be a secretary, you need a certain degree of luck and strength to be stronger than others. I don't have either of these two things."

"Isn't Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13, an exception?"

Wu Lei felt a little embarrassed for a moment. Although he nodded, he did not answer his father's question because it was a fatal matter. Even if his father had guessed that Le Xiao was just a clumsy ordinary person, he would never tell it. of.

"You just need to understand your position, Xiaolei. If the path of being a councilor doesn't work, then you can only try other paths. After all, I don't want you to follow my old path. Such a life is actually very boring."

Wu Lei laughed and followed him to a nearby subway station. He used his authority to open the door of the subway station and got on the subway.

It has been a long time since the father and son had such a conversation. In the past few years, each has been busy with his own job. The father is in a stable position and has more free time. He often goes to live with his mother.

My mother was once an out-and-out workaholic, and this has not changed even now. She manages the company by herself, and as the president of the Food Association, she has a lot to do, and she often goes on TV to do it herself. Food show, I haven’t been back home for nearly two months.

"How about staying with your mother tonight? It's been a long time since our family got together."

Wu Lei nodded with a smile and immediately began to change the tram route.

Wu Lei also knew very well about his parents. Back then, his mother was a star-like clerk who was cultivated and promoted by Locke Jiahui in the General Affairs Department. Everyone said that his mother would be Locke's successor. However, what he didn't expect was that his father suddenly killed him. He came out and snatched his mother away from the business department.

"Dad, regarding this issue, I think you should give those guys a warning and restrain themselves. You should also know about the Secretary-General's situation."

Wu Qun smiled and nodded.

"Michelle is too serious, too serious. I think Charles and his family must be in pain now. It's obviously just a matter of one sentence, but Michelle refuses to speak. It's clear that her family has been exposed to the sun. Under the sun, if you don’t give them a shade cloth, they will be scorched.”

Wu Lei nodded. He was surprised that Michelle came back tonight, but it also meant that she had no intention of helping her family survive this crisis. She even did not attend the Angus family banquet with her family.

In fact, many people were discussing this matter before, thinking that Michelle might help her family, but the result was beyond everyone's expectations. This kind of unhuman attitude made many people find it incredible, but in fact There is respect in my heart.

"It depends on what Gene does next. After all, the guys who have come into contact with him are all weirdos!"

Wu Lei looked at his father who had closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Aren’t you the same!

My mother had briefly mentioned her father to Wu Lei before. When he was young, his father was also a weirdo. He was different from most people. He passed the professional examination in one attempt, but in the end he voluntarily gave up his rights. Their family was not a wealthy family. , just a small middle class.

Although I don’t know why my father voluntarily gave up the opportunity to become a member of the law firm, a year later, my father became a lawyer. Unlike many lawyers in the city, he did not join any law firm, such as Like a lone wolf.

But my father’s achievements in legal litigation are obvious to all. He has won every battle. So far, no lawyer has a resume that can compare with my father’s. He has won 100 out of 100 legal litigations.

But then my father took the initiative to resign from the Bar Association. Before anyone could figure it out, my father passed the parliamentary examination.

After entering the circle of congressmen, my father just worked hard without joining any faction. He was an errand boy for many congressmen. My mother once said that my father's success was not accidental, but inevitable. He could endure loneliness. Waiting for some opportunity.

"I can't do this to you, Dad. After all, times have changed and opportunities have also changed!"

After taking a shower, Michelle has changed into a white uniform and her hair has been tied up. She seems to be more energetic and has returned to her original appearance.

"You can go back, Sir Jean!"

Gene nodded.

"I'll walk you home!"

Michelle's expression tightened slightly and she didn't say anything. Gene grabbed Ran Zai and then smiled at Leng Rui and said.

"Night attack is now the best opportunity, find a reason!"


Leng Rui felt his cheeks feel hot instantly, Ran Zai narrowed his eyes, yawned and waved to him.

"If you don't take action for a long time, things may change over time. My little friend, you'd better listen to Uncle Gene!"

Jean dragged Ran Zai away without any explanation. Michelle stared at Leng Rui sideways, and Leng Rui smiled awkwardly.

"Secretary-General, have a good trip!"

After entering the nearby subway station, Gene adjusted the route, and Michelle immediately became tense.

"Lord Jean, you should go to Area 1!"

Jean threw Ran Zai into the car first, and Ran Zai immediately adjusted the seat and lay down comfortably, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Gene took out the phone and pressed the 0000 number. It took a while before the call was connected.

"What are you doing? It's the middle of the night, you bastard, I'm sleeping, I might have insomnia."

"I want to ask about Michelle's work schedule tomorrow!"

Michelle looked at Jean suspiciously, and Jean pointed the phone at her.

"Michelle has to accompany the silly girl in your department back to school tomorrow. I will lead the people in the General Affairs Department to work. The order has been sent to her mobile phone. I tell you what you are going to do."

Gene hung up the phone before Locke finished speaking.

"Even so, I still need to go back to the dormitory of the General Affairs Department to rest!"

"Why don't you go home!"

Michelle didn't answer and said directly.

"All the problems that need to be solved have been solved!"

"I see!"

Jean said as he stepped in and changed the route. The destination was platform No. 1. Michelle sat in. After the door closed, the subway started speeding quickly. Michelle closed her eyes, but Jean immediately changed the destination. , Platform 0.

Mitchell sat quietly by the pool in front of his home, looking at the dark city in the distance. He didn't know why, but he couldn't sleep.

At this time there was a slight sound of footsteps.

"Third sister, can't you sleep?"

"Brother, you are not the same."

Milu yawned and sat next to Mitchell, leaning on his shoulder.

"Are we really family?"

Mitchell nodded in confirmation.

"I'm waiting for eldest sister to come back. When eldest sister comes back, I will inform you."

Mirul laughed heartily.

"It's impossible. I'm sorry Mitchell. You have obviously advised me, but I am actually very distressed. After all, the company's operating conditions have not been very good in the past few years."

"Don't keep the third sister, pretty boy. That pretty boy is really just after your money."

Mi Luer slapped Mitchell on the back, and Mitchell grinned.

"What about you, little brother? Have you found the right one?"

"There is nothing appropriate or inappropriate. After all, we have a brilliant woman in our family. When I compare my partner with my eldest sister, I feel unmotivated!"

Miluer patted Mitchell on the head.

"You, you, the son of a big family go to work in a bakery? Many people in the circle think there is something wrong with your head, little brother?"

Mitchell shook his head.

"That's the only bakery in Bright City that allows many people to make reservations months in advance. There's only one bakery, and I'm very happy to work. That's enough. In our family, the eldest sister is the genius among geniuses, and the second sister is the genius among geniuses. Although my brother is not as good as my eldest sister, at least he is very smart. But what about you, third sister? At least you are more tactful and very open to food. I am different. Who told me that I have neither inherited the genes of my genius mother nor the shrewdness and wisdom? Because of my father’s genes, I am the only one in the family who is stupid, it makes sense, doesn’t it?”

"I said, little brother, if you don't pay attention, you would be much smarter than us."

At this time Miguel's voice came.

"Second brother, it's boring to trap yourself. I don't like to tie myself down with some goals, beliefs, or other things. It's enough for me to run freely under the sun."

"You come to our company in a few days, and I will introduce a little girl to you. She has a good family, she is a lady, she is well-educated, and she is very gentle."

Mitchell waved his hand directly.

At this time, Charles was in his study, watching the three children playing next to the fountain from a distance, and smiled helplessly.

"Master, I think the eldest lady will come back. Do you remember the only time the eldest lady made a mistake before and why?"

Charles smiled and nodded.

"That was before Freya passed away. It's a pity that after Freya passed away, she changed! She was a little strange. I always felt that she was getting further and further away from us. I could only see the dazzling light. Nothing else!"

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