Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1112 I remember! (Down)

Michelle held a set of clothes in her hand, but her eyes were still looking at the light and shadow screen not far away. She breathed a sigh of relief. The TV speech went smoothly. Judging from the current stage, this two-part speech , and then came the highlight. At this time, Michelle still put down her clothes.

"Lord Jean, I'm sorry, I have to watch, I can't leave my sight!"

Gene smiled and nodded. At this time, the streets were silent. Many people were watching the video conference. No one was discussing. They all seemed to be thinking about something. Some people looked heavy.

Gene walked out of the store, patted Michelle on the back, jumped up, and soon reached a higher place, Michelle followed closely behind, and the two sat on the edge of the rooftop on the sixth floor. Silently watching the emotional Le Xiao on the screen.

"A good start, just seize the opportunity."

Gene said and Michelle nodded.

"Our administrative department will definitely take responsibility, come up with an effective and reasonable plan, and implement this bill steadily and effectively!"

Le Xiao put her hand on her chest and said seriously, then bowed again.

"If one day, because of this bill, it causes a certain degree of trouble in your life, on behalf of all the administrative departments, I am here to say sorry to you in advance! Ten years from now, twenty years from now, when there is no one at the bottom When we entered the stench area, I thought at that time, at least our decision was correct. Now I can't answer you, what does correctness mean, because I can't predict the future!"

Le Xiao bowed seriously again, and then Alpha stood up and explained that part of the batch of black craftsmen and confiscated materials related to the black market transaction will be used to fill the construction of this proposal, and the black craftsmen will also He was spared jail time for his participation in city construction.

Alpha brought up a light and shadow panel and explained it bit by bit, very clearly. Le Xiao sat down for a moment and took a sip of water, her heart still beating loudly.

She was still thinking about the end of the season, because this bill was not written by her at all, nor was she constructing it with all her efforts. The guilt in her heart kept hurting her, even though Ivy had already told her a lot. , but Le Xiao still felt guilty.

This is probably the biggest lie I have ever told in my life!

Gradually Alpha's explanation ended. At this time, Le Xiao stood up again and swallowed.

"Going on, citizens, please rest assured and wait for the details of the bill to be released by Congress. Please believe us. The attitude of our administrative department is clear this time. The problem has been around for a long time! From the time we collected evidence to the arrest of criminals involved in black market transactions It has only been a short day since the suspect started, but the problems that broke out in the city before, and even the previous problems, are not what we want to see!"

Le Xiao's expression darkened, and her expression began to become serious.

"Every day! Various problems arise in the city, and we solve these problems. This seemingly simple process has countless points in it, which is constantly consuming our time and energy. And for your patience!”

Le Xiao raised her head and shook her head with emotion.

"I don't know since when, the citizens' attitude towards our business began to become indifferent, then became numb, and finally turned into fear!"

"Hey, hey, what are you doing!"

Ran Zai stood behind Jean and Michelle, looking at Le Xiao on the light and shadow screen, completely confused. Saying this was tantamount to once again arousing the resentment of all citizens against the managers of the business department. As expected, Le Xiao just After saying that, the street started to become lively.

"Continuing to suppress and cover up will never be the solution to the problem. Channels for venting are needed both inside and outside the city."

Jean looked at Michelle next to him. This speech was written by her. The section chiefs all agreed. Jean also read it when he was in Locke's office. Regardless of the fact that many people now think that the acting department is a fake show. Whether we do it or not, we must clearly put the problem on the table. If we continue to cover it up, it will only make the problem more and more serious.

"What are you afraid of?"

Le Xiao asked in a confused tone.

"Is it because of this uniform? Is it because we concealed the truth? Or is it because we ignored you? I'm sorry for you, I want to tell you clearly that our city has a population of more than 31 million, but our department has less than 300,000 People, every day! Problems are happening in the streets and alleys, and we can only run around every day to make these small but superimposed but not huge. They are so huge that we can’t solve them in a short time!”

Le Xiao pressed her hands on the table, her throat was already a little dry, and she continued.

"As managers, we cannot cover everything. We cannot help someone just because they are having a hard time. We cannot bring people into a store just because it is not doing well. We cannot help someone because a child cannot afford to go to school. If you want to study, just pay the tuition for your children in advance! There are many things we can’t do, because we are just the managers of this city. The only thing we can do is to keep the whole city running, and there will be no shortage of food every day. And if we cause riots, we will not let patients die without treatment, we will not turn a blind eye to any crime, and we will not sit back and wait for the various disputes that arise in the city!"

Le Xiao was silent for a moment and smiled.

"The construction of the city is not because of us, but because you are constantly shining and growing every day. I am very lucky. As I said before, I am standing here at the age of 26. I am fortunate to be a Become a member of this huge group!”

At this time, Jean saw people on the street. Many people had turned off their mobile phones, while some people continued to enter the store. The street began to become lively again.

Ran Zai smiled as he watched the number of people watching the speech on the Internet continue to decrease.

"No one cares about what managers say. After all, everyone knows that power is built up of layers of lies. It seems that your second stage speech failed!"

As Ran Zai spoke, Michelle silently stared at Le Xiao on the light and shadow screen. She had fallen into silence. Looking at her face, she looked a little uncertain, as if she was thinking about a problem.

"The second stage of the speech is about communication. As for the effectiveness, it cannot be highlighted in a day or two, because the subsequent supporting actions only need to be started!"

Jean stood up and looked at Ran Zai behind him. At this time, Ran Zai showed some fierce eyes and stared at the light and shadow screen closely.

"Mr. Jean, let me remind you that if any major problems arise in the future, the whole city will be ignited again. Rhetoric cannot solve the problem. The only way to solve the problem is to make everyone's life better, but What exactly is a good life? Everyone is a millionaire? Then when everyone is a millionaire, multi-millionaires will be born. After all, multi-millionaires are only a few people, so what about billionaires? No matter how people are Life, life will always have 10,000 ways to make you unable to feel comfortable. What is it that makes you infinitely expand?"

Gene smiled slightly.

"If life makes me miserable for ten thousand reasons, then I will use one hundred thousand reasons to smile! It's a simple question, isn't it? What people need is not absolute fairness, but relative fairness!"

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