"Fair enough, this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life, haha, it's just fart!"

"Keep your voice down!"

A drunk man stood on the table and shouted loudly. Several members of Section 5 standing at the door also noticed the situation in the bar behind them and looked over.

The man who was dragging the drunkard immediately laughed in apology, and the people on the table pushed the drunkard down directly with all their hands. Many people were well aware of the way the business department had always done things.

At this time, members of Section 5 were stationed near many lively places on the street to prevent chaos.

"It sounds nice, but it looks ugly, haha!"

A middle-aged man in the crowd murmured something in a low voice, looking at the nearby members of Section 5. The speech was still going on, but many people had lost patience with the second half of the speech, but no matter how far they went, You could see it on any street, so many people simply started to go home, or gathered in some nightclubs where they couldn't see the light and shadow screens, and got together to joke.

Most people's attitude towards the bill has been very clear. It has nothing to do with them. There have been some large-scale bills implemented in the city. The most famous one is the photoelectric conversion coating bill that started more than 30 years ago. This bill has not yet been fully implemented.

Many places still have old small solar panels, most of which are in the west. The photoelectric coating coverage rate in the entire city is less than 70%. The use of photoelectric coatings can indeed effectively convert most of the wasted solar energy. For electricity, this is enough to supply electricity consumption in many areas, but the material has become a hurdle. The cheapest one square meter costs 100 yuan, and the subsequent maintenance costs and replacement of coating materials have discouraged many people. , although each district will receive a portion of tax revenue as a subsidy for photoelectric coating every month, it is only a drop in the bucket.

This is one of the proposals promoted by the Acting Department. In recent years, many people have become increasingly dissatisfied. In order to improve the photoelectric conversion rate, better photoelectric coating materials have begun to be promoted in the region. In the past, the old conversion rate was only About 50% of the materials have been gradually eliminated. Although the materials can be recycled and replaced, just pay the price difference, but this behavior is similar to bundling, which makes many people feel uncomfortable.

Some economically prosperous districts even have excess electricity, and this electricity is used to subsidize some areas with insufficient power supply at the bottom. This has caused a lot of controversy before, and this bill was also proposed by the late Chief of Section 9 End of season push.

Many people believe that the electricity generated by the photovoltaic coating on their houses should belong to themselves. Because there is only a minimum subsidy for electricity expenses every month, there are more and more voices of dissatisfaction.

Even though they have received electricity subsidies, the people at the bottom who still have to pay a certain amount of fees are dissatisfied. In many people's perception, it is the middle and upper classes who continue to squeeze and exploit them, so they live increasingly poorer, so why do they have to pay this money.

Including the medical reform bill promoted by the previous practice department, medical treatment has become a hardest-hit area. After the reform, a large number of small private clinics disappeared, while hospitals were overcrowded and there was a serious shortage of medical personnel. A doctor often had to face hundreds of patients, and the cycle of medical treatment was It is also getting longer and longer. Although the price of drugs is low, there are problems with supply. Most people choose to buy drugs that are circulated underground because they are cheaper.

Coupled with the control of reproductive rights, the divorce rate has been increasing since more than 20 years ago. There are often many couples who are very loving at first, but over time they become strangers or even enemies.

The opening of the special service industry has made many people sneer. Some even think that the wanton opening of the special service industry is the root cause of many family problems. These women who do not work at all and have no shame only know how to lie down. Gain money and even live better than many people.

More and more problems, leftover from the development period, have begun to break out regardless of scale or degree. The entire city is about to become fragmented as if it is in a huge vortex of contradictions.

At this time, Le Xiao was still silent. She had not said anything for nearly 5 minutes. She lowered her head slightly and looked at the table with a solemn face.

"Perhaps this televised speech conference should be over!"

Finally Le Xiao spat out these words from her mouth. Michelle had already said what the purpose of the second phase of the speech was. She told Le Xiao clearly and straightforwardly that she must clearly show her professional attitude. After conveying it, she didn't need to think about what would happen next.


Lexiao paused and raised his head again.

"I would like to continue talking to you about many, many problems. I admit that many problems that extended from our management in the past have contributed to the current situation of the city. It is a pity that I could not stand here at the time!"

In front of the screen, many people looked at Lexiao on the screen with confusion and strange eyes.

Le Xiao placed her hands reservedly in front of her, and there was something strange in her eyes.

"When I was a child, I once saw some people in uniforms rushing into my neighbor's house. There were loud noises nearby, including men screaming, women crying, and my childhood friend was screaming. She looked at me from the window and she didn’t know what was going on and I didn’t know what was going on and then my neighbors disappeared and never came back!”

As soon as Le Xiao finished speaking, many people looking at the light and shadow screen had an indescribable complex expression on their faces. It seemed that many people had seen it or even experienced it.

"Feel sorry!"

Le Xiao said something and put a hand on her chest.

"It's this uniform. What I used to be afraid of was this black uniform with different patterns and numbers. Like every one of you, I was scared because I often saw the same thing when I was a child. I'm afraid that one day, this uniform will come to my home. It's obvious that I haven't done anything and I don't know anything, just like all of you!"

Le Xiao suddenly became serious and put his hands back on the table.

"What are we afraid of? Maybe we are afraid that one day we will be treated cruelly like those who were arrested. Maybe we are afraid that one day we will make a mistake and never have a chance to look back, because in the city Here, once we commit a crime, we will be taken away by people in uniform. Or maybe our own citizen level will drop because we can’t make money or pay taxes. When it reaches 0, we will be taken away by people in uniform. Get away!"

The surrounding streets and many entertainment venues were silent at this moment. Everyone looked at Le Xiao in the light and shadow screen in astonishment, with tears flashing in her eyes.

"I've been afraid of these people in uniforms since I was very young. I'm afraid that one day they might rush into my home and break up my peaceful life. They might come up with whatever they want. One day, these people in uniforms will People came to my home. They took away my father and all the hope in the family. My mother shed tears every day. I often asked my mother when my father would come back. My mother always shook her head when I I became a director and when I grew up, I knew that my father would not come back!"

There were stunned expressions on the street, and many people seemed to have disconnected circuits in their heads. Indeed, according to Le Xiao’s identity information, she was born at the bottom of the class, and later entered school, and was exceptional because of her excellent grades. She was promoted to secretary, but what Le Xiao said at this moment made many people feel the same.

"I don't know how as a daughter to treat my father who has been missing for a long time and can't even remember his face, but somewhere in my heart I believe in him because he is my father!"

Le Xiao stretched out her hand to brush away the tears on her cheeks and looked at the screen seriously.

Jean smiled slightly and looked at Michelle without saying a word. Michelle did not tell Lexiao how to explain the content of this paragraph. She just told Lexiao to tell her true experience. Locke will help Le Xiao handle the next thing.

"The peaceful life of our family was broken. People in uniforms came to my home again and again, constantly asking about my father's whereabouts. I could only watch my mother argue with reason again and again. It was clear that we were not wrong, and even None of us knew what happened, but one evening, I remember the light that day was beautiful, those men in uniform came to my house again and wanted to arrest my mother. I started to resist for the first time, blocking the way. I didn’t know why! But I knew very well that they were going to take my mother away, but at that time a man also in uniform came over and stopped everything. He told me that it was okay, as long as I watched her every day from now on It will be fine when the sun rises, everything will be over when the sun rises tomorrow morning!"

Le Xiao's eyes widened, and her cheeks were already covered with tears.

"Everything has passed, just like what the man in uniform said, our family has returned to its usual tranquility, and I can stand here now! What are we afraid of, and what do we... What?"

Le Xiao lowered her head slightly, then shook her head and nodded again.

"I am standing here. Now I am no longer afraid. Instead, I have put on this uniform that once terrified me in my childhood. It is not because I am no longer afraid, but because I am standing here. I understand Despite everything, many problems still kept popping up under the management of the executive branch. When I stood here and understood everything, something appeared in my heart that could compete with all of this. It’s called courage!”

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